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Although this article is based on official information, the actual name of the article's subject is pure conjecture, meaning the name is made by the community members instead of the original creators.
This giant robot is much bigger than the likes of Sonic or Trip, towering over them at a height similar to Doctor Eggman's final robot in Sonic Superstars. It is modelled after Fang's image and thus has a design inspired of his own physical characteristics. In addition to its head, massive body, hat, belt, and opening chest cockpit, the Fang robot has large spiked fists with openings at the front. On occasion, the red eyes of the machine will flash a bright red. In the main story mode, this robot is left unpainted and gray. The design is finished by the end of Trip's story mode, where it sports a color scheme based on Fang's appearance.
The Fang robot appears in Sonic Superstars. An unpainted version is seen in the main story mode after Fang's boss fight in Golden Capital Zone where Trip, via her Dragon Form, destroys it. The Fang robot doesn't appear again until the end of Trip's story mode where it serves as the second phase of the final fight against Fang.
Being designed for combat, this robot is incredibly durable, being able to withstand a number of hits from the player before going down. It also displays a great amount of strength, able to slam its fists down to destroy much of the platform the player is standing on. The robot is capable of both launching many bouncing bombs out of its shoulder areas and launching waves of AntonBadniks out of its mouth. The Fang robot also has the ability to create laser nets that mimic a spider's web to ensnare opponents. Finishing off its weaponry are the giant corks that can be fired out of the openings in its hands (resembling Fang's own popgun). These corks are strong, capable of defeating Trip in a single hit. The robot also has the ability to fly and hover above the ground with rockets in its boots.