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Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Unite Volume 2: Broken Bonds is the second of three trade paperback releases of the Worlds Unite crossover. It contain reprints of stories from Sonic Universe #77, Sonic Boom #9, Sonic the Hedgehog #274, Mega Man #51, Sonic the Hedgehog: Worlds Unite Battles #1 and Mega Man: Worlds Unite Battles #1.

Official solicitation[]

The sequel to the record-shattering Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man crossover is here! You saw what happened when “Worlds Collide!” Now brace yourself for when WORLDS UNITE! Sigma–the brilliant villain from the future—has fused the worlds of Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man together! Now he feeds on the super-planet’s energy to become unstoppable! It’s up to Sonic and Mega Man to raise an army to fight the time-hopping villain. Joining them are the Freedom Fighters, the Robot Masters, X and his Maverick Hunters, Sticks and her friends, and–Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily?! But it won’t be easy, as Sigma uses his powers to reach across space and time to recruit an army of his own! It’s a battle of epic proportions to save the Unified World! Featuring the introduction of the STREET FIGHTER cast, including Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile and Ken! This volume collects WORLDS UNITE parts 5-8, including SONIC UNIVERSE #77, SONIC BOOM #9, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #274, MEGA MAN #51 and selections from the MEGA MAN: WORLDS UNITE BATTLES and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: WORLDS UNITE BATTLES one-shots and includes bonus materials such as creator spotlights, production art, and an expansive cover gallery. Featuring cover art by Sonic comics legend, Patrick Spaziante.

Reprinted stories[]

Worlds Unite! Part Five: Everybody in the Same Boat[]

Main article: Sonic Universe #77

Worlds Unite! Part Six: Fire in the Sky[]

Main article: Sonic Boom #9

Worlds Unite! Part Seven: Gears and Wills[]

Worlds Unite! Part Eight: Holes in Reality[]

Main article: Mega Man #51

The Choice[]

Main article: Mega Man #50

Worlds Unite Battles: Sonic Man vs The Robot Masters[]

Sticks vs Roll[]

Other features[]


Archie Comics Trade Paperbacks