This is a script for the cutscenes in Sonic Forces.
Cutscene 001[]
[Dr. Eggman's laboratory.]
- [The scene shows Dr. Eggman walking across a platform. The scene cuts to Cubot cleaning some capsules. Eggman is seen walking down the aisle behind Cubot as he vents his frustrations over his constant defeats by his sworn arch-nemesis.]
- Dr. Eggman: Sonic. How I hate him. [stops walking and looks at a pixelated screenshot of his new weapon.] And all of that loathing has been focused into this invincible instrument of destruction. [Cuts to Orbot typing onto a terminal, and Cubot wiping one of the capsules. The camera pans, revealing a strange masked figure within.] Every defeat. Every humiliation at the Hedgehog's hands will be returned a thousand fold by my unstoppable creation. [Dr. Eggman walks up to the capsule, and pushes Cubot out of the way, who cries out in surprise. The camera cuts to a close-up of the figure's body. The finalized Phantom Ruby prototype lies on the figure's chest.] This is my dream come true. With this invention, I can expand the Eggman Empire across the globe, and conquer the world! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!
- [Orbot peers out from behind the terminal as Cubot hangs upside-down from it. Both sound very uneasy regarding what Eggman just said.]
- Orbot: The boss means business this time!
- Cubot: Mm hm.
- [Cuts to one of the strange capsules, with the strange masked figure looking at the camera with his large yellow eye from behind his mask.]
Cutscene 002[]
[City, sunset.]
- [The scene shows Eggman and his Egg Pawns cornering a group of civilians (including Tails), only for Sonic to appear in the nick of time to destroy the Badniks as they had just raised their arms up to fire, causing the civilians to cheer on Sonic.]
- Sonic: Is everyone okay?
- Tails: We are, thanks to you. Cutting it kind of close, though, pal.
- Sonic: Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll. [Turns around to face Eggman] Okay, let's finish this, Eggman!
- Dr. Eggman: It will be your finish, Sonic. Behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece!
- [Sonic shrugs and is about to attack Eggman with his homing attack, only for it to be blocked by a mysterious figure. Sonic manages to land on his feet, while Tails ushers the civilians down a nearby alleyway to escape to safety, and recognizes the figure of what appears to be Shadow, who, for some reason, has different eyes]
- Sonic: Shadow! It's you? [Zavok appears] Zavok!? [followed by Metal Sonic] Metal!? [And lastly Chaos] Chaos!!
- [A mysterious figure with a red aura floats down and lands between the four familiar faces of Sonic's previous enemies. Sonic scoffs at the new opponent and charges at the figure with a Boost, only for him to quickly sidestep the attack and move out the way, much to Sonic's surprise.]
- Sonic: Huh?
- Tails: Woah! This guy is faster than Sonic!
- [The figure fires a laser from his palm at Sonic (to which he dodges) and the latter uses his Homing Attack on the figure, only for the hedgehog to be kicked into the air and then roundhouse kicked into a building, cratering the masonry from the hard impact.]
- Tails: No, wait! It's something else. Gotta scan him and figure this out.
- [The figure fires two lasers from his palm at Sonic (to which Sonic also dodges). Zavok charges at Sonic at this moment and punches at him, only for the hedgehog to block the attack and roundhouse kick the Zeti, who shouts in pain as he is repulsed. Sonic then charges at the figure and jumps into the air to attack him, only to see Metal Sonic is about to attack him from the flank in a corkscrew spin. Sonic uses his stomp move to avoid Metal Sonic and proceeds to charge at the figure again, only for him to move out of the way. When Sonic lands on a building, Chaos appears out of the blue and is about to punch Sonic, only for the latter to block and lock hands with the God of Destruction.]
- Sonic: What are you? How are you doing--
- [The figure appears and roundhouse kicks Sonic again while he is distracted by Chaos, sending him tumbling across the street. Eggman clenches his fist in victory.]
- Eggman: Nice!
- [Sonic gets up]
- Sonic: Tails! I need to know what's going on with this guy!
- Tails: I'm trying, Sonic, but these readings are all messed up! They don't make any sense!
- [The figure proceeds to roundhouse kick Sonic once again, only for him to evade the attack this time and somersault out of the way. The figure attacks the hedgehog again before he can recover, causing him to be launched into a building, again with enough force to crater the masonry. Sonic then gets launched into the air by the figure, who then blasts lasers from his palms, and gets pummeled by Shadow, Zavok, Chaos, and Metal Sonic, all in that order.]
- Sonic: Running out of time here, Tails!
- [The figure delivers one last blow on Sonic, slamming him to the ground in front of Tails, who looks on with concern. Sonic tries to lift himself up, but to no success as he has no strength left to do so, and collapses in defeat, to Tails' horror.]
- Tails: SONIC!
- [Cuts to Sonic's point of view as we see the figure floating down as Sonic loses consciousness with some final pained groans]
Cutscene 003[]
- Narrator: With Sonic defeated, Eggman's army quickly took over. Within months, all but a few isolated areas in the world were under their control. Despite the overwhelming odds, a rag-tag resistance formed banding together to continue the fight. And now, a new face prepares to join the struggle.
- [Vector enters, a hand to his forehead in disbelief and sounding weary. Charmy, Espio, Amy Rose, and Silver are already gathered here.]
- Vector: Eggman's army is unstoppable! Without Sonic, the people are losing hope and giving into despair.
- Silver: Despair is a luxury we don't have.
- Amy: I still dream that Sonic is with us. Do you think he might be--
- Silver: I'm an optimist, but I'm also a realist. Sonic is gone, Amy. And Tails is... Tails has just lost it. If we're going to win we have to do it without them.
- Espio: Silver is right. We've been hoping for a miracle these past six months, but I'm afraid we have to make our own miracle.
- Silver: Eggman's army has everyone terrified. If we want the people to rally, we have to show them that strength doesn't just come from numbers.
- Charmy: Not everyone is terrified. Isn't a new recruit joining us today?
- Silver: Yes, a survivor from the city, right?
- Amy: I'm accessing the file now...
- [Everyone turns their attention to the main monitor as Amy brings up the new recruit's file for them to look over on her computer.]
Cutscene 004[]
[Resistance HQ.]
- [Knuckles comes in.]
- Silver: Knuckles! What's the sitrep, Commander?
- Knuckles: Happy to see you're all still alive. Eggman's forces have chewed through our defenses at Green Hill. And the resistance in the city is reporting that whatever it is that finished Sonic... [Sees everyone sad] Sorry, I'm still not used to saying that. Whatever it is has got them running in fear. [The Avatar enters.] All except for this brave kid who survived the battle and made it here in one piece. Meet our newest recruit.
- [Knuckles pats the Avatar on the back, causing them to grunt as they stumble forward from it. Charmy buzzes over to look them over.]
- Charmy: Doesn't look like much.
- Knuckles: Neither do you Charmy, but I still managed to find a use for your pointy butt.
- Charmy: Teehee.
- Knuckles: [Gives the Avatar a Burst Wispon] Here kid. Take this. We're depending on you. Ok, let's get going everybody. The world's not going to save itself.
- [Everyone agrees]
Before Chemical Plant: Spaceport[]
- Knuckles: I've just received some incredible news! Sonic is alive!
- Silver: [Shocked] No way! That's excellent!
- Amy: [Happy] What!? Oh, thank goodness! I knew it! I knew it!
- Knuckles: [Upset] He's captured in the orbiting prison. My spy there says he's in a solitary confinement cell, and they've been torturing him for months.
- Amy: [Sad] That's horrible! We have to rescue him!
- Knuckles: Plan's already happening, Amy. I've got a squad on the way to the Space Port in the Chemical Plant to "borrow" a shuttle. [Happy] C'mon, guys. Who's up for an old-school style jailbreak?
Cutscene 005[]
[City, sunset.]
