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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "There's No ARRGH in "Team"".
[Scene: Yoke HQ]
[Inside Yoke HQ, an Eggforcer is configuring the generator.]
- Dr. Done-It: [To Tails Nine] Well, if it isn't our favorite... What are you anyway? Possum? Weasel?
- Tails Nine: If you wanna see a weasel, just look in the mirror. [He is zapped by an electric tazer.] Yikes!
- Dr. Deep: [To Tails Nine] Enough! I have one question for you, and you need to answer it very, very carefully.
- Tails Nine: You've already stolen my Shatter Drive technology. What else do you want?
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: There's a whole Shatterverse of other worlds for us to conquer. And to do that, we'll need this mothership fully operational. [Leaves]
- Tails Nine: Figure it out yourselves.
- Dr. Don't: Or we could figure out how to take you apart piece by piece. It's up to you.
- [Dr. Babble babbles and laughs]
[The opening theme plays]
[Scene Change: No Place, Day]
- [Out in the sea, there's a battle going on between the Eggforcers and Angel's Voyage crew, most of whom run for cover.]
- Knuckles the Dread: You know these scallywags?
- Sonic: [While dodging lasers] Yes and no. Short version, they're after the Shard too.
- Knuckles the Dread: You mean the Devil's Lighthouse? [Ducks and braces himself] Let 'em have it! I already told you, I want nothing to do with it.
- [The Eggforcers continue firing lasers. Sonic notices Captain Dread in danger...]
- Sonic: Whoa!
- [...and rescues him to safety, in slow motion. Wood creaks from onboard the ship, resulting in the sail's mast completely snapping off.]
- Rusty Rose: By order of the Chaos Council, surrender or be destroyed.
- Sonic: Rusty! This isn't New Yoke City. Come on, let's talk this through.
- Rusty Rose: Quiet, Hedgehog! I am addressing the Captain.
- Batten Rouge: He be the Captain!
- Rusty Rose: Sonic is the Captain? I wish I were programmed to laugh.
- [Sonic and the crew confront Rusty Rose.]
- Sonic: How are you even here?!
- Rusty Rose: The tides of war have changed. And as for how I am here, all of the Shatterverse is now the Council's for the taking. Last chance! Surrender or sink.
- Batten Rouge: What's the plan, Cap'n? Hang 'em from the yardarm, send 'em down to Davey Jones, cleave them to their biscuits?!
- Sonic: I hear you talking, but I have no idea what you're saying.
- [Batten Rouge drops back, confused.]
- Rusty Rose: Fire.
- [The camera zooms out and the Eggforcers start firing at the crew. The whole crew are directly hit by a laser, blowing them back to the other side of the ship and knocking them down.]
- Sonic: The Angel's Voyage is holding up surprisingly well.
- Sails Tails: Aye, she's stronger than she looks.
- Knuckles the Dread: You gonna do something, Cap'n?
- [He passes the Captain's hat to Sonic.]
- Sonic: You bet I am! I know this crew. [Jumps up, pointing his finger up and flapping his legs.] They're a well-oiled fighting machine.
- [He runs onto the broken mast - with a wobble - and waves his arm forward.]
- Sonic: Battle stations, go, go, go!
- [He gets struck again by a weapon, while his crew-mates run around confused. Knuckles confronts Sonic.]
- Knuckles the Dread: You bill-sucking buffoon! They don't know what to do. They've never been in combat before.
- [Batten Rouge picks up a barrel, but Sonic carries her out of the way from weapon-fire...]
- Batten Rouge: [Groans] Where we going?
- [And places her next to a cannon.]
- Sonic: Shoot this at them.
- Batten Rouge: Aye, aye, Captain!
- [She leans on the cannon pointing it upwards and fires it without looking, bracing herself from recoil. The Eggforcers and Rusty Rose watch the cannonball move up and down as it flies back towards the ship, alerting Sonic. In slow motion, Sonic Spin Jumps at the ball, bouncing off both of them as it aims towards its target. The ball hopelessly dings off an Eggforcer's head and splashes into the water. The robots communicate briefly before shooting lasers again, causing an explosion on the edge of Angel's Voyage and thus sinking it. Sonic gasps after he notices the break in the ship.]
