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This is the transcript of the Sonic the Hedgehog episode, "Sub-Sonic".
[Scene: Robotnik's oil drilling platforms, day.]
- Robotnik: Excellent, Snively.
- [Robotnik's face appears on a monitor]
- Robotnik: It appears that the probes have found another oil lake.
- Snively: It appears that way, Sir.
- Robotnik: What are the holding tank oil levels?
- Snivley: 36 percent capacity, Sir. By tonight we should reach 50 percent.
- Robotnik: Oh, I assure you Snively, you will do better than 50 percent; much better.
- Snivley: But, Sir, we've been running at maximum power for 10 days...
- Robotnik: We will go on 10 days if necessary. Understood?
- Snivley: Understood, Sir.
- Robotnik: There is a world of oil down there, Snively, and I shall have it all.
[Scene Change: Great Forest, day.]
- Sally: I just don't understand it, Rotor. I calculated the exact proportions of water to sun ratio and energized the soil, but these trees don't respond.
- Rotor: Yeah. They look pretty sick all right. In fact, a lot of the trees around here aren't looking so hot.
- Sally: Antoine, how are the other trees doing?
- Antoine: [sigh] Oh, not so too very good my Princess.
- Tails: How come the trees are dying, Aunt Sally?
- Sally: Well, I think Robotnik's pollution is spreading farther and farther from the city, honey.
- Antoine: Well, I am thinking that maybe they die from this horrible fraternizer. Phew!
- Tails: [laughs] Not fraternizer, Antoine. Fertilizer.
- [Thunder shows up.]
- Antoine: What is this?
- Sally: Looks like a storm is coming. Maybe some rain will bring these trees back to life.
[Scene Change: Bridge, day.]
- Sonic [singing]: Just put the pedal to the metal and baby I guarantee... You'll be juicin' to the tenth degree. Crank it supersonic. It don't take any fuel, cuz the rocket's in my pocket and I'm wa-a-a-a-a-a-ay past cool!
- [Sonic bows to an imaginary audience.]
- Sonic: Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you.
- [The fish jumps out of the river and back into the river.]
- Sonic: Whoa! Hang on, fish sticks, cuz we're gonna rock 'n' reel!
- [Sonic is dragged down the river.]
- Sonic: Whoa! This is one tough tuna!
- [Sonic continues sliding down the river while hanging onto his fishing pole. As he heads to the log, he lets go of his fishing pole.]
- Sonic: [cough] Rather have a chili dog anyway.
[Scene Change: Freedom Fighters' garden, day.]
- Sonic: And I'll tell ya, that fish stick was so big, he pulled me right off the bridge and I water-skied behind him for 10 miles. Then he stole my pole!
- Rotor: Bummer. I was ready for some fish sticks.
- Tails: I bet he was big as a tree, huh Sonic? Bet it was even big as a house, huh?
- Sonic: You got it, big guy.
- Antoine: Pardonnez-moi, Sonic, but are you thinking we were born tomorrow, hmm?
- Sonic: It's all true, Ant. A hedgehog never lies.
- [Sonic shakes the water out of his ear, which landed on the flower. The water on the flower makes it bloom.]
- Sonic: Whoa! What's up with the old flower?
- Antoine: Ah! Fantastique!
- Sally: Oh my gosh! Sonic, what did you do?
- Sonic: I dunno. I just knocked water out of my ear. Like this.
- [Sonic shakes the water out of his ear once again, which landed on the crops.]
- Sonic: Guess it wasn't the water.
- Tails: Wow! Cool, Sonic!
- Antoine: I do not believing my ears...
- Sally: Sonic, where did this water come from?
- Sonic: The Great River, near our bridge.
- Sally: Then we have to get more of it.
[Scene Change: Great River, day.]
- Sonic: Very cool boat.
- Rotor: Gosh, no big deal.
- Sonic: Come on, man; you're totally hot with the ol' hammer.
- Rotor: Yeah, but who cares about some nerdy handyman. I'd rather be a superhero like you. Now that's cool.
- Sonic: Can't argue that. When you're right, you're right. But it's still a cool boat.
- Antoine: Rotor! Look out for the big log!
- Sonic: Just chill and enjoy the scenery, Ant.
- Antoine: Oui. Oui. [takes a deep breath] I am chilling.
- Sally: Look guys. Those trees are dying, just like the ones in Knothole. Somehow, we have to figure out a way to revive them before the whole forest dies.
- Sonic: Maybe that weird, green water will do it.
- Antoine: Rotor, why are we going too fast?
- Rotor: Yeah, the current is picking up speed.
- Sally: Can't you slow down, Rotor?
- Rotor: I can try.
- Sonic: Man, we're really startin' to juice! Hey! What's up?
