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Unwelcome to the Jungle (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "Unwelcome to the Jungle".

[The episode begins inside the jungle of Boscage Maze. Flickys can be seen flying inside the jungle from an open gap leading outside. A few moments later, vines drop from above and coming down are the Scavengers. Each wielding weapons to protect themselves, they begin quietly moving forward. They all look around whilst holding their weapons up to look out for any signs of danger that could be near them, preparing to attack in case they have to. Later on, they make it to their destination. The leader of the group, Prim Rouge, lifts up a large leaf from a plant.]
Prim Rouge: Look... [Cuts to her POV. She can be seen looking around.] Let's go. Food, water, supplies; whatever you can find. Quiet and quick.
[The Scavengers begin looking around for food. A berry inside a bush catches Prim Rouge's eye. Suddenly, a cawing sound can be heard from above. Each of the Scavengers stay alerted to their surroundings, each looking around for signs of danger. Suddenly, a bush rustles. Something comes out of it and charges towards the Scavengers.]
Prim Rouge: [Yelling] Run!
[Prim Rouge gets hit by the thing that was charging towards them all off-screen, while Hangry Cat screams off-screen. The screen fades to black.]
[The opening theme plays]

[Scene: Boscage Maze]

[A portal opens up in the sky. Coming out of it is Sonic, falling and screaming in the process. As he gets further and further down, he begins hitting tree branches until finally settling on a wooden border. He lays unconscious for a few seconds.]
Sonic: [Rubbing his head] Oh, I really gotta start landing on my feet. [Looks up] What...?
[Sonic quickly gets up. He begins looking around on confusion.]
Sonic: Where am I? [Yelling, with his voice echoing] Nine? Nine? Are you out there, buddy? Rebel? Heck, I'd even take Knucks at this point. [Turns around] Is this a city park? Huh, I wonder if the Rebels know about this.
[Sonic slightly kneels and looks down into the jungle. Suddenly, he notices the change in his gloves and gears caused thanks to the Regulators.]
Sonic: Whoa... [Cuts to his POV. He can be seen looking at his gloves.] My kicks and gloves have a new look. [Looks at his shoes, lifting his leg up in the process] But why? [Turns his hand around, looking at his glove once more] Okay, Sonic, think. [Puts his hands to his head] It's not like answers are just gonna fall from the sky-- [Sonic hears a cawing sound. He looks up.]
Prim Rouge: Run!
[The Scavengers can be seen flying out of the jungle. The camera zooms in on them.]
Sonic: There you are! [Sonic begins excitedly running over to them. They begin to fall until finally landing onto the wooden border that Sonic had landed on earlier.]
Hangry: I told you it was too dangerous! We should make do with what we have.
Gnarly Knuckles: We got nothing! I'm starving! [Grabs Hangry's hand and begins shaking it] And we're wasting away up here!
Prim Rouge: Not anytime soon. [Both Gnarly & Hangry turns their attention to Prim Rouge. She un-clenches her fist, holding out a berry she had caught earlier in the jungle. Hangry rushes over, eager to eat it.]
Hangey: Ah! Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Prim Rouge: [Lays her finger onto Hangry's nose to stop him] Back off! Unless you've got something to trade.
Sonic: [Echoing] Guys! Can you hear me?
Prim Rouge: Wait, do you hear something?
Gnarly Knuckles: It's the trees! They're talkin' to us! [Cuts to his POV. He can be seen looking around at the trees.]
Prim Rouge: [Sighs] We've already been over this. Trees don't speak.
Gnarly Knuckles: Yeah, that's what they want you to think!
[The camera pans out until eventually cutting to Sonic running to the Scavengers.]
Sonic: Guys? Guys! Where are you? [He begins running towards the Scavengers] Huh? [Quickly skids to a stop, accidentally bumping into the Scavengers in the process. They all, including Sonic, fall. Prim Rouge loses grasp of the berry she was holding. Everything turns to slow motion.]
Prim Rouge: [In slow motion] My berry!
[Hangry notices it flying in the air. He becomes delighted by the sight of it. Time reverts back to its normal speed. He begins jumping up, trying to grab it. The other Scavengers do the same. Eventually, it rolls away and falls down back into the jungle.]