- [The scene shows Tails trying to repair E-123 Omega but to no avail.]
- Tails: Hmm... That should have done it... I couldn't figure it out for you buddy. I'm sorry I wasn't smart enough.
- [Suddenly, Chaos Zero appears from a manhole and prepares to attack Tails.]
- Tails: Whoa, Chaos! Sonic, help me!!
- [Tails crouches in fear as Chaos begins to attack with lunging an arm towards him, but Chaos hesitates upon hearing something off to the side. Suddenly, Classic Sonic appears from a portal and attacks Chaos, saving Tails.]
- Tails: S-Sonic? You're... You're alive! Wait, what? Oh.. You're that Sonic from another dimension aren't you?
- [Classic Sonic nods.]
- Tails: Right, right, right, that makes sense, I think. Do you know how you got here?
- [Classic Sonic shrugs.]
- Tails: Maybe the power that Eggman is using is somehow affecting other dimensions. Which might work to our advantage. I mean, everything happens for a reason, right? We need to save the world, and maybe that's why you're here. To help save the world! Either way, it's still good to see you, Sonic. Heck, it's good to see any Sonic!
- [Classic Sonic looks at Tails, puzzled.]
Cutscene 006[]
- Narrator: A couple of months ago in the City.
[Scene change: City.]
- [Resistance troopers are fighting against Infinite, but to no avail. None of their shots seem to affect him as he gazes down at them with amusement as they keep blasting in futility.]
- Infinite: There is no reason to resist. Your savior is no more.
- [Infinite unleashes a beam and quickly defeats the troopers as he sweeps it across their line of defense. The troopers scream as they are annihilated, knocked over onto their backs and rendered unconscious. The Avatar is seen scared, hiding behind some rubble, when a White Wisp Wispon lands near them. The Avatar picks it up and attempts to shoot, but, trembling and too scared to get a steady shot and pull the trigger, fails.]
- Infinite: I can taste your terror, child. All that anxiety and doubt... It's delicious. [Fires a shot that lands in front of the Avatar's feet, causing them to stumble backwards and fall to the ground, dropping their Wispon.] Give in to your fear. Flee, screaming, and I'll let you live.
- [Infinite laughs evilly as the Avatar looks on in worry.]
After City: Ghost Town[]
- Rouge: Knuckles! Can you hear me?
- Knuckles: Rouge. It's about time! How's Sonic doing?
- Rouge: [Upset] He's been better. They're getting ready to banish him into space.
- Silver: [Shocked] What? You can't be serious!
- Rouge: [Upset] Eggman's been keeping Sonic alive all this time. He's been waiting to show him his completed empire before banishing him.
- Knuckles: [Upset] And torturing Sonic just to pass the time. That's low, even for Eggman.
- Rouge: [Upset] Eggman got wind of our rescue plan and is moving forward with his plan ahead of schedule. The clock is ticking, boss.
- Amy: But we don't even know where he's being held captive.
- Rouge: Yes we do. Eggman rebuilt the Death Egg. That's where he's keeping Sonic.
- Vector: [Shocked] The Death Egg? Oh, man, that's not good.
- Knuckles: None of this is good, Vector. That's why it's called "war." You all know what to do. Let's go get Sonic.
Cutscene 007[]
[Death Egg.]
- [Sonic sits in a cell, his hands and feet restrained by light cuffs, as Zavok opens the door to escort Sonic to his execution.]
- Zavok: This is the end, Sonic.
- Sonic: [Sarcastically] Oh hey, sounds like the party's started. Want to let me go and join in? No? Of course not, you hate fun.
- [The power goes out shortly before recovering as the alarm rings, surprising Sonic, before his cuffs come off, freeing him]
- Sonic: Oh, wow. The end, huh? Let's see you try something now that I'm free.
- Zavok: Foolish hedgehog. Getting out of your chains does not make you free. Now come and face the inevitable.
- Sonic: [Running out of his cell] The only thing inevitable here is my foot kicking your butt.
- [Zavok charges forward and Sonic dodges before chasing after him.]
Cutscene 008[]
[Death Egg.]
- [After being successfully defeated by Sonic, Zavok struggles to catch his breath before he collapses to the ground unconscious and his body suddenly disappears before Sonic's eyes.]
- Sonic: It's that sound again?
- [Some minor shaking occurs, nearly knocking Sonic off balance.]
- Sonic: Whoa! It's not time for thinking. It's time for running!
- [Sonic starts running and leaps off the platform he fought Zavok on.]
Cutscene 009[]
[Death Egg.]
- [The Avatar is ambushed by three Egg Pawns that corner them on the side of the catwalk leading to the shuttle launch bay. Before they have a chance to attack the frightened Avatar, Sonic arrives and easily destroys them, saving the Avatar.]
- Sonic: [Lands in front of the Avatar] Easy there! Everything's cool. [Helps the Avatar up] Are you here to rescue me?
- [The Avatar nods.]
- Sonic: Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It's been a while since I've seen a friendly face.
- Knuckles: [Over radio] Hey rookie, you still in one piece?
- Sonic: [Sarcastically] Oh, sure, don't even bother to ask how I am.
- Amy: [Over radio] Sonic! I'm so glad!
- Sonic: [Shocked] Amy?
- Knuckles: [Over radio] Hold up, Amy. We're all happy Sonic is alive! But he won't be for long if he doesn't get off that egg in a hurry.
- Sonic: [To the Avatar, over what Knuckles is saying on the radio] Is there an exit around here?
- [The Avatar points to a nearby Egg Fleet shuttle preparing to depart the Death Egg's hangar on a turntable]
- Sonic: Your concern is touching, Knuckles.
- [Sonic runs on ahead as the Avatar reaches out after him with a surprised gasp before running after him. Sonic and the Avatar board the stolen shuttle and escape the Death Egg.]
After Death Egg: Egg Gate[]
- Knuckles: Sonic, finding you alive is the best news we've had in months! And here's the bad news. Our intel indicates that Eggman's got a weapons factory in Green Hill, pumping out munitions for his war effort.
- Silver: [Upset] A factory? We can't take out Eggman's home base in Metropolis if he's got a factory supplying him.
- Knuckles: No kidding. Look Sonic, I know you just got back but we're spread thin. Can you take care of this? We need that factory in Green Hill destroyed. Take the rookie with you.
- Vector: [Upset] You sure about this? The kid was shaking like a leaf the whole time we were at the Death Egg.
- Charmy: [Happy] That's because it's cold in space! The factory is nice and warm!
- Knuckles: [Happy] It will be when it's burnt to the ground! Sonic, you take the lead! Rookie, just make sure you take good notes.
- Sonic: [Happy] I've got six months of payback I'm just dying to spend. This sounds like a good start!
After Green Hill: Arsenal Pyramid[]
- Amy: [Upset] Something is attacking inside the Mystic Jungle! Silver is fighting him... or it, or whatever. Just hurry!
- Silver: [Upset] Guys! It's him!
- Sonic: [Happy] I'm looking forward to a second round with this guy!
Cutscene 010[]
[Mystic Jungle, night.]
- Infinite: This wasn't part of my agenda, but I'm always happy to crush a hero. It keeps the rabble in line. Shows them that there is no hope.
- Silver: Does anyone but you believe your lies?
- [Infinite and Silver fly about, clashing with each other as they do so. In the process, Infinite drops a Phantom Ruby prototype and eventually knocks Silver against the wall above Eggman's lab and Silver falls to the ground, weakened.]
- Infinite: Seeing is believing.
- [Infinite flies at Silver to deliver the finishing blow, but is knocked away by Sonic just in time.]
- Sonic: [Lands in front of Silver] Time to tag out, Silver! I've got it from here!
- Infinite: Well, look who's back from the dead. The little blue savior. But what's that I smell? You reek of fear. Glad to see I left an impression.
