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No Way Out (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "No Way Out".

[Scene: The Void]

[The mothership transports through the Void, hitting rocks along the way. Shadow blinks and scolds as he watches on.]
Shadow: Hmm.
[Inside, Dr. Don't is on the pilot seat while Mr. Dr. Eggman takes a backseat.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Gah. All this debris is slowing us down! Someone take care of it. Now! [Cannons fire from the vehicle, destroying the rocks. Dr. Babble babbles while he is playing a Space Invaders-style video game.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Hmm.
[He turn around. On the other side is a generator occupying two Prism Shards, an Eggforcer and Tails Nine typing on the keypad.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Mothership, play audiobook.
Mothership Siri: Playing The Art of World Domination. Chapter One. Posture matters. [Tails Nine scoffs.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Mothership, stop audiobook! [To Tails Nine] Smirk while you can, rat. Soon the Chaos Council will have a third Shard in our grasp. Pray we still require your assistance when that happens.
Tails Nine: As long as Sonic is out there, you'll need all the help you can get.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Zip it! The only noise I want to hear is the sound of you upgrading the Shatterdrive to contain more prism energy!
[The mothership rumbles, knocking him off his seat and flat on his face, dropping his wig. He gets back up, donning his wig.] Oh, for the love of... [To Tails Nine] Don't get any funny ideas.
Tails Nine: I wouldn't dream of it. [as Mr. Dr. Eggman leaves, his Regulator chimes] Nine to Sonic, can you hear me? Nine to Sonic, can you hear me?!

[Scene Change: No Place]

Knuckles the Dread: [Off-screen; to Sonic] Last chance, Blue! [Cuts to him threatening to take the Prism Shard off his hands.] The Shard, or your life! [Sonic's Regulator chimes]
Tails Nine: [Over regulator] Sonic! Can you hear me? Are you okay?
Knuckles the Dread: He be anything but okay, me boyo.
Tails Nine: Who was that?
Sonic: [Sweetly] Sorry, little buddy, I'm gonna need to call you back in like five...
[Captain Dread points the sword at the Prism Shard.]
Knuckles the Dread: That treasure be mine.
Sonic: [On Regulator] Ten minutes.
[The whole of Angel's Voyage crew step closer and threaten Sonic.]

[The opening logo displays on screen]

Sonic: Dread, what are you doing? This wasn't part of the plan!
Knuckles the Dread: The plan's changed when you deserted us.
[He attacks Sonic, forcing him to retreat with the shard.]
Sonic: [Grunts] Deserted you? Wait, is that why you're all so mad? Dread, tell them! I was coming right back.
Black Rose: [Aiming her weapon at him] Not how it looked to us.
Sonic: You know what? That stings. Especially since I'm standing right here, proving that I did come back!
Batten Rouge: He makes a good point.
Sonic: Look, I'm not a traitor, but right now, I need to take this shard and get... [Captain Dread attacks Sonic again, forcing him to retreat.] Hey!
Knuckles the Dread: More lies!
[Sonic runs to the other side of the ship protecting the shard and dodging attacks by the crew.]
Sonic: Respect. My. Boundaries! I expected Dread to take this hard, but what's with the rest of you?
Sails Tails: You're a lousy traitor who abandoned your crew in battle!
Sonic: I didn't abandon you! Dread told me to get the Shard, and he w...
Knuckles the Dread: He's lying! [Jumps in front of the crew and threatens Sonic by swinging and pointing his sword.] Now give me the treasure.
Sonic: Well, when you put it that way. [As Knuckles the Dread evilly grins at him, Sonic balances the shard on one finger and sticks his tongue out, blowing a raspberry before carrying the gem out to sea, running away with it.]
Knuckles the Dread: After him! [To Rusty Rose] Get this bucket of bolts in the air!
Rusty Rose: This ship can move, but is too damaged to fly, captain.
Black Rose: Until she can do the repairs.
Knuckles the Dread: Argh. Prepare the crew. We're taking this thing down.
[Eggforcer are seen repairing the ship. Dr. Done-It sees Sonic through his binoculars.]
Dr. Done It: The blue rat is abandoning ship! [He then sees Dr. Deep's huge backside.] Oh, for the love of quiche! Do you have to do that right now?
[Dr. Deep is doing yoga.]
Dr. Deep: It relaxes me. Besides, it's not like I can do anything else with our ship dead in the water. Thank goodness the rest of the Chaos Council doesn't know about our "predicament".
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Over radio] Yes, well, they are nimrods.
Dr. Don't: We're patched in.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Oh! Uh, ahem. Mothership to Yolkomotive, we're en-route, are you in position? I repeat en-route.
Dr. Done-It: [On radio, in panicked gibberish] No problems here! We'll be there with bells on, with the Shard in our possession.
[The radio buzzes]
Dr. Deep: [Annoyed] Urgh! We need to move! How much longer until we're operational?
Dr. Done-It: [Puts on his goggles] I've already programmed them to do the repairs. Just relax and do your yogurt.
Dr. Deep: It's yoga!

