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The Time Shard is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a fragment of a Time Stone, which you can collect via Classic Tails' Event or the Ongoing The Hunt Event.


The Time Shard is a scramble of red, green, white, blue, yellow and purple Time Stones, assumingly being smaller pieces combined.



Oh? What's this? A Proximity Prompt that appears when you're in close Proximity of the Time Shard? Better press Q to Destroy it!

In Sonic Speed Simulator, Time Shards can be collected via the Save Classic Tails Event (which is no longer happening.) During this Time Period, Time Shards were scattered around Green Hill Zone (Legacy) The amount of Time Shards to Obtain the following awards are down below:

  • Tails Chao x1: Collect 25,000 Time Shards
  • Tails Chao x1: Collect 50,000 Time Shards
  • Tails Chao x3: Collect 75,000 Time Shards
  • Void Hole Trail: Collect 150,000 Time Shards
  • Classic Tails: Collect 250,000 Time Shards

After the Reborn update, With The Hunt in Roblox, Sonic Speed Simulator was introduced, which this event made the World, Diamond Terminal Zone return as The Hunt Vault! You needed this amount for the award below:

  • Treasure Hunter Knuckles: Collect 100 Time Shards

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