Act 2 begins on an elevated platform, the player can nab a Power Sneakers monitor. From here, the player can either take the lower route, or the top & middle routes. The lower route has a 1-up monitor and a platform leading back up, allowing the player to just take the life and continue on to the top routes. However, if they stay on the bottom route, they’ll find springs embedded in the ground to go over some very tall, narrow platforms. Being wary of the spikes, the player will find themselves at a loop with a spring next to it. Taking the spring will take them to the middle route. Running through the loop takes them to another spring section and towards the Goal Plate.
- Now, if the player takes the platform, they can reach the middle or top routes. The top can be taken through the first loop if the player ignores the Boing-O-Bog. After taking a ramp and dodging a Boing-O-Bot, they can reach an elevated platform reached by a spring embedded in the ground. Either by taking the Rocket Shoes or by taking a diagonal spring, the player can then take a hollow cave to the end of the act. If the player somehow gets to the top of the first loop, they’ll find 16 rings, an invincibility monitor, and a diagonal spring. After some careful platforming, the player will find 3 Corkscrews with a Power Sneakers monitor in the middle, skipping a large portion of the stage. From there, they can grab some rings and reach the end of the act.