- For the predecessor series, see Sonic Universe Graphic Novels.
Sonic Universe Sagas is a canceled series of trade paperbacks published by Archie Comics, and the successor to the original Sonic Universe Graphic Novels series. They would have featured reprints of stories from the Sonic Universe comic series exclusive to the Post-Super Genesis Wave timeline, thus chronicling each story after the events of the Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide crossover.
List of volumes[]
- This series was presumably created to skip directly to Sonic Universe's Post-Super Genesis Wave story arcs after the material from the Pre-Super Genesis Wave timeline had been rendered unprintable due to legal reasons, making the original Sonic Universe Graphic Novels unable to continue. The previous Sonic Universe Graphic Novels ended with the eight story arc, "Scourge: Lockdown", whereas this series begins with the thirteenth arc, "Pirate Plunder Panic", skipping over "Babylon Rising", "Scrambled", "Secret Freedom" and "Chaotix Quest".