- Sonic: [Sniffs his own armpit] That's not fear. I ran all the way over here. And you haven't left an impression. I don't know anything about you! Not even your name.
- Infinite: You may call me "Infinite" in the brief moments that remain to you.
- Sonic: Great! See, Infinite, now we're getting to know each other! So, what's your favorite color? Do you like long, romantic walks on the beach? What's the source of your power? You can skip the first two questions if you like.
- Infinite: The source of my power is none of your concern.
- Sonic: Sorry, but you've just GOT to share the secret of your power with me. I insist! [Runs towards Infinite]
- Infinite: Your insistence is futile!
- [Infinite unleashes a wave that negates gravity, causing Sonic and Silver to stumble around in weightlessness.]
- Silver: Sonic, you OK?
- [Sonic floats around, unable to answer Silver, until Infinite flies into him and takes Sonic with him into the distance, as Sonic yells in pain from the impact.]
Cutscene 011[]
[Mystic Jungle, night.]
- Infinite: Well. You've improved since the last time. But you will still lose.
- [Infinite unleashes a shockwave that makes Sonic wobble. Infinite then throws two energy spheres at Sonic, the second of which knocks the hedgehog to the ground.]
- Infinite: As I predicted. You're not even worth the effort to finish off.
- [Infinite flies away and Sonic gets up.]
- Sonic: Rrrrrgh! I gotta figure out the secret of his power.
Before Green Hill: Green Hill[]
- Tails: [Sad] I failed Sonic. Well, I mean this world's Sonic... and Eggman's monster got him. [Happy] But you're here now. It's like the world needs a Sonic... any Sonic, to keep things in balance. [Upset] If we defeat Eggman, this war will be over. And if we can figure out the secret to his power, maybe we can get you home. Hey, the sensor is picking up Eggman! Let's hurry!
Cutscene 012[]
[Green Hill, day.]
- [Tails and Classic Sonic hide behind a rock while Infinite holds up a Phantom Ruby prototype.]
- Infinite: [crushes the Phantom Ruby prototype with his hand] And with that, the disposal of the Phantom Ruby prototypes is complete.
- Dr. Eggman: It was a defective model. It could only record the DNA of the one that triggered it.
- Infinite: Only a being with my strength of will could ever activate it.
- Dr. Eggman: It doesn't matter now, with the lab locked down in Mystic Jungle. Which reminds me, didn't you run into Sonic there after he escaped?
- Infinite: Yes, but he was powerless against me. There is no need for concern.
- Dr. Eggman: You let the hedgehog LIVE? That is a great source of concern.
- Infinite: For you, perhaps. He has beaten you for decades, yet I defeated him in our first encounter.
- [As he hears this, Eggman's face scowls in fury at Infinite.]
- Tails: Phantom Ruby prototypes? And Sonic... is alive?
- [Infinite turns his head toward Tails and Classic Sonic, who hide before Infinite can see them.]
- Dr. Eggman: What is it?
- Infinite: ...nothing. We move forward with the plan?
- Dr. Eggman: Of course! When it's complete, the resistance will be erased. The world will be nothing but ashes, from which a glorious Eggman Empire will rise!
- Infinite: And the resistance will yield to the Phantom Ruby's power. All will submit.
- [Eggman lets off a low growl of agreement before Infinite flies away. Classic Sonic stands up and reveals himself to Eggman, despite Tails trying to stop him.]
- Dr. Eggman: What!? You!
- [Classic Sonic hits the Egg Mobile before Eggman has a chance to react, rocking it hard enough to send Eggman reeling slightly before he quickly recovers.]
- Dr. Eggman: I don't have time for this.
- [Eggman closes the glass dome over his cockpit, deploys the engines, and flies away in the Egg Mobile. Classic Sonic follows him.]
Cutscene 013[]
[Green Hill, day.]
- [Eggman is attempting to escape in his Egg Mobile as flames lick off the back of it, but soon crash-lands, digging a good trench into the Green Hill footpath as the Egg Mobile scraps to a halt. Eggman is heard grunting and groaning as he crashes and slides to a stop.]
- Tails: Yeah! We did it!
- Dr. Eggman: Hohohoho. Look at you fighting like you've got a chance to win. It's adorable. [The Egg Mobile shifts suddenly, momentarily interrupting Eggman as he recovers from it.] Almost makes me feel bad that we're never going to do this little dance again. In just three short days, my plan will eliminate the bothersome lot of you!
- Tails: Wait. Three days? And what "plan"?
- Dr. Eggman: If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise! [reboots the Egg Mobile] You know what they say, the anticipation of the end is worse than the end itself. Maybe not in this case though. Mwa-hahaha!
- [Eggman flies away in the Egg Mobile.]
Before City: Park Avenue[]
- Amy: [Upset] Eggman's army has broken through! They're in the city! We need to get these people out of here!
- Knuckles: [Upset] Who can we send? Sonic and Silver need time to heal.
- Espio: [Upset] We've engaged enemy forces at Seaside Hill. We can't spare anyone!
- Soldier: [Upset] This is the 8th Unit! We're pinned down under heavy enemy fire!
- Knuckles: Man, looks like I've got no choice. Okay, rookie, I've got a tough one for you. I need you to head back to the city and save those civilians!
After City: Park Avenue[]
- Knuckles: [Happy] That was impressive, but we still have a lot to do!
- Sonic: [Happy] Great job! I knew you could do it if you believed in yourself!
- Vector: [Happy] Nice moves, but if you hog all the glory, how am I going to look good?
Before Mystic Jungle: Casino Forest[]
- Tails: [Happy] I can't believe it! Sonic's alive! I think I used up all my wishes for the rest of my life, but it's worth it! Come on, we have to go find him and tell him about Eggman's plan. Whatever his plan is. Eggman said something about Sonic being in Mystic Jungle.
Before Mystic Jungle: Aqua Road[]
- Rouge: The system is picking up a couple of strange readings. They're coming from the laboratory, the one where Sonic fought Infinite.
- Silver: It's probably another of Eggman's robots.
- Rouge: Life readings, two of them. Definitely not robots.
- Knuckles: [Upset] Hey rookie, go to the lab and check it out!
Cutscene 014[]
[Mystic Jungle, outside the lab, night.]
- [The Avatar arrives at the lab and, upon arrival, finds Infinite's lost Phantom Ruby prototype he dropped during his earlier fight with Silver outside the lab and picks it up. It glows for a moment in their hand, amazing them, before going silent again. Shortly afterward, Classic Sonic and Tails arrive at the lab and meet up with the Avatar.]
- Tails: Have we met before?
[Scene change: Resistance HQ.]
- [All three enter the Resistance base and Tails flies to Sonic and gives him a hug as he's happy to see him again.]
- Tails: SONIC!
- Sonic: Tails!
- Tails: I was sooo worried. I thought you were...
- Sonic: You worry too much. Look, I'm perfectly fine. [Turns to Classic Sonic] Ah, it's been generations since I've seen you. You okay?
- [Classic Sonic gives him a thumbs up and a smile.]
- Tails: The good news is you're safe. The bad news is Eggman said he has some plan that would destroy us all in three days!
- Sonic: Three days, huh? A lot can happen in that time.
Before City: Sunset Heights[]
- Tails: Eggman said when the plan is completed, we'll all be wiped out!
- Knuckles: [Upset] I don't like the sound of that. Normally I'd just laugh at an Eggman plan, but he's already conquered most of the world so... What's this plan of his?
- Vector: [Upset] Hey, I hate to butt in on your important meeting, but we're under attack! Shadow is tearing through our troops! We need reinforcements!
- Sonic: [Upset] Shadow... The last time I saw him he was fighting for Eggman.
- Knuckles: That doesn't make sense. Why would Shadow help the enemy?
- Silver: Perhaps he's being controlled by that strange power?
- Sonic: [Upset] Whatever it is, I'll figure it out!