Prim Rouge, Gnarly Knuckles & Hangry: [Yelling] No!
[The Scavengers each lay down, feeling defeated.]
Hangry: Yep, we're wasting away. [Puts his hands onto his chest]
[Sonic gets up and looks behind him. The camera cuts to his POV. His vision is slightly blurry as he is still gaining consciousness, but eventually goes to perfect sight. As soon as he notices them, he begins getting excited.]
Sonic: Rebel, Knucks, and... Big? [Quickly gets them back on their feet and runs around them doing a Super Peel Out] What are you doing here? [Hugs Prim & Gnarly] Oh, I'm so glad you're okay! And where are we? [Quickly steps forward] And any sign of Nine? [Turns to the Scavengers] And why are you dressed like cave people exactly?
[Each of the Scavengers hold out their weapons towards Sonic, thinking of him as a threat.]
Sonic: Now... That's new. [Points at the weapons]
Gnarly Knuckles: He's here for our supplies!
Sonic: Oh, no. [Quickly runs from the Scavengers. Prim Rouge charges towards him, holding her weapon out. He manages to dodge, jumping over her. Suddenly, he clenches his fists together and cyan-colored claws come out of his gloves. They grab onto a tree in front of him.] Huh? [He takes one of his hands out of the tree. He clenches and un-clenches his fist, realizing what the claws do.] Oh, so that's what you do! [Gnarly Knuckles charges towards Sonic. He climbs further up the tree, but then notices Prim Rouge charging towards him. He screams and runs away again.] What's gotten into you? Do you have any idea what I've just been through?
[Flashbacks begin playing of when Sonic was in New Yoke City and when he entered Boscage Maze. The flashbacks show him getting hit by a train, landing face-first onto the ground after falling from a great height, getting punched by Dr. Babble, getting spun around in the machine that held him captive, slammed into the wall by Dr. Deep, being sucked through the red Prism Shard and sent to Boscage Maze, then hitting the wooden border below. The flashbacks end.]
Sonic: And then I ran into you guys, [Backflips to avoid a weapon being thrown at him] which pretty much brings you up to speed.
Gnarly Knuckles: No one asked you!
[Gnarly throws his stick towards Sonic. He ducks down, then looks towards the Scavengers.]
Sonic: Everyone, just calm down so I can stop my brain from exploding. [Accidentally bumps into a tree] Whoa! [A weapon is thrown towards Sonic. It narrowly misses him. He begins to run away again.] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! [Sonic jumps off the platform. He manages to grab onto a vine hanging off a tree branch. He begins jumping across lots of tree branches while avoiding Prim Rouge.]
Sonic: Now a minute ago, we were battling robots in New Yoke City... Right?
Gnarly Knuckles: Huh? What's a ro-butt?
[Gnarly Knuckles throws his weapon at Sonic. Prim Rouge does the same. He swings from another vine, then jumps across another two branches. He swings from a vine and screams in the process. Finally, he lands onto the wooden platform again and slides towards the edge. He manages to stop, looking down behind him. He turns towards the Scavengers, who all land in front of him.]
Sonic: Hey, hey, hey, wait! I'm not the bad guy here. We're friends!
[The Scavengers don't believe him. They charge at him once more. He misses, jumping over the weapons and spin-dashes a moment later.]
Sonic: They don't know who I am... again! Which means I'm not in New Yoke, I'm in a whole new place and you're all-new you's and... Oh, not again! [Runs down to the edge of the platform again. The camera cuts to his POV. He can be seen looking around at the scenery.] So this is another altered Green Hill. At least this one has plants.
Prim Rouge: Yeah... [Sonic turns towards her] the Boscage Maze has super-sized plants that are suffocating the life out of this place. Thanks to the monster.
Sonic: Monster? Hmm. [Looks up at the vines hanging from a tree branch] Yeah, it does look extra healthy, doesn't it?
Prim Rouge: Extra healthy isn't how I'd put it. The trees are so big, they're squeezing us out and the monster won't let us touch whatever food is left.
Sonic: Monsters, overgrown trees, lost Shards... Tricky situation. There's only one person who could help me figure this out. I gotta find--
[Suddenly, a cawing sound can be heard again. Mangey comes flying out of the jungle. Sonic mistakes him for Tails.]