[Scene: No Place]

[Sonic is running along the water, trying to hold the slippery shard.]
Sonic: Ah! I'll never hit top speed juggling this thing around!
[Comes to a halt.]
Sonic: All this water, it's just not natural. I always feel like something's gonna come up out of the darkness and... [Hears a vehicle coming from below.] What is that? [Sonic yells and he is being shunted by the Yolkomotive and tossed up high in the sky. Inside, the crew inside the cockpit all yell too, but Rusty Rose attaches both arms between the ceiling and the floor. Meanwhile, Sonic manages to catch the shard in mid-air.]
Sonic: Whoa-oa-oa-oa!
[He lands in the water again and makes a run for it with the shard.]

[Scene Change: Yolkomotive]

[Sonic's actions are being monitored by the crew.]
Knuckles the Dread: Ar! I knew we'd catch him by surprise.
Rusty Rose: Captain, the Kracken is still damaged, and this type of extreme maneuvering is not advisable.
Knuckles the Dread: If she falls apart, I know who ta blame. [Rusty Rose and Black Rose look at each other sternly, thinking their counterpart's the one to blame.] Everyone on deck! [The back door opens and the rest of the crew run towards the deck.] And keep your eyes peeled for that blue treasure thief!

[Scene Change: Void]

[The Mothership destroys rocks with its cannon, while being watched by Shadow. He jumps and bounces off a rock, luring it into one of the turbines, which breaks. Inside, Tails Nine feels the quake effect inside the vehicle.]
Tails Nine: Huh?
Dr. Don't: Something definitely hit us.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Look out the window, Dr. Don't, something is always hitting us! [Another rock hits them.] Dr. Babble is doing the best he can. [Dr. Babble babbles gunshots and continues playing his video game. He then sways his controller.]
Dr. Don't: Why does he get to play games? He's a noob.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Because I need you to drive the ship.
[Another bang is heard, alerting the Council. Shadow kicks another rock into the Yolkomotive, hitting it and breaking another turbine. The screen beeps and signals the damaged turbines.]
Dr. Don't: Ugh! Bad RNG. I'm shutting it down before we blow.
[Presses buttons.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Annoyed] Fine! Send out a repair squad as well. [Slams his fists on the chair.] We don't have time for this!
[Shadow returns to the Portal.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: We'd better tell the others we're going to be delayed. Mothership to Yolkomotive, we've hit a snag!

[Scene Change: Yolkomotive]

Mr. Dr. Eggman: Slight delay.
Dr. Done-It: D-delayed!? What's takin' ya so long?! We're in position! [The camera zooms out to the Yolkomotive surrounded by a large area of sea.] We've been at the checkpoint for hours!

[Scene Change: No Place]

[Sonic - on dry land - hides behind a Palmtree watching the Yolkomotive swim past.]
Tails Nine: [Over Regulator] Nine to Sonic! Are you there?
Sonic: Nine?

