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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
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This location exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The Temple of Shazamazon[1] is a location that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It is an ancient structure nestled deep in the Great Rainforest.




For untold ages the Temple of Shazamazon was the resting place for one of the last Super Emeralds on Mobius, placed there by an unknown civilization that may have worshiped it (possibly as a gift from some religious figure for which the Temple was named). Over time, stories of the Temple became scarce and fell into obscurity except to those living in the Great Rainforest. While in self exile, Nate Morgan re-discovered the Temple and the Emerald inside, which he then used to make the Ring of Acorns and left in the Emerald's place before moving on.

Discovered by Sonic[]

Well over a decade after later, Morgan provided the location of the Temple to Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles "Tails" Prower as they had need of the Ring of Acorns to power their plane back to Mobotropolis. A labyrinthine building, the Temple had an elaborate and exotic security system which seemed well maintained despite being a ruin. Aside from hidden trip wires, gun ports, trap doors, and concealed lava pits, the Temple was also the resting place of a giant serpent Mutate that seemed to act as a watchdog and attacked once the Ring had been taken. In addition to this, several statues mounted inside the ruin's facade came to life after being activated by a satellite controlled by Dr. Eggman and were revealed to actually be mindless Robians (most likely natives) that came after Sonic with great persistence.[2]

Under Dark Egg Legion control[]

Over a year later, the Soumerca Dark Egg Legion took over the Temple of Shazamazon, using it as a base and refueling station for the Death Egg Mark 2. Following Dr. Eggman's failed attempt to destroy Furville, he piloted the Death Egg Mark 2 to the temple to recharge its energy. As the Felidae and Wolf Pack were working together to stop the Legion's conquest of Soumerca, Eggman had Mecha Sally kidnap Lupe Wolf and Queen Hathor in order to spread doubt among them. However, Team Fighters arrived, and with the help of Leeta and Lyco managed to find Queen Hathor, who had managed to escape. Following her to the temple, Team Fighters distracted the Legion while the others rescued Lupe. Its energy fully recharged, Eggman called Mecha Sally back to the Death Egg Mark 2 and left the temple, but not before Tails managed to sneak a tracking device on it.[3][4]


  1. Sonic the Hedgehog Archives Vol. 18, "What's What Profiles: Temple of Shazamazon"
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #67, "Tomb Raider"
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog #237, "Loyalty Part One: The Right to Rule"
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog #238, "Loyalty Part Two: Dire Choices"