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This is the transcript for the TailsTube episode, "TailsTube #6 (Surprise Gift Exchange Bonanza)".
- [The scene starts with Tails in his workshop.]
- Tails: Happy Holidays, everyone! It's the time of year where friends and family gather to celebrate and let each other know how much they care! So, in that spirit, welcome to: "The TailsTube Holiday Surprise Gift Exchange Bonanza!"
- [A monitor screen drops down from above, while everyone else enters the scene.]
- Knuckles: All right! I'm totally going to win!
- Amy: [Laughs] Knuckles. You can't win this. Everyone gets a special surprise.
- Rouge: Eh, don't bother correcting him. I think his keen awareness is charming.
- Knuckles: Thank you, Rouge.
- Sonic: Why did that compliment sound so ominous?
- Shadow: Everyone, stop talking! I was told there was a crisis to be averted.
- Rouge: Oh, it would be a crisis if you weren't here to celebrate with us.
- Shadow: Hmph. Ridiculous. Chaos Control!
- [Shadow disappears.]
- Sonic: Ought to call him Scrooge the Hedgehog.
- Tails: All right, everybody, let's get in the giving mood! The first to pick a gift is... Omega.
- [A spinner appears on the monitor screen, and it shows that Knuckles gives a gift to Omega.]
- Omega: [Holds up Knuckles' gift, which uses paper as the wrapping paper, has "Omega" written on it, and a piece of red string tied into a ribbon] Acquiring a tribute from Knuckles.
- [Omega opens the gift.]
- Amy: Oh, it's a rock.
- [The rock that is in Omega's hand appears on the monitor screen.]
- Omega: A sturdy weight and density. This could be used to smash electronic devices. I approve.
- [Omega puts the rock away.]
- Knuckles: Yeah, you get it? He gets it.
- Tails: That's the spirit, basically. Anyway, you're up next, Knuckles!
- [A spinner appears on the monitor screen, and it shows that Sonic gives a gift to Knuckles.]
- Knuckles: [Holds up Sonic's gift, which is a red card] All right, This is from Sonic.
- [Knuckles opens the card and pulls out the smaller card.]
- Knuckles: It's a card with a smaller card?
- [The smaller card that is in Knuckles' hand appears on the monitor screen.]
- Amy: Oh, Sonic. These are supposed to have some thought and feeling put into them.
- Sonic: What?! It's a prepaid card for Don Fachio's chili dogs! [Singing] Anywhere you go, Don Fachio's! [Stops singing and holds his hands up in the air, soon putting them down] The finest, freshest chili dogs in the world...
- Sonic and Knuckles: It's practical!
- Knuckles: I like it just fine. Thanks, Sonic. You did something right for a change.
- [Knuckles puts both of the cards away.]
- Sonic: I have my moments.
- Tails: All right! Let's keep the party going. Next up is Sonic!
- [A spinner appears on the monitor screen, and it shows that Amy gives a gift to Sonic.]
- Sonic: [Holds up Amy's gift, which uses blue paper embedded with Rings as the wrapping paper, and a red ribbon] Woohoo! This one's from Amy. Thanks!
- [Sonic opens the gift.]
- Sonic: Oh, whoa, no way! A picture frame!
- [The picture frame that is in Sonic's hands appears on the monitor screen. It has a picture of Amy in it.]
- Sonic: Aw, Amy, and I know just the photo to put in it. [Puts a different picture into the picture frame] Hey, Tails, remember this one?
- [The picture frame appears on the monitor screen again, this time with a picture of Sonic, Tails, and Dr. Eggman.]
- Tails: [Laughs] Yeah.
- Sonic: [Chuckles] Thanks, Amy.
- [Sonic puts the picture frame away.]
- Amy: [Sighs] It's fine. Happy Holidays, Sonic.
- Tails: Next up is Amy!
- [A spinner appears on the monitor screen, and it shows that Omega gives a gift to Amy.]
- Amy: [Holds up Omega's gift, which is a plain box] Yay! [Giggles] This gift is from Omega.
- [Amy opens the gift.]
- Amy: O-oh, boy... um...
- [The gift appears on the monitor screen. It is a destroyed Moto Bug.]
- Onega: Destroying robots brings me joy. It should bring you joy as well.
- Amy: Yeah, but I have robot friends, too, you know?
- Omega: Disgusting. You should tell me where they live.
- Tails: Uh. Should I just... uh?
- Amy: Let's move on, yes.
- [Amy puts the gift away.]
- Tails: Okay, we're coming up to the end. It's your turn, Rouge.
