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Taraban (タラバン[1]?) is an enemy that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. They are mass produced, king crab-based Badniks created by Dr. Eggman and a variant of the Crabmeat.



Based on king crabs, Tarabans closely resemble Crabmeats. Their bodies are red on the left side and blue on the right, while the center section is silver. They have three pairs of mechanical legs, two round pincers, and black-eyed eyestalks.


Taraban Badnik

Taraban in Under Ground Zone, from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit).

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit), Tarabans are common Badniks found in Under Ground Zone, Aqua Lake Zone and Scrambled Egg Zone. They appear normally by themselves, walking back and forth, but in Scrambled Egg Zone, they are also accompanied by Game-games.

When the player comes across Tarabans, they stop up and fire damaging projectiles from their pincers, similar to the Crabmeat. Loading these projectiles takes time, giving the player the opportunity to destroy them with the Spin Jump or Spin Attack. However, Tarabans are relatively different, as they will not attack until the player approaches close enough. Tarabans, like many other Badniks in the game, do not contain any Animals.


  • Taraban is a corruption of the word tarabagani, which is Japanese for "king crab".


  1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Master System) Japanese instruction manual, pg. 26.