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Sonic X Shadow Generations Twitter Takeover Promo

Sonic Twitter Takeover promo (2024).

The Sonic Twitter & TikTok Takeover, formerly Sonic Twitter Takeover, is a sporadic Q&A in the official English Sonic X (formerly Twitter) account. The series was created by former Twitter manager, Aaron Webber, and it involves the cast of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, characterized with more exaggerated personalities for the sake of humor, answering questions from the community, influencers, or companies with the hashtag "#AskSonic", although an exception was made for the eighth takeover, where the hashtag was "#AskShadow".

The series started when Doctor Eggman "hacked" Twitter's website in order to answer questions from fans and followers on the website. Starting with the second episode, Sonic would join the series. With the third video, where Shadow the Hedgehog joined, the series would get its official name. Since then, a new Twitter Takeover has been held for every upcoming major release.

List of transmissions[]

No. Name Host(s) Guest(s) Release date Promotion Source
1 Eggman Answers Questions Boom Eggman Boom Sonic November 13, 2015 Sonic Boom (TV series) Archive
2 Sonic and Eggman Answer Questions Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr. Eggman Ezio Auditore da Firenze June 24, 2016 25th anniversary Archive
3 Sonic Twitter Takeover #3 Sonic, Eggman, and Shadow the Hedgehog N/A November 4, 2017 Sonic Forces Archive
4 Sonic Twitter Takeover #4 Sonic, Eggman, Shadow, and Miles "Tails" Prower May 31, 2019 Team Sonic Racing Official link
5 Sonic Twitter Takeover #5 Sonic, Tails, Yacker, Eggman, and Shadow September 15, 2021 Sonic Colors: Ultimate Official link
6 Sonic Twitter Takeover #6 Sonic, Tails, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose, Shadow, and Eggman The End November 14, 2022 Sonic Frontiers Official link
7 Sonic Twitter & TikTok Takeover #7 Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Eggman N/A December 12, 2023 Sonic Superstars Official link
8 Sonic X Shadow Takeover Sonic and Shadow Classic Sonic, Orbot, and Commander Abraham Tower November 22, 2024 Sonic X Shadow Generations Official link

Voice cast[]

Role Voice actor
Sonic the Hedgehog Roger Craig Smith
Boom Sonic
Commander Abraham Tower
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Dr. Eggman Mike Pollock
Boom Eggman
The End (male voice)
Shadow the Hedgehog Kirk Thornton
Miles "Tails" Prower Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Jade Katie Chrzanowski
Knuckles the Echidna Dave B. Mitchell
Amy Rose Cindy Robinson
The End (female voice)

Personality overview[]

The personality of the characters in the Twitter Takeovers is written to be comedic in tone, and not be completely faithful to the characters in the main game series. For example, the Takeovers began as a promotion for Sonic Boom, and as such, Doctor Eggman and Sonic would act and speak like their Boom counterparts.

However, this wouldn't apply to the other characters. Shadow the Hedgehog would be written as a parody of his reputation as an "edgelord" with a heart of gold, and not as his Boom counterpart. As such, he is written as arrogant and narcissistic, wanting the Takeovers all for himself and for people to write him questions with the hashtag #AskShadow, and thinking that his game is an underrated masterpiece despite its critical reception. He likewise has a soft spot, like opening an orphanage of kittens named after his late friend Maria Robotnik. By the time of his debut, Knuckles would likewise not be characterized by his Boom interpretation.

Amy's personality seem to be written after her appearances in games as Team Sonic Racing, as she is seemingly more deadpan and motherly. In one question, she even shies her feelings about liking Sonic, while she has been very open about her love for him.

When the characters are asked what their favorite pieces of media are, their responses will vary, but Sonic will always say his favorite media is one either involving him or is most recent at the time of release (example, his favorite anime is Sonic X).

Speed o’Sound Q&A - Sonic Q&A[]

Speed o’Sound Q&A - Sonic Q&A Promo

Speed o’Sound Q&A - Sonic Q&A promo.

On 25 May 2022, it was announced that the official Japanese Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account would be hosting it's own version of a Twitter Takeover on 24 June 2022 in celebration of the franchise’s 31st anniversary.[1]

This takeover worked slightly differently compared to the English Twitter Takeovers. Here, fans were able to ask Sonic questions both on Twitter and Sonic Channel up to 2 June 2022. In addition, Sonic was the only character, voiced by Jun'ichi Kanemaru and was also animated using his VTuber model.[2]


