Script (Tails)
This is a script of the cutscenes from Tails' storyline in Sonic Rivals 2.
Blue Coast Zone[]
- Sonic: Hey, Tails! How's it going? I heard you had something important to tell me.
- Tails: That's right! I discovered that a bunch of Chao have vanished. I think Eggman might be behind this... And he's on this island.
- Sonic: Then let's go and find him! I wonder why he'd want Chao, though... Hey, look! It's Knuckles and Rouge!
Act 1[]
- Tails: Hey, Rouge! What are you doing here?
- Rouge: Whaddya think I'm doing? Looking for treasure of course. Say, you wouldn't know where the Doctor is, would you?
- Tails: He's here on this island and... Sonic and I were just about to...
- Rouge: Thanks Tails... I'll be sure to tell the Doctor that you're looking for him. See ya!
- Tails: Hey, wait! You can't do that! If he knows we're looking for him, we'll never find him. Hey... Wait up!
Act 2[]
- Rouge: What?! How'd you catch up so fast?
- Tails: It may not look like it, but I've been training with Sonic!
- Rouge: Hmmm. Well, nice going, kid. Tell you what. If you can tag me, I'll let you speak with the Doctor first.
Act 3[]
- Sonic: Well look who it is... Knuckles and Rouge! You two on a date or something?
- Knuckles: Knock it off, Sonic! By the way... Have you seen Eggman?
- Sonic: What's it to you?
- Knuckles: Um... Well, the Master Emerald seems to be missing again... and...
- Sonic: That figures... what else is new, Knuckles? I'll need to talk to Eggman first... so I'll see you later!
- Knuckles: WHAT!? Hey, come back here! Try to beat me to Eggman, will he?
- Eggman: Ho ho ho! Well, if it isn't my favorite blue hedgehog! I heard you were looking for me?
- Sonic: That's right, Eggman! What have you done with the Chao?
- Eggman: Why, nothing my dear hedgehog.
- Sonic: Don't play dumb with me! I know you kidnapped them, and I want to know what you're up to!
- Eggman: How rude, to assume that I know anything about these "Missing Chao!" Sonic... Why not discuss this with my new creation?
- Knuckles: Hey! We've got a bone to pick with you, too!
Sunset Forest Zone[]
- Sonic: Looks like we lost Eggman's trail, and we're stuck in the middle of this forest...
- Tails: Look Sonic! Eggman dropped something... It looks like a page from a book... It says... "The all powerful Ifrit..."
- Sonic: Ifrit? What's up with Eggman reading stuff like this? Come on, Tails! Let's get outta here!
- Tails: I'm with you, Sonic ! I wonder if this has anything to do with the Chao...
- Espio: Hmm... I wonder if those two have any idea what they've just uncovered. I'd better report this. Looks like Silver's following Sonic, so I'd better watch Tails.
Act 1[]
- Tails: I have a strange feeling like someone's following me.
- Espio: Hmm... That little fox is pretty observant. Hey Tails. You look like you're searching for something. Is something wrong?
- Tails: What-what are you doing here, Espio? Sonic and I are following Eggman, trying to figure out what's up with the Chao disappearances.
- Espio: The Chao disappearances? Do... do you have any leads?
- Tails: Sorry Espio, I can't tell you anything... I've got to catch up to Sonic. See ya!
- Espio: Hey, wait! I still have more questions. I'd better follow him!
Act 2[]
- Tails: Hey! It looks like Sonic might be in trouble. I'd better go help.
- Espio: Not so fast, Tails. I think it's better that you two don't get involved.
- Tails: What are you talking about, Espio?
- Espio: I can't tell you anything, but I will stop you if you interfere.
- Tails: I'm sorry, but...
- Espio: You'll have to get through me first.
Act 3[]
- Sonic: Huh? Someone's behind me.
- Silver: Move aside, Sonic!
- Sonic: Hey, Silver! Long time, no see. Guess you're looking for Eggman too, huh?
- Silver: I said move aside!
- Sonic: Ha... You never change, do you? Guess I'll have to find Eggman before you do!
- Eggman: My, you two certainly are persistent. And you've brought your friends, I see.
- Sonic: What's up Eggman? If you've got nothing to do with the missing Chao, then why run?
- Tails: You also dropped this earlier. What does it...
- Eggman: What?! Where did you get that?!
- Silver: No more time for small talk. Now listen--
- Sonic: Chill, Silver...
- Eggman: I'll take back that piece of paper, if you don't mind... and without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to MY friend!
Neon Palace Zone[]
- Sonic: Argh! Eggman made it to the city and gave us the slip!
- Tails: Look, Sonic! A few more pages must have fallen out of Eggman's book. It says, "The Ifrit held the power of destruction, and the power to blind one's soul..."
- Sonic: Huh? That sounds like an awful lot of power. Whatever it is, it can't be good. Shadow? What are you doing here?
- Shadow: Sorry, no time to talk... Come on, Metal Sonic.
- Sonic: Metal Sonic!?
- Metal Sonic: ...
- Sonic: I got a bad feeling about this, Tails! Whenever Metal Sonic's involved, it always means trouble!
- Tails: Yeah. I guess we better follow them.
Act 1[]
- Sonic: Tails, see if you can get to Metal Sonic and find out what's going on.
- Tails: Okay!
Act 2[]
- Tails: Metal Sonic? What are you doing here?
- Metal Sonic: ...
- Tails: Hello? Anyone home?
- Eggman: Metal Sonic, take care of Tails!
- Tails: Wha-!? That voice... it's Eggman!
Act 3[]
- Sonic: Tails, I'll catch up with Shadow.
- Tails: Okay, Sonic!
- Sonic: So Eggman, what are you trying to hide?