[Scene Change: Inside the Mothership]

Tails Nine: Huh, finally. Tell me you have the Shard.
Sonic: You know it! Now all I gotta do is get this baby to the void.
Tails Nine: What are you waiting for? You have to hurry. The mothership has been stalled somehow-

[Scene Change: No Place]

Tails Nine: -but it's on it's way!
Sonic: Haha, I'm trying, but I've got a bit of a pirate problem at the moment.
Knuckles the Dread: We find me treasure or ye all be walking the plank!
[His crew head to their battle stations and aim their weapons.]
Sonic: Ugh, Dread's really losing it.
Tails Nine: Forget the pirates. Our reality is at stake. Stay on mission.
Sonic: Copy that, stay on mission--
[--at the same time, cannonfire destroys the Palmtree he is standing behind. Sonic looks and sees that it's a guilty-looking Catfish behind the cannon.]
Sonic: [Suspicious] You too, Catfish?
[The camera cuts to Catfish. Froggy, wearing an eye-patch, jumps off the cat's head and onto the cannon, pulling the trigger by kicking it multiple times. The bullets aim at Sonic, who starts running away with the Shard again, while Catfish still shows an embarrassed and nervous look on his face. Sonic is pursued by Captain Dread and his crew.]
Knuckles the Dread: You'll never escape with me treasure!
Black Rose: Open fire!
[Sails Tails and Batten Rouge shoot at Sonic, while he dodges the attacks. In slow motion, one bullet aims at the shard, causing Sonic to drop his jaw, fortunately for him, it misses the target. He Peels Out.]
Sonic: This totally seemed like it was going to be easy. [A white aura surrounds him.] Get the Shard and run fast, which I'm awesome at...
[Shadow's hologram appears behind Sonic.]
Sonic: Gyah!
Shadow: Who are you talking to?! I can see you have the Shard. Run faster and get out of there!
Sonic: Turns out it's hard to get up to full speed on water. [The aura vanishes.] Even with these kicks. Not to mention having [the aura with Shadow's hologram appears] pirates blasting at you!
Shadow: Then go where they can't blast you.
Sonic: I need solid ground. And I know just where to get it! By the time that ship gets here, I'll be a blip-- on the horizon.
[--A blip appears on the screen.]
Shadow: What was that about a blip?
[The camera zooms in, revealing it was Rusty Rose's activating the sensor and locking on to Sonic.]
Rusty Rose: Target acquired. Missiles locked.
Knuckles the Dread: You've been nicked, me hearty. And I'm coming for ye.
[One missile has been deployed, homing at Sonic.]
Sonic: [To the viewers] Gulp.
[At the last split second, Sonic skims the water on his hands. In slow motion, the missile near misses through his nose before passing by, causing it to explode on land. Batten Rouge shoots a series of bullets.]
Sonic: [While dodging bullets] You guys are gonna feel really bad about this later when you think back and remember how awful you were treating me, when I'm only trying to help!
Knuckles the Dread: Fire!
[A cluster of homing missiles are deployed at the same time towards Sonic.]
Sonic: Let's just say I'm glad I'm not you guys. [The camera cuts to the missile's view, Sonic looking behind in fear while he runs towards some land with a wall.] That guilt's going to be unbearable!
[Luring the missiles towards the wall, Sonic jumps at the last moment, causing them all to explode. He yells as he is blasted by the explosion, but lands back in the water. As soon as the smoke dies out, more missiles home in on him.]
Sonic: [Gasp of relief] Close one. [Looks behind from under his feet, seeing more missiles aimed at him, sand starts running.] Uwaaagh!
Knuckles the Dread: Ahhgh, hold still, you slippery eel!
Rusty Rose: The missiles are locked to Sonic's energy signature, captain. He won't be able to outrun them for long.
[Sonic, looking back at the missiles chasing him, swerves to the right, and then swerves left and right. The missiles copy his path perfectly.]
Sonic: [Annoyed as he continues swerving.] Why does everything have to be so difficult!?
[Sonic does a U-turn around a piece of land but once again, the missiles copy his path and continue chase him.]
Knuckles the Dread: Fire again!
[More missiles have be launched, forcing Sonic into a check scenario with missiles approaching him from both sides.]
Sonic: Uh-oh! [At the last moment, Sonic jumps, causing the missiles to explode each other. In slow-motion, Sonic screams as he is blasted and drops the shard in mid-air, while Angel's Voyage crew all scream as they are blasted. Despite this, Sonic lands in the sea and catches the shard in one hand.]
Sonic: Oh, yeah!
[He runs away with it.]
Knuckles the Dread: Arr! That blue treasure thief will pay for this!
[Rusty Rose types a few keys on her keypad.]
Black Rose: You okay?
Rusty Rose: No one has ever asked if I was okay. I am to be treated as a tool, not a...
Black Rose: Friend? I know the feeling. All I do is follow The Dread's orders, and where has that led me?
Knuckles the Dread: [Off-screen] Come on, you lazy sea dogs! We gotta get after that blue menace! We're gonna get me treasure back even if it kills ye!
[The two Amy counterparts look at each other in misery.]