- Sonic: This is bad. Sails!
- [Sails Tails peeps from inside the barrel.]
- Sonic: OK, pal, I may not know you-you, but I know other yous, and they've all got gizmos. [Whispers] Tell me you've got a gizmo.
- Sails Tails: The only gizmo I need is me contraption and me brains.
- Sonic: You're a beauty, you know that? Just a beauty.
- [An explosion panics Knuckles the Dread.]
- Knuckles the Dread: [To Sonic] Sound the retreat before we're sunk!
- [He dives to dodges a laser. Sonic's Regulators start whirring. The camera reveals that a Security Drone was spying them]
- Security Drone: Shard energy compass calibrated.
- Sonic: That's not good. Come here!
- [He goes after the drone, but misses the catch. It returns to Rusty Rose.]
- Rusty Rose: Perfect. We have what we need. This demarks the end of our time together.
- [The robots are ready for combat] Vaporize them! Goodbye, Sonic. [Cross-hairs lock on to Sonic, but as soon as it spots Black Rose, they aim at her instead. The counterpart looks on in shock. Rusty Rose has a shocked look through Black Rose's telescope, before she gasps herself.]
- Rusty Rose & Black Rose: Who is that?
- [Rusty Rose whirs and malfunctions a little.]
- Rusty Rose: Wait! Set course, and we will be on our way. [The robots land back down] No need to waste time destroying a sinking ship.
- [Rusty Rose's ship departs, while Angel's Voyage continues sinking. Sonic runs to the back of the ship. Catfish falls on his back and slides down the ship.]
- Sails Tails: Cap'n, we're taking on too much water.
- [Sonic tries to steer the wheel, but it's too heavy for him to push.]
- Sonic: [Groans] Come on! I need you to steer!
- Batten Rouge: No point in steering a sinking ship, Cap'n. She only goes one direction, straight down.
- Sonic: But they're after the Devil's Lighthouse. [Leave the steering wheel and runs to the middle of the ship.] Oh, no, no, this isn't over. I can fix this.
- [The camera zooms out, revealing that the ship is not only sinking, but it is battered with laser-fire, and that the mast is damaged.]
- Sonic: Fine, I can't fix this. [Falls to his knees] I'm no sea captain. But I know someone who is. Where's Dread?
- [He looks around for Knuckles the Dread, but dramatic music plays as Batten Rouge points that he's moving out to sea.]
- Sonic: Dread! [He sees Knuckles the Dread's boat being lowered by a rope.] Wait, where are you going? Dread! [He paddles off to sea, while Sonic desperately runs around looking for things, before confronting Knuckles the Dread from the edge of the boat.] I don't care what version of Knuckles you are, you don't give up. It's your most annoying virtue. This Shard is my only hope of finding my home. I need you. Your crew needs you. You're Knuckles The Dread, captain of the Angel's Voyage. Dread!
- Knuckles the Dread: I gave up years ago, Blue! When I wrecked trying to get that shiny rock you're after.
- Sonic: We can still get it. With your captaining and my speed, you're not gonna wreck on those rocks again.
- Knuckles the Dread: He is fast... fast enough to get me past them rocks.
- Sonic: We can do it together! And I can get home!
- Knuckles the Dread: And I'll finally get me treasure.
- Sonic: And you'll forever be known as the legendary Knuckles The Dread! The legendary Knuckles The Dread!
- Knuckles the Dread: Aye. The legendary Knuckles The Dread.
- [Sonic loses hope as Knuckles the Dread is too far away from him to communicate.]
- Sonic: [Miserably] He gave up. He's gone. [To the crew] Don't worry, we're gonna be fine. Right, bros?
- Black Rose: [Hanging on to the barrel] Aye, Cap'n. [Coconuts roll down the ship in front of our view. She relinquishes her grip and starts sliding down the ship.] Oh, who I be kidding? We're doomed!