  • Despite the name of Twitter changing to X in 2023, the series is still referred to as the Twitter Takeover.
  • Before Sonic Twitter Takeover #8, Dr. Eggman shared the record with Sonic for having appeared in every Twitter Takeover. However, with Takeover #8, Sonic became the only character to maintain that record.
    • Coincidentally, Sonic is also the only character to have had three different variants of himself appear across the Twitter Takeovers. His Sonic Boom counterpart made a cameo in Sonic Twitter Takeover #1, while Classic Sonic had a silent cameo in Sonic Twitter Takeover #8.[3][4]
  • Shadow the Hedgehog was present in the Twitter Takeovers promoting Sonic Colors: Ultimate and Sonic Frontiers, despite the character's absence from both of those games.
    • Additionally, Colleen O'Shaughnessey voiced Tails in the Takeover promoting Colors Ultimate, despite being voiced by Kate Higgins in the actual game.
  • Sonic Twitter Takeover #7 was the first takeover to occur on another site besides Twitter, it being TikTok.
  • Most of the Twitter Takeovers have a running gag where Sonic and his friends try to sing "Macarena" by Los del Río, with them typically doing a terrible job at it.
    • Due to the song being in Spanish, Sonic and his friends mostly sing in unison and end with Hey Macarena, ay.
  • The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog television series (more specifically, its game adaptation Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine) is referenced in Sonic Twitter Takeover #3, where one of the questions is "what is a mean bean, and more importantly what does it taste like?" Shadow takes the reference even further after Sonic speculates that they taste like gummies, saying "Scratch that idea, Sonic. You need to Grounder your ideas a bit more in reality.", referencing Scratch and Grounder, Dr. Robotnik's primary henchmen in the show as well as bosses in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.
    • Additionally, in Sonic Twitter Takeover #6, Eggman was confused at first about the games, and when informed that Mean Bean Machine was the only one centered on him, he was upset at that.
  • During Sonic Twitter Takeover #2, Eggman tweeted at the Assassin's Creed Twitter account, claiming to have captured Ezio, with Ezio himself making a cameo. This is a reference to the fact that Sonic and Ezio were both once voiced by Roger Craig Smith.
    • This would later be referenced again in Sonic Twitter Takeover #8, when Sonic briefly spoke in Ezio's voice. He also briefly spoke in Chris Redfield’s voice.
  • During Sonic Twitter Takeover #4, Shadow reveals that his favorite place to go shopping is a local convenience store called "Maria's". This would later be referenced in a piece of artwork posted in July 2019.
  • Sonic Twitter Takeover #6 would jokingly reveal that Doom's Eye is still alive, despite the Black Arms's defeat and destruction at Shadow's hand. It is unknown if this is a coincidence or production foreshadowing for Black Doom's return in Shadow Generations.
  • According to Sonic Twitter Takeover #6, Amy Rose's favorite food is strawberry shortcake.
    • Coincidentally, Sonic's least favorite flavor of cake is also strawberry shortcake. This would later be brought back up in Sonic Twitter Takeover #7.
    • Sonic's dislike of strawberry cake appears to contradict the character seemingly liking the food in Sonic Unleashed, as it's one of the options to feed him and Chip.
  • During Sonic Twitter Takeover #7, when Eggman is asked about taking another apprentice, he rejects since the user's word choice sounded “too clingy”, recalling the fallout of the last time he took an admirer under him. When questioned by the gang, Eggman struggles to remember their name until Tails name-drops Dr.  tarline, making him the second character (after Tangle) from the IDW comics to be mentioned by the characters, while also being the first time an event is referred to, as Eggman fired Starline in issue #25. After Tails name-dropped him, Eggman doesn't seem to recognize the name, though he could be pretending because he doesn't want to think about how much trouble Starline caused him during that time.
  • During Sonic Twitter Takeover #6, both Amy and Shadow were revealed to be fans of Taylor Swift; as a callback to that, during Sonic Twitter Takeover #7, Amy revealed that Shadow's favorite "era" was "Fearless". According to Katie Chrzanowski, this was intentional foreshadowing for Fearless: Year of Shadow.[5]
  • Shadow is characterized in the Takeovers as liking to eat coffee beans. Both The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow Generations would reference Shadow's preference for coffee.[6]
  • Ryan Drummond, the English voice actor for Sonic from 1999 to 2004, hosted his own version of a Twitter Takeover called "Sonic Overtime Takeover" on 2 October 2024. During this, he answered questions in character as Dreamcast Sonic.[7]
  • During Sonic Twitter Takeover #8, a questions asks Sonic and Shadow if they know who Joe is. Sonic replies he knows who it is saying, "Joe Mama" even saying, "Whoa" and, "Up top!", with Shadow "hmming" and "Down low," as a response to that. This is referencing Regular Show, as Roger Craig Smith voices many background characters in the show, the most notable one being Thomas.
  • So far, Sonic Twitter Takeover #6 is the takeover with the most characters, with a total of 6.




