The Rouge Trooper[1] is an antagonist that appears in the Sonic Prime television series. It is a mass-produced Rouge-based robot model created from Alpha Grim Rouge's interaction with Prism Energy. It serves as part of the Grim Troopers.
Rouge Trooper's generally resembles a recolored version of Alpha Grim Rouge, possessing a similar build, but with notable differences. Rouge Trooper's wrists and shoulders are noticeably pronounced, a vent is featured in its chest, and its wings are sharper to defy Rouge's flight skills Rouge Troopers also features a similar coloration compared to Alpha Grim Rouge, featuring dark red and gold plating, with glowing white eyes and lights.
TV series[]
Season 3[]
When Nine was outnumbered, he would create an army of Grim Troopers being cloned from Alpha Grim Rouge. The Resistance, Scavengers, the Kraken's crew and the Chaos Council fought them but the Grim Troopers managed to eliminate Mangey and Sails. Later on, it would be discovered that to get rid of the Grim Troopers you will have to destroy the Alpha's but they job was to guard the Citadel while the Troopers fight. The heroes would successfully take out all the Alpha's and Troopers.[2][3][4]
Similar to the Alpha's they very little personality, due to being only made to be an obedient servant to Nine, never talking, and only showing emotion through its eyes. However, it does still display fear.
Powers and abilities[]
Rouge Trooper's sports most of the abilities of its Alpha. most of its abilities are weaker than the Alpha. Rouge troopers has enhanced strength and is skilled flight. Rouge Trooper also has a degree of durability, being able to easily withstand punches from Sonic and the heroes.
In comparison to Alpha Grim Rouge, the Rouge Trooper is significantly less durable, and will usually be left in a destroyed or deactivated state by a single direct hit.
- Alpha Grim Amy
- Alpha Grim Birdie
- Alpha Grim Knuckles
- Alpha Grim Rouge
- Alpha Grim Sonic
- Grim Big
- Grim Troopers
- Nine
- The Kraken's crew
- Knuckles the Dread
- Batten Rouge (No Place counterpart)
- Black Rose
- Catfish
- Froggy
- Rusty Rose
- Sails Tails
- Chaos Council
- Jack
- Resistance
- Rebel Rouge (New Yoke City counterpart)
- Renegade Knucks
- Denizen 1998
- Froggy
- Squad Commander Red
- Scavengers
- Thorn Rose
- Mangey Tails
- Gnarly Knuckles
- Prim Rouge (Boscage Maze counterpart)
- Hangry Cat
- Froggy
- Birdie
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- ↑ Jakks Pacific The Grim 2.5" articulated figure collection, packaging back cover.
- ↑ Nine's Lives
- ↑ Home Sick Home
- ↑ The Devil Is in the Tails