- [Catfish groans as he tries to think of something to hold on to, while Batten Rouge and Sails Tails hang on to the top of a mast.]
- Sails Tails: Hold on to something!
- Sonic: Well, looks like we're going down.
- [Suddenly, Knuckles reappears, swinging on to a rope.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Ha! What kind of talk is that?
- Black Rose: We're back! Arr!
- Batten Rouge: I knew you'd be back, Captain.
- Knuckles the Dread: Batten, Sails, get below, pump up every floaty you can find.
- Sails Tails: Aye-aye, Captain.
- Knuckles the Dread: Rose, Catfish, mend the mast as best ye can, then hoist the main sail.
- Sonic: I knew you wouldn't abandon your crew. That's the Knuckles I know.
- Knuckles the Dread: I may be back, but it ain't for me crew.
- [A Montage plays while they fix the ship. Sails Tails hoists the boat by wrapping a long chain of rubber rings around the edges. Sonic dashes back and forth, tossing water from barrels into the sea while Catfish carries a set of boxes. Sonic delivers the floating barrels and boxes form the sea. With Knuckles the Dread watching on, Sails Tails flies down and places planks over the damaged part of the ship, with Sonic giving him a thumb up. As soon as Sails Tails and Batten Rouge fly to the center and are ready, Knuckles the Dread passes Fairy Lights to him and punches the mast to stand it upright. Batten Rouge holds the top of the mast in place while Sails Tails uses the Fairy Lights to wrap around the mast. Sonic and Catfish are pulling the mast using the rope.]
- Sonic: Pull!
- [The mast creaks and straightens up, and Angel's Voyage becomes fully afloat and starts moving again.]
- Sonic: Yes, yes! Weird, but yes!
- [The crew stand together watching their new boat.]
- Batten Rouge: Whoo-hoo! We did it!
- Knuckles the Dread: And now the Lighthouse.
- Black Rose: Uh, Cap'n, haven't you always said that the way to the Devil's Lighthouse was...
- Batten Rouge: Certain death.
- Knuckles the Dread: That I did. And it is. I've chartered a course in me mind. Don't ye worry, I have a plan. It's going to be legendary.
- [Sonic looks at him concerned.]
[Scene Change: No Place, Day]
- [On Rusty Rose's ship, Rusty Rose spies a hologram of Dr. Deep.]
- Rusty Rose: We will reach the asset within the hour. [Dr. Deep flashes, causing incoherent speech and losing signal.] You are breaking up.
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]
- Dr. Deep: Something's wrong with the connection!
- Dr. Done-It: Oh, for the love of quiche! [Dr. Deep and Dr. Babble grunt and groan]
- Dr. Deep: Ah, it doesn't matter. We can communicate across the worlds. Our conquest of the Shatterverse has begun.
- [Dr. Babble babbles and mimics combat and blowing up.]
- Dr. Deep: Agreed. With our work complete, I'll give our girlbot the go-ahead on Operation Elimination.
- Tails Nine: [chuckles, uninterested] Eliminating the hedgehog is a bad idea.
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Arguing for the life of your friend? What a shock.
- Tails Nine: He left me at your mercy when I needed him most, hardly what you'd call friendly behavior. But you'd be fools to get rid of him before the Shatter Drive technology is perfected.
- Dr. Done-It: [scoffs] It is perfected. We've traveled to another Shatter space.
- Tails Nine: You sent your robots to another Shatter space. Big difference. You've only barely accomplished what he's done without any technology. He's a living Shatter battery. [The power goes out again. The Chaos Council all gasp into the power goes back up again.] Till we know why he gives off this power, we need him alive. [He is grabbed in the head by an Eggforcer...] What...! [...and electrocuted by another, knocking him onto the floor. He groans as Dr. Done-It pokes his walking stick at him.]
- Dr. Done-It: The rat's right. Too many questions for us to start playing exterminator... at least, not until after we wring every ounce of Shatter juice out of that blue varmint. [The Chaos Council laugh out loud while Tails Nine groans in fury.]
