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No Escape (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "No Escape".

[Scene: Sunset Hill]

[Sonic runs through a Loop, steps on a Spring and grabs a group of Rings. He heads into the tunnel to grab more. To the right is a rectangular arena surrounded by quarter pipes. He skids to a halt. Eggman appears on the other side in a circular rolling machine and faces Sonic. Sonic calls Tails to join in the battle. They avoid two rolling attacks from Eggman. They point and laugh at him. Eggman rolls again and hits Sonic, causing him to drop rings. Eggman rolls along the upper end of the arena, while Tails helps Sonic up, allowing him to pull off a homing attack on Eggman's machine and destroy it, revealing its Eggmobile and a singed Eggman while Sonic and Tails celebrate and jump. Eggman flies away. A Gold-star Ring hovers down from above. They jump and reach the ring together and high-five in mid-air.]

[Scene Change: New Yoke City]

[The screen fades to the present. Sonic looks at the shield engulfing him.]

[Scene Change: The Grim]

[Nine looks at one of the monitors. Crystal structures break up and float in the air.]
Tails Nine: I'm running out of time. My world will never be completely safe without Sonic's energy. [Nine turns and looks at another monitor, showing his Shattercraft downed in a river at New Yoke City.] Time to finish what I started.
[He draws two of his mechanical tails and extracts energy from the Paradox Prism. He delivers the energy to Alpha Grim Birdie. In a bright green vapor cloud, Grim Birdies clone out of the Alpha.]
Tails Nine: If Sonic wants to save those pirates, he'll have to come and get them. Grim Birdies, bring the pirates to me.
[The cloned Grim Birdies set off from the top of the citadel's tower.]

[The opening theme plays.]

[Scene Change: New Yoke City]

[Denizens and Sonic cross the road and run into the Yoke's entrance. Sonic hears a mechanical caw and stops by the doorway, looking up to see four Grim Birdies flying by.]

[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]

[Cut to inside the Yoke, showing a meter hovering at just under full power.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: The dome will only hold so long. And given the rate we're burning through our reserves of Shard power, that won't be long at all.
[Rebel and Knucks see the quad of Grim Birdies through the window.]
Rebel Rouge: Bogies at Eleven o'clock.
Renegade Knucks: [Punches his fists together] Another flock of robo roosters.
Rebel Rouge: Nine's watching.
Renegade Knucks: Ain't that a treat?
Black Rose: [Popping up] Batten down the hatches, buckos. Soon as that thar shield gives, we're as good as gull food.
Thorn Rose: Speak for yourself.
[Birdie speaks in agreement.]
Rusty Rose: The last batch was overwhelmed by the three of us. We will handle them.
Dr. Done-It: Balderdash! Nobody will be handling anything if we're all disintegrated.
Prim Rouge: Should we thank you for destroying our homes, too?
Dr. Done-It: Ungrateful little pest. First, we invite you into the safety of our citadel, then you track mud all over our clean floors, now this!
Renegade Knucks: Hey, ain't you the ones that caused this mess in the first place? Opening the portals in the sky?
Dr. Done-It: Oh, that tears it!
[Dr. Done-It spins and lights up his walking cane, threatening Knucks with his weapon. Sonic dashes in through the doors into Yoke HQ and knocks the weapon off Dr. Done-It.]
Sonic: We're all friends here, [As Knucks and Dr. Done-It clash heads, Sonic breaks them up again, forcing them apart.] mostly. And there's more than enough mutually assured destruction to go around. No need to double down now, given all the sweat and tears we put into saving each other's skins. Speaking of which, this way, folks. Despite what it looks like, you're safe here.
[Another door opens. Eggforcers and Denizens walk through the doorway, looking around their surroundings. Sonic counts them, while they walk past another doorway, and realizes something.]
Sonic: Wait a minute. Black Rose, where's the rest of your crew? Batten? Sails? Catfish?
Black Rose: [Blinks] Figured they were somewhere in this cursed place. Has no one seen them? Dread?
[Cut to Dread sat against the wall, he shrugs]
Sonic: They're still in No Place.
Dr. Don't: Not for long. That place is shattering at the seams. [Dr. Don't displays a monitor showing No Place close to being ruined.] If your friends are there, it's game over.
Sonic: [Pauses] I have to try.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: There's no time.
Sonic: I'm not leaving anyone behind. I can't.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: You have no choice.
Dr. Done-It: We all know what'll happen if the fox gets his paws on you. And I'll be double dog darned if I sit back and twiddle my thumbs while you give away the store.
[He pokes Sonic with his cane.]
Dr. Don't: Samesies.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Kicking Dr. Done-It away] Agreed. And let the record show that this has nothing to do with our concern for your wellbeing.
Sonic: Noted. Now that we've got that cleared up, back in a jiff.
[Sonic runs off, but it stopped immediately by Rebel.]
Rebel Rouge: Sonic, I hate to admit it, but they've got a point. It's too dangerous. You can't risk yourself.
Sonic: I'm sorry, Rebel, but I can't risk the lives of my friends.
Rebel Rouge: You're risking them either way.
Renegade Knucks: You can't let Nine get a hold of you, Blue.
Sonic: But I'd do the same for any of you. Besides, what part of "back in a jiff" do you guys not get? I'm fast. It's my thing.
[Sonic runs off again, but a sword is thrown and sticks to the wall in-front of him, causing him to stop again.]
Sonic: [Annoyed] You, too?
Black Rose: I'm afraid you've mistaken our intentions. You'll be needing a ship to bring him back in, won't 'che? [Sonic smiles] I'll be your captain, former captain.
[Sonic turns to Dread, still in the corner.]
Sonic: How about it, Dread? Care to hit the high seas again?
Knuckles the Dread: If there be no treasure, what's in it for me?
Black Rose: Some legend yee are. [Picks up her sword] Come on. Time's a wasting.
[The door opens. Black, Sonic, Rusty, Thorn and Birdie walk out.]