[Scene Change: The Void]

[Shadow bounces his way towards to the top of the Mothership, watching the Eggforcers trying to repair the broken turbines. One of the turbines ignite a few times. Dr. Don't is monitoring the activity on his screen while Dr. Babble continues to play a video game. Inside his screen, Shadow bashes into and breaks one of the Eggforcers.]
Dr. Don't: Huh?
[He closes the screen and glows his goggles orange. An orange hologram appears above the robot's head. On the radar, Shadow dives into and defeats another Eggforcer.]
Dr. Don't: What was that?
[Shadow defeats another Eggforcer.]
Dr. Don't: What the?!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman arrives through the doors.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Angrily] What's going on in here?! Are you playing a game? Where are we at with the engine repairs?
Dr. Don't: [Panicking] There's... There's something out there!
[On the screen is a diagram of the still damaged turbines and a nearly full battery level.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Sixty-five percent! That's well within the operational range! [They try to spot the black something speeding around their mothership.] Fooling around with so much at stake!
[He presses a red button on the monitor's handlebar, igniting all the turbines. Dr. Don't suddenly falls flat on his back.]
Dr. Don't: [Off-screen] Aghhh!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [To Dr. Don't] I'm mad and disappointed!
[Shadow continues to observe the mothership.]

[Scene Change: No Place]

