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Sonic Wiki Zone
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Archie Comics Logo
This object exists primarily or exclusively within the Post-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The Sword of Michael is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. It is a G.U.N. carrier vessel commanded by Daniel Murer.


During the Shattered World Crisis, the Sword of Michael was dispatched to aid the citizens of Spagonia, which was the crew's assigned task as part of Operation: Triage.[1]


  • The Sword of Michael is based on one of the G.U.N. battleships seen in Shadow the Hedgehog.
  • The Sword of Michael is named after the archangel of the same name.
    • The ship's name references how Michael has been depicted in many paintings and statues wielding a sword.

See also[]


  1. Sonic the Hedgehog #280, "A Special Occasion"