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Pure Chaos (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic X episode, "Pure Chaos".

Narrator: Last time on Sonic X, after tricking Knuckles into giving him the six Chaos Emeralds, Dr. Eggman kidnapped Chris, holding him hostage on the Egg Fort II. Soon, Dr. Eggman's robot Lucky returned with the seventh Emerald, but just as Eggman was about to grab it, Sonic showed up to thwart his plan. Determined to get the last Emerald, Eggman transformed the Egg Fort II into the Eggsterminator, a gargantuan super bot powered by the Chaos Emeralds. The Eggsterminator captured Sonic, but Chris broke free and grabbed the Emeralds, only to find himself rescued by Rouge the Bat. But things got slippery, and Rouge dropped the Emeralds into the sea. All seven Emeralds came together, and it was Chaos Control time. Were Sonic and his friends sent back home to their planet? Are Tails and Chuck with them? Or did something even more unbelievable happen? There's only one way to find out. Stay tuned.

[Scene: Jungle]

[A ball of light strikes the ground, rousing Big the Cat and his frog friend Froggy. Froggy leaps off of Big and heads towards the area where the explosion occurred.]
Big: Wait for me, Froggy!
[Big stumbles after Froggy and arrives at the spot.]
Big: You're trying to tell me something.
[In the midst of the displaced rocks is the purple Chaos Emerald.]
Big: Wow, what's this?
[He picks it up.]
Big: Sure is pretty. Somebody must have dropped it. Finders keepers, right, pal?
[As Big is admiring the Chaos Emerald, a strange fluid pours out of the rocks and forces itself inside Froggy.]
Big: Uh... What's the matter, little buddy?
[Froggy suddenly grows a tail.]
Big: Hey, am I seeing things? You're growing a tail!
[Big leaps up and eats the Chaos Emerald out of Big's hand, causing him to fall over.]

[Scene Change: Air Force One]

[Air Force One flies through the now-clearing skies. An aide, the GUN Commander, the Director of Central Intelligence, Topaz, Rouge, Christina Cooper, and Mr. Stewart stand before the President.]
President: It's been six months, and I still don't understand. What happened when the Chaos Emeralds came together?
Aide: Sonic and his friends thought that Chaos Control would send them back to their home planet, but a piece of their planet was sent here instead.
Christina: Still, our citizens appear to be taking it all in stride, Mr. President. In fact, plans to turn Mystic Ruins into a world-famous tourist attraction is sure to be a great boost to the economy.
President: Maybe so, but one thing still has me worried: Dr. Eggman.
Director of Central Intelligence: I wouldn't worry about that, Mr. President. We've got intelligence teams all over the globe tracking his whereabouts. Plans are also underway to install a new network of surveillance satellites.
President: Really?
Rouge: Right. But no matter how you spin it, you still haven't managed to catch him.
Topaz: Rouge, please.
Rouge: It's true, isn't it? Who cares about agents and satellites? Why don't we all admit that he's just too smart for us?
President: Rouge is right. In all this time since Chaos Control happened, we haven't heard a peep out of him.
Rouge: Isn't it obvious? He's taking a little break to plot his next move.
President: That must be it.
Director of Central Intelligence: I well understand your frustration, Mr. President. We won't let you down, sir.
President: See that you don't. Oh, and one more thing. How are Sonic and his little friends doing anyway?
Mr. Stewart: Here, sir.
[Mr. Stewart steps forward with photographs of Sonic's friends.]
Mr. Stewart: From these pictures, you can see they're all doing fine.

[Scene Change: Thorndyke Mansion - Dining room]

[Ella and Tanaka are serving breakfast to Chuck, Chris, Cream, and Cheese.]
Chuck: [To Ella] Delectable as always. I don't know how you do it, Ella.
Ella: And you never will. It's my secret recipe.
[Tanaka offers toast to Cream and Cheese.]
Tanaka: Would you like some toast with your scrambled eggs, Miss Cream?
Cream: Yes, please. And some for Cheese.
[Cheese, who has been drinking juice, stops drinking and accepts the toast. Chris giggles.]
Chuck: I was wondering if you had to stay after school for anything special today.
Chris: Not today, Grandpa. Why do you ask?
Chuck: How would you like to come to Mystic Ruins with me? I've been meaning to test out a new aircraft model at Tails' workshop there and thought you might like to join me.
Chris: Sorry, Grandpa, but I'm meeting my mom downtown after school. Isn't that right, Cream?
Cream: Yeah. It's true. She says she wants to show us something.
Chuck: Aaahhh... It'll be good for you to spend some quality time together.
[He and Cream laugh.]
Chris: Yeah. We've got a lot to catch up on.
[He finishes drinking his beverage.]
Chris: I'd better get going.
[He gets up and heads for the door.]
Tanaka: So long, Master Chris.
Ella: You study hard now. We'll see you at dinner time.
Chris: Okay!
[He heads outside and looks up at the sky.]
Chris: I know you're out there, Sonic. I sure hope you're okay...

[Scene Change: Canyon]

[Sonic is standing at the summit of the canyon. He whistles and listens to the sound travel through the canyon.]

[Scene Change: Apartment building]

[Amy is sipping tea by the window and watching Scarlet Garcia.]
Scarlet: Not long ago, this tranquil spot was the center of a raging battle. Today, the sea is calm and peaceful, and there is no sign of the disturbance that took place six months ago.
Amy: [To herself] It's no fun being all by myself. Nobody to talk to. [sighs, then talks out loud] It was so great having my friends with me.
[There are a few flashbacks of some of her adventures, most of them from Cruise Blues.]
Amy: It was all so exciting. Every day was like a new adventure, and even when Sonic made me mad, which was most of the time, I always felt safe around him. But all that was before Sonic had to go and disappear without a trace!
[Amy shouts out the window.]
Neighbor: Hey, keep it down! I need to break out to the authorities!
Amy: Sorry!
[Amy shuts the window]
Amy: Why should I worry? Sonic will come back for me one day, I know he will!
[She is then distracted by Scarlet.]
Scarlet: Officials are still unsure as to the whereabouts of Dr. Eggman. His location still remains a mystery.

[Scene Change: Eggman's base]

[Four of Dr. Eggman's latest robots, E-101 Beta, E-102 Gamma, E-103 Delta and E-104 Epsilon are nearly complete. He loads the last Flicky into a capsule before robotic arms move the capsules into the new robots.]
Dr. Eggman: Activate the main power surge now!
[The robots activate and step forward. A large door appears in front of them, revealing multiple Sonic targets.]
Dr. Eggman: Let's have a bit of target practice! Haha!
[They fire at the Sonic targets, destroying them. Eggman laughs gleefully.]
Dr. Eggman: Not too shabby, I'd say!
[Eggman, Bocoe, and Decoe head down to the robots' level.]
Decoe: Your new robots are working perfectly, Doctor.
Bocoe: Who would have thought of robots with animals built inside?
Bocoe and Decoe: Ah, he did it! He did it! [Shake hands]
Dr. Eggman: I am a genius! Hahaaa!
[He walks up to the first robot, numbered E-101.]
Dr. Eggman: I've really outdone myself this time. Have you ever seen such exquisitely evil creatures? I feel like a proud papa. You, my pets, are the first of my brilliant new E-Series robots. You are programmed to receive orders only from me.
[Decoe is typing on a laptop.]
Decoe: And now it is time for the roll call. First up: E-101: Beta. E-102: Gamma. E-103 Delta. E-104 Epsilon.
[Eggman chuckles.]
Dr. Eggman: As far as the names go, it's all Greek to me. Now to create a bit of chaos.
[He runs over to a red Chaos Emerald he has been storing in a glass box.]