[Scene Change: The Grim]

[Tails Nine watches on the monitor the shield encasing Yoke HQ, and the Kraken depart New Yoke City.]
Tails Nine: [Frowning] Fools.

[Scene Change: No Place, Stormy]

[The Kraken arrives through the Portal with Sonic and his team. Lightning bolts of different colors light up the sky and they hover towards the city center.]
Black Rose: I've sailed these seas my whole life, seen weather fair and foul, tides high and low. But cross me heart, ain't never seen nothing like this.
[Rusty scans the area. The detector beeps. She lowers herself to her team-mates.]
Rusty Rose: I have detected multiple heat signatures. [She points to the right direction, black looks through her telescope.] eight-hundred meters south-southwest.
[Ahead is the Angel's Voyage, where the rest of the Pirates are.]
Black Rose: It's the Angel's Voyage. She's in trouble.
Sonic: Punch it.
[Black hits buttons, including the red button. The Kraken turns around the rock and heads towards the ship. Grim Birdies follow them and shoot bullets at the bridge, angering the crew. Black ducks to dodge another bullet. One of the Grim Birdies steps onto its thrusters and caws. Birdie somersaults into it and knocks it off. More bullets hit the Kraken's bridge. As another Grim Birdie approaches, Rusty jumps into the turret and fires at them. It dodges the attacks and fires a bullet at Sonic and Black. They duck to dodge it. A hologram of Nine appears in the sky.]
Tails Nine: Grim Birds, attack the pirates!
[One lightning bolt hits the water. A formation of rocks rises from the sea, with the Kraken heading straight into it.]
Black Rose: Hold steady.
[Black steers the ship upwards just in time, they lose balance.]
Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[The Kraken hits the underside of the rock, causing it to judder. Sonic screams and falls down. In mid-air, he dives and spins, skimming over the water. He peels his way along the water, dodging a bolt. Out in the open, Nine spots Sonic, growling in annoyance as he fades.]

[Scene Change: The Grim]

[Nine stops charging and falls on his hands.]
Tails Nine: It's still too unstable.