Sonic: Tails...? Tails! [He runs over, going to save him. He manages to grab onto one of his tails in time.] Gotcha!
Gnarly Knuckles: [Surprised] He's fast.
Prim Rouge: Fast enough to occupy the monster, while we grab what we need.
Sonic: Am I glad to see you! The world is all... [Babbling sounds] You gotta figure out what's going--
[Mangey begins to make noise. He lifts his head up at Sonic. Sonic screams. Suddenly, Mangey charges at Sonic and bites his arm.]
Sonic: Ow! You mangey little...!
[Mangey growls at Sonic. He consistently tries to stop Mangey from attacking him. Eventually, Prim Rouge swoops in and picks up Mangey.]
Prim Rouge: Hey, give it a rest. He just saved you.
[Mangey growls at Sonic again. Prim drops Mangey, while he runs back to the other Scavengers. She flies down to help Sonic up, offering him her hand. He accepts it.]
Prim Rouge: Thanks for your help, stranger.
Sonic: It's Sonic and you're welcome! But why didn't he just fly with all his tails? [Begins swirling his finger around, as if trying to imitate Tails flying]
Prim Rouge: Fly? [Points at Mangey, who can be seen in the background scratching his head] Mangey doesn't fly.
Sonic: Wait, "Mangey"? Really?
Prim Rouge: And I'm Prim.
Hangry: Hangry!
Gnarly Knuckles: Gnarly, but you already knew that, didn't ya? [Stands closely to Sonic] Who sent you?!
Sonic: [Puts his hands up] Look, you all seem like a lovely group, but I'm trying to find my way back home and I'm looking for some answers. [Steps forward] Do any of you know about the Paradox Prism?
[Prim, Mangey & Hangry all look at Sonic with confused looks on their faces. They don't say a word.]
Sonic: Okay... how about a shiny crystal Shard that may or may not have some really weird powers? It's the only clue I have to getting back home.
Hangry: A Shard? We don't know--
Prim Rouge: [Walks forward] Why you waited so long to ask us about it!
Sonic: So you know where it is. Can you take me to it?
Prim Rouge: Of course. But... first, come to our village. I'm sure we can help each other. [Prim & Sonic begin walking together to the village. Gnarly Knuckles puts his hands up. Hangry, Gnarly Knuckles & Mangey follow behind.]
Prim Rouge: We didn't always live in the Canopy. For years, we lived on the ground, took everything we needed from the jungle to survive. And then, the monster drove us up into the trees.
Hangry: Every day in the Boscage Maze is a struggle to survive. It's miserable! [Begins shaking Sonic]
Sonic: Whoa! Easy! [Puts his hands up] No need to get angry.
Hangry: I'M NOT ANGRY! [Lets go of Sonic] I'm hungry. [Holds up a piece of bark] You ever tried filling up on bark? [He noms on the bark]
Sonic: "Bark"? Don't any of the trees have fruit or nuts or something?
Prim Rouge: They used to, but they're tapped out. That's why we have to forge below despite the monster. [Stops to a halt. The camera pans out to a far view of the village.] We're here.
Sonic: This is your village? [Runs up to Gnarly Knuckles' house, which consists of only a leaf. He begins shaking the leaf. Gnarly Knuckles runs over to protect his home.]
Gnarly Knuckles: Hey! Get away from my house.
Sonic: Your-- I mean, it's very... rustic!
[Suddenly, Mangey climbs back up. He has his hands clenched together, holding something beneath them. He unveils what he was holding to be a berry he caught from inside the jungle.]
Prim Rouge: [Takes the berry from him] Ah-ah-ah! Hold that thought.
[Mangey whimpers.]
Prim Rouge: Sonic, we'll take you to the-the-- uh--
Sonic: Shard.
Prim Rouge: Exactly! But... first, you'll help us by taking care of the monster so we can gather supplies. [Chucks the berry out of her hand. It lands into Hangry's hands. Suddenly, Gnarly Knuckles & Mangey begin fighting Hangry for the berry. Sonic gets shocked by the sight.] Deal?
