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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic the Comic continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Set is a character that appears in the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions. He is an evil alien conqueror who was exiled from his home planet and posed as the god of chaos in ancient Egypt.[1]




In the days of ancient Egypt, Set was an evil alien who had been exiled from his home world alongside two other aliens named Thoth and Hathor. Arriving on Earth to take advantage of the primitive humans, Set and his associates posed as deities and Set made the population built them a pyramid.

Secret of the Gods[]

During their rule, Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose arrived from Mobius through the Ring of Eternity, and delayed the construction of the pyramid. Set then attempted to destroy the two, which got him lectured by his comrades. Set was then defeated by Sonic, who took his Staff of Power, and his slaves realized he was a false god and abandoned him. Sonic then tossed away Set’s staff and returned to Mobius with Amy through the Ring of Eternity. After Set reclaimed his staff, Thoth suggested that they leave Earth, but Set refused to give up and used his staff to zap Thoth and Hathor. Set then ran through the Ring of Eternity’s portal to Mobius before it closed, announcing to Sonic, Amy, and Tekno that he would conquer their world, instead. Tekno tried to suck Set into the Ring of Eternity, but the ring was not powerful enough to suck him in. However, Sonic used a Spin Attack to knock Set back into the Ring, banishing him to the Limbo Dimension.[1]


Set is a very cruel and power-hungry individual, desiring to enslave a planet and destroy anyone who opposes him. Set is so cruel that he would even attack his own allies for disagreeing with him. Set is also very arrogant, demanding that people bow to him and calls people from other worlds 'primitive'.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

Set is durable enough to survive being hit by a Spin Attack with seemingly no injuries.[1]


Set's weapon of choice is the Staff of Power, which could fire explosive, yellow energy beams. Set also possessed a hovering platform he could fly around on.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Sonic the Comic #169, "Secret of the Gods"

External links[]