[Scene Change: No Place, Stormy]

[A lightning bolt strikes a building in the city. Grim Birdies swoop down towards Angel's Voyage.]
Batten Rouge: Hit the deck!
[Catfish and Sails crouch to dodge them. One of them grabs a pirate member with its claws, but Batten hits it back with her sword. She swipes and hits another one. A Grim Birdie flies in-front of Catfish.]
Sonic: [From behind] Chew on this!
[Sonic Spin Attacks the Grim Birdie, causing it to fall in the water, but he almost get hit by another one, leaning back to dodge it.]
Sonic: Whoa, whoa!
[He punches a fast-approaching Grim Birdie.]
Sonic: Yikes!
[The robot faces him. From behind, another Grim Birdie grabs Sonic and throws him. Catfish looks over as Sonic falls on the deck. A Grim Birdie pins Sonic down with its claws.]
Sonic: [Struggling] Whoa... that... tickles.
[The Grim Birdie opens its mouth and prepares a bullet, but is stopped and knocked off by a bullet back into the water, freeing Sonic. He loops up and smiles as he spots the Kraken.]
Sails Tails: The Kraken!
[Sails waves with it mechanical tail. Rusty waves and smiles. A Grim Birdie swoops behind her. She redirects the turret and fires at it, while two more go after Thorn and Birdie. Sonic spins his way up the mast and watches with the pirate crew. Black pushes buttons, turning the craft 180 degrees, parks beside Angel's Voyage and opens the door for the crew to jump on. Batten tries to carry Catfish, but holds back to avoid a bullet and is chased by a shooting Grim Birdie.]
Sonic: Come on, Catfish, jump!
[Catfish dodges a Grim Birdie and hangs on to the mast in fear. Froggy jumps over the gap and turns to encourage Catfish.]
Sonic: You got this Catfish, come on!
[Sonic sees an incoming Grim Birdie and Spin Attacks it. Catfish wobbles why hanging onto the mast. With the ship coming down, Catfish jumps over the gap and makes it across. Sonic - facing the Grim Birdie - lands on the ship's deck, dodging more bullet attacks.]
Sonic: [Pointing angrily] Bad bird.
[It caws again, but is struck by Thorn and Birdie. Sonic looks behind and hears Grim Birdie on top of the deck. As it pounces him, he hops onto Birdie's back. It slams onto the mast, but Birdie dodges it, taking Sonic and Thorn up to the Kraken. They look back to see the robot charge toward the Kraken.]
Rusty Rose: Target acquired.
[Rusty fires at the robot and destroys it. The Kraken flies away.]
Sonic: [To Thorn and Birdie] Boy, you two sure pack a punch.
Black Rose: Best start packing another.
[Sonic joins the rest of the crew onto the Kraken's deck. Another horde of Grim Birdies approach them.]
Sonic: What's that old saying? Out of the frying pan...
Batten Rouge: And into your gullet. [Hesitant] Arr, pirates have their own sayings.
[The group swoop closer to them.]
Sonic: Hang onnn!
[The center robot explodes, causing Sonic to flinch and brace himself. The Yolkomotive arrives, with Dr. Done-It laughing.]
Batten Rouge: Is that?
Sonic: Yeah, still getting used to it myself.
Dr. Done-It: Told you I wasn't going to twiddle my thumbs. If the blue bother goes down, we all go down.
Dr. Deep: [Raising his arm form behind] Here, here.
[Rusty shoots more troopers and hits one of them.]
Black Rose: [Pointing her sword] Show them scallywags.
[Thorn jumps onto another Grim Birdie. Birdie grips another one with his claws. The Grim Birdie - with Thorn on its back - charges at Birdie, but Thorn jumps and the robots collide with one another. She pats him on the head and war-cries. Meanwhile, two more Grim Birdies peck on the Yolkomotive's windshield.]
Dr. Done-It: [grunts] Get these blasted pigeons out of my way!
[He presses buttons on the keypad, unloading cannons as they shoot and destroy the robots.]
Dr. Done-It: Finally.
[His ship and the Kraken approach each other, about to cause a head-on collision. He pulls the levers and steers the Yolkomotive out of the way.]
Dr. Done-It: Go, dang nabbit! We'll cover ya!
Black Rose: Hold fast!
[She presses a button. The thrusters ignite so fast that Sonic and the crew fall back. The Yolkomotive follows them. They head towards the red portal, in-front of Nine.]

[Scene Change: The Grim]

Tails Nine: [While charging] I'll never let you escape, Sonic. I need you to finish the Grim.
[He focuses, and unleashes laser shots which hits one of the Kraken's thrusters.]