Sonic: Oof! These guys really need some help. [He walks over. Gnarly Knuckles & Mangey are still fighting Hangry for the berry. Gnarly grabs onto his face, while Mangey bites onto his ear. Suddenly, they stop and turn their attention to Sonic as soon as he begins speaking.] Good news, everyone! Guess which special guest can handle a so-called monster without even breaking a sweat? [Gnarly Knuckles, Hangry & Mangey all stare at Sonic without saying a word. Sonic gets annoyed.] It's me. It's obviously me. [They still continue to stare at him.] I'll help you. Berries for all, as many as you want!
Hangry Cat: You mean we could have... [They all run up to Sonic. Hangry's eyes light up.] Two berries?!
[Sonic nods at them. They all begin to cheer, and he smiles.]

[Scene: Inside the Jungle]

[Vines drop down from above. The Scavengers come sliding down. Sonic looks up, and becomes shocked.]
Sonic: [Shocked] That's the loop-de-loop. You were not kidding about the plants. They look even bigger from down here.
Prim Rouge: Shh!
Sonic: [Whispering] Right! Stealth mission.
[The Scavengers begin quietly walking ahead. Prim points at some plants, while Gnarly Knuckles picks away at them so he can make room for everybody to move. Mangey takes the lead, sniffing the way there. A vine gets in the way of them all, but Mangey manages to squeeze under it. Gnarly Knuckles breaks it apart.]
Prim Rouge: We need to be very quiet. The monster could be anywhere.
[They all continue to walk ahead. Suddenly, Mangey senses some food nearby. Gnarly Knuckles blocks the passage, allowing Mangey to concentrate. He begins to bite away at some vines, but begins to struggle. Gnarly Knuckles grabs onto him and moves him to the side. He looks through a gap. The camera cuts to his POV. He can be seen looking at a berry he has spotted.]
Gnarly Knuckles: Hey! I found one! I guess it's our lucky day. [Gnarly can be seen holding Mangey back from getting closer. He eventually manages to throw the fox to a far distance. He begins to pick away at the plants again.]
Sonic: Whoa! You know, you might wanna take it easy on the plants.
Gnarly Knuckles: [To Sonic] Why are you on the plants' side?! [Holds up a plant to Sonic's face] They've gotten to you. [Begins to back away slowly. Sonic becomes confused. He eventually reaches in to grab the berry, and succeeds. All of a sudden, Mangey & Hangry charge at him and begin fighting for the berry.]
Sonic: So much for being quiet.
Prim Rouge: Shh! Do you wanna get us all killed?
Sonic: What, wha-- but, uh, he--
Prim Rouge: Shh!
[Gnarly Knuckles, Hangry & Mangey continue fighting for the berry. However, Froggy suddenly appears and takes the berry, eating it. He begins to hop away. The three Scavengers feel defeated. As Froggy hops away, Sonic looks at him confusingly. A rustling sound comes from a bush, to which Sonic becomes startled. Prim begins looking around, raising her ears to stay further alerted. Mangey sniffs the air, then hides behind Sonic. Everybody turns their attention to something running in the bushes. One of the bushes rustles again. The camera zooms in on Prim. A cawing sound can be heard as the thing behind the bushes comes out of hiding.]
Prim Rouge: Run!
[Everybody begins to turn and run away. Prim stops Sonic.]
Prim Rouge: Not you! Go deal with the monster! [She continues to run]
Sonic: Right! I'll deal with the monster. You go find those berries. [Climbs up onto a tree root] Alright, monster, show yourself! [The "monster" runs through the bushes again. Sonic stays alerted of his surroundings and where it is headed. Meanwhile, the Scavengers continue to make their way out of the jungle.]
Sonic: [Looking around] I'm right here. Come and get me!
[Sonic hears the "monster" again inside the bushes. He runs forward, but accidentally trips over an edge and swings on a vine. He slams to the ground, then becomes shocked to see what is ahead of him; Thorns. Back with the Scavengers, they are still making their move out of the jungle. The "monster" passes by and everybody stops to a halt. Mangey hides in a bush.]
Prim Rouge: Run!
[Back with Sonic, he is looking around at the thorns. He clenches his fists together, bringing out the claws connected to his gloves. Prim & Gnarly Knuckles continue running ahead, but Prim stops. She looks up to see something in the trees. It jumps down and knocks her out. The camera cuts to Sonic climbing up a tree in search for the berries. As soon as he gets onto a branch, he looks around, then notices the berries below.]