Cutscene 015[]
[City, sunset.]
- [Sonic finds Shadow in one of the streets.]
- Sonic: All right, Shadow! What's the deal?
- [Shadow does not answer and charges toward Sonic, who raises his hands to his face in defense. Shadow leaps and prepares to deliver the first blow to Sonic.]
- Shadow: Chaos control!
- [The screen flashes white, causing the Shadow attacking Sonic to be frozen in time, and another Shadow appears to roundhouse kick the attacking Shadow away from Sonic, defeating him as he is sent tumbling back up the street, landing face-down on the cobblestones out cold, time resuming the instant the real Shadow connected his attack with the fake. Sonic watches in confusion.]
- Sonic: Another Shadow!?
- [The fake Shadow disappears]
- Sonic: He just disappeared.
- Shadow: That was a fake.
- Sonic: A fake? How?
After City: Sunset Heights[]
- Shadow: Infinite can create virtual reality projections. They have mass and form, but no heart and soul.
- Sonic: [Upset] Virtual reality? So all those familiar faces that were a part of Eggman's army...
- Shadow: Replicas. The problem is, they may not be real, but their powers are as formidable as the originals. According to Rouge, Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them.
- Sonic: [Upset] So, fight after fight, he can just keep cranking up counterfeits?
- Shadow: [Upset] Exactly. As it stands, there's no way we can win this.
- Sonic: [Happy] Of course we can win this! We always do! We just haven't figured that part out, yet.
Before Metropolis: Capital City[]
- Knuckles: [Happy] Listen up! We just got word that Eggman's forces are undermanned at his headquarters in Metropolis!
- Espio: They're probably staging somewhere else as part of Eggman's plan. This could be our only chance to take the city.
- Knuckles: [Happy] Exactly! That's why we're focusing on a full frontal assault on Metropolis! I'm calling it, "Operation Big Wave"!
- Silver: Who cares what it's called? What's important is to have a well thought out strategy.
- Knuckles: [Happy] I thought up this strategy in about a minute and a half. We're going in hard and fast and we're not going to stop till Eggman's army's destroyed. Sonic is busy fighting Shadow, but the rest of us can do this! We've got the strength and the spirit to win. There's no finer group that I'd want to fight with.
- Vector: [Happy] Ha! Great speech! Let's give Eggman an old-fashioned beat down!
- Tails: [Happy] They have more in sheer numbers, so the idea of a quick, focused attack isn't bad. We also have Sonic-- I mean, the other Sonic-- so I have no doubt we can do this! Also, if we can destroy the Phantom Ruby, we should be able to send the other Sonic home! At least I hope so... this is all new territory for me...
- Knuckles: [Happy] Okay, let's head straight for Eggman's HQ! Time to save the world, people!
Cutscene 016[]
[Metropolis, day.]
- [Infinite is overlooking the city.]
- Infinite: More ants to crush. I wonder if this world can offer me a real challenge.
- [The Avatar walks by, only to notice Infinite, causing them to freeze in fear as Infinite takes notice of them.]
- Infinite: And as if to answer, the world sends me a trembling child.
- [The Avatar starts to back away in fear, only for Infinite to warp up next to the Avatar, shocking the latter and paralyzing them in abject terror.]
- Infinite: Are you going to fight and die here? Or, run away in fear again?
- [The Avatar backs away from Infinite uneasily, completely scared out of their mind, but then begins remembering Sonic's words.]
- Sonic: Hey, don't be scared! This is your moment to shine!
- [The Avatar clenches their fist.]
- Sonic: Keep going. Don't let your fear own you!
- [The Avatar, with renewed confidence and a determined look on their face, steps up to Infinite and raises their fist against him, as if to say "Bring it".]
- Infinite: Fine. I will teach you fear, then pain, and then... well, at least the fear and pain will end.
Cutscene 017[]
[Metropolis, day.]
- [Infinite throws three energy spheres at the Avatar, but the Avatar dodges them. In the process, the Avatar drops their Phantom Ruby prototype. The Avatar then glares angrily up at Infinite.]
- Infinite: I remember you. You ran from me before.
- [The Avatar picks up the Phantom Ruby prototype, never losing their glare towards Infinite.]
- Infinite: You survived then, but you throw it all away now. Curious.
- [Infinite manifests several cannons aimed at the Avatar.]
- Infinite: This will be good-bye.
- [The cannons fire at the Avatar. The Avatar shields their face and braces for the impact and explosion, but the Avatar's Phantom Ruby prototype glints however, causing the projectiles to pass through the Avatar and explode harmlessly, having temporarily reversed the virtual reality for a split-second. The Avatar takes notice of what happened before scowling at Infinite again as Infinite is stunned by what just happened himself.]
- Infinite: What!? How is this possible? It can't be... How did you?
- [Infinite fires the cannons again. The Avatar jumps out of the way of the projectiles this time, but Infinite flies up to them and releases an energy burst into their torso at point-blank range. The Avatar lands down on the ground on their chest in defeat. They can only attempt to look up at Infinite weakly as Infinite speaks, restoring things back to normal reality.]
- Infinite: No matter. They have only two days left. Let them contemplate the inevitable until I end this once and for all.
- [Infinite flies away, leaving the Avatar to watch him depart with a weakened look on their face.]
Before Chemical Plant: Chemical Plant[]
- Knuckles: [Annoyed] Things were going well with Operation Big Wave, but then everything fizzled out when that Phantom Ruby kicked in.
- Silver: [Upset] That fake Shadow was created using the Phantom Ruby's power, right? Even if it's a virtual reality projection, it's as strong as the real Shadow.
- Shadow: Rouge, have you found the intel I was looking for?
- Rouge: [Upset] No, not yet. But I have reports that Eggman's database is located at the Chemical Plant. If we can check that out, we might find something there.
- Sonic: That sounds like a promising lead. We have to figure out the secret behind Infinite's power and virtual reality. Tails, can you handle this?
- Tails: [Happy] Got it. I'll take Sonic--I mean, the other Sonic-- with me and head to the Chemical Plant!
After Chemical Plant: Chemical Plant[]
- Tails: Phew, so this is where the database is. Hold on a sec, while I access the data from this computer... Okay... failed battle plans... old robot designs... wow, he's got like ten terabytes of selfies... so where does he keep the-- [Happy] Found it! Virtual Reality weapon. The Phantom Ruby. A weapon that takes control of people's visual and depth perception to feed false information to the brain, creating a new reality for them! [Upset] Like a dream so real, if you bump yourself in it, your sleeping self will bruise? It's hard to believe. Eggman experimented with lots of prototypes, and then incorporated the final version into Infinite. If I'm reading this data correctly, then there might be a weakness. This is huge! Let's get this information back to the others!
Before City: Red Gate Bridge[]
- Knuckles: [Still Annoyed] I don't like sitting on the bench, but there's nothing to do till Tails gets back.
- Amy: Way to jinx it! Metal Sonic has been spotted in the city!
- Shadow: [Upset] Is it another fake?
- Sonic: Why would they bother making a fake out of something that already isn't real? Couldn't they just build more? [Upset] Either way, it's getting wrecked! Let's go, partner!
Cutscene 018[]
[City, sunset.]
- [Sonic walks up besides the Avatar, who is panting heavily following their fight with the Metal Sonic Phantom Copy.]
- Sonic: Hey! That was great! We were like a well-oiled machine... fighting a well-oiled machine.
- [Sonic raises his fist at the Avatar. The puzzled Avatar looks at Sonic, who gives an approving nod. The Avatar smiles and chuckles, and proceeds to fist bump with Sonic.]
Before Green Hill: Guardian Rock[]
- Tails: [Happy] I got it, Sonic! I figured out a way to stop Eggman's Phantom Ruby!
- Sonic: [Happy] Great work, Tails!