- Eggman: Nothing that concerns you, Sonic! Since you've got time on your hands, why not play with my new toy?
- Shadow: Hmph! A minor nuisance.
- Sonic: Bet we can destroy it before you can, Shadow.
Frontier Canyon Zone[]
- Sonic: If there's one thing Eggman's good at, it's running away! He's got to be somewhere here in the wasteland.
- Tails: Sonic! Eggman's been here all right. Look, it's another page from his book. "The Ifrit destroyed the entire..."
- Sonic: Sounds like this "Ifrit" definitely has something to do with what's been going on.
- Rouge: Hey, if it isn't Sonic and Tails. How're you two doing?
- Tails: Rouge... and Knuckles! What are you two doing here?
- Rouge: We're still looking for the Master Emerald, that someone carelessly left unguarded.
- Knuckles: What'd you say?
- Rouge: We have an Emerald Detector, but we need some Rings to keep it fuelled. Think you can help me?
- Sonic: No problem... Come on, Tails. Let's go and round up some Rings.
Act 1[]
- Tails: Boy, collecting these Rings is a lot more work than I thought. I wonder how Sonic's doing?
Act 2[]
- Tails: I've finally collected enough Rings for Knuckles and Rouge.
- Silver: Thanks half-pint, I'll take those now.
- Tails: Hey! What are you doing? Come back with my Rings!
Act 3[]
- Sonic: I'd better collect those Rings and fast.
- Espio: Hmm... Seems like Sonic hasn't spotted me. We need those Rings, too. It's going to take a while to catch up to him, but I'll get him.
- Sonic: Hey, where did those thieves go?!
- Eggman: You're not talking about me, are you?
- Sonic: Eggman! So, this is where you have been hiding. Perfect timing! If you're not behind the Chao disappearance, then what are you up to?
- Eggman: If I told you, I'd ruin the surprise. I'll tell you what, if you can defeat my creation here, I'll give you a clue.... Ho ho ho!
- Silver: Sonic, Tails... Step aside! We need to talk to him first.
- Sonic: We'll see about that. Come on, Tails, it's time for Round 2.
Mystic Mansion Zone[]
- Sonic: Okay, Eggman, you promised. What's this all about?
- Eggman: Rrgh. Fine then! I'll tell you... A monster known as the Ifrit is about to be released into this world. The portal to our dimension exists within a mysterious mansion... And the Ifrit must be stopped... Good luck. Ho ho ho!
- Sonic: Hey, Eggman! I bet he's up to no good again... I'd better go after him.
- Tails: Sonic, the "mysterious mansion" has gotta be around here somewhere! We need to hurry!
Act 1[]
- Tails: Maybe this place really IS haunted... I never should've suggested we split up... Huh? Aaaaagh!
- Tails ghost: Hee hee hee...
- Tails: What? But that's... me!
- Tails ghost: Haa ha ha ha!
- Tails: I better get out of here!
Act 2[]
- Tails: No matter what I do, I can't escape. What's going on? It looks like it's changing into Sonic!
- Sonic ghost: Heh heh heh...
- Tails: Looks like there's no way out! Guess it's up to me to take out this ghost!
Act 3[]
- Sonic: Boy, this place sure is creepy! Where could that "portal" be? Huh? Who's there?
- Sonic ghost: Heh heh heh...
- Sonic: Tha... that's me!
- Sonic ghost: Hee hee hee hee!
- Sonic: That's one spooky look on my face! I'm outta here! Hey! It's chasing me!
- Sonic: Look! It's Eggman!
- Eggman Nega: Ku ku ku ku...
- Tails: What the...? You look like Eggman, but you also look... different... Sonic, look. Our alternate selves are back!
- Tails ghost: Heh heh heh!
- Sonic ghost: Ha ha ha...
- Eggman Nega: Ku ku ku ku...
- Sonic: It looks like Eggman's been possessed by a ghost, too. Okay, Tails. It looks like it's up to us to knock some sense into him!
Chaotic Inferno Zone[]
- Sonic: Darn... Now where'd Eggman run off to?
- Tails: Sonic, wait up! There are tons of Chao sealed up in this secret room here!
- Sonic: Just as I figured... Eggman was behind this! Tails, get these Chao to a safe place.
- Tails: Got it!
- Sonic: Hmm... What's this strange door? Is this the portal to the other dimension?
- Tails: Eggman must've escaped through here! Uh-oh! The door's closing!
- Sonic: I'm not letting you get away that easy, Eggman! Tails, we gotta hurry! We need to catch him before the door closes!
Act 1[]
- Tails: Sonic's counting on me! I have to track down Eggman before the door closes.
Act 3[]
- Sonic: Whoa, where the heck are we? No time to worry about that now... I gotta find Eggman before the door closes!
- Tails: Eggman said that the all-powerful Ifrit was from this world. I need to do something about the Ifrit before Eggman gets to it.
- Sonic: Tails, run! The Ifrit is alive!
- Tails: Oh, no! Are you sure?
- Sonic: Don't worry, I'll handle it. Tails, get back to the door before--
- Tails: Sonic! What's wrong?
- Sonic: Yes. Master. I will take care of Tails.
- Tails: Oh no! Now I've got to fight the Ifrit and Sonic!
- Sonic: Tails! Are you okay?
- Tails: Mmm... yeah, I think so.
- Sonic: I guess the Ifrit wasn't really as strong as it was cracked up to be.
- Tails: Hmm. Perhaps it wasn't fully revived yet?
- Sonic: No need to worry about that now, let's head back to the Chao Garden and take a break.
- Tails: But shouldn't we look for Eggman?
- Sonic: We've taken out the Ifrit and rescued all the Chao... So, why do we need to look for Eggman?
- Tails: I guess you're right. Huh? Sonic? Hey! Wait for me!