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This is the transcript of the Sonic the Hedgehog episode, "Sonic Past Cool".
[Scene: Knothole Village, Huts.]
- Sally: Ready, Bunnie?
- Bunnie: Ready as a junebug in May, darlin'.
- [Bunnie busts through the roof]
- Bunnie: Whoa, Nellie!
- Sally: Bunnie, are you okay?
- Bunnie: How do I look?
- Sonic: *laughs* Stuck in the ol' roof.
- Bunnie: That's just how I feel.
- Sonic: Hang tight, Bunnie.
- Bunnie: Whoa!
- Sonic: Was it something I said?
- Bunnie: These leg ladders will come in mighty handy next time I have to fix the elevator.
- Sally: If we can even get them to work right.
- Rotor: Power switch needs a little tweakin'.
- Bunnie: Oh my stars; that's not all that needs tweakin'. [screams]
- Sonic: Gotcha, Bunnie.
- Bunnie: Thanks, sugar-hog.
- Tails: Bunnie! Look out!
- Bunnie: Be careful where y'all are slap shootin' there, tails.
- Tails: Sorry, Bunnie.
- Rotor: Hang on, Bunnie. I'm bringing you down.
- Sally: How do they feel now?
- Bunnie: Smooth as glass. Thanks Rotor, you little genius.
- Tails: Sonic! You guys wanna play dirt hockey? I've been practicin'.
- Sonic: Yeah, you really smoked that puck, big guy.
- Bunnie: Uh, oh; here we go again!
- Sonic: Uh...sorry, Tails. Maybe later.
- Tails: They're always too busy. I'm gonna find my own fun.
- [Tails takes the elevator up]
- Tails: Who needs dumb old adults anyway?
- [Tails knocks the puck into some bushes & searches for it]
- Tails: [gasps] What's that?
- [Tails sees a baby terapod chewing on the puck]
- Tails: Hey. You're not supposed to eat it. You're supposed to play dirt hockey with it. You don't understand, do ya? It's a hockey puck. You're supposed to hit it with...a hockey stick. [hits the puck] Get it?
- Baby T: [bleats]
- Tails: [laughs] Cool!
- [The two play dirt hockey together]
- Tails: Alright!
- [Sometime later]
- Tails: Excuse me. Guess I'm kinda hungry.
- Baby T: Huh?
- Tails: You know. Eat. Food. [burps] Are you hungry?
- Baby T: [burps]
- Tails: Ha-ha! Good one!
- [Tails & Baby T ride the elevator down]
- Tails: Okay. Coast is clear. Shh...we gotta be real quiet.
- Baby T: Shh...
- [They sneak into a hut]
- Tails: I'll make us a snack. All right! Here's some cookies.
- [While Tails continues searching through the cupboard, Baby T ate all the cookies]
- Tails: Hey! You ate it all!
- Baby T: [burps]
- Tails: No, Baby T; not supposed to eat everything.
- Baby T: Aww... [sniffles while walking away]
- Tails: Baby T, wait! Where ya goin'?
[Scene Change: Outside the Hut.]
- Tails: Baby T!
[Scene Change: Near the Apple Trees.]
- Bunnie: Boy, these ladder legs are great, Rotor.
- Rotor: That's easy for you to say.
- [As Sonic gathers the apples, Tails approaches him]
- Tails: Sonic, I have a problem.
- Sonic: Big or little?
- Tails: Big.
- Bunnie: My stars; what in the heck is that?
- Sally: It's a baby terapod. How did he get down here?
- Baby T: [licks Sonic]
- Sally: [giggles] Aw, he is really cute, but we can't keep him.
- Tails: How come? He's my friend.
- Sally: Because his herd is migrating to Boulder Bay right now and he has to go with them. [at Baby T] Where's your mother, little guy?
- Baby T: [bellows]
- Bunnie: Oh. Good luck trying to figure that out.
- Sally: Wait a second. I built a device years ago when I tried communicating with terapods, but never tested it. Maybe now...
