The Videotape is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a collectible that contains a video of one of the cutscenes from Sonic Unleashed.
The Videotapes are located in various places in the game and are collected in different ways; they can either be found inside the Acts of the Action Stages and Entrance Stages where they look like floating VHS and can be picked up by touching them, be purchased from shops in the Town Stages with Rings, be given from Professor Pickle after giving him a Souvenir, be given by the townspeople in the Town Stages after completing a certain Mission, or obtained by fulfilling certain conditions. However, they only become available after the cutscene they contain are seen in normal gameplay. There exists a total of 59 Videotapes in the game.
In gameplay, the player can see Videotapes in Pickle's Room after clearing Savannah Citadel Night Act 1. To see the Videotapes in Professor Pickle's room in the Spagonia and Shamar Town Stages, the player must purchase the TV.
List of Videotapes[]
No. | Name | Location/Way to Obtain |
1 | Opening | Windmill Isle Day Act 2 |
2 | A New Journey | Savannah Citadel Night Act 1 |
3 | Special Sundae | Rooftop Run Day Act 1 |
4 | The First Night | Dragon Road Day Act 1 |
5 | Tails in Trouble! | Cool Edge Night Act 1 |
6 | To Spagonia! | Savannah Citadel Day Act 1 |
7 | Kidnapped | Rooftop Run Night Act 1 |
8 | Same As Ever | Savannah Citadel Day Act 1 |
9 | Gaia Manuscripts | Cool Edge Day Act 1 |
10 | Eggman Again | Chun-nan's Entrance Stage |
11 | The Egg Beetle | Dragon Road Night Act 1 |
12 | Temple Entrance | Cool Edge Day Act 2 |
13 | Temple Activated! | Rooftop Run Night Act 1 |
14 | Planet Pieces | Chun-nan's Entrance Stage |
15 | Tails' Report | Cool Edge Night Act 1 |
16 | Amy's Mistake | Skyscraper Scamper Day Act 1 |
17 | Midnight Dance | Receive from Brenda Hernandez in Empire City after clearing "Brenda Blurb 5" |
18 | Rescuing Amy | Treeshade |
19 | The Divine Beast | Wang's Emporium |
20 | The Key | Cool Edge Night Act 1 |
21 | Chun-nan Temple | Skyscraper Scamper Day Act 2 |
22 | Back to Normal | Josef's |
23 | Eggman's Idea | Cool Edge Night Act 1 |
24 | Spagonian Temple | Receive from Sa'id after clearing "Tip Top Tea 7" |
25 | Guiding Pulse | Shamar's Entrance Stage |
26 | A Monster on Ice | Skyscraper Scamper Day Act 1 |
27 | Holoskan Temple | Jungle Joyride Night Act 2 |
28 | Project Dark Gaia | Arid Sands Day Act 1 |
29 | Shamaran Temple | Jungle Joyride Day Act 3 |
30 | Chip's Change | Flying Fish Beach Shop |
31 | Chip's Memories | Golden Trading Company |
32 | No Reason | Flying Fish Beach Shop |
33 | Eggmanland | Counter of Dreams 2 |
34 | The Final Temple | Flying Fish Beach Shop |
35 | The 7th Continent | Golden Trading Company |
36 | Congratulations | Eggshop |
37 | Pickle's Message | Flying Fish Beach Shop |
38 | The Egg Dragoon | Golden Trading Company |
39 | Planet's End | Eggshop |
40 | Dark Gaia Appears | Counter of Dreams 2 |
41 | Shrines in Flight | Counter of Dreams 2 |
42 | Hour of Awakening | Golden Trading Company |
43 | Charge! | Flying Fish Beach Shop |
44 | Let's Finish This! | Counter of Dreams 2 |
45 | Spreading Darkness | Eggshop |
46 | Dark World | Wang's Emporium |
47 | Hope and Despair | Ursule's Trading Post |
48 | The Final Form | Golden Trading Company |
49 | Darkness and Light | Counter of Dreams 2 |
50 | Annihilation | Flying Fish Beach Shop |
51 | A Score Settled | Eggshop |
52 | Rekindled Light | Give Professor Pickle Souvenirs |
53 | Begin Anew | Counter of Dreams 2 |
54 | Save the Speech | Eggshop |
55 | To the Surface | Ursule's Trading Post |
56 | Always | Eggshop |
57 | Sonic and Chip (in Chun-nan) | Feed Chip 8 Lin's Meat Buns while in Chun-nan |
58 | Sonic and Chip (in Holoska) | Feed Chip 21 Smoked Mohn while in Holoska |
59 | Sonic and Chip (in Adabat) | Feed Chip 15 Bananas while in Adabat |
- After collecting a Videotape from an Act in the Action Stages, the player does not have to complete the Act to obtain it.