Sonic: The berry patch! I found it! [Turns around] Hey, guys!
[The "monster" makes a cawing sound again. The Scavengers go flying out of the jungle. Sonic becomes determined to fight the "monster". He ducks down to avoid it charging towards him.]
Sonic: Whoa! Okay, so you're pretty quick, but how quick?
[He begins running forward, avoiding plants and vines along the way. He accidentally rolls over, but manages to get back onto his feet. He continues to look in the bushes to not lose sight of where the "monster" is.]
Sonic: What's back there? Show yourself, monster! [Slides on the ground to avoid the "monster" again] Yikes! On second thought, you're scary enough as is. [Continues running ahead. He jumps over various plants.] Whoa! [Suddenly, a tree branch falls. He slides under it.] This place needs a monster-sized weed whacker! I can't hit the gas!
[Sonic begins running under a tunnel log.]
Sonic: That's it! [Skids to a stop] Enough running. [Looks around] Can't fight what I can't see. But... I've got other senses! [Sonic looks up to his ears, thinking they could be the key to scoping out the "monster". He begins moving them around to do so.]
Sonic: There you go.
[The "monster" makes a cawing sound again. It jumps down from above, and lands in front of Sonic. He slides backwards, then gets up to become shocked to see that the "monster" was in fact... a Flicky.]
Sonic: Haha! You're no monster. You're just a giant Flicky! [The bird caws again] You're gonna regret saying that. [Spin-dashes the bird. She gets knocked down.] Gotcha! [The bird gets up] You wanna dance? Let's party!
[Birdie charges towards Sonic. He dodges with a narrow miss, and dodges again by performing a spin dash. He spin-dashes onto Birdie's back. She turns around, fascinated by his speed. The Scavengers can be seen from up above looking down below at Sonic & Bierdie. They continue to fight together, until Sonic spin-dashes up onto a tree. Birdie jumps up to the tree, but he spin-dashes back down. He looks behind himself, seeing another tree, and decides on a plan. He lets Birdie charge towards him, then he quickly runs up the tree and hangs upside down from a branch. The bird can be seen down below knocked out.]
Sonic: Ha! And stay down! You can come down now, I defeated the monster.
Prim Rouge: That's not the monster. That's the monster's pet!
Sonic: Say what now?
[The real monster is hiding in the bushes. She looks out angrily at Sonic, then hits him with her hammer. He goes flying.]
Sonic: Whaaa! [Lands into a pile of thorns] Ow! Spikes? [Pulls a spike out of his cheek] I hate spikes.
[The monster steps forward again. She begins slamming her hammer onto the ground near Sonic. He begins to crawl away. Suddenly, he falls and notices that his leg has become stuck in a tangle of thorns. Birdie appears, flying down towards him. He desperately tries to get away. The real monster gets further and further towards him, gripping her fist onto her hammer ready to attack Sonic again. Her hammer drags along the ground. His leg eventually manages to break free from the tangled up thorns. The monster finally manages to hit Sonic with her hammer. He lands into a tree, then goes sliding onto the ground. He opens his eye to notice the monster jumping towards him. He looks up and becomes shocked by who it is.]
Sonic: [Gasps] Amy...? You're the monster? Ugh, oh, those guys up above have really got it-- [The monster holds her hammer up to Sonic's chest] --wrong.
Thorn Rose: You hurt my jungle... [Hits Sonic with her hammer] I hurt you!
Sonic: Amy, stop! We're friends! [Dodges an attack from her hammer] You like me! [Ducks down. He lowers his ears to avoid them getting hit by Thorn's hammer.] some extent.
[Thorn spins around, lifting her hammer in the air. She aims towards Sonic again, but he misses once more.]
Thorn Rose: Get out! [Both her and Birdie begin running after Sonic, who is trying to get away. Back with the Scavengers, they continue to watch over Sonic down below.]
Prim Rouge: Maybe not so powerful after all, am I right?
[Back with Sonic & Thorn Rose, Sonic is running from Thorn as she goes after him. He jumps over a log, then begins running up a tree. He looks down to notice that he's not being chased anymore, and smiles as a relief. However, Birdie jumps down and slams him back onto the ground.]