- [The ground shakes. Roaring is heard in the distance]
- Tails: What's that, Sonic?
- Sonic: Sounds like Baby T's family.
- [Baby T & the Freedom Fighters ride the elevator up. Baby T gets out.]
- Sally: I think he found his mom.
- Tails: Baby T, wait! Sonic!
- Sonic: Comin' big guy! [grabs Tails & runs up a tree] You okay?
- Tails: Nuh-uh. Baby T was my friend.
- Sonic: He wouldn't like livin' with us, big guy. He'd miss his mom.
- Tails: I miss my mom too.
- Sally: Oh my gosh! They're going the wrong way!
- Sonic: The wrong way?
- Sally: Yes. They always migrate south through the Great Meadow and into Boulder Bay. Something's really wrong.
- Sonic: I'll head 'em off at the ol' pass.
- [Sonic speeds ahead of the terapods and gets in front of them to stop them]
- Sonic: Hang a left, hang a left, hang a left...keep movin', keep movin'.
- [The terapods went to the wrong way, leading to the dead end]
- Sonic: Okay, I know you're supposed to juice but you're juicin' the wrong way!
- Sally: [approached Momma T] Easy girl. Easy now.
- Sonic: That communication device works, it'd be past cool, Sal.
- Sally: The terapods are the only ones that can tell us why they're going the wrong way.
- [Sally presses Nicole's buttons to communicate with her]
- Sally: Start language link search, Nicole.
- Nicole: Language link search in progress, Sally.
- Rotor: You really think they can talk?
- Sally: They're very intelligent. Their sounds have a distinct language pattern.
- Sonic: They sure seem freaked. I wonder whatโs scaring them.
[Scene Change: Robotnik's Command Center.]
- Robotnik: These terapod beasts are the final species to be roboticized, Snively. When they're done, I will control every living thing on this planet.
- Snivley: Except for the Freedom Fighters, Sir.
- Robotnik: I am aware of that, Snively. You don't have to remind me! Now, what of the terapods?
- Snivley: Well, Sir, a Stealth Bot spotted the herd, but lost them.
- Robotnik: Lost them?
- Snivley: Yes, Sir.
- Robotnik: Beasts of burden do not hide, Snively. They, not unlike yourself, have no intelligence.
- Snivley: Well I beg your pardon, Sir, but reports say they do.
- Robotnik: I don't care about their brains! I want their brawn! Prepare my hovercraft.
[Scene Change: Great Jungle.]
- Momma T: [roars]
- Sally: Sonic, they want to go through the Great Jungle.
- Sonic: No way. It's uncharted.
- Terapods: [roars & stomps]
- Sally: Oh! This is making me crazy! What do they know that we don't?
- Sonic: I know. [points skyward]
- Sally: What?
- [3 Stealth Bots are flying toward the herd]
- Sally: Robotnik.
- Sonic: Come on. Juice time.
[Scene Change: Robotnik's Hovercraft.]
- [The terapods can be seen on a monitor]
- Snivley: Sir, the terapods disappeared into the Great Jungle with the Freedom fighters.
- Robotnik: Oooh, I like that, Snively. Now we can get all of them.
- Snivley: Yes, Sir, but the Great Jungle is still uncharted and we've lost a number of Recon Bots in there and...
- Robotnik: [interrupts] Make sure we lose no more.
- Snivley: Yes, Sir.
[Scene Change: Great Jungle.]
- Sally: [to Momma T] Do you know a special way, girl?
- Momma T: [roars]
- Tails: Wow. Look at those plants.
- [Baby T drags Tails away from the sparkly plants]
- Tails: Aah! What's wrong? I just wanted to look.
- Sonic: Something wrong with those plants, Momma T?
- [Momma T scoots a rock into the plants. The rock dissolves]
- Sonic: Wow! That is one bad plant! It eats rocks!
- Rotor: I've gotta check this out.
- [The plants melt Rotor's screwdriver]
- Sally: That is really amazing.