- Antoine: I am not liking this too much, Rotor!
- [Everyone screams as the boat enters a whirlpool.]
- Sally: My gosh! Where are we?
- Rotor: That's what I'd like to know.
- Sonic: Looks like some kind of underground lake.
- [The Freedom Fighters explore the underground, as their boat travels through it.]
- Sonic: Definitely a dump!
- Sally: Which means Robotnik can't be far.
- Sonic: Get a grip, Ant.
- Antoine: Oui. Oui. A grip...
- Sonic: [grunts] Crank up the motor, Rote.
- Rotor: Check.
- Sally: Nicole, check the map file for "subterranean".
- Nicole: Checking Sally...No subterranean file exists.
- Sally: Looks like we're on our own, guys.
- Rotor: In more ways than one. We lost the motor.
- Antoine: Lost the m-m-motor? Then how will we getting out of this terrible place?
- Sally: Turn up ahead, Antoine.
- Antoine: Palace guards are not meant for the rowing of the boot, my Princess.
- Sonic: Eww! Check this junkberg!
- [Sonic finds a machine part lying in the water, as the Freedom Fighters try to pull it towards them]
- Sonic: Yo, Ant! Angle to the right! Ant!
- [Freedom Fighters had no success on getting the machine part, causing the crack on the boat.]
- Sonic: [sarcastic] Nice move, Ant. Ant?
- Sally: Antoine? Antoine!?
- [The Freedom Fighters noticed Antoine is gone.]
- Sally: Antoine!!
- Rotor: I just don't get it. One minute he's here, and then he's gone.
- Sally: [sigh]
- Sonic: We'll find him, Rote.
- Sally: I sure hope so.
- Sonic: Man, this is some major mong.
- Rotor: Oh, now what?
- Sonic, Sally and Rotor: Waterfall!
- Sonic: Hang on! I'll give us a little juice.
- Sally: Come on, Sonic, you can do it!
- Rotor: That's it, Sonic!
- Sally: Push, Sonic!
- Rotor: That was close. Great job, Sonic.
- Sally: Sonic, you are a very, very brave hedgehog. [kisses Sonic on the cheek] Thank you.
- Sonic: Any time, Sal.
- Rotor: Guys, check out the water.
- Sally: Wha? It's boiling! There's nowhere to go!
- Sonic: Yeah there is! Grab on, guys!
[Scene Change: Plant-filled cavern.]
- [Sonic, Sally, & Rotor are walking through the cavern.]
- Sally: Antoine!
- Sonic: Ant! Where are you, man?
- Rotor: Hey, guys. You get the feeling we're being watched?
- Sonic: By whom? The plants?
- Rotor: I dunno. I just feel something watchin' us.
- Sally: [laughs] You're just paranoid, Rotor. Oh! Look at this beautiful flower.
- Sonic: Man! What is that flower? A snapdragon?
- Sally: Sonic! Behind you!
- Sonic: All right; that's it! Now you're making me mad!
- [Sonic drills himself at the snapdragons, tying them up.]
- Sonic: That's what you get for being rude!
- Rotor: Sonic! Sally's gone!
- Sonic: Gone?!
- Rotor: She was right here next to me, and then she disappeared!
- Sonic: Sally! Sally!
[Scene Change: Deep into the cavern.]
- Rotor: Sally! Sally!
- Sonic: Man, this looks like some kind of palace.
- Rotor: Yeah, but what's with this smell? Just like Robotropolis.
- Sonic: Doesn't anybody take out the trash around here? Eww!
- Rotor: Wow. Look at this.
- Sonic: Wait here, Rote. I'll scope it out.
- [Sonic heads off to figure out what made the noise.]
- Sonic: Ant? Sally? You guys in here?
- Rotor: Hmm...Sonic's fishing pole. [Sonic shouts] Sonic?!
- Sonic: Bail, Rote! Warp ten!
- [Rotor falls down a trash-covered hole.]
- Sonic: Rote! Rote! Lemmie go, man! My main walrus needs help!
- Kraken: Look what you have done to my world, surface creature!
- Sonic: Pal, I know you're havin' a bad hair day, but I don't have a clue what you're talking about!
- Kraken: I will show you what I am talking about.
[Scene Change: Further underground.]
- [Rotor lands in green water]
- Rotor: What is this stuff? Wait a sec...it's that same green water. No wonder this place is so green.
[Scene Change: Pollution pit.]
- Antoine: This is terrible. Terrible! I have my whole life behind me! This is all your fault, Sonic the hog-hedge!
- Sonic: Hedgehog, Ant. Hedge. Hog.
- Sally: Now, why is it Sonic's fault, Antoine?
- Antoine: Because...he is the hero, but he cannot get us out of this terrible place!