Thorn Rose: [Spins her hammer] And stay out!
[Sonic screams, then gets hit by Amy's hammer. He is sent flying out of the jungle. The Scavengers can be seen eating bark to avoid starving. As soon as Sonic gets out of the jungle, they all look up as he flies further and further into the air.]
Sonic: First Rusty, now this?
[Sonic spin-dashes and begins heading back into the jungle. He stops spin-dashing and grips his fist together, bringing out the claws connected to his gloves. He slides down a tree, then performs a Super Peel Out. The Scavengers can be seen sleeping, except for Prim, but all wake up as soon as they hear Sonic passing by. The camera points to his POV. He makes it back into the jungle, ready to charge at Thorn Rose, but the scene changes to a vision of the normal Amy from Green Hill. A pink Flicky flies down. The camera cuts back to Sonic.]
Sonic: Oh, Amy... [Skids to a stop] I can't smash you! [Gets hit by Thorn Rose's hammer] Ow! Quick recap... [Birdie charges to Sonic, but he misses] ...I'm not from around here. [Thorn tries to hit Sonic with her hammer. He misses once more. She continues to swing it in front of him.] Violence never solves anything. [Thorn swings her hammer towards him again] And where I'm from... [Spin-dashes to avoid Thorn's hammer again] ...You and I are buds. [Thorn jumps up, slamming her hammer to the ground again. Sonic skids behind her.] So how about you put down your big hammer and just talk, Amy?
[Birdie lands behind Sonic. He looks up, then Thorn puts her hammer to Sonic's chest again.]
Thorn Rose: My name is Thorn Rose, and you are finished!
[Sonic goes flying again. He begins to scream. Two Flickys can be seen cuddling each other, but Sonic accidentally bumps into them, causing them to separate and he lands onto the ground. One of the Flickys lands into what looks like a mud puddle.]
Sonic: Ugh! [Looks behind himself. He notices that one of the two Flickys is stuck inside the mud puddle, desperately trying to break free. He runs over to help it. He picks it up and begins blowing his air onto the mud covered on the Flicky to clean it up. Thorn can be seen in the distance watching what Sonic's doing.] There you go. [Lets go of the Flicky he was holding] You're free now, little Flickys. [They begin to fly away. Thorn has a stunned look on her face after seeing Sonic's kind actions and devotion to helping the Flicky. Sonic notices the damage done to the area around him.] What happened here?
Thorn Rose: [Lands onto a log while riding Birdie. Sonic looks at Thorn.] You're what happened here. You and your kind above, hacked and slashed, and nearly destroyed it all!
Sonic: My kind?
Thorn Rose: You Scavengers took everything the jungle had to offer and left this. [Sonic looks around at the damage caused by the Scavengers long before he entered Boscage Maze.] I'm bringing back nature. By force, if I have to!
[Thorn jumps off Birdie and fires her hammer towards Sonic. He sits down on the ground, bending his legs out to avoid the attack. He manages to grab the top of the hammer with his legs and manages to grab hold of the hammer itself.]
Sonic: [Laughs] That's right! Mine now!
[Birdie caws. Thorn Rose looks down at Sonic's shoes, noticing the glow coming from them.]
Thorn Rose: That glow...
Sonic: [Looks down at his shoes] Huh? Yes! That means there's gotta be a Shard nearby!
Thorn Rose: "Shard"? No! I've seen that before. It looks like the Great Green.
Sonic: It's pretty powerful stuff. Can you help me find this "Great Green"? This jungle's been giving me, uh, a little bit of trouble. [Thorn Rose doesn't trust Sonic] Look, I believe it can help me get back home and then I'll be outta your hair.
[Sonic hands out Thorn's hammer towards her, offering it back. Birdie caws at Sonic. Thorn has a second thought, and decides to help him. She takes her hammer back.]
Thorn Rose: Fine. I'll help you. As long as it means you're out of my jungle... for good!
[Birdie caws at Sonic. He begins following behind the duo, but also bends back a little bit as well to avoid a part of Birdie's tail flying in the air as she walks with Thorn.]
