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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Running Skill[1] is a mechanic that appears in Sonic Battle. It is a category of skill-based moves that the playable characters use to determine the velocity of their Map movements.


Running Skills are techniques that determine the velocity of the playable characters' movements during combat. Essentially, they tell how fast a playable character is able to run during a match.

While all Running Skills are the same in function, they are determined by their Speed; the higher it is, the faster and better the Running Skill will be. Conversely, Power is (almost) always kept at a minimum, since Running Skills cannot perform attacks on their own. As such, they are passive moves that are always active and do not need to be activated by the player.

List of Running Skills[]

Name Number Icon Skill Points to enable Power Speed
Amy Run 105 SBSKILLamyrun 15 1 6
Chaos Run 168 SBSKILLchaosrun 5 1
Cream Run 126 SBSKILLcreamrun 10 4
Knuckles Run 042 SBSKILLknucklesrun 10 3
Rouge Run 084 SBSKILLrougerun 15 5
Run Skill 189 SBSKILLrunskill N/A 1
Shadow Run 063 SBSKILLshadowrun 20 8
Sonic Run 000 SBSKILLsonicrun 20 7
Tails Run 021 SBSKILLtailsrun 15 6
Ult. Run Skill 210 SBSKILLultrunskill 30 9
Walk Mode 147 SBSKILLwalkmode 5 1 2


  • The Sonic Run, in which the user runs at supersonic speeds (around 915-3,806 mph), has seven "Speed" units. If these units can be used as a measurement of speed for Running Skills, then each one of them equals around 130-543 mph.


  1. Sonic Battle (Game Boy Advance) United States instruction booklet, pg. 17.