- Tails: [Happy] Based on these readings, the Phantom Ruby requires an incredible amount of energy, which only the Death Egg can provide. We simply stop the energy transfer, and boom, the Phantom Ruby is practically useless.
- Knuckles: [Upset] Simply? Last I checked the Death Egg is a heavily fortified... well, Death Egg.
- Tails: True. But I came up with a plan. First, we distract Eggman. While he's not paying attention, we use the Chemical Plant computer to hack into the Death Egg's weapons systems and shut it down. With no weapons, destroying the Death Egg will be a piece of cake. No Death Egg, means the Phantom Ruby is nearly useless.
- Knuckles: [Happy] Well, you know, it's just crazy enough to work. So first we need a distraction. I'm on it!
- Amy: [Upset] No way, Knuckles. You're too easily distracted. That's not a good trait for a distraction. Plus, you're our commander! We kinda need you here.
- Silver: [Happy] How about the rookie? Eggman would never expect it. It may even throw him off a little.
- Knuckles: [Happy] Good idea! You got your orders, rookie. We only have one more day before Eggman's plan is executed, so let's hustle!
Before Chemical Plant: Network Terminal[]
- Sonic: I'm almost at the Chemical Plant. How's the rookie doing with the distraction?
- Knuckles: [Happy] So far so good. We might have to stop using the nickname "rookie" if the kid keeps this up.
- Tails: Next, we've got to get to the computers at the Chemical Plant and shut down the Death Egg's weapons system.
- Sonic: [Happy] Perfect. I've been waiting for my turn to bust some heads!
Before Death Egg: Death Egg[]
- Rouge: [Happy] The Death Egg's weapon systems are down! Now is your chance! Move!
- Tails: [Happy] Hurry! Just destroy the Death Egg and cut off the power supply!
- Vector: [Upset] You're making it sound like a walk in the park. This is the Death Egg!
- Tails: [Happy] Don't sweat it. The other Sonic has this under control.
Cutscene 019[]
- [The Death Egg is seen suffering numerous explosions around its hull before it is destroyed in a single large explosion.]
[Scene change: Resistance HQ.]
- [Everyone cheers as they see the Death Egg is destroyed.]
- Amy: They did it! The Phantom Ruby's power should be down to almost nothing!
[Scene change: Green Hill, day.]
- [Eggman, Orbot, and Infinite watch the Death Egg's demise on the screen provided by Cubot. Eggman is livid over losing the Death Egg again.]
- Dr. Eggman: Grr, those resistance pests and their clever little plots. They're like something on your shoe that you can't wipe off.
- Orbot: It appears they have taken our legs right out from under us. Quite impressive, really.
- Cubot: I don't have legs. Neither do you, dude.
- Orbot: Don't remind me, dude!
- Dr. Eggman: Five more hours before the plan is executed. Infinite, let's make a tactical retreat so that we can re-mobilize our forces.
- Infinite: And by "tactical retreat" you mean to say, "flee with our tails between our legs." I'm quite displeased about this, Doctor.
- [Eggman is not amused by Infinite's sarcasm about his next move.]
- Dr. Eggman: Shut up and just follow me.
- [Eggman roars off in the Egg Mobile as Orbot, Cubot, and Infinite fly after him.]
Before Metropolis: Metropolitan Highway[]
- Rouge: [Happy] Mission accomplished. The Phantom Ruby's signal has gotten much weaker.
- Shadow: [Happy] This should effectively put a stop to the doctor's greatest weapon.
- Vector: [Happy] The Sonics have made an opening for us. We can't just let that go to waste.
- Silver: [Happy] This is the moment we've been waiting for. Time to settle the score!
- Knuckles: [Happy] Now that the Phantom Ruby is out of the way, we can finally smash Eggman into an omlette!
- Rouge: Hey, don't count your chickens before you smash your eggs!
- Sonic: Rouge is right. The fact that Eggman and Infinite are still around means we can't let our guard down.
- Amy: [Sad] I just want everyone to get home safely, okay?
- Knuckles: [Happy] All right, fine. Everyone get your game face on! The target is Eggman at the Central Tower!
Cutscene 020[]
[Metropolis, day.]
- [Sonic confronts Eggman, along with Orbot and Cubot, on one of Metropolis' rooftops.]
- Dr. Eggman: Welcome, Sonic. Glad you could make it to your funeral! Infinite, do it.
- Infinite: Take this! [Creates a portal]
- Sonic: What is that?
- [As Eggman speaks, Orbot and Cubot realize the severity of the situation and scamper away in the opposite direction in absolute fear.]
- Dr. Eggman: Har-har. That, my spiky little frenemy, is null space.
- Sonic: Null space?
- [Sonic signals to Tails to go into hiding. Tails complies, taking cover behind one of the nearby vents that provides ample shielding for him.]
- Dr. Eggman: It's a little something that the Phantom Ruby cooked up, a closed-off space where absolutely nothing exists! Good-bye, Sonic, my soon-to-be-eradicated nemesis. Enjoy all the nothing!
- [Eggman rockets the Egg Mobile skyward as Infinite fires another shot before retreating backwards to safety. The second shot enlarges the portal and activates a powerful suction vacuum in it, catching Sonic and Tails by surprise by the force of the pull. The portal begins sucking everything in. Tails holds onto the building piece he took cover behind while Sonic is losing his footing, unable to resist the pull from the portal. Just as Sonic loses his footing completely and starts to be pulled into the portal, the Avatar swings in and grabs Sonic, struggling to hold onto him for as long as they can.]
- Sonic: Buddy! Don't! You'll be sucked in too!
- [The Avatar's cable breaks, and Sonic and the Avatar get sucked into the portal, which promptly closes. Tails is in disbelief over what he just witnessed.]
- Tails: But we destroyed the Phantom Ruby's power source.
- [Eggman reappears in his Egg Mobile to explain everything to Tails, who stares up at Eggman in total shock.]
- Dr. Eggman: Tsk, tsk. Since you ALWAYS destroy the power source of my weapons, I decided to learn from my mistakes. I had a back-up power source created under Metropolis.
Cutscene 021[]
[Metropolis, day.]
- [Eggman, Orbot, Cubot, and Infinite are overlooking the Egg Fleet. Orbot sighs in boredom. Sonic and the Avatar then arrive, having escaped null space. Orbot notices the duo and begins tapping Eggman's shoulder to get his attention.]
- Orbot: Excuse me? Boss.
- [Eggman finally glances over his shoulder and spots Sonic and the Avatar out of the corner of his eye, causing him to wheel around to face them in absolute shock.]
- Dr. Eggman: [Knocks Orbot away in disbelief] What!? It can't be! It's impossible to get out of the Phantom Ruby's null space!
- [Infinite looks at Sonic and the Avatar with an annoyed grunt.]
- Sonic: Maybe by myself, but I had a little help from my friend. Something you wouldn't understand, since you don't have any friends!
- Dr. Eggman: Grr... This changes nothing! Dr. Eggman will still have the last laugh!
- [Eggman flies away in the Egg Mobile. Infinite follows the doctor while Orbot and Cubot straggle along, but only after Orbot notices Cubot looking at Sonic and the Avatar, and whacks him upside the head to tell him to follow the others.]
- Sonic: Maybe he'd have more friends if he didn't talk about himself in the third person.
- [The Avatar gives a thumbs up, which Sonic nods in response to.]
Before Eggman Empire Fortress: Imperial Tower[]
- Knuckles: We've got less than an hour before Eggman's plan goes down.
- Shadow: [Upset] There's no more time. We have to break into the fortress now.
- Silver: Indeed, this is it-- our last opportunity to bring peace back into the world.
- Tails: [Sad] But... when the battle ends, we'll have to part with Sonic-- I mean, this Sonic-- won't we?
- Amy: [Sad] Yes, if the Phantom Ruby is gone, I guess he'll be returned to his dimension.
- Tails: [Sad] Thank you for everything, Sonic. I'll never forget what you did for us.
- Espio: Save the sentiments for later. This is not over yet. We still have a battle to fight.
- Knuckles: [Upset] Exactly. This is our last chance. Give it everything you've got!
Cutscene 022[]
[Eggman Empire Fortress, cloudy day.]
- [The Resistance is facing the oncoming opposition from the Eggman Army. Knuckles and Sonic nod at each other. Knuckles then turns around and raises his arm. A large group, possibly a battalion of Resistance infantry at least, stand behind him, Sonic, and all their friends.]
- Knuckles: Let's go!
- [The Resistance charges forward, yelling and shouting, and begins fighting their way through the army. Gunfire flies everywhere as the Resistance troops unleash various Wispon firepower on the approaching Phantom Copies. Knuckles knocks out a Zavok Phantom Copy.]
- Knuckles: Take this!
- [Shadow knocks out a number of Phantom Copies, Silver psycho-kinetically immobilizes three Phantom Copies, which the Chaotix members knock out shortly afterwards, Amy smashes a Metal Sonic Phantom Copy Silver immobilized with her Piko Piko Hammer, and Rouge kicks out some more immobilized Phantom Copies while airborne. The Resistance charges forward, easily tearing through the Phantom Copies as they advance. At the end of the first wave is Infinite, flying and looking onwards at the approaching rabble. Sonic rushes towards Infinite quickly.]
- Sonic: Hey, Infinite! Long time no see! Did you miss me?
- [As Infinite speaks, Sonic is joined by rest of his friends to confront Infinite together.]
- Infinite: Why yes, I did. I've been looking forward to finishing you and your annoying friends. [Unleashes a powerful wave of energy, knocking back the Resistance.] I trust you're all ready for oblivion? If you're not... oh well.
- [Infinite is suddenly shot at, and manages to deflect some of the shots. Omega drops down from the air, appearing before everyone, fully repaired and operational.]
- Infinite: What!? Who dares!?
- Omega: Target reconfirmed. Extermination mode initiated. Payback INEVITABLE.
- Rouge: Omega! You've joined us!? Awesome!
- Infinite: Is there no end to these annoying insects? I will burn your resistance to ashes, and you along with it! [With a furious shout, Infinite shoots a beam up into the sky, creating a Phantom Copy of the sun with his Phantom Ruby prototype, to everyone's shock and disbelief.]
- Knuckles: Whoa, you've got to be kidding. That's just a special effect, right?
- Tails: No, it's not! While we're under the Phantom Ruby's control, it's a part of our reality!
- Espio: Unbelievable! What chance do we have against that?
- [Dr. Eggman comes by in his Egg Mobile.]
- Dr. Eggman: The sun will fall upon you all. BOOM! THE END! Your pathetic lives are over.
- [Eggman grins viciously before the camera cuts to the Avatar overlooking the battlefield. Tails flies in beside them. The Avatar's Phantom Ruby prototype begins to react.]
- Tails: Look. It's reacting. Eggman said something about the Phantom Ruby prototypes. Let me see.
- [The Avatar gives Tails the prototype. The prototype stops reacting.]
- Tails: Whoa, it is. [Gives the prototype back] He said that the Phantom Ruby prototypes only react to the person who has activated it. That must be you, buddy! Your courage and heroism are probably what triggered it. Just maybe, if you use this, it can make that sun disappear.
- [The Avatar looks downward at the prototype and then onwards again towards the sun.]
Cutscene 023[]
[Eggman Empire Fortress, cloudy day.]
- [Infinite hovers above the Resistance menacingly thanks to the glow cast upon him by his virtual sun.]
- Infinite: Make peace with your fate, because your lives are now over!
- [The Avatar's Phantom Ruby prototype reacts again, and the Avatar tightens their grip on it as a look of fresh confidence scowls on their face as they make up their mind to stop Infinite. Infinite flies away, while Eggman cackles madly as he prepares to watch Sonic's friends perish and seize ultimate victory.]
- Dr. Eggman: Mwa-hahaha! Three, [The Avatar heads towards the sun.] two, one, ZERO!
- [The Avatar dashes into the sun, prototype in hand. Tails watches while flying.]
- Tails: Buddy?
- [The Resistance watches in breathless anticipation. After several seconds, the sun is seen getting closer and closer, before it disappears from the sky completely, with only a red beam falling from it. The Resistance cheers at having been saved from total annihilation.]
- Knuckles: The sun! It's gone!
- Dr. Eggman: Wh-What? What just happened!?
- [Dr. Eggman sees the red beam falling from the sky and follows it to investigate what ruined his near victory. Shadow smirks. The red beam is actually the Avatar with the Phantom Ruby prototype. Upon landing with their grappling hook, the prototype breaks and dissolves, and the Avatar collapses to the ground, visibly weakened from the effort. Eggman arrives and is in total flabbergasted disbelief when he discovers what happened.]
- Dr. Eggman: [Points at the Avatar] Impossible! I thought all the prototypes were destroyed!
- [Tails flies beside the Avatar to pick them up as the Avatar groans weakly.]
- Tails: A costly oversight, Doctor. This is why I always check and double check as any good scientist would.
- [The camera cuts back to the battlefield.]
- Knuckles: This is the turning point, guys! Time to press our advantage and kick major butt!
- [The Resistance forces cheer in agreement.]
Cutscene 024[]
[Eggman Empire Fortress, cloudy day.]
- [Sonic is facing Infinite as the latter hovers in the air over the edge of a ramp before the Central Tower of the fortress.]
- Infinite: Pathetic little hedgehog. Even with the Phantom Ruby weakened, I still have enough power to smash you into blue jelly. I'll show you how outclassed you really are!
- Sonic: I'm in a class all my own. Time to put-up or shut up, [Points at Infinite] Infinite!
- [Sonic runs up and leaps at Infinite.]
Infinite's Showdown: Halfway Point[]
[Eggman Empire Fortress, cloudy day.]
- [Infinite fully charges up his Phantom Ruby prototype. He is back to full strength.]
- Infinite: You're done for, Sonic. The Phantom Ruby's energy is recharged. [Infinite performs a powerful energy wave.] Perish, along with your useless friends!
- [The Avatar intervenes in the battle, shooting out their grappling hook at Infinite. Infinite dodges and glares at the Avatar, who scowls right back.]
- Infinite: You!
- [The Avatar lands beside Sonic, and both train their angry glares at Infinite.]
- Sonic: My friends got me this far, and together we're gonna win!
Cutscene 025[]
[Eggman Empire Fortress, cloudy day.]
- [Infinite is in a glitch-like state on the ground before Sonic and the Avatar after having been dealt a powerful defeat by them.]
- Infinite: Impossible. I cannot be defeated.
- Sonic: Wrong, loser! The things that can't be defeated are heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship. Three things you and your counterfeit cronies lack!
- [Infinite pounds his fist on the ground in frustration at Sonic's truth, before finding himself being lifted into the air against his will]
- Infinite: [Struggles to stand up] No, wait! I can still fight!
- [After a couple more strained gasps as he continues to struggle against the force working against him, Infinite fades away and his Phantom Ruby prototype is dragged off to an unknown location. Sonic and the Avatar look at each other, puzzled. The Avatar shrugs in confusion before they and Sonic turn their attention forward as Dr. Eggman approaches the duo in his Egg Mobile.]
- Dr. Eggman: You never fail to surprise me, Sonic. I didn't believe Infinite could lose. Victory will be so much sweeter when I defeat you. Don't think this is over yet, you blue nuisance. My plan just went into overtime!
Cutscene 026[]
[Eggman Empire Fortress, cloudy day.]
- [Sonic and the Avatar land on the ground after leaping out of the Central Tower following destroying the Phantom Ruby reactor. They wave to the incoming Tails and Classic Sonic.]