[Scene Change: No Place, Stormy]

[Black Rose looks at the monitor and sees the damaged thruster in the diagram. Jack falls, but Sonic catches him.]
Sonic: Hey! [grunts] Got you, little buddy.
[The Kraken's other thruster hits a building, causing the ship to stop. The deck tilts and throws Rusty into the railing with Sails. Catfish falls and bumps into both of them, along with Froggy, who lands on the cat's eyes.]
Black Rose: Hold on to something.
Sonic: If I didn't hate water, this would make a great amusement park riiide!
[Black pushes a button repeatedly and tries to re-ignite the thruster, unable to do so.]
Black Rose: We're going down!
Sonic: Nooo!
[The Kraken hits something. The camera zooms out to reveal that the Yolkomotive is hovering directly underneath the Kraken carrying it.]
Dr. Done-It: [off-screen] What are you waiting for? Get moving. Youths these days.
Black Rose: Arr!
[The Kraken recharges to full power. It hovers, splitting from the Yolkomotive. They fly forward.]
Sonic: We're almost home free!
[A lightning bolt hits Sonic and the thruster, forcing it back. He clings on to the side.]
Sonic: Why do I keep saying stuff like that?
[A Pirate grabs Sonic, assisted by Jack.]
Pirate: Give a hand.
Batten Rouge: Heave hะพ!
[As they pull him up, a Grim Birdie grabs Sonic on the leg.]
Sonic: Hey,-- [Kicks the robot with his other leg] watch the kicks!
[It hangs on and unleashes a bullet at Sonic, but Batten's electric cord knocks it off. She chuckles. The pirates pull Sonic up to the deck. The two aircraft prepare to travel through the portal.]
Black Rose: Fair thee well, sweet salty seas of yesteryear.
[They pass through the portal gate, in-front of a devastated Nine.]

[Scene Change: Grim]

Tails Nine: No!
[He falls to his knees, groans and punches the floor, panting.]
Tails Nine: So close.
[He looks up.]

[Scene Change: New Yoke City]

[The Kraken and the Yolkomotive enter New Yoke City; the shield disappears allowing them to enter the mothership before re-closing it. Inside Yoke HQ, the crew pass through the doorway. Sonic shakes off some water in his quills, which splashes two Council members.]
Dr. Done-It: Hey.
Dr. Deep: Watch it! This is my last pressed jacket.
Sonic: Sorry. Nice moves back there. You know, for an evil egg-o-maniac. I guess thanks are in order.
[Rebel becomes suspicious at Sonic.]
Rebel Rouge: What are you, buddies now?
Sonic: What do you want me to say? They helped us.
Dr. Deep: We did more than help. If it weren't for us, you'd be six fathoms under by now.
Rusty Rose: Do not forget who piloted the getaway vehicle.
Dr. Done-It: You mean the one you almost sunk?
Renegade Knucks: Awful quick to brag about a bad idea, ain't ya?
Dr. Deep: Easy for you to say, coward.
Renegade Knucks: Come say that to my face, egghead.
[They stare at each other, Dr. Deep chuckling while Knucks grunts. Sonic breaks them up again, forcing them apart.]
Sonic: Guys, please. This was a win for all of us.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Was it? Your little friends are safe, but at what cost? The fox can conjure up more minions with the snap of his fingers.
Rebel Rouge: Says the guy who built Eggforcers by the dozens.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Whereas our fleet is damaged, our troops are spent, and we're almost out of time! Should have let them go down with their ship and their world.
Sonic: Sorry, but losing anyone is not an option.
[Sonic walks away and looks out the window; he sees tops of buildings disintegrate into purple rocks which float upward.]
Sonic: Nine is the only one who can stop this. The only way he'll do that is if I give myself up.
[All gasp.]
Renegade Knucks: How about instead of letting Blue take the fall, we take the fight to Nine?
[The denizens cheer.]
Dr. Deep: I'll say this much. In the Fox's position, we'd double cross you without a second thought.
Sonic: Nine isn't like you.
Dr. Done-It: There are only two kinds of folks in this world, those who've got power, and those who want it. Face it. Your fox has changed.
Sonic: [Sighs] First, the shards, then Shadow, now this. I gotta admit, this whole losing thing is not my cup of chili. How do you do it?
[Dr. Deep and Dr. Done-It look at each other.]
Dr. Done-It: Ha. We never lose.
Dr. Deep: We learn from our setbacks.
Dr. Don't: We make tweaks.
[Dr. Babble speaks gibberish.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Then take the next step towards our inevitable victory.
Renegade Knucks: [Pretending] Real inspirational stuff coming from the likes of them.
[Rebel nods.]
Sonic: Actually, [the Rebels turn to him] it kind of is. Say what you will about these guys, but they never quit. I've had my share of setbacks, I've made some tweaks, and I think I'm ready to take that next step. [sighs] This is my mess, and I'm going to fix it. Whatever happens, it's been an honor.
[He smiles at his friends. Then zooms off past Dread and goes outside to the deck, calling up.]
Sonic: Nine!
[Nine's hologram appears]
Tails Nine: So, you finally come to your senses?
Sonic: Hardly. But I'm ready to give myself up.
Tails Nine: Finally.
Sonic: But, I want some assurances first.
Tails Nine: Like what?
Sonic: You'll agree to spare my friends.
Tails Nine: Agreed.
Sonic: And you'll promise to rebuild their worlds back to the way they were.
Tails Nine: Deal.
Sonic: All right, then. Let's go.
[Nine's hologram disappears. A Portal opens up. Sonic spins up towards it.]
Rebel Rouge: Sonic, stop!
Renegade Knucks: Get back here, Blue.
Black Rose: Don't be a fool.
[Sonic bursts out of the shield and into the portal, which closes.]