- Sonic: Think what we could do to ol' Robuttnik with a couple of these metal-eating babies. We just have to figure out how to get it - ack! Whoa!
- [A vine has wrapped itself around Sonic]
- Sonic: What's with the ol' vine?
- Sally: Sonic!
- Sonic: Get me outta here!
- Bunnie: Oh my stars! What the heck are we gonna do?
- Sally: That dead tree...come on!
- Rotor: Come on, push. Push!
- Bunnie: This is one stubborn tree!
- Tails: Uh-oh. This doesnโt look good, Baby T.
- Baby T: Nuh-uh.
- Tails: Baby T, get your mom. She can help push the tree. Understand?
- Sonic: Juice time!
- [Sonic uses the tree to reach solid ground]
- Sonic: Mucho thanks, Momma T. I owe you. [kisses Momma T]
- Momma T: [roars]
[Scene Change: Robotnik's Hovercraft.]
- Snivley: The cages are ready, Sir.
- Robotnik: Very good, Snively. Let's get this done.
- Snivley: Yes, Sir.
- Robotnik: I just need one beast for now, Snively. Pick the largest to experiment on.
- Snivley: Very good, Sir.
- Robotnik: Stealth Bots, activate heat seeking radar.
[Scene Change: Great Jungle.]
- Momma T: [growls]
- Sonic: Man, she can hear all kinds of stuff we can't.
- Sally: Yes, their senses are highly evolved.
- Momma T: [roars]
- Sonic: What's she sayin'?
- Sally: I don't know, but something sure has upset her.
- [Sally adjusts something on the communicator collar]
- Sally: Come on; try again, girl.
- Momma T: [roars softly]
- Sally: [gets Nicole] Come on, Nicole; help me out here.
- Nicole: Trying Delphi language sequence...
- Momma T: Danger.
- Rotor: Danger? What kind of danger?
- Momma T: [roars]
- Sally: That sounds like Stealth Bots!
- Sonic: I'll check it out. *Dashes up a tree* Momma T is on the money.
- [The Stealth Bots approach, as Sonic runs down the tree]
- Sonic: Stealth Bots, looking for trouble.
- [The Stealth Bots fire at the Freedom Fighters, Baby T, and Momma T]
- Sonic: Whoa! That was bad Momma T! Okay guys, mount up. The TPs are ready to juice.
- Robotnik: You can run, but you can't hide, hedgehog.
- Sonic: Let's juice!
- [The Freedom Fighters and Momma T get away from the Stealth Bots; there's also an animation error in which Bunnie disappeared from the group and doesn't appear again until the beginning of the third act]
- Sonic: Why can't we loose these guys?
- Rotor: They're probably using heat scanners.
- [A cage drops on Momma T, capturing her]
- Tails: Sonic, Sonic! You gotta save Mama T!
- Sonic: M-Momma T?
- Rotor: Robotnik has her in that cage!
- Sonic: I'll get her in a Sonic second. Hedgehog on the job...
- [Sonic runs off through the log and lands on the cage]
- Sonic: Hang in, Momma T!
- Tails: Don't worry, Baby T. Sonic's the coolest. He'll save your mom.
- Robotnik: What are you waiting for, Snively? Get the hedgehog!
- Snivley: Yes, Sir!
- Sonic: Whoa!
- Bunnie: Hold on, sugar-hog!
- [Bunnie extends her robotic legs to reach the cage]
- Bunnie: Are you all right?
- Sonic: Yeah. Can you open this thing up?
- Bunnie: Course I can. No problem.
- Sonic: Cool. Now hang tight. We'll be juicin' in reverse.
- Bunnie: Make it quick, sugar-hog. We got company.
- Sonic: Goin' down.
- Bunnie: [screams]
- Rotor: Run for it, Bunnie!
- [The cage stops a few feet above the ground, right over Bunnie who has ducked to avoid it]
- Bunnie: Oh my. Little help here, Rotor!
- Rotor: Coming, Bunnie!
- Bunnie: My leg is stuck again!
- Rotor:: There you go.
