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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Power Rod (パワーロッド Pawāroddo?) is an optional Level Up Item for Big the Cat in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.


The Power Rod is a stronger and better version of Big's normal Fishing Rod, possessing a yellow-and-black striped metal rod. It allows Big to cast his lure further out in ponds than before, thus making it possible for Big to catch fish that are further from his location.


The Power Rod is located in Mystic Ruins and can be obtained at any point in the story after beating Twinkle Park. It is found in Big's hut in the jungle area, under Big's bed. The player can go to Big's hut at any chosen point in time and simply move his bed to obtain the Power Rod.


  • It is interesting to note that the Power Rod is seen at the very beginning of Big's Story; in the first cutscene, the player can see it directly underneath Big's bed. Because of this, Big technically has the Power Rod before the game starts.



Main article · Scripts (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma, Super Sonic) · Story Screens (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma) · Credits · Glitches · Beta elements · Gallery · Pre-releases (Limited Edition, DX Demo Version) · Re-releases (DX, 2010)

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