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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog Archives Volume 4 is the fourth volume of the Sonic the Hedgehog Archives trade-paperback comic series. This volume contains reprints of stories from Sonic the Hedgehog #13-#16.

Official solicitation[]

The thrilling new series that lets fans relive classic Sonic stories continues! Volume 4 presents issues #13 through #16 of Sonic's ongoing comic book series in a special 5 x 7 & ½; inch edition. Each story is meticulously restored and printed on high-grade paper-so you can feel like you're zipping right alongside the cobalt champion as he saves Knothole Village! This action-packed edition features the first appearance of mega-fan-favorite Knuckles the Echidna!

Reprinted stories[]

This Island Hedgehog[]

Space in Yo' Face![]

Tails' Taste of Power![]

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun![]

Rockin' the 'Bot![]

Animal Magnetism[]

Sonic Under Glass![]

The Man from H.E.D.G.E.H.O.G.[]

Other features[]


  • Sally Acorn also had a "Who's Who" profile in Sonic the Hedgehog Archives Volume 2
  • On the front cover, there can be seen a balloon resembling Dr. Robotnik as how he appeared in the early Sonic video games.
  • Knuckles's pose on the front cover is very similar to a pose he had in one of the artworks for the PC title Sonic the Screensaver.


Who's Who Profiles[]

Archie Comics Trade Paperbacks