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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Rhino Jet[1] (リノジェット[2] Rino Jetto?) is an enemy that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a robot deployed by the Guardian Units of Nations, and is a part of the Rhino Series.


The Rhino Jet is a rectangular tank-like robot that is colored mostly black and grey. It has black tank treads on both sides underneath, jet exhausts on either side of its head, and a "head" similar in appearance to a Mono Beetle that hangs out from the front with the G.U.N. logo and number "03" emblazoned on it.


In Sonic Adventure 2, the Rhino Jet usually patrols a set area, but will rev up and ram into the player should they approach. Upon its destruction, it awards the player 100 points.

The Rhino Jet appears in the following stages:

Character Stage
Normal mode Hard mode
Knuckles Wild Canyon N/A
Dr. Eggman Sand Ocean
Lost Colony



  1. Prima Development (20 June 2001). "Enemies" (in English). Sonic Adventure 2: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Prima Games. p. 16. ISBN 978-0761536147.
  2. "Enemies" (in Japanese). Sonic Adventure 2 Hero/Dark Manual. SoftBank. July 16, 2001. p. 28. ISBN 978-4797317152.

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