[Scene Change: The Grim]

[Sonic arrives at the Grim, spinning and bouncing on the cracked ground, coming to a halt. With a miserable look on his face, he walks towards a group of Alpha Grim Robots staring at him. Nine clears the robots and steps towards Sonic.]
Tails Nine: Don't worry. Beneath the surface, my new friends are far simpler than the flawed creatures you knew and loved. And all the more loyal for it.
Sonic: Ever wonder where we'd be if things had gone differently between us?
Tails Nine: [Arms crossed] Not anymore.
Sonic: I do. All the time.
Tails Nine: You had your chance.
Sonic: Right back at you, bud. [Tails remains unconvinced. Sonic sighs] Should we get this over with?
Tails Nine: You know, after all this time, I think I finally understand you, Sonic.
Sonic: I'm fast, funny, and love a good chili dog. What's not to get?
Tails Nine: You want to save everyone. Friends, foes, total strangers. You say it's because you're a hero, and that's what heroes do, but deep down, after what you did, destroying your own home, it's the only way you can ever live with yourself. Even if that means you won't live at all.
Sonic: There's a good chance neither one of us walks away from this.
Tails Nine: [Retracts his tails] I'm aware of the risks, thank you. [Turns his back on Sonic; hands on hips and shaking his head]
Sonic: If I don't make it and you do, how do I know you'll keep your promise?
Tails Nine: [Turns to Sonic] Don't worry. Your "friends" are safe. Once I have your energy, I can restore everything. They can have their silly lives and their silly spaces as long as they leave me alone.
Sonic: Fair enough.
[Tails Nine points his mechanical tails at him.]
Sonic: And for what it's worth, I would have done the same for you.
Tails Nine: [Threatening with his mechanical tails] Don't lie to me.
Sonic: I'm not...
Tails Nine: [Interrupting angrily] Don't.
Sonic: Think whatever you want. But it's true. [Kneeling] Even after everything you've done, everything we've been through, together, against each other, you're still my friend, Nine.
[Taken aback, Nine relaxes his tails and looks at himself in misery. He looks at a begging Sonic and notices his shoes starting to flicker in surprise.]
Tails Nine: What's happening?
[Sonic stands up and checks his shoes.]
Sonic: Wha... I don't know.
Tails Nine: What are you doing?!
Sonic: I'm not doing anything.
[His shoes fire a laser behind him that opens a portal in the background. Nine and Sonic stare up at it. Familiar looking aircraft, including the mothership, arrive through the portal into the Grim.]
Dr. Deep: [off-screen] Holding frequency... the dome is breached.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [off-screen] Egg-cellent! Now don't land on the hedgehog!
[As Nine and Sonic watch on while bracing themselves, Sonic's friends are inside the Kraken, displaying their combat poses, along with the Chaos Council. Mr. Dr. Eggman looks at the radar, smiling. Nine hyperventilates, frowns and grimaces. The screen cuts to black and the credits appear.]