[Sonic is running into a rocky hideout while holding the shard, being chased by the Yolkomotive and the Council's vehicle.]
Dr. Done-It: What are we waitin' for? Let's attack! We can get the Shard and call it a day.
Dr. Deep: All in good time. Let them tire each other out. A divided enemy is an easy one to conquer.
Dr. Done-It: Bah! Your whole generation is afraid to work. And all your yogurt won't change a thing!
Dr. Deep: For the last time, it's yoga! Yoga! [Deep breath as he does a bit of yoga.] Now that I am centered, let's finish the job. I'm getting my suit!
[He leaves as Dr. Don't canes his way towards the controls.]
Dr. Done-It: Hoo-yeah! Pop-pop's got the wheel!
[The Yolkomotive hits a rock, causing Black Rose to almost fall off, only to be rescued by Rusty Rose.]
Black Rose: Oh! Thanks.
[Captain Dread arrives to meet them.]
Rusty Rose: Captain, I have restored flight capability. Perhaps we should leave the water?
Knuckles the Dread: Nay, I've got to stay low to keep an eye on me treasure. Fire!
[Three missiles home in on Sonic and the shard. He somersaults with an overhead kick, allowing the missiles to fly past him. He turns his back on the crew and taunts by wagging his finger.]
Sonic: Not even close!
[The missiles explode into the neck of the pointed rock, causing the pieces on top to topple and fall onto Sonic.]
Sonic: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
[Sonic tries to dodge the rocks, but it's too late, as he hits the rock and loses control of the shard, causing it to fly in the air. Sonic turns around and suddenly realizes what's happened.]
Sonic: Oh, no.
[The arm of Rusty Rose retrieves the shard and gives it to Captain Dread.]
Knuckles the Dread: At last.
[Furious and determined, Sonic jumps from rock to rock and confront Captain Dread and his crew.]
Sonic: I'll only ask this once. Give me back the Shard.
Knuckles the Dread: You'll have to do more than ask. If ye want the Shard you'll have to...
[Captain Dread uses the sword, with the shard's power, to shoot a laser at Sonic.]
Sonic: Fight for it?
Knuckles the Dread: Bring it on, Blue.
[Sonic engages in his combat pose. The crew watch him. Before the battle could get started, an explosion rocks Sonic, causing him to scream and blast into the wall, along with the rest of the cabin crew, and Captain Dread - whose shard falls out of his glove, watching it despairingly.]
Knuckles the Dread: No!
[The shard stops about a yard from Sonic's feet.]
Batten Rouge: What was that? Captain! We're hit!
[An aircraft appears with a swarm of Eggforcers in line with Dr. Deep.]
Dr. Deep: No need to fight, boys. The Shard is mine. Destroy them all, every one of them!
[The Eggforcers swarm down and attack Sonic and the crew, with one of them picking up the shard, only to be hit by Sonic's Homing attack, resulting in him holding the shard.]
Sonic: Ha-ha!
[Captain Dread clobbers Sonic and takes the shard from him.]
Knuckles the Dread: Aye.
[Using the power of the shard, he unleashes a sword laser, defeating one of the Eggforcers, however the robot's head hits his glove causing the shard to be tossed to the hand of another Eggforcer. Using the tazer, Sails Tails flies up and knocks the shard off the Eggforcer. It falls towards Catfish, who juggles with the shard before an Eggforcers hits him, causing it to get tossed up in the air once again. While an Eggforcer was trying to grab it, Froggy kicks the shard into Batten Rouge's hands.]
Batten Rouge: Yes!
[With laser fire aimed at her, she tries to dodge, but drops the shard as she does so, now into the hands of Rusty Rose, whom is standing back to back with Black Rose. The two Roses attack whatever they see while the shard appears under Black Rose's feet. An Eggforcer prods the shard with its arm, forcing her to block his arm. At the same time Rusty Rose picks up the shard, and unleashes her extended arm to take out the Eggforcer to Black Rose's surprise.]
Dr. Deep: Hyah!
[Dr. Deep punches the shard off of Rusty Rose's hands. It lands in between the feet of Captain Dread and Sonic. A double screen of the two rivals appears, separated by a forward slash. They run to and pick up the shard at the same time, while Rusty Rose kicks Dr. Deep in the background. The camera shows the looks on their faces, which look even more fierce. In the background, Dr. Deep kicks Rusty Rose, causing Sonic to notice and give him a worried look as in slow-motion, Rusty Rose is about to be crushed by an Eggforcer's attempted ground pound. Sonic relinquishes his grab and runs to the Eggforcer, while Knuckles grins gleefully at the Shard. Sonic kicks the Eggforcer out of the way and offers Rusty Rose a handshake.]
Sonic: You good?
Rusty Rose: Thank you.
Sonic: Uh... you're welcome?
[In the background, after Sails Tails is being chased by an Eggforcer, Black Rose battles Dr. Deep on the edge of the ship. Sonic Homing attacks Dr. Deep, causing him to fall onto the ship's turbine.]
Dr. Deep: Ouch!
[A swarm of Eggforcers surround the three crew members. Sonic pinballs into and breaks all of them. He then gives a thumb up to Batten Rouge and runs, standing next to Black Rose.]
Sonic: We're overmatched.
Black Rose: "We"?
Sonic: I left you all once, and I'm not making that mistake again. Where's the Shard?
Black Rose: There!
[The camera pans to Captain Dread. He laughs evilly while he holds the shard, while two Eggforcers appear behind him. He turns and uses the sword laser to stop one of the robots. While a battle between the crew and the Eggforcers go on, Captain Dread Glides away, abandoning ship. Black Rose points to him overhead.]
Black Rose: Dread is abandoning ship?
Dr. Done It: [Off-screen] Gah! The pirate's got the Shard! [The Council's ship deploy Eggforcers onto the Yolkomotive and go after Captain Dread.] Get him!
[Dr. Deep recovers and follows the Council's ship. The camera cuts to Sonic and the two Roses, all looking determined.]
Rusty Rose: The Shard must not fall into the Council's hands.
Sonic: [To Rusty Rose] But you...
Black Rose: [Restrains Sonic's arm] We'll be fine after that rock is gone. [Lets go] Get after him, Sonic.
[Sonic sets off to find him and peels out over the sea. Knuckles the Dread, holding the shard, looks over at the mountain where it was originally found.]
Sonic: Dread!
[Captain Dread turns around after being distracted by Sonic standing on a rock.]
Sonic: [Snapping] Is this who you really are? A coward who abandons his crew?!
Knuckles the Dread: A captain makes sacrifices!
[He unleashes his shard-powered sword and fires at Sonic, who dodges, but also evades an attack from the Council's ship and Dr. Deep.]
Dr. Deep: Time to show off my warrior pose.
[He shows off his super-hero pose, giving Knuckles the Dread and Sonic angry looks. He then poses with his legs up in the air, giving the duo surprised looks. He then poses with his backside facing them, giving the duo disgusted looks. He then shows off his yoga pose.]
Dr. Done It: [Off-screen to Dr. Deep] Gah! Would you just grow up and attack?!
Dr. Deep: [Turning to Dr. Done-It.] I'm trying to be dramatic!
[With him distracted, Knuckles the Dread shoots his sword laser at him. The arm malfunctions, causing Dr. Deep to scream and get thrown around before crashing into a rock off-screen, causing Sonic to chuckle for a brief moment before noticing shots fired once again, and the Council's ship following Knuckles the Dread and the shard. Sonic sets off, while Captain Dread glides happily while the shard is in his hands.]
Sonic: Dread! Where are you going, what's your plan?
Knuckles the Dread: I don't need a "plan"! As long as I've got me beauty!
Sonic: Ugh.
[He spin dashes onto the ramp-shaped rock and hits him, knocking the shard off and causing him to crash onto the beach. Sonic claims the shard, striking his iconic finger-gun pose to the viewers in celebration before landing safely on the beach...]
Sonic: Oh, yeah!
[...before being attacked again by the Council, causing him to run away. He consoles an exhausted Captain Dread.]
Sonic: Sorry, Dread, but I've got a shatter-verse to save.
[He dodges more ammo-fire and runs up the mountain with the shard, leaving the infuriated Knuckles the Dread.]
Dr. Done-It: Ohhh, lemme...
[Inside the cockpit, Dr. Done-It presses a button, deploying three more Eggforcers to go after Sonic. They appear in front of him, but Sonic homing attacks and defeats them, causing Dr. Done-It to slam his fists in frustration.]
Dr. Done-It: Oh, if I had my Death Laser.
Sonic: [Excitedly] Land! Sweet, solid land! [A white aura appears around him while he peels out.] Finally, I can get some traction under these kicks! Time to get outta here. [He jumps at the top of the mountain and for the first time, is able to warp.] It's working! Yes!
[The Portal appears at the top of the sky, but a second later, the Chaos Council's Mothership appears out of the portal...]
Sonic: What the...?
[...and blocks him, causing him to fall. He hits the ground while the shard lands on his chest.]
Sonic: Thanks for the head's up, Shadow!
[While a recovered Knuckles the Dread starts climbing up the mountain, the Mothership lands. Eggforcers and Tails Nine arrive at the scene.]
Sonic: Nine?!
Tails Nine: Sonic, get out of here! [Gets electrocuted by the two Eggforcers.]
Sonic: [Despairing at Tails Nine] No!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman appears behind the Eggforcers.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: What?! You still have the Shard? Doctors, where are you? What have you been doing all this time?
