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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic the Hedgehog (manga) continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Omelettes (オムレッツ Omurettsu?) is an antagonist that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog serialized manga published by Shogakukan. He is an egg cooker-shaped robot built by Dr. Eggman to help with his schemes.


Omelettes is a stout red and yellow egg cooker-shaped robot. Aside from his general egg cooker shape, he has segmented metallic limbs with hands designed to look like he is wearing white gloves, pointed feet, and eyes that protrude outward from his "face". He also has a compartment located in his middle section, which serves the duel feature of storing smaller, explosive robots and being where his fuel source, fried eggs, is inserted. In place of where a handle on real egg cooker would be is a button meant to release and activate the smaller robots inside him when pressed. Below the compartment is a belt with a buckle where a screwdriver is sometimes holstered.



Omelettes is a loyal and eager-to-please assistant to his creator Dr. Eggman. However, his eagerness and generally bumbling nature can sometimes lead to him accidentally messing up his creator's plans. Although easily bewildered and often mistreated, he is relatively unfazed by Eggman's outbursts and shows no qualms or hesitance in helping out with schemes. Despite the enthusiasm and admiration he has for his creator, he also has a habit of accidentally disrespecting him by ignoring his title of "doctor."




In other media[]

Books and comics[]

IDW Publishing[]


Omelettes' cameo from Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Special.

Omelettes makes a minor cameo in the background of a single panel in the Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Special story "Sonic Learns to Drive".



Manga images[]