- Sonic: We did it! Eggman's army’s is officially butt-kicked! We won!
- [Sonic attempts to fist bump the Avatar, but they are interrupted by a small earthquake. The Avatar quickly grits their teeth and scowls as they look around for the source of the interruption, unaware of a large, inhuman mech rising out of the crater behind them.]
- Sonic: Oh, come on! Now what? Can't we ever just win and have that be the end of it?
- Tails: Look!
- [Dr. Eggman emerges with a giant Death Egg Robot.]
- Dr. Eggman: Gotcha! The fortress reactor was just a decoy. A true winner always keeps his trump card hidden until the end.
- Vector: [Over radio] Sonic, what's going on? There aren't less enemies! There's MORE!
- Tails: What?
- Amy: [Over radio] How could there be so many?
- Rouge: [Over radio] Confirmed sightings indicate Shadow, Metal Sonic, Zavok, Chaos, Infinite... Thousands of them!
- Sonic: What have you done!? (Classic Sonic grits his teeth in anger)
- Dr. Eggman: Mwa-hahaha! I merely incorporated the Phantom Ruby into this Death Egg Robot.
- Tails: But that means the Phantom Ruby no longer has a vulnerable energy supply. It's an invulnerable ruby?
- Dr. Eggman: A good deduction, Tails. This Death Egg Robot has... No, I have surpassed Infinite to become the complete and ultimate form. You will be crushed by this Death Egg Robot powered by the Phantom Ruby, [The Sonics and the Avatar get into battle stances] and in the end everything will still be just as I planned!
- [Dr. Eggman cackles maniacally and sends out a powerful energy wave at his adversaries, nearly knocking them off-balance.]
- Sonic: [Steps forward] Your plan will end like all your plans do: with you sitting in a pile of busted robot parts wondering how you failed so badly. Let's get him.
- [Sonic, Classic Sonic, and the Avatar charge at the Death Egg Robot.]
Cutscene 027[]
[Eggman Empire Fortress, cloudy day.]
- [As the shattered shards of the destroyed core of the Death Egg Robot rain down around the battlefield, the Eggman Army Phantom Copies begin to disappear as the Resistance continues blasting away as many as they can. Soon, they are all gone, leaving the Resistance forces standing alone and victorious.]
- Knuckles: All right! We won! [The Resistance cheer in triumph.] I knew we'd do it!
- [The Chaotix nod in agreement.]
- Rouge: Piece of cake.
- [Shadow looks back at Rouge and smirks. Silver flies high into the air.]
- Silver: Yeah!
- Amy: [gives Silver a thumbs up] We did it!
- [A dog Resistance trooper helps pick up a wolf Resistance trooper.]
- Male Dog Resistance trooper: Are you okay?
- Male Wolf Resistance trooper: Thanks. Woohoo. We did it!
- Male Bear Resistance trooper: Alright!
- Female Cat Resistance trooper: Yes!
- [The entire Resistance continue to celebrate for a job well done and ultimate victory over the Eggman Empire.]
[Scene change: Eggman Empire Fortress, day.]
- [The core Resistance members are gathered, facing Classic Sonic. Classic Sonic begins to fade.]
- Tails: I guess this is good-bye. Get home safely, Sonic, [Classic Sonic and Tails shake hands.] and thanks for everything!
- [Classic Sonic gives Tails a thumbs up and a smile. He looks at the others, who also bid him farewell. Before leaving, Classic Sonic extends his arm to fist bump Tails and fades away smiling and waving. Tails weakly tries to grab him before he leaves but is too late, saddening him. Sonic walks up and puts his hand on Tails' shoulder. The Avatar joins them.]
- Sonic: Cheer up, Tails, I'm sure we'll run into him again. [Turns around to face the other Resistance members] Alright, guys! It's time we cleaned up the mess Eggman left this world in, and I'm not talking about those illusions he dreamed up for us! We need to fix the real world we all live in.
- [The Resistance members nod and show signs of agreement.]
- Tails: True dat!
- [The Avatar nods.]
- Sonic: C'mon, let's go!
- [The Resistance members cheer in agreement, ready to restore their world.]
Cutscene 028[]
[Resistance HQ.]
- [The main Resistance members are sitting around, talking to each other. The Avatar watches the screen for a while. Knuckles then enters the room.]
- Knuckles: Finally, an end to this endless battle. Everyone can go back home and relax. There's no need for the Resistance.
- Silver: [Hops down from the crate he was sitting on] Hold on, there's still a lot we need to do. We're just getting started.
- [Knuckles nods. The Avatar turns around to Knuckles and speaks their mind.]
- Knuckles: What? You're leaving us? There are others who need your help? But OK, I'm not gonna stop you.
- Vector: Man, the first time I saw you stumbling around, I had no idea you could pull this thing together and see it to the end. [Pats the Avatar's back] I've changed my mind about you.
- [The Avatar scratches their head in embarrassment and laughs a bit over Vector's remark.]
- Knuckles: I knew you'd come through, rookie. Well, I guess you're not a rookie anymore!
- Rouge: [Pushing Knuckles to one side] You did good out there. It's not like you just waited till the last minute to come in and act all cool saving the day.
- [Realizing Rouge is talking about him, Omega extends his hand outwards in her direction while she winks at him. Shadow, leaning against a few crates, raises his head slightly and grunts.]
- Tails: Our battle is done and our resistance has come to a conclusion, but we'll be friends forever. A single person cannot restore the entire world. We have to work together and make a diligent effort!
- [The Resistance members agree.]
[Scene change: City, sunset.]
- [Sonic is overlooking the City while the Avatar approaches him and stands by his side, looking out at the sunset together.]
- Sonic: Hey, you're taking off, too? I was thinking the same thing. You gonna keep moving forward? No matter what, yeah? Heh, you and I aren't so different. [The Avatar nods in agreement] See ya later, buddy!
- [The two friends grin before fist bumping. Sonic then runs off while giving the Avatar a thumbs up. The Avatar waves back and sets off in the other direction with their grappling hook, in search of another adventure.]
Episode Shadow[]
[Scene change: World Map.]
- Rouge: Shadow, We've got a report from the Intelligence Division. They've located an unknown base of operations, that seems to be totally outside the chain of command for Eggman's Army. There's a large-scale troop presence. Suspiciously large for a place with no strategic value.
- Shadow: [Upset] I can't imagine the doctor would do something like that without reason.
- Rouge: [Upset] No kidding. And there's a rumor going around that ol' rotten Eggman has been developing some kind of new weapon, so...
- Shadow: [Upset] Yeah. Looks like this won't be your garden variety recon mission.
- Rouge: [Happy] Do it to it, Shadow. Omega went on ahead of you, so you can link up with him on-site.
- Shadow: I'm more than enough on my own. I'll handle things my way.
- Rouge: [Happy] (giggles) Omega said the same thing. You two go together like Chili and hot dogs!
- Shadow: [Upset] Cut the chatter. I'm on my way.
After City: Enemy Territory[]
- Infinite: Hahah. The world's most powerful robot is no more a challenge than Crabmeat. As I suspected, this power is without peer. It is the ultimate strength! Ah, and still more wonderful, a not-so-tall, dark and brooding guest has arrived. I've been waiting for you, Shadow.
- Shadow: [Upset] Tell me what you did to Omega.
- Infinite: Weaklings like him are of no consequence. Come now, Shadow. Our long awaited reunion, and still you spout such nonsense.
- Shadow: [Upset] I don't know you. And the only thing of no consequence around here is that big mouth of yours.
- Infinite: Hahah. Ah, I suppose you would think so. Ohohoh yes. Hahah... HAHAHA! I am Infinite. You say you do not know me and yet, I remember you so very well. To you, it was simply another in a long list of Eggman bases you tore down without a second thought.
[Scene change: Black screen.]
- Narrator: A couple of months ago...
Cutscene 1[]
[Mystic Jungle]
- [The scene shows Shadow looking for some cover while intruding on the entrance of Eggman's Facility. The hedgehog reaches for his communicator watch on his wrist.]
[The camera cuts to the area where Infinite leaps from stone pillar to stone pillar finding a spot to attack Shadow.]
- Dr. Eggman: [Over radio] Hey, you! I know you can hear me! You're captain of Squad Jackal, aren't you?! Your squad was useless! Go clean up their mess already!
- Infinite: Yeah, yeah, I got it... You. You destroyed my squad. I'll show you why they call me the ultimate mercenary! Take [Charges at Shadow] THIS!
- [Shadow activates Chaos Control.]
- Infinite: What?!
- [Shadow attacks Infinite with a roundhouse kick, launching the jackal in the air, and slams him down with his two fists, making him fall to the ground. Shadow delivers the final blow to Infinite with another roundhouse kick, launching him into another stone pillar, where Infinite can be heard groaning as he struggles to get up from getting easily thrashed by Shadow and his chaos powers.]
- Shadow: [Steps on top of a nearby stone, looking down at Infinite] Worthless. Don't show your pathetic face around me ever again.
- [The camera cuts to Infinite's point of view as Shadow teleports away to continue his mission.]
- Infinite: I... I'm shaking... Me? Me... Afraid...?! [fades to the player's point of view.] Ugh. Pathetic?! Me... [Gets up] He's calling ME weak?! No...! I am not weak. I'm... I'm not. I'm not weak! I AM NOT WEEEEAAAAK! URRRAAAAAAAAAAAAGGH!
[Scene change: Dr. Eggman's laboratory.]
- [The scene shows Infinite putting on a mask, and showing off the finalized Phantom Ruby prototype on his chest. A red aura surrounds the jackal as he spreads his arms out.]
- Infinite: That day, I gave up my own unsightly face. And I let go of the old me, the one that was so weak, so that I could become stronger. And then, at last... I obtained the power. The power to make all yield to my will. I... was... REBORN!
After Mystic Jungle: Eggman's Facility[]
- Narrator: Back to one month before Dr. Eggman took over the world...
[Scene change: World Map.]
- Infinite: I've only become what I am because of you, yet you don't remember. But I suppose that's the way it goes. It simply means that the old me was too weak, too pathetic to remember. And now, you've become nothing more than an insect, waiting to be crushed underfoot.
- Shadow: [Upset] ?
- Infinite: Thanks to this limitless power I've obtained, I have become unstoppable! Take THIS! [The Phantom Ruby is activated.]
- Shadow: [Upset] !
After Green Hill: Virtual Reality[]
- Shadow: [Annoyed] Ngh. (panting) What? Where? [Upset] I'm... back here? No. Is this an illusion!?
- Infinite: This is reality, Shadow. Your reality. I didn't expect to see you come back alive, but you must admit, it was a truly wonderful show, wasn't it? Hahah... Oh, this power, before we've even tuned it! Just as I thought, it is unrivaled! Not even Sonic will be able to stand against me now! HahahaHAHAHAHAHA!
- Shadow: [Upset] Sonic!? What are you plotting?
- [Explosion sound]
- Shadow: [Shocked] What-is this?! [Upset] Stop! Where do you think you're going, Infinite?!
- Rouge: [Upset] Shadow?! Shadow! Finally, the connection's back! What're you doing?!
- Shadow: Rouge?
- Rouge: [Upset] Ugh, forget it! Get away from there as soon as you can! There are explosions going off all over! The facility's about to collapse!
- Shadow: [Upset] Rgh! Withdrawing now! What's the meaning of all this?
- [Explosion sound]
[Scene change: Black screen.]
- Narrator: On a certain day in Green Hill, Eggman's army launches a savage attack.
[Scene change: World Map.]
- Shadow: [Upset] Rouge, are you telling me the truth?
- Rouge: [Upset] What's the point of lying about it? Eggman got a bead on Sonic and mounted a massive assault. [happy] I mean, sure, A for effort, but it's nothing to worry about. We've got the advantage now. Sonic is there too, so I don't think It's a big enough deal for you to head out.
- Shadow: [Recalling Infinite's words, "Not even Sonic will be able to stand against me now".] I can't imagine the doctor would do something like that without...
- Rouge: [Upset] Shadow! This is not good! Hurry, get over there!
- Shadow: [Upset] What is it, Rouge? What happened?
Cutscene 2[]
[City, sunset.]
- [The scene shows Eggman and his Egg Pawns cornering a group of civilians (including Tails) only for Sonic to appear in the nick of time to destroy the badniks as they had just raised their arms up to fire, causing the civilians to cheer on Sonic.]
- Sonic: Is everyone okay?
- Tails: We are, thanks to you. Cutting it kind of close, though, pal.
- Sonic: Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll. [Turns around to face Eggman] Okay, let's finish this, Eggman!
- Dr. Eggman: It will be your finish, Sonic. Behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece!
- [Sonic shrugs and is about to attack Eggman with his homing attack, only for it to be blocked by a mysterious figure. Sonic manages to land on his feet, while Tails ushers the civilians down a nearby alleyway to escape to safety, and recognizes the figure of what appears to be Shadow, who for some reason has different eyes]
- Sonic: Shadow! It's you? [Zavok appears] Zavok!? [followed by Metal Sonic] Metal!? [And lastly Chaos] Chaos!!
- [A mysterious figure with a red aura floats down and lands between the four familiar faces of Sonic's previous enemies. Sonic scoffs at the new opponent and charges at the figure with a Boost, only for him to quickly sidestep the attack and move out the way, much to Sonic's surprise.]
- Sonic: Huh?
- Tails: Woah! This guy is faster than Sonic!
- [The figure fired a laser from his palm at Sonic (to which he dodged) and the latter uses his Homing Attack on the figure, only for the hedgehog to be kicked into the air and then roundhouse kicked onto a building, cratering the masonry from the hard impact.]
- Tails: No, wait! It's something else. Gotta scan him and figure this out.
- [The figure fires two lasers from his palm at Sonic (to which Sonic also dodges). Zavok charges at Sonic at this moment and punches at him, only for the hedgehog to block the attack and roundhouse kick the Zeti, who shouts in pain as he is repulsed. Sonic then charges at the figure and jumps into the air to attack him, only to see Metal Sonic is about to attack him from the flank in a corkscrew spin. Sonic uses his stomp move to avoid Metal Sonic and proceeds to charge at the figure again, only for him to move out of the way. When Sonic lands on a building, Chaos appears out of the blue and is about to punch Sonic, only for the latter to block and lock hands with the God of Destruction.]
- Sonic: What are you? How are you doing--
- [The figure appears and roundhouse kicks Sonic again while he is distracted by Chaos, sending him tumbling across the street. Eggman clenches his fist in victory.]
- Eggman: Nice!
- [Sonic gets up]
- Sonic: Tails! I need to know what's going on with this guy!
- Tails: I'm trying, Sonic, but these readings are all messed up! They don't make any sense!
- [The figure proceeds to roundhouse kick Sonic once again, only for him to evade the attack this time and somersault out of the way. The figure attacks the hedgehog again before he can recover, causing him to be launched into a building, again with enough force to crater the masonry. Sonic then gets launched into the air by the figure, who then blasts lasers from his palms, and gets pummeled by Shadow, Zavok, Chaos, and Metal, all in that order.]
- Sonic: Running out of time here, Tails!
- [The figure delivers one last blow on Sonic, slamming him to the ground in front of Tails, who looks on with concern. Sonic tries to lift himself up, but to no success as he has no strength left to do so, and collapses in defeat, to Tails' horror.]
- Tails: SONIC!
- [Cuts to Sonic's point of view as we see the figure floating down as Sonic loses consciousness with some final pained groans.]