- Sonic: Yeah, because this pollution pit zapped all my juice!
- Sally: Rotor!
- [A one-eyed gator surfaces and Antoine gasps]
- Sally: Sonic! The level's rising! Try again for the power ring!
[Scene Change: Polluted caverns.]
- Rotor: Oil. [gasps] Robotnik!
- [The ground begins shaking, as the debris falls to the oil.]
- Rotor: Whoa! What is that?
- Sally: Help! Someone help!
- Antoine: Help me!
- Sally: [coughs] Help!
- Rotor: Sonic!
- Sonic: Hurry, Rote! Get the power ring!
- Antoine: Yes, yes! Please to hurry!
- Rotor: I'm comin' guys! Hang on!
- Sonic: Fight it, Rote! Fight it!
- Sally: Rotor! Hold on!
- Sonic: Way to go, Rote!
- Antoine: Hurry! The slime is rising!
- Rotor: Go, Sonic!
- Sally: Sonic!
- Rotor: Gotcha, Antoine!
- Sonic: Thanks, Rote. You're a hero, man.
- Sally: [kisses Rotor] A big hero.
- Antoine: Oui. As one big hero to another, I salute you, Rotor.
- Rotor: Aw, it's no big deal...
- Antoine: [screams]
- Rotor: We gotta jam! It's the Snake Probes!
- Sally: Snake Probes?
- Rotor: They're laser-powered diggers. Robotnik is using them to drill for oil.
- Sally: [sarcastic] Aw, great. We should have known Robotnik was behind this!
- Antoine: [screams]
- Sonic: Let's juice! [gasps]
- Sally: Sonic, what...Oh my gosh!
- Antoine: [screams]
- Kraken: There is no escape, surface dwellers. You will die from this pollution, as all my people have.
- Sonic: You keep talkin', big guy, and I'll just keep on wonderin' what you're saying.
- Kraken: I was once king of a beautiful world, but everything was destroyed by you surface creatures. And I [coughs] am the only one left.
- Sonic: This is not our pollution.
- Sally: There's another surface creature. His name is Robotnik. He's polluted our world as well as yours.
- [The snake probes attack]
- Antoine: I am making a tasty retreat!
- Sonic: Hold it, Ant! We've gotta help the big guy!
- [The snake probe fires its laser at Sonic, as he dodged it.]
- Sonic: Rote, where are these things comin' from?
- Rotor: The surface. Robotnik's drilling platform.
- Sonic: I'm goin' up!
- [Sonic reaches the surface]
- Sonic: Man, this is major!
- Robotnik: Isn't it lovely, Snively?
- Snivley: A sight to behold, Sir.
- Robotnik: Snively, shoo that fly off the screen.
- Snivley: I'm-I'm afraid that's not a fly, Sir. It's the hedgehog.
- Robotnik: Gah! Sound Code Red!
- [The alarm goes off, as the Swat-Bots showed up to stop Sonic.]
- Robotnik: Activate all snake probes!
- Swat-Bot: Activating all snake probes, Sir.
- Sonic: Quick question; can this chair go in reverse? Whoa! Yep.
- [The Swat-Bot's chair goes backwards to the door, shutting him inside.]
- Sonic: Snake probes...emergency destruct. Yeah! My kinda button.
- Robotnik:: No, no, no; this can't be happening. No, no, no, NO!
- Sonic: Past cool, hedgehog. Past cool. Now, I wonder whatโll happen if I punch all these buttons. Only one way to find out...
- [Sonic presses the buttons, playing music.]
- Sonic [singing]: Yo put the pedal to the metal and baby I guarantee... You'll be juicin' to the tenth degree. Crank it supersonic. It don't take any fuel, cuz the rocket's in my pocket and I'm wa-a-a-a-a-a-ay past cool! Uh, oh. I'm outta here.
[Scene Change: Underground.]
- Rotor: Well, here goes...
- Sally: Oh. It's beautiful.
- Sonic: Yeah. Too bad there's not enough for the Great Forest.
- Kraken: Take this, Sonic. Maybe it will help.
- Sonic: Thanks, big guy. And, uh, lemmie know if you ever wanna go fishing.
[Scene Change: Freedom Fighters garden, day.]
- Sally: Okay. Keep your fingers crossed, guys.
- Tails: Alright! Cool! Sonic!
- Sally: Well, that's a start.
- Sonic: Yep. How's it feel to be a hero, Rote?
- Rotor: [groans] Exhausting. From now on, I'm happy to be a handyman.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog | Pilot ยท 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท Christmas Blast | |
Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 | |
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Knuckles (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 | |
Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 | |
Other | Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie ยท OK K.O.: Let's Meet Sonic ยท Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence |