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The mini-boss is fought in a room with five hydraulic pistons suspended high above the grounded steel platform.
The Badnik will presss down on a black switch, which causes some of the pistons wobble for a brief moment, then after a short while, those pistons will press against the platform. These pistons will crush and instantly defeat the playable character if they are caught. This attack is performed twice in succession. The player must take shelter under a non-wobbling piston (which will not press). After hitting it once, the Badnik will make four out of the five pistons will crush down at once.
After the piston attack, the Badnik will swing onto the high steel bar in the foreground, then cover itself with electricity as it vertically drops down to the ground platform. It will then launch itself and grab onto another part of the ground platform. Afterwards, it will pop its head out for a few moments before repeating this attack. During this brief window, the player will be able to hit the Badnik's head to damage it. After the player damages the Badnik, it will then switch over to its piston attack.
After it is hit twice, the Badnik will then perform the following attack after its piston attack. The Badnik will fire several electrical energy balls out of its "ears" in different directions. The player must hit the Badnik's head once more to destroy it and complete the boss fight. The player can then head over to the Goal Plate to clear Act 1.