With the upcoming Sonic movie leaving a bad taste for most fans, I decided to share my ideas for a Sonic movie.
My movie in mind will also be live-action with CGI Sonic. (If it were entirely CGI I would go with a more different story.)
Sonic's design[]
It's hard to describe what I have in mind for how I see Sonic. In short I would like Sonic to look to a degree "realistic" but unlike the hairy little gremlin in the upcoming movie, my take on Sonic will have a more animal-shaped apperance while being more faithful to how Sonic appears in the games.
Think of it like the pokémon from Detective Pikachu. They're still recognisable as pokémon but have more realistic features such as fur, eyes and such.
I would also like to give my version of Sonic sharp teeth to emphasize his animalistic nature, red shoedals with white socks to emphasize a sort of poor upbringing (or maybe red shoes with white velcro) and instead f cartoon like gloves, he wears white work gloves with rubber palms for grip.
The characters[]
In order of apperance I imagine them in.
- Head scientist- Lead the meeting at the start of the movie.
- Council of Scientist- At said meeting.
- Dr. Ivo Robotnik- A member of the Academy of Science, has a doctors degree in engineering and robotics as well as a field in the study of energy and radiation. he values his own intelligence and to work for his achievements. That and the Robotniks being a privileged and respected family, this all plays on his ego.
- Madonna- An assistant who came along with the expedition. She wishes to be a professor someday. She is the first to befriend Sonic. (named after Madonna, the scrapped love interest of Sonic.)
- Three other scientists- They went on the expedition to South Island with Dr. Robotnik and Madonna. Perhaps one of those scientist are leading the expedition instead of Dr. Robotnik which infuriates him. This particular scientist being fatherly towards his assistant Madonna and a morally good scientist which opposes Robotnik's character.
- Pilot- Goes with them on the expedition because he can fly the plane. Perhaps love interest of Madonna.
- Villagers- Descendants of the test animals from "Genesis". During World War 1 the research facility on the island called "The Brain" experimented with a powerful source of energy and did unethical experiments on various animals to see the potential of this energy weaponized. When Genesis was shut down, The Brain was quickly abandoned as well as all the caged test animals. Over time the animals mutated and escaped the facilty, taking one of the sources of the energy with them as a sacred relic. The decendants of those mutant animals became the villagers.
The location[]
Inspired by the early Jurassic Park movies, I would like the movie to be shot on the Hawaiian islands, particularly Kauai with it's ridge-like mountains and tropical forests. It would be the perfect setting for most of the movie. City locations would also be needed for the start of the movie.
The story[]
OK, so the opening of my movie in mind is aerial scenes of South Island, all the while a "blue streak" is seen across the tropical forest and mountains of the island as the camera flies over it. All the while opening-credits play and the title is shown.
The movie starts at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (or the very least a fictional "Academy of Science") where a group of scientists debate over concerns of the growing EMP field around South Island. One scientist suggest that the source of the energy could be from "Genesis". The head scientist silences him but another scientist speaks up to ask "What is Genesis?"
Dr. Robotnik enters the room unnanounce and states that "Genesis" was a top secret military research facility that was abandoned not long after World War 1. The head scientist corrects him that Genesis was also covered up by the government and questions how Dr, Robotnik knew of it.
Robotnik claims that while it was indeed top secret, his grandfather was once stationed there. Robotnik proposes that in order to investigate the source of the electromagnetic disturbances that he will lead an expedition to South Island to investigate.
The scientists disagree due to Robotniks unethical methods of research, but allow this expedition as long as it is lead by another scientist they can trust. Afterwards in the privacy of his office Dr. Robotnik loathing the decision of the scientists, believing his intellligence to be superior, however agreeing things are going to his plans as he picks up a reinforced breifcase to take with him.
Dr. Robotnik, three generic scientists and an assistant named Madonna, go to the island by boat. The boat carried a bi-plane because they needed to fly over the island and it's technology was primitive enough not to be effected by the EMP. The boat helmsman is also the plane pilot who also went with the expedition (six people in total). They arrive and begin to do research. As the expedition settle in, Robotnik shows off machines he built that are protected from the EMP. The group eventually realise they're not alone.
With the bi-plane, Madonna and the pilot do a fly-over of the island. However they met with engine trouble and begin to fall from the sky. It is this moment that Sonic reveals himself and rescues both Madonna and the pilot. The plane crashes but luckily is not destroyed.
The creature introduce itself as Sonic the Hedgehog and the become friends with Madonna and the pilot. Madonna convinces Sonic to meet with the party she was with. As Sonic arrives at the camp, due to a misunderstanding, Dr. Robotnik attacks Sonic in belief he is a dangerous animal. As the pilot was thankful for Sonic for saving his life, he prepared a special meal he's been saving, hot dogs with chili suace. Sonic never had anything so delicious before and claims it as his favourate. The Pilot, Madonna and another scientist contemplate why the bi-plane fell despite the plane being old enough not to be effected by the EMP.
The scientists are fascinated with Sonic, but Robotnik still think the hedgehog is a threat. The two argue but Madonna defuses the fight.
As Sonic and Madonna become more good friends, she eventually earns Sonic's trust. Sonic takes Madonna to the village of other creatures just like him. The village architecture is very post apocalyptic with slum like homes made from scrap metal and industrial parts. But the villagers still being happy and healthy in their village. Sonic takes Madonna to the shrine, a holy place where the blue Chaos Emerald is kept.
Sonic tells a story of when he was born, he was sick and did not cry like other babies. His parents took him to the emerald and pray. The light of the blue emerald embued him with new life and changed the colour of his fur and also grant him his incredible speed.
Madonna returned to her camp. While she did promise not to tell the other scientist, Dr. Robotnik confronts her and deduced that Sonic revealed the village of his people to her. Robotnik gloats what he knows of Genesis, that it was indeed a top secret military research facilty called "The Brain" where they were experimenting with a new source of powerful energy that had more potential than nuclear weapons and performed various experiments on various animals. That Sonic and his people are the mutant descendants of the test animals. Not wanting Madonna to tell Sonic, he traps her somewhere to die.
Dr. Robotnik finds the village and destroys it with his robots and kidnaps all the animal-people. He also took the blue emerald that the village had and made his way to the abandoned research facility.
Sonic is shocked to see the village in ruin and blames Madonna, he goes to find her only to find her missing and eventually rescues her. Madonna assures him she did not tell Dr. Robotnik but his trust in her is still bruised. She tells Sonic that Robotnik is likely holding them at research facility. Sonic is reluctant to go there because "Scrap Brain" is forbidden ground to his people but agrees it is likely he will be there.
Sonic arrives at the ruins of the facilty and surprised that Dr. Robotnik has re-activated the energy throughout the facility and has robots guarding the place. This leads to a scene with Dr. Robotnik holding a red Chaos Emerald. He opens the breifcase shown before and places it next to a green and blue emerald.
Sonic smashes up his robots and part of the facility while Robotnik runs away to a giant machine. He puts the red chaos emerald into the machine and becomes a giant fighting robot. As Sonic defeats Dr. Robotnik, a surge of red chaos energy erupts into Dr. Robotniks face causing him to be temporary blinded as the machine falls apart around him. As Sonic saves Madonna and the villagers, Dr. Robotnik looks up at Sonic, revealing his eyes have mutated black and red and he swears he will take revenge on Sonic for ruining his plans. Sonic takes the threat as a challenge, but has to save Madonna as Scrap Brain begins to blow up.
While the village is saved, Sonic is sad to see Madonna goes and laments how Madonna gets to return to the big world while he feels stranded on South Island. As a parting gift, the scientist allow Sonic to keep the old bi-plane as a gift. Sonic see's this gift as an oppotunity to travel to the wide world outside of South Island and takes to the skies for his own adventures.
The post-credit teaser could show that Dr. Robotnik is alive and that he has his grandfathers document on "Genesis" which shows there is another abandoned research station on an island to the west.