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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
For the successor series, see Sonic Universe Sagas.

The Sonic Universe Graphic Novels were a series of graphic novels released from late-2011 to early-2015 and published by Archie Comics. The series featured reprints of comic book stories from the monthly Sonic Universe comic book series. Each volume in the series contains the main stories from one of the four-issue story arcs from the original comic print in the Sonic Universe series along with additional features. According to editor Paul Kaminski, this series is designed to appeal to teenagers and older readers, which is the comics buying audience, and is given full comic book size, "in order to be competitive in a Marvel/DC graphic novel market."[1]

List of volumes[]



Cover artwork[]



  • The Sonic Universe graphic novels are the first Sonic graphic novels to be published at full comic book size.[1]


External links[]

Archie Comics Trade Paperbacks