Sonic: [Looking around] You say the Scavengers did all this?
Thorn Rose: Yes. We all used to live together in harmony with nature. But then they got greedy, always taking, never considering the harm they were doing to the world around them.
Sonic: [Ducks under a tree root] So that's why you chased them off and went all... whatever this is. [Birdie lands behind Sonic with a loud slam to the ground. He becomes startled.] Hey! I meant it as a compliment. [Continues to walk with Thorn Rose] I mean, this is way less creepy than the last you I met.
Thorn Rose: Last me?
Sonic: It's a long story. If you used to live in harmony with the others, why don't you just bring everybody together and, you know, work it out? They deserve to survive too, yeah?
Thorn Rose: [Annoyed, points her hammer at Sonic] Do you ever stop talking?
Sonic: Eh, not really.
[Birdie lifts up Sonic, causing him to fly. He looks at her annoyed. Back with the Scavengers, they can be seen watching Sonic walking with Thorn & Birdie from inside the jungle.]
Gnarly Knuckles: Don't like this one bit. Where is he going with the monster?
[Mangey sniffs the air.]
Hangry: He's betrayed us! [Puts his hands to his head. Gnarly Knuckles nods, agreeing with Hangry.]
[Back in the jungle, Thorn Rose departs some leafs to make passage for the trio to walk through. However, they slam in on Sonic, hurting him.]
Sonic: Ow! [Holds his hands together, then opens his eye slightly. He rubs his cheek. He continues to walk with Thorn Rose & Birdie.] Listen, I get that you and the tree peeps don't see eye-to-eye on stuff. [Looks down at his shoes, which are still glowing, as he gets closer to the Great Green] But isn't calling them Scavengers a little... dark? [He stops for a moment, but Birdie caws at him, telling him to hurry up and get moving. He starts to walk again.]
Thorn Rose: What else would I call them?
Sonic: I don't know, how about happy, happy, fun upstairs people just tryin' to live?
Thorn Rose: [Puts her hammer to Sonic's chest again] There's nothing fun about destruction. It's all they know.
[Birdie walks past Sonic, showing an annoyed look towards him. A montage is shown of the trio walking through the jungle as they find their way to the Great Green.]
Sonic: [Pops out of a bush] How do you make your way through all these thorns?
Thorn Rose: [Swings her hammer in the air, showing Sonic where she is at] This way!
[Later on, the trio finally make it to the Great Green.]
Thorn Rose: Behold... the Great Green!
[The Great Green consists of a massive palm tree with Prism Energy shining around it.]
Sonic: The palm... It's--
Thorn Rose: Magnificent? Yes. [Points her hammer to Sonic's chest again] Now do your thing and get out of my jungle!
[The trio begin to walk towards the palm tree. Sonic jumps forward.]
Sonic: If my kicks are right, and they always are, [Points to the ground] the Shard is buried down here. [Clenches his fists. He gets out the claws connected to his gloves, and uses them to dig into the ground so he can grab the Shard. Thorn Rose & Birdie look down as he gets the Shard.] I found it! [Spin-dashes out of the hole. He picks up a leaf, then comes back over.] But I can't touch it or I... you know, poof!
[He goes back into the ground to get the Shard. He digs up the other side and puts out the Shard, wrapped in the leaf he caught. Thorn Rose becomes fascinated by the sight of it.]
Thorn Rose: Magnificent!
[The camera shows a shot of the Green Shard.]
Sonic: Yeah, it's pretty, but trust me, this thing is--
Thorn Rose: Mine!
[She hits Sonic with her hammer, causing him to let go of the Shard and send it flying in the air. Everything turns to slow motion, but reverts back to its normal speed as Sonic begins to fly backwards.]
Sonic: [gets up, rubbing his head] I really should have seen that coming.
[Sonic sees Thorn Rose in the distance holding the Shard. She places it onto her hammer. It grows vines around the hammer.]
Sonic: No! What are you doing? I need that! [Spin-dashes towards her]
Thorn Rose: As if I would give the heart of my jungle to a stranger. You're just another Scavenger, like the rest of them...! Hi-yah!
[Thorn Rose clenches her grasp onto her hammer. She charges towards Sonic, getting ready to attack him. The episode ends and the credits appear.]