[Scene Change: No Place, turning Stormy]
- [Angel's Voyage sails along, with a tornado being created thanks to Sonic Peeling out in a circle, while Knuckles the Dread steers the ship through some rocks, with Flickies passing by. Sails Tails brings out his telescope and looks ahead. Up ahead is a stormy sky, Thorn Rose's hovercraft and more rocks.]
- Sails Tails: They're slowing down, Cap'n.
- [Sonic stops peeling out and punches the air in relief.]
- Sonic: Yes, they're slowing down. [Suddenly becomes nervous; to Knuckles the Dread] Why are they slowing down?
- Knuckles the Dread: That be because of the rocks.
- Sonic: [Goes right next to him] As in the ones you wrecked on before?
- [The crew show annoyed looks.]
- Black Rose: Aye, that be them.
- Sails Tails: [Off-screen] Danger dead ahead! Danger dead ahead!
- [The camera cuts to some dangerous-looking pointed rocks.]
- Sonic: Dread, this is your second chance. You know how to do this.
- Knuckles the Dread: Faster! [Sonic returns behind the sail and Peels out in a circle.] Run as fast as your blue legs can go! [The ship sails faster.] You tried to play captain, now see how a legend does it.
- [He flicks the steering wheel, turning the ship to avoid the rocks. The Eggforcers communicate with one another.]
- Rusty Rose: They are not slowing down. What are those fools up to? [Goes to her keypad] Chart a course to the island.
- Knuckles the Dread: After today, everyone will know the name Knuckles The Dread, and marvel. I said faster!
- [The ship moves faster, but it is heading towards a Green Hill colored ramp.]
- Knuckles the Dread: [To Batten Rouge] Watch it, keep us steady. Hold on to your shoelaces!
- [He jumps to the back of the boat and punches it, levering it to avoid the ship crashing into the ramp. It ascends up the ramp with a great height. In slow motion, Angel's Voyage flies over Rusty Rose's hovercraft and lands safely in the water again. Suddenly, the sails completely come off their ship.]
- Knuckles the Dread: No, me sails!
- [The ship spins around and comes to a stop.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Curses!
- [An angry Knuckles the Dread runs to the front of the ship, but is stopped by a complimentary Sonic.]
- Sonic: That was incredible!
- Knuckles the Dread: Aye, it was! But we're not done yet. We're out of sails.
- Sonic: And that's bad, right?
- Knuckles the Dread: It would be for anyone else.
- [He passes the rope to Sonic, forcing him to look up ahead. There is nothing but sea and pointed rocks.]
- Sonic: [Defeated] Oh, this is bad.
- Knuckles the Dread: You're gonna use your special shoes and tow us, or we're gonna wreck on those rocks.
- Sonic: Huh, tough choice.
- Knuckles the Dread: No choice at all.
- [Sonic chuckles nervously. Meanwhile Tails sees the enemy ship coming from behind.]
- Sails Tails: Ship off the starboard side.
- Knuckles the Dread: How about it, speed-o? And I'm blaming you if anything goes wrong this time.
- [With Sonic holding on to the rope, Knuckles the Dread tosses him up in the air, causing him to yell and splash in the water. After a splash covers the screen, his is then seen pinching his nose and above water.]
- Sonic: Huh?
- [He looks down at his body, revealing that his new shoes are over the water.]
- Sonic: Uh... huh?
- [Behind him, he notices the enemy ship passing Angels Voyage, leaving the rest of the crew scared.
- Rusty Rose: Full speed ahead. Now!
- [Sonic sees the hovercraft moving and getting away.]
- Sonic: I don't lose races, especially not at the finish line!
- [Sonic starts pulling the rope on the ship and runs to a peel out.]
- Sonic: Come on, come on, come on, come on!
- [With a big strain, Angel Voyage finally gets going again. But the ship shakes, causing Sails Tails to fall of the top of the mast and everybody else to slide along the ship. Knuckles the Dread catches the falling Sails Tails.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Well, I'll be a salty sea dog.
- [Angel's Voyage moves at full speed. The crew cheer.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Get to ye battle stations!