[Scene Change: The ocean]

[From out of the depths of the ocean, a massive battleship rises.]
Dr. Eggman: Ah, my sleekly-designed brand-spanking-new multi-functional flying fortress handles like a dream!
[Eggman is holding the Chaos Emerald, still in its box.]
Dr. Eggman: All right, Egg Carrier.. heheheh... Blast off!
[The Egg Carrier's wings and other components fold and move into position as the engines activate. Eggman raises the Chaos Emerald.]
Dr. Eggman: I'm back! And this time, nothing will stand in my way!

[Scene Change: Lindsey's house]

[Chris, Cream, and Cheese are meeting with Lindsey. On the table between them she has a box containing the yellow Chaos Emerald.]
Lindsey: Do you like it?
Chris: Sure I like it. It's amazing! Where'd you find it?
Lindsey: I saw it in a jewelry shop last week, and just had to have it. But it doesn't really match any of my outfits. Here, it's yours.
[She holds the Emerald out to Cream.]
Cream: That's awfully generous.
Lindsey: It would look perfect with your coloring.
Chris: We could sure use it.
Cheese: Chao chao!
Lindsey: It's settled then.
[She puts the Emerald back.]
Lindsey: Now if only we could get you out of that dreadful bunny costume and into a smart suit.
Cream: What?
Chris: But Mom, that's not a costume. Cream is a--
[But he is interrupted when Lindsey's phone rings. She answers it.]
Lindsey: Hi. ... Right now? ... Fine, I'll be there. Wait for me.
[She hangs up.]
Lindsey: Oh, Mommy hates to rush off like this, but trouble on the set. Apparently they have to recast the dog.
Chris: It's okay. I understand. We'll do it another time.
Lindsey: Mommy loves you.
[She hugs and kisses Chris.]
Lindsey: Goodbye, sweetheart.
[She walks away. Cream follows with the Chaos Emerald.]
Cream: Thank you very much!

[Scene Change: Station Square, day]

[Soon, Chris and Cream are out on the streets.]
Cream: Chris, it's so pretty...
Chris: I can't believe it's in a jewelry store. Let's take it home and show Sonic.
Cream: Okay.
Cheese: Chao chao!
[But as they walk home, Froggy appears out of nowhere and collides with Cheese, sending them to the ground. Cream rushes over to make sure Cheese is all right.]
Cream: Cheese!
[Cheese opens his eyes.]
Chris: Are you okay? Hey, what's this?
[Chris picks up Froggy.]
Cream: It looks like a frog, but it's got a tail.
[Suddenly they hear heavy footsteps.]
Big: [Off-screen] Hey, Froggy!
[Chris and Cream turn to see Big stumble into them, crushing them. During the commotion, Froggy takes off again.]
Big: Here, Froggy... Please don't go away! [Sadly] My buddy!
Chris: Sorry, mister. Your little frog friend got tangled up with our little Chao friend.
[Big tilts his head.]
Cream: You look like you're kind of lost.
[Again Big tilts his head. Cream sweatdrops and giggles. Later, it is sunset, and Chris and Cream are exasperated.]
Chris: Let's try this again. So your name is Big, and you came here with your friend Froggy. Is that what you're saying?
[Big slowly nods. Chris and Cream glance at each other.]
Chris: Told you we could get to the bottom of this.
Big: But there's just one thing.
[Chris and Cream are surprised. Big leans in closer.]
Big: That isn't Froggy.
[Chris and Cream become exasperated again. Big begins to cry.]
Big: He's gone. Poor Froggy. What if I never find him?
[He wipes away his tears.]
Chris: Don't worry, Big. You'll find Froggy again. We'll help you.
Cream: Would you like us to help you find him?
Big: That would be nice.
[Soon the group is looking for Froggy.]
Chris: Froggy!
Cream: Froggy!
Chris: Where are you?
Big: Froggy!
Cheese: Chao chao!
[They look behind a bush.]
Cream: Froggy?
[Big looks down a manhole.]
Big: Froggy?
[It is now nighttime.]
Chris: We've been out here looking for hours.
Big: Hey, are you out here, little buddy?
[Big thinks he hears a noise coming from a bush.]
Big: Is that you, Froggy?
[But instead of Froggy, a mysterious liquid comes from the bush and moves in front of the group.]
Cream: I don't think that's him.
Big: That looks like the same stuff Froggy swallowed.
Chris: You've seen this before?
Big: I saw him drink it, and then Froggy grew a tail.
[Suddenly the liquid begins changing shape.]
Chris: Aah!
[The liquid changes into a humanoid shape with a visible brain and glowing green eyes.]
Cheese: [Excited] Chao! Chao-chao! Chao!
[She scoops up Cheese. The liquid turns to face Cream who is surprised.]
Chris: Don't move. Just keep calm.
[It begins snapping light poles and trees in half, causing the civilians to flee.]
Chris: We'd better make a run for it while it's not looking! Come on, let's go!
Cream: Okay. Come on!
[She scoops up Cheese.]
Big: Froggy...
[As they flee, Sonic leaps onto a skyscraper. He whistles, then gives a thumbs up.]
Sonic: Alright! Thought I was gone for good, didn't ya?
[He looks down to see several police cars on the move.]
Sonic: Huh? Uh-oh...
[Sonic looks up to see a fleet of helicopters also on the move. Soon the police force keep the civilians back and aim guns at the liquid which is starting to emerge from the sewer.]
Police officer: Everybody stay back!
Chris: Ah! That creature!
[A police officer pushes Chris back.]
Police Officer: Stay back, kid!
Big: We're in trouble!
[The liquid emerges from the manhole and approaches the officers.]
Police Officer: All right, get ready, boys!
[The officers move back.]
Police Officer 1: What is it?
Police Officer 2: Run!
[The liquid strikes the hoods of two police cars, then turns back to the officers.]
Police Captain: [To the crowd] Come on! Come on! Come on!
[The onlookers scream and run. In a moment Sonic lands in front of the liquid.]
Sonic: I see you have a brain, pal, so you better use it!
[Chris, Cream and Big stop running.]
Chris: Sonic!
Sonic: Hey buddy, good to see ya.
Chris: Sonic, behind you!
[Sonic dodges the liquid's swipe attack by leaping high into the air, then lands squarely on the liquid's brain, but bounces off and lands in front of the others.]
Chris: Careful, Sonic! Whatever it is, it's dangerous!
[Sonic dodges another attack, then runs up a skyscraper. He homing-attacks the liquid, causing it to collapse back into a puddle. Sonic lands on top of a light pole.]
Cream and Chris: Alright!
Cheese: Chao chao!
Cream: Oh, look what it's doing!
[Everyone heads over to see the liquid retreating back into the sewer.]
Cream: It's melting away!
Sonic: Can't take the heat, huh?
[A bright searchlight covers them. They look up to see Eggman. Cream gasps.]
Dr. Eggman: I hope you do forgive me for dropping in unannounced this way, but I simply couldn't miss out on the excitement!
Sonic: Look who's back in town.
Dr. Eggman: Yes, I took a six-month Chaos Control break, but now I'm rested and ready to rumble!
Cream: Go away, Eggman! Haven't you caused enough trouble?
Dr. Eggman: One can never cause enough trouble, my dear, as you will soon see.
[Eggman presses a button, and a hand extends down from the Eggmobile and takes the Chaos Emerald from Cream.]
Chris: The Emerald!
Dr. Eggman: Here, Chaos, have a little snack!
[The Eggmobile's hand tosses the Chaos Emerald on top of the puddle, which has not fully gone into the sewer. It morphs and changes into a stronger version of its humanoid self.]
Dr. Eggman: He sure grows on ya, doesn't he? [Laughs] You see, Sonic, this new shapeshifting form of Chaos gails more and more power with each Chaos Emerald I feed it!
Sonic: Chaos?
Dr. Eggman: That's right. This charming creature is made of pure chaos, and he's under my control! Soon the day will come when I have all seven Chaos Emeralds in my possession, and when that happens, we'll be unstoppable!
[That's right. This charming creature is made of pure chaos, and he's under my control! Soon the day will come when I have all seven Chaos Emeralds in my possession, and when that happens, we'll be unstoppable! ]
Sonic: Back off, pal.
Dr. Eggman: Sorry, Sonic. It only takes orders from me. Now get him!
[Chaos opens and closes its claws, and sends one flying at Sonic.]
Knuckles: [Off-screen] Not so fast!
[Knuckles appears and interrupts the attack.]
Sonic: Knuckles!
Knuckles: All right, Eggman! What did you do with the Master Emerald?!
Chris: Knuckles, did something happen to the Master Emerald?
Knuckles: Yeah, you might say that.
[He finally notices Sonic's presence.]
Knuckles: Sonic. What are you doing here?
Sonic: I might ask you the same thing.
Knuckles: I'm here to talk to Eggman. See, I've got a couple pressing questions only he can answer.
Dr. Eggman: I would love to help you, Knuckles, but right now, it's feeding time.
[He holds up the red Chaos Emerald.]
Knuckles: A Chaos Emerald!
Dr. Eggman: He has such a healthy appetite.
[Eggman tosses the emerald to Chaos, who catches it. Chaos absorbs the Chaos Emerald, and changes shape slightly, making it even stronger.]
Sonic: It just keeps getting bigger!
Chris: Look out!
[Chaos slams its fist down at Sonic and Knuckles, but they leap out of the way. Sonic jumps onto a telephone booth, then attempts to home attack Chaos, but it electrifies itself, and Sonic is sent flying backward. Knuckles attempts to punch Chaos, but he is swatted away. Sonic dodges Chaos as it fires a powerful water jet at him, then the hedgehog picks up Knuckles and leaps to safety atop a market sign.]
Sonic: It's some kind of strange new form of pure chaos that gets bigger every time Dr. Eggman gives it a Chaos Emerald.
[They are forced to get down when Chaos fires another water jet that slices through palm trees. Chris narrowly avoids the water jet. Chaos then sprays the water 360ยฐ, destroying a few buildings.]
Dr. Eggman: That's right. Trash everything.
[Sonic and Knuckles nod to each other. Soon Sonic is dodging water blasts.]
Dr. Eggman: Gah!
Sonic: Whoa!
[As Knuckles comes up from the other side of Chaos, Sonic runs up a nearby building. Knuckles attempts to punch Chaos, but the water creature creates an electric field around itself once more. No damage is done, and Knuckles is electrocuted and sent flying backwards. Sonic attempts to spin into Chaos for a prolonged amount of time, but is also blasted away.]
Dr. Eggman: He's shocking, isn't he? And that's what he's like with only two measly Emeralds!
Knuckles: He doesn't scare me.
Sonic: Yeah, me neither.
[Sonic and Knuckles go at Chaos together.]
Knuckles: Look out!
[Chaos once again generates its electric field.]
Knuckles: You're finished!
[However, Knuckles keeps going.]
Knuckles: Bye-bye!
[Chaos disables its electric field and uses its bulk to block Knuckles. Then it reactivates the field, but shows signs of weakening.]
Dr. Eggman: [Gasps] Sonic!
[Sonic runs all over the city to disable the electric field before spinning through Chaos, who falls defeated. Eggman cries out in alarm. Cheering, Chris, Cream, and Big run over to Sonic and Knuckles.]
Chris: Sonic! Knuckles! You did it!
Cheese: Chao chao chao chao!
Dr. Eggman: Think you beat me, eh? Don't be so sure! I've got more chaos where that came from!
[He uses a tractor beam to capture Chaos, which has been reverted to its puddle form.]
Knuckles: We'll handle anything you come up with! Just bring it on!
[Eggman flees.]
Chris: You guys... I've got a bad feeling...
Cream: Me too... What if that Chaos creature gets stronger?
[A depressed Big sighs.]
Cheese: Chao...
[Sonic looks out to the city. Lightning flashes across the sky.]
Sonic: We'll see.
[The episode ends.]