- Snivley: Should I use another cage, Sir?
- Robotnik: Negative. Let them sweat awhile. There is no way for them to get through that force field. Even the hedgehog is trapped. Oooooh...I just tingle all over.
- Bunnie: We're sittin' ducks down here. We gotta do somethin'.
- Rotor: What? There's no way through the force field.
- Sonic: Where there's a will, there's a hedgehog, Rote. But I gotta question. Once I bust it, how long will it stay open?
- Sally: Uh, it's just a guess, but I'd say no more than 10 seconds.
- Sonic: Okay. Have everybody ready.
- Robotnik: Do those fools actually think they can break through my force field? [chuckles] Oh, this should be most entertaining.
- Sonic: Juice time!
- Robotnik: That hedgehog! [grunts and angry scream]
[Scene Change: River.]
- Sonic: Come on, Sal. We gotta keep juicin'.
- Sally: No, Sonic. We don't know the Great Jungle; Mother T does. We need her help. [adjusts the collar] Come on, Nicole, lock in.
- Momma T: S-cor...scorch.
- Sally: That's it. We're getting there, Nicole.
- Momma T: Sonic. Good idea. Scorch plants eat metal machines.
- Sonic: Yes! Good call, Momma T. All we need is a big patch of those plants.
- Momma T: Across...river.
- [Transition shot to Stealth Bots]
- Sonic: Yo! Lookin' for me, metal breath? Follow the leader.
- [Sonic runs away from the Stealth Bots]
- Sonic: Hey, Robuttnik! You couldn't catch me if I was standing still.
- Robotnik: You're wrong, hedgehog! This time there is no place to hide.
- Sonic: Ha! Couldโve fooled me.
- [Sonic continues running away from the Stealth Bots]
- Sonic: That's it, Stealth Bots; keep comin'. Keep comin'. Whoa! Scorch city!
- Robotnik: He's in the open. Take him now!
- Snivley: Sir, we can't send the bots into those trees.
- Robotnik: Those puny trees cannot stop my Stealth Bots. Get the hedgehog!
- Sonic: Crank-up time!
- Robotnik: Snively, pull up. Pull up!
- [Robotnik's hovercraft sails up through the trees]
- Robotnik: We've lost them! Nothing! They're gone.
[Scene Change: Great Jungle.]
- Sonic: I was thinking, Sal. If we could get some of those scorch plants back to Knothole, we could put a serious dent in Robotnik's metal-heads.
- Sally: Already done.
- Sonic: No way.
- Sally: Yes, done.
- Sonic: Come on; there's no way to move them.
- Sally: Sure there is.
- Sonic: How?
- Sally: The seeds are harmless. I'm gonna plant them. Past cool, huh?
- Sonic: Way past.
- Sally: Really?
- Sonic: Well, maybe not way past, but past.
- Sally: Oh?
- Sonic: Yeah. I'm way past; you're just past.
- Sally: Uh-huh. Right. [sarcastic] We're really lucky you thought of these seeds.
- Sonic: Hey, when you're cool, you're cool. And I'm cool.
- [Rotor suppresses his laughter. Sometime later]
- Momma T: Look. Home.
- Sally: It's Boulder Bay. She knew where she was going all along.
- Sonic: Past cool. Ol' 'buttnik will never find you here, Mama T.
- Tails: You're my bestest friend, Baby T.
- Baby T: Aww...
- Sally: This might help you say goodbye, Tails. [puts the collar on Baby T]
- Tails: I don't wanna say goodbye. Please come back with us, Baby T. We could play dirt hockey and stuff.
- Baby T: Stay with Momma T. You come with us.
- Tails: I can't, Baby T. The Freedom Fighters need me. Bye, Baby T. Be cool.
- Baby T: Yeah, way past cool. Gotta juice it loose.
- Sally: Oh my gosh; all that work and he sounds just like you.
- Sonic: [laughs] Yeah. Gimmie five, Baby T.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog | Pilot ยท 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท Christmas Blast | |
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