- Batten Rouge: Yes!
- [They cheer again as they make their way to their battle stations. Sails Tails plays his guitar while Sonic tows the ship towards the enemy's ship. A target locks on to Sonic and beeps]
- Rusty Rose: The hedgehog is unaware of the full capabilities of this ship.
- [She types a few keys on the keypad and pushes a red button. Laser guns pop out from the sides of the ship.]
- Sails Tails: Arr, that's not good.
- [The laser guns start firing. Sonic yelps while lasers hit him and bounce off.]
- Sonic: Lasers! [Jumps over a laser and groans] I hate lasers!
- Batten Rouge: [To Knuckles the Dread] They're going for Sonic!
- Knuckles the Dread: Man the cannons! Give 'em everything we've got.
- Black Rose: Charge!
- [Batten Rouge, Black Rose and Catfish load up their cannons, but the ship gets hit and tilts port-side.]
- Sails Tails: Cap'n, we can't take many more hits like that.
- Knuckles the Dread: She'll hold. Return fire!
- [They fire their cannon. Two cannonballs and a sea dog is launched in the air, in front of the viewers. The crew look at each other confused, only for Catfish to be having a sea dog in his possession. While the lasers continue firing, a target system locks on to some rocks and destroys them. It then zooms in on the flying Sea Dog and triggers the Eggforcer's warning alert, flashing red. The robot slips on the slippery mess of the Sea Dog and falls into the sea. The crew cheer at Catfish.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Catfish, you beauty! Again!
- [A barrel of sea dogs is opened up. The crew put their sea dogs into the cannon.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Fire!
- [The sea dogs are launched onto the enemy ship's floor, causing another Eggforcer to slide off. Sonic then sees the glowing shard up ahead, becoming excited.]
- Sonic: The Shard!
- [He peels out faster, while on the ship, the last barrel of sea dogs opens up.]
- Black Rose: Last case of sea dogs, Cap'n.
- Knuckles the Dread: Make 'em count.
- [They place the sea dogs inside the cannon while dodging laser-fire.]
- Batten Rouge: Fire!
- [Four sea dogs are deployed to the enemy's board, including one by Rusty Rose's feet. The Eggforcers slide and are knocked off.]
- Black Rose and Batten Rouge: Whoo-hoo!
- Catfish: Yes.
- [Rusty Rose slides on the sea dog and knocks herself onto the keypad buttons. Their hovercraft moves out of control. Rusty slides off the top of the ship and bounces into the water. Sonic propels the ship forward while the rest of the crew sense danger as Angel's Voyage closes in on a collision with Rusty Rose's ship.]
- Batten Rouge: Watch out!
- [The crew run away from starboard side as the two ships collide. Knuckles the Dread takes emergency action and jumps to the front of the ship where Sonic is.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Heave to and prepare to be boarded!
- Sonic: Board?
- [His regulators on his feet glow.]
- Sonic: [Annoyed] Not without me.
- [He returns to ship, while Eggforcers continue firing lasers. Knuckles the Dread jumps onto the enemy's ship and takes out all the Eggforcers with his sword.]
- Knuckles the Dread: And that's the last of ye scallywags. Come on, ye cowards, she's all clear!
- [Rusty Rose extends her limbs, making her way back to her ship and rejuvenates the Eggforcers, surrounding Knuckles the Dread. With nowhere to go, the robots point their tazers at him. With Rusty Rose also watching, Sonic Spin-Jumps in to ally Knuckles the Dread, preparing for combat.]
- Rusty Rose: You dare attack us?
- Sonic: You don't know the half of it.
- [He spins around Knuckles the Dread, and pinballs into the Eggforcers, breaking them all, to Rusty Rose's annoyance. Sonic lands and confronts Rusty Rose with broken robot parts everywhere, causing her to growl in anger. The crew all cheer and join in with Sonic and their Cap'n, while Rusty Rose returns with more Eggforcers and prepares for combat.]
- Batten Rouge: Charge!