Dr. Done-It: Oh, cool your jets, sonny! Deep's just cleaning up a few barnacles. We'll be there shortly!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Do I have to do everything myself? [to Sonic] Playtime is over. Give me the-- Shard.
[--the Eggforcers prepare for combat.]
Sonic: Make me.
[After a stare down, Knuckles the Dread pops in close by to Sonic.]
Knuckles the Dread: No, she be mine! [Unleashes his sword.]
Sonic: Dread!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [To the Eggforcers] Shoot the pirate.
[With Captain Dread unaware, the Eggforcers shoot a direct hit at him, causing him to blast onto the ground and drop his sword and Sonic to console him. He groans.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: I said playtime is over.
[Sonic turns around in horror as the Yolkomotive rises up to his level. Dr. Deep evilly laughs. It is revealed that Rusty Rose and the rest of Angel's voyage crew are wounded and cornered by Eggforcers, equipped with tazers. Dr. Done-It raises his ship up too, with evil laughter.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Excellent work, Doctors. It's amazing what my cohorts and I can do when we work together. [Sonic furious look turns into nerves] I'll make this simple. Hand over the Shard, or say goodbye to your friends forever.
[Sonic looks at Tails Nine, who frowns and shakes his head. He then looks at a nervous Knuckles the Dread, before turning around to face his friends' counterparts.]
Rusty Rose: Don't. I am expendable.
[She gets electrocuted.]
Batten Rouge: [Provoked] Well, I'm not! Give 'em the blasted rock!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Well? Last chance.
[Sonic, knowing he has no options, sighs.]
Sonic: Fine. When you put it that way.
Tails Nine: Sonic, no!
[Sonic, still holding the shard, is approached by two Eggforcers.]
Sonic: You want the Shard? You're gonna have to get it yourself!
[He throws the shard into the lake.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: No! [To the Eggforcers] Get the Shard! And destroy him!
[Sonic and the Eggforcers set off to find the shard, to Tails Nine's relief, and the counterparts' relief. The counterparts attack the Eggforcers. Sonic and Dr. Deep join in, while the Eggforcers catch the Shard. Sonic finishes off the Eggforcers before turning his eyes to and finishing off Dr. Deep with a Spin Attack...]
Dr. Deep: Oh, no!
[...causing him to fall off the Yolkomotive screaming, and be rescued by the Eggforcers.]
Sonic: [To the two Roses] You two make quite the team.
Black Rose: Aye, we do.
Sonic: Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta fly.
[Sonic jumps off the Yolkomotive striking a pose and dives down. He lands on one of the Eggforcer to jump and swing onto the leg of the robot holding the shard. This robot, unaware of Sonic, flies up over the Yolkomotive towards the Mothership.]
Black Rose: Everyone! Get to your stations!
[The Mothership fires an energy beam up to the sky, generating a portal while it heads towards it.]
Sonic: The Mothership! It's leaving!
[Behind Sonic, Dr. Deep emerges in his Mech Suit from below and confronts Sonic in mid-air. He kicks the Eggforcer occupying Sonic, knocking off the shard, which he now has in his possession. He laughs evilly as he returns to the mothership, while Sonic screams and falls down with a robot part. He is soon rescued by the Yolkomotive.]
Black Rose: [To Sonic] Need a lift?
Sonic: [Gives a thumb up] You know it.
Rusty Rose: You must stop them, Sonic. If the Council acquires all the shards, total annihilation is inevitable.
Sonic: [Uninterested] Well, doesn't that sound terrifying.
Sails Tails: [Off-screen] Sonic, look!
[He tosses him the binoculars. Sonic looks through it and sees Knuckles the Dread climbing along the edge of the ship.]
Sonic: Dread?
[The Council's ship returns to the Mothership, with Dr. Deep grinning as he holds the shard. Back to Sonic.]
Sonic: Thanks for the lift!
[He takes off with a long spin jump towards the Mothership.]
Sonic: Wahhh!
[He clings on to the edge of the Mothership, just in time before the Portal closes, leaving the two Roses sad.]

[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]

[There are three shards in the generator, all being watched by the proud Chaos Council.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Set a course for New Yoke. We've got a rebellion to quash. [The Council roar with diabolical laughter. Meanwhile, Sonic pants in exhaustion while he scales the edge of the Mothership. A long way up the other side is Knuckles the Dread, having climbed much further up the Mothership, whom laughs quietly to himself.]

[The screen cuts to black with the episode's name, and the credits appear.]