- [A spinner appears on the monitor screen, and it shows that Rouge gives a gift to herself.]
- Rouge: [Holds up her gift, which uses a multitude of different colors embedded with hearts as the wrapping paper, and a red ribbon] Oh, I know just the one I want!
- Amy: Wait. This is from you.
- Rouge: I knew exactly what to get myself.
- Amy: That's cheating!
- Rouge: And?
- Knuckles: Wait. That's the Master Emerald! If that's here, what happened to Angel Island?!
- Rouge: Ah, don't worry, handsome. If you leave now, maybe you can still catch it.
- [Rouge runs away with her gift.]
- Knuckles: You put that back! Right now! [Off-screen] Get back here!
- [Knuckles runs after Rouge. As he goes after her, Rouge giggles.]
- Sonic: Oh-ho-ho! I got to see how this plays out.
- [Sonic goes after them.]
- Omega: Holiday obligation complete. Resuming hunt for Eggman's robots.
- [Omega walks off.]
- Amy: Everyone, stop it! You're ruining Tails' stream!
- [Finally, Amy goes after the others.]
- Tails: Oh, well, I guess that about wraps-- Whoa!
- [Suddenly, an explosion can be heard, and Dr. Eggman enters the scene from above in his Egg Mobile.]
- Dr. Eggman: [Laughs] I have you now, you merry menagerie of mammalian and mechanical miscreants! I'm going to deck your halls with destruction! I'm going to trim your trees with trouble! I'm going to, to-
- Orbot: We're going to jingle your bell- Oh!
- [Eggman knocks Orbot down.]
- Dr. Eggman: Where is everyone?
- Tails: Something came up. Er, went down. Anyway, what are you doing here?
- Dr. Eggman: Well, I was going to ambush all of you while you were gathered together, but it looks like my holiday plans are ruined.
- Tails: Well, 'tis the season. Here. Happy Holidays.
- [Tails gives a gift to Eggman, which uses turquoise paper as the wrapping paper, and a dark blue ribbon.]
- Dr. Eggman: A gift? For me?
- [Eggman opens the gift, and it appears on the monitor screen.]
- Dr. Eggman: "102 Things to Build on a Rainy Day." This is perfect! Sage has been saying she wants to do more family activities. Thank you, Tails.
- Tails: Oh, you're welcome.
- [Eggman puts the book away.]
- Dr. Eggman: No, no, no, no, no. This won't do! I can't be the only one who didn't bring a gift! [Mumbling] Oh, there we go.
- [Eggman hands Tails a piece of paper. Tails holds it in his hand and it appears on the monitor screen.]
- Tails: One Free Get-Out-of-an-Invasion Coupon. Huh... Wow. Thanks, Eggman.
- [Tails puts the piece of paper away.]
- Dr. Eggman: So, um... Have any plans for the holidays?
- Tails: Yeah, actually! Jewel is organizing a holiday party over at Restoration HQ. Vector's bringing board games. Cream taught the local Chao a few carols. Ah, it's gonna be great!
- Dr. Eggman: So, what you're saying is everyone will be gathered in one place later.
- Tails: Oh, come on! Don't do it!
- Dr. Eggman: Oh, I will! And there's nothing you can do to stop me! [Laughs]
- Tails: Oh, yes, I can!
- [Tails holds up his Get-Out-of-an-Invasion Coupon, showing it to Eggman. Soon, Eggman decides that what he was planning to do was called out.]
- Dr. Eggman: Bah humbug!
- [Eggman flies off in his Egg Mobile.]
- Orbot: Happy Holidays!
- Tails: [Sigh of relief] Well, all's well that ends well, I guess. Thanks for spending another year with all of us here at TailsTube! Too bad Shadow left before I could give him his gift.
- [Tails holds up Shadow's gift, which uses red and black paper as the wrapping paper, and a black ribbon.]
- Tails: Oh, well, he probably wouldn't have liked it, anyway.
- [Tails leaves. Suddenly, Shadow appears.]
- Shadow: Where is everyone? I heard such mayhem coming from this direction. [Sees the gift] What is this?
- [Shadow opens the gift.]
- Shadow: "Hope you have an ultimate holiday - Tails." Hmph. Ridiculous. Although it is getting a little cold outside.
- [Shadow puts his gift on, which is a plaided red and black scarf with "Shadow" embedded on it.]
- Shadow: Chaos Control!
- [Shadow disappears again, while Tails enters the scene once more.]
- Tails: [Chuckles] Happy Holidays, everyone!
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