- [The whole crew war-cry and engage in battle with Eggforcers, while Sonic battles Rusty Rose. Batten Rouge flies and lures her firing Eggforcer in between the ships before flying back to an open area. She swipes the Eggforcer's arm off with her sword and swipes it on the head. Sails Tails steals the Eggforcer's tazer and electrocutes it with its own weapon, knocking it down. Sonic and Sails Tails attack and knock out more robots.]
- Rusty Rose: Enough of this. Squad three, get the Shard.
- [She pushes the red button. Knuckles the Dread watches on as another squad of Eggforcers go after the glowing shard in the distance.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Sonic, go! They're after the treasure.
- Sonic: [After defeating more robots] No, you go. I'll hold them off here.
- [Another Eggforcer goes face-to-face with Knuckles the Dread, but the Cap'n goes in behind and chops its leg off. He runs to the front of the ship.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Blast. I don't think I can make it. It's too far!
- Sonic: [Comes in, grabbing the Cap'n's suit.] Can't make it? Too far? [Lets go of him] Hey, remember when you threw me off the ship?
- Knuckles the Dread: Aye.
- Sonic: Well, you need to learn how to spin, my friend.
- [Sonic tosses Knuckles the Dread into the air. While gliding, the Cap'n spins and knocks out all the Eggforcers in a zig-zag.]
- Rusty Rose: Do not let him get away. After him.
- [She deploys three more Eggforcers. They pursue Knuckles the Dread as Sonic watches on. He then turns to Rusty Rose.]
- Rusty Rose: [To Sonic] This ends now.
- Sonic: Fine by me.
- [Rusty Rose extends her limbs down to where Sonic is and they stare down. As soon as they come together, flashes of lightning are seen, while Knuckles the Dread continues gliding. He looks down and lands on solid ground, looking up at the glowing Prism Shard at the top of a mountain surrounded by a whirlwind of circulating rocks.]
- Knuckles the Dread: [Bubbly eyed, drools] My beauty.
- [He suddenly looks back, noticing that Eggforcers are approaching him. He makes a run for it, letting go of his sword and starts climbing up the mountain. Meanwhile, Rusty Rose tries to punch Sonic, which he ducks to dodge with a yelp. She swipes her sword to attack, which he dodges with a crouch, splitting his legs. He then jumps up to dodge her arm attack - which hits a wall - and spin dashes along her arm to attack her directly on the head. While she still stands, Sonic Homing Attacks her, but she uses her sword to block the attack. Behind him, Batten Rouge glides and attacks an Eggforcer.]
- Batten Rouge: Ya! Heads up, matey.
- Sonic: [To Batten Rouge, waving and pointing] Hey, thanks for the save, Batten.
- [Rusty Rose hits the distracted Sonic with her arm, knocking him to the edge of the ship, wobbling.]
- Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- [He falls off the edge, only to be rescued by Sails Tails, who flies him back in.]
- Sails Tails: Don't worry, I've got ye.
- [They are both struck suddenly by a charging Eggforcer's body, crashing into something off-screen.]
- Sonic: Ow!
- [Sonic and the crew are exhausted and wounded. They groan as they try to get up, with Rusty Rose confronting him with more Eggforcers.]
- Rusty Rose: You have proven a worthy foe, Sonic. Not that anyone will remember you.
- Sonic: [Sarcastically] Now you're just being hurtful.
- [Rusty rose raises her hand up. Sonic prepares a spin dash.]
- Rusty Rose: Really?! Preparing for a Last Charge?
- Sonic: [Chuckles] Something like that.
- [He spin dashes away from the crew and off the ship.]
- Catfish, Black Rose, Batten Rouge and Sails Tails: He's left us.
- [They turn around to their enemies. Rusty Rose prepares her arm to attack, but behind her - in Slo-Mo - Sonic appears - with a wink - and Homing attacks the group Eggforcers, causing an explosion. He lands and looks at her proudly.]
- Sonic: Now, where were we?
- [Rusty Rose rubs off some robot debris on her shoulder and stares at Sonic. Suddenly, she is electrocuted from behind and falls down, malfunctioning. The camera zooms out, revealing it was Sails Tails.]
[Scene Change: Near the Prism Shard, stormy]
- [Electricity flashes and sparks generate from around the Prism Shard while Knuckles the Dread continues climbing. However, the Eggforcers swoop in to attack him, crouching his head to dodge it. He retaliates by jumping off the wall and grabbing hold of the airborne Eggforcer's head. After failing to pull off it's head, he ground pounds the robot, decapitating it. He jumps up towards the next robot and grabs its legs to lever himself up to attack it from behind. He kicks it, hurtling it to the ground next to the mountain and uses the robot's legs to launch himself at high speed up towards the top of the mountain. The last active Eggforcer makes it before he can and it stands next to the shard. Just as the robot is about to touch the shard, Knuckles the Dread unleashes a flying fist at the Eggforcer, destroying it. He is now only a few steps away from the shard, which pulsates.]
- Knuckles the Dread: At last. She be mine.
- [He puts his hand out, trying to grab hold of the shard. It is now safely in his gloves.]
- Knuckles the Dread: Mine forever. [He chuckles as lightning crackles in Sonic's view.]
- Sonic: [Excitedly] Dread, he got the Shard. [Another swarm of Eggforcers fly above him and head towards the Shard, cutting short his excitement.] He's gonna need some backup. [To the crew] I'll go get him. Be right back.
- [Sonic sets off, while Black Rose and Rusty Rose, who stare at each other in shock.]
- Black Rose and Rusty Rose: You.
- Batten Rouge: Do it just be me, or does she look a little like you?
- Sails Tails: Maybe we should tie her up.
- [Rusty Rose drops her arms while Batten Rouge and Black Rose nod in agreement.]
[Scene Change: No Place, stormy]
- [Sonic Peels out along the sea towards the shard, while Knuckles the Dread watches out for Eggforcers while he tries to protect the shard.]
- Knuckles the Dread: No, she's mine. Mine!
- [He dodges an Eggforcer body attack, and makes a run for it with the shard, ducking to dodge another Eggforcer, while intercepting another two with a punch, followed by a homing attack. With Knuckles distracted, the Eggforcer tries to snatch the shard away from Knuckles the Dread. Lightning crackles, while Sonic notices what's going on and peels out as fast as he can. Meanwhile, after a moment, Knuckles pulls the shard away from the Eggforcer's grab and kicks it, sending it into the whirlwind. Lightning strikes again, hitting Knuckles the Dread causing him to scream and fall of the mountain while still holding the shard.]
- Sonic: Dread!
- [He peels out as fast as possible towards the shard, but a hologram of Shadow the Hedgehog appears through his aura.]
- Shadow the Hedgehog: Sonic.
- [Ignoring Shadow, Sonic catches Knuckles the Dread and saves him.]
- Sonic: Got ya.
- [In slow motion, the shard is free from Knuckles the Dread's grasp. Sonic is pulled in by the shard. The storm clouds clear and Knuckles the Dread celebrates and laughs as the shard belongs to him.]
[Scene Change: The Void]
- [Sonic screams as he falls into the Void. Shadow kicks a glass asteroid, which hits Sonic's back. Sonic groans, rubs his head and stares at his rival.]
- Sonic: Shadow? Ugh! I don't have time to deal with whoever you are. I just wanna go home.
- Shadow: Home? Home doesn't exist anymore... because of you!
- [With Sonic trapped, Shadow dives and punches him, causing him to yell. Simultaneously, the screen cuts to black with the episode's name appearing. The closing theme plays and the credits roll]
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog | Pilot | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | Christmas Blast |
Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
Sonic Underground | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
Sonic X | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 |
Sonic Boom | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 |
Sonic Prime | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Sonic the Hedgehog (film series) | Sonic the Hedgehog | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 | Sonic Drone Home | A Very Sonic Christmas |
Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps | Part 1 | Part 2 |
TailsTube | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Knuckles (TV series) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Other | Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie | OK K.O.: Let's Meet Sonic | Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence |