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Nine's Lives (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "Nine's Lives".

[Scene: The Grim]

[As the Kraken, Yolkomotive and the Mothership arrive at the Grim, Nine counts on his fingers.]
Sonic: [Confused] What? How?
Tails Nine: They triangulated your position and used your energy signature to breach the dome. Clever. That's what I would've done.
[As the three aircraft continue their approach, Thorn and Birdie swoop down towards Sonic and Nine.]
Sonic: [Astonished] Thorn! [To Nine] Uh, be right back!
[He runs towards Thorn, leaving a frowning Nine on his own.]
Tails Nine: Predictable.
[They stop by each other and the aircraft land.]
Thorn Rose: Sonic?
Dr. Deep: [Warcry] For the Chaos Council!
[The Chaos Council and Eggforcers warcry and charge onto the ground, around their Yolkomotive. Denizen 1998, Rebel Rouge, Squad Commander Red and Renegade Knucks land on their side of the ground, staring at Sonic. Sonic jumps onto one of the vehicles, looking at them confused.]
Sonic: What are you all doing here?
Renegade Knucks: It's called saving your butt. What do you think we're doing?
Sonic: No, that's not the deal. I'm gonna give myself up, you guys are spared.
Squad Commander Red: And let that villain Nine do whatever he wants with you? Not an option.
Rebel Rouge: No one believes that fox will keep his word. [Flies up and gets closer to Sonic] You fought at our side, all of us, often enough. Doing the same is the least we can do.
Batten Rouge: [Flies up quickly in-front of Rebel Rouge] Actually, the least we could do would be nothing.
Renegade Knucks: [Annoyed] Can we move this along? I got places to be, and they're disappearing as we speak.
Tails Nine: This was your plan, to catch me off guard?
Sonic: Hey, I'm as surprised as you are.-- Who knew I had so many friends?
[--The camera pans out, revealing all of Sonic friends - and the Chaos Council - in their battle poses.]
Tails Nine: You've betrayed me for the last time. The deal is off!
[Nine and Sonic appear in a split screen.]
Sonic: How about a new deal? Hand over the Prism, join us. We'll save the Shatterverse together, and then we can laugh about this over a couple chili dogs.
Tails Nine: [Growling] I hate chili dogs. [Sonic gasps in horror] You think you can come here and make demands?
[Having lost his patience, Nine rises.]
Tails Nine: This is my world!
[The Alpha Grims surge towards and protect their citadel.]
Gnarly Knuckles: I told you coming here was a bad idea.
Sonic: [To Tails Nine] Don't do this! Look around, you're outnumbered. Give us the Prism and we can save everything.
Tails Nine: You won't even be able to save yourselves.
[He flies up to and lands at the top of the tower. He lasers his mechanical tails at the Paradox Prism, which charges up electricity. The dome flickers waves and changes colors and starts shaking the ground, generating a large dust cloud. The Citadel grows taller, with bright crystal structures protruding out, forming a wall around the outside of the citadel. The camera cuts to three of the scavengers, who fear for their safety, along with the Chaos Council, and Sonic, where crystal walls also grow around him. Nine lasers to the Paradox Prism, flies forward, and deploys green lasers at each of the Alpha Grim Robots, generating clones of them. Multiple identical Grim Robots of Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Birdie jump out onto the ground and display their fighting stances.]
Renegade Knucks: So much for Nine surrendering.
Dr. Deep: Robotic Sonics? The nerve, he stole our idea!
Sonic: It didn't have to be like this.
Rebel Rouge: [Cuts in-front of Sonic] Sonic, think, Nine brought you here so he could drain your Prism energy. You can't just go rushing off.
Sonic: You're right. It's too late to fix this by myself. Let's teach Nine that if he messes with one of us, he messes with all of us.
[They cheer in celebration]
Ally: We're with ya!
Tails Nine: [Scoffs in fury] Enough is enough, ATTACK!
[The Alpha Grims charge forward.]
Sonic: CHARGE!
[Sonic, the rest of his friends and the Chaos Council charge forward. Lasers are being shot in the background. The screen freezes to display Sonic's team and the Grim robots on opposite sides.]

[The main theme plays]

[The two sides clash. Grim Knuckles knocks out an Eggforcer. Dread swipes his sword at another Grim, knocking it out. As two Grim Sonics work together, one spins under Catfish's legs, sending him airborne, while the other spins into him from above. As soon as they stop, Hangry body presses and grabs one of them as he rolls away, while Mangey dives down onto the other robot, which dodges the attack and grabs hold of his arm. As Mangey bites the robot's hand, it throws him away into the crystal wall, generating a little purple dust cloud. Mangey reappears and snarls as he charges back at the robot. Grim Rouge flies towards Dread.]
Knuckles the Dread: Avast, ye flying abomination!
[Dread jumps up and hits a Grim Rouge with his sword. He lands and crouches down to brace himself. A group of denizens - including Denizen 1998 - yell and deploy their weapons towards a group of two Grim Knuckles. The robots jump up high and punch the ground simultaneously, generating a shockwave which sends the group flying. Grim Birdie takes out two Eggforcers and shoots lasers from its mouth. It then dives its way towards Sonic - standing on a crystal. The Yolkomotive destroys it with a laser, leaving Sonic intact.]
Dr. Done-It: Take that, bird brain!
[Dr. Babble takes on a group of two Grim Amys. It punches one with a right arm and slaps the other one away. He jumps up high and pummels a Grim Rouge. On the Kraken's bridge, where Black and Rusty (on the controls) are on patrol, another Grim Rouge flies across Black. Another one lands on their bridge and engage in battle. Black slams the Alpha Grim into the wall and forces it off.]
Black Rose: Get off, ye winged devils!
[She hits another Grim Rouge with her sword, while another Grim Rouge punches Rusty, causing the Kraken to lose control and hit the Yolkomotive, with Dr. Done-It inside the cockpit feeling the sudden bump.]
Dr. Done-It: Dagnabbit! Watch where you're going, you lousy kids!
[The Kraken reappears beside the Yolkomotive.]
Black Rose: You watch where you're going, you squid-faced eel!
[Black and Rusty are seen fighting off another group of Grim Rouges. Sonic watches another Grim Rouge take on an Eggforcer.]
Dr. Don't: That all you got? Eat plasma, noobs!
[The Eggforcer fights off several robots. It shoots lasers, which land next to Knucks.]
Renegade Knucks: [Angrily to Don't] Watch it!
Dr. Don't: [To the viewers] Don't hate the player, hate the game.

[As he lands, sees something up ahead in horror]

[He ducks down, dodging a charging Eggforcer. He watches Knucks take on a Grim Amy. He dodges its hammer with his leg, but gets clobbered by the second shot, which sends him flying towards Dr. Deep's mech, knocking them both out. They argue at one another]
Dr. Deep: Get off me, you crimson porcupine!
Renegade Knucks: Say please, you hipster cyborg.
Sonic: [With the battle going on around him] Why can't we work together? The fight's just starting and we're already losing.
[Nine looks down with pride.]
Tails Nine: [Slowly] Look at them, so dysfunctional. They won't last long.
[He sees Sonic combating a Grim Knuckles]
Tails Nine: [Slowly] What are you waiting for, Sonic? I'm right here.
[He then watches his own counterparts Sails Tails and Mangey Tails combating a Grim Sonic, working together to knock it out. He continues staring as they drag the robot away in front of him.]
Tails Nine: There is only one me. Time to give Sonic a little push. [Draws his mechanical tails.] Grim Troopers, go after the foxes!
[The Alpha Grims stop and retreat to a safe distance.]
Renegade Knucks: [Wanting to fight, punching his fists together] Why are they stopping?
Dr. Deep: Perhaps they've concluded that they're beaten.
[Dr. Deep spins and falls. The Grim Robots swoop across the landscape. Sonic watch on as they approach towards Sails and Mangey, building a contraption using robot parts.]
Sonic: [Dreading] Oh... no. [Calling] Mangey, Sails!
[He runs towards them. Mangey Tails turns back in fear as the Grim robots approach them at full speed. Sails Tails picks up the weapon they've been working on.]
Sails Tails: Let's hope this works!
[He throws the weapon towards the Alpha Grims. As the scene slows down with the device in mid-air, it explodes, with blue electric shockwaves battering the Grim robots. The blast appears in-front of a running Sonic.]
Sonic: [Despairing] No!
[He vanishes while a giant purple smoke cloud sweeps through with robot parts flying across. Sonic - being forced by the explosion - is knocked down to the ground with a plume of smoke. His eyes twitch. He sits up and looks ahead in despair.]
Sonic: No...
[The camera cuts to a bird's eye view. A massive crater has been formed surrounded by a plume of smoke, with the exploded device in the middle and scattered with robot parts. Tails Nine looks down at what happened, with a slightly miserable look, before reverting to a threatening look.]
Tails Nine: Fools. They sacrificed themselves for a minor victory on the battlefield. [On reflector] Remaining forces, pull back and let Sonic come to me.
[The remaining Grim robots follow Nine's orders. The Rebels run over to a desperate-looking Sonic.]
Rebel Rouge: [Worried] Mangey, Sails, are they...
Sonic: [Upset] I wasn't fast enough.
Renegade Knucks: It ain't your fault.
Sonic: Yes, it is. All of it is. You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for me. [Facepalms]
[Dr. Deep arrives.]
Dr. Deep: Which is exactly why you need to lead us to that blasted fox. Once the Chaos Council controls the Prism...
Rebel Rouge: If you think we're gonna let you anywhere near the Prism, you're even dumber than you look.
Renegade Knucks: We gotta draw Nine out of his hole and take the fight to him.
Rebel Rouge: Sonic should use his speed to get the Prism and cut off Nine's power.
Dr. Deep: So the hedgehog will wield the power? Preposterous!
Rebel Rouge: Better him than you!
Dr. Deep: In case you haven't noticed, we are losing.
[While the argument is ongoing, Sonic gets up and looks at the floating tower in the citadel. The camera zooms in to Nine, who grins back at him. Sonic grimaces and growls at him.]
Tails Nine: Here he comes.
[Sonic clenches his fists.]
Rebel Rouge: [Suspiciously] Sonic, what are you going to do?
Sonic: I wanna take the fight to Nine so bad it hurts, but if Nine gets his tails on me, it's game over for all of us. The only way we win this is by working as a team, to save everything, together.
[His allies gather.]
Sonic: Rebel, what do we do?
Dr. Deep: You're asking her for advice? [Rebel's ears drop] We're geniuses. Do you know how many years I spent in college?
Sonic: Even though they've been out-manned and out-gunned at every turn, Rebel's been leading a revolution against you for ages. That takes strategy.
[Dr. Deep growls in anger.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Patience, Doctors, our time will come soon enough. Let the fools have their moment.
Dr. Don't: Uh, you know you're on speakerphone, right?
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Oh, no. Uh-oh. Sorry.
[Phone beeping sounds play in the background. The Rebels shows unconvinced looks.]
Sonic: So any ideas? Because the mustache is right, we're getting destroyed out here.
[Sonic looks up at the tower again.]
Tails Nine: Sonic's waiting?
[Nine angrily threatens his mechanical tails at them.]
Tails Nine: He's never waited for anything in his entire life.
Rebel Rouge: Nine is the key. We need to get him off balance and unfocused. I propose a three-pronged assault. First prong of the plan is a flanking maneuver. We'll split into teams that are used to operating together. The Pirates heading to one side of the Citadel, the Scavengers assaulting the other.
[The camera cuts to the citadel, then several screens of the Scavengers and the Pirates working together. They then climb up to the top of the citadel and approach Nine. The energy beam malfunctions, leaving Nine pounding his fist on the ground in devastation.]
Rebel Rouge: Their objective, avoid combat wherever possible, breach the top of the Citadel, and find a way to plug that hole, stopping the energy beam and cutting Nine off from the Prism. Second prong, the airships, each of which will provide support for the ground forces.
[The second prong shows the three airships and Birdie. The airships deploy their weapons. The missiles strike down and knock out some Grim robots. Viewing from the ground, The New Yoke City group, the Chaos Council mechs and the Eggforcers run across the middle, taking out the Grim Robots. Cut to Rebel]
Rebel Rouge: Keep Nine's assets looking over their shoulders. The more they're focused on you, the less they'll be on the rest of us. The New Yoke City groups will go right up the middle. We're the most experienced fighters and we'll have the Chaos Council mechs with us. We'll draw the most attention from the Grim-Bots.
Dr. Deep: You're using us as common foot soldiers? How dare you? We are your betters!
[Dr. Deep then turns to Red and just stares at her in confusion.]
Squad Commander Red: Then you'd better get with the program or you're gonna find out how much worse things can get.
Dr. Deep: Uh, who are you? Seriously, I have no idea who you are.
[She looks away and folds her arms.]
Thorn Rose: What about his robots?
Rebel Rouge: We don't have to defeat all of them, we just have to hold the line long enough for someone to cut Nine off from the Prism.
Sonic: It all makes sense, but what about me?
Rebel Rouge: Remember, Sonic, Nine's only got eyes on you. Hang back and keep his focus. This will allow the Pirates and Scavengers to sneak to the top of the tower.
Sonic: So you're keeping me out of the fight?
Rebel Rouge: [Touches his shoulder] Not out of the fight. You'll be scouting, coordinating, and relaying messages.
Sonic: [Imitates combat moves and points at her.] And bashing a few bots along the way, right?
Rebel Rouge: I'm counting on it, we all are. Once Nine doesn't have the power at his fingertips, you'll have your window to take him out. Until then, bide your time.
Sonic: Never really been one to bide my time, but makes sense. Okay, everyone, you heard Rebel. Let's go win this together!
[Sonic's allies cheer. Nine looks down on them in disgust, and points his mechanical tails at them.]
Tails Nine: I don't know what game you're playing, but I...
[The citadel rumbles. Nine almost falls off and wonders what's going on. The Yolkomotive approaches and fire four missiles. One of them hits the Citadel that nine is standing on. Nine yelps as he stays on his feet, and looks angrily at the mothership. It rotates and two of its guns point down towards him. They generate a large orb and shoot a giant laser which hits the ground and knocks out several Alpha Grim Robots. The laser fires up at the citadel and destroys the outer wall.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: The outer wall has been breached. [Puts his feet up] The Mothership is pulling back to conserve energy.
[We see Nine looking down at the black plume of smoke and the already penetrated outer wall. He growls in anger.]
Tails Nine: Enough! [He draws his mechanical tails in a pinwheel shape.] All forces, attack!
[He fires green lasers from five of his tails to duplicate more Alpha Grim robots. A large group approach and attack Sonic's team.]
Renegade Knucks: Here they come.
[Dr. Deep takes out a Grim Knuckles. Rebel Rouge struggles with a Grim Rouge. Renegade Knucks throws a Grim Amy away from him. It almost gets hit by Dr. Don't's Eggforcer's bullet.]
Dr. Don't: [Screams] All right, let's do this!
[Dr. Don't's Eggforcer punches a Grim Amy on the head and hammers the fist down to knock it out. It flexes its arms. Cut to the Yolkomotive, where two Grim Birdies peck on its front windshield.]
Dr. Done-It: [Screams and starts flicking his arm] Get off, you wretched creatures!
[Rusty shoots two bullets from the Kraken and breaks both Birds. The Kraken hovers in-front of the Yolkomotive.]
Dr. Done-It: Well, don't expect a thank you.
Rusty Rose: Don't expect a you're welcome.
Black Rose: That there be some fine blasting. Let's go find some more trouble.
[Dr. Don't warcries in fury. Dr. Deep takes out a Grim Knuckles while Renegade Knucks smashes another one. Dr. Deep hits another Grim Rouge. Knucks defeats a Grim Sonic.]
Renegade Knucks: [Posing to the viewers] Yeah--
[--A Grim Knuckles runs into and tackles him, punching him repeatedly until Dr. Deep takes it out.]
Renegade Knucks: Thanks.
Dr. Deep: It was easy. I was fighting your robotic double, obviously the weakest of the lot.
Renegade Knucks: [Becomes offended; protesting as Dr. Deep walks away.] At least I have a double!
[As Renegade Knucks goes after Dr. Deep; in the background, the Scavengers (Prim Rouge, Hangry Cat and Gnarly Knuckles) initiate their cover plan. They run beside some crystal walls. As soon as Prim halts them, they bump into each other. After a moment, they continue onward. They hide beside another structure. Prim peeps through.]
Prim Rouge: [Whispering] Okay, we're getting close.
[Hangry grunts as he falls on his face in front of the camera.]
Hangry Cat: Who put that rock there?
[Gnarly and Prim immediately shush him. ]
Prim Rouge: [Whispering] Keep low and out of sight.
[Prim's ear peps up as a Grim Birdie squawks and flies across. A Grim Amy dives towards them with a hammer attack.]
Prim Rouge: Look out!
[She flies up, dodging a Grim Birdie. Hangry picks up the rock.]
Gnarly Knuckles: It's just one, we can take it.
[As Grim Birdies squawk again, two Grim Amys jump from the top of the structure and join their counterpart, preparing for battle as a trio. Hangry starts shaking in fear.]
Gnarly Knuckles: Ah, coconuts! Charge!
[Hangry and Gnarly initiate battle. Hangry hits the first Grim Amy with the rock while Knucks slams it down. The second Grim Amy hits Gnarly, causing him to yelp. Froggy jumps onto the third Grim Amy's head. While Prim dodges a Grim Birdie, Thorn's Birdie knocks it down. Thorn dives down and intercepts a Grim Amy's hammer with her hammer, while Prim flies down and carries Gnarly to safety. Hangry hangs up a Grim Amy and punches it away, sending it flying. As the rest of the scavengers watch on, Thorn takes on a Grim Amy. As it jumps up, Birdie body presses it and takes it down. ]
Thorn Rose: [To the Scavengers] Go, we've got this!
Prim Rouge: Keep moving, Thorn Rose can take care of herself.
[The rest of the Scavengers run towards the Citadel. Two Grim Birdies land opposite Thorn and Birdie, each carrying a Grim Amy.]
Thorn Rose: Bring it!
[Sonic arrives and lures the Grim Birdies towards him.]
Sonic: [Encouraging, slapping his butt] Yoo-hoo, over here!
[Sonic runs, the Grims go after him. He side steps to dodge bullet attacks and spots Dr. Babble up ahead.]
Sonic: Incoming!
[Sonic starts boosting, and runs under Dr. Babble's legs. Dr. Babble smashes a Grim Birdie just as the Grim Amy leaps onto the mech's head. It jumps to dodge an arm attack, but Dr. Babble punches it and breaks it. The other Grim team go after Sonic. Sonic lures them towards the Eggforcer, in which their bullet breaks the Grim birdie apart. The Grim Amy leaps and lays a hammer attack on Sonic, but Renegade Knucks was there to punch and break it. Sonic runs behind the structure where the pirates had been hiding. They act stealthily and tiptoe slowly towards the Citadel. However, more Grim Bots attack the unaware members, leaving Batten alone. Batten Rouge flies down, ready to attack, but is slammed into the wall by a Grim Rouge.]
Sonic: Hey, Ro-Bat!
[In slow motion, Sonic punches a Grim Rouge in the face. Back to normal speed, Sonic brakes to a halt. A Grim Sonic throws Jack on top of Catfish, knocking them both over. In front of our view, Sonic battles and kicks his Grim counterpart.]
Jack: We needs to go!
[Jack and Catfish start running. As Sonic takes out the Grim Sonic, the Grim Rouge flies into him, but he dodges. As Batten, Jack and Catfish watch on, the Grim Rouge slams Sonic into the wall, but Sonic recovers quickly and holds it into the wall.]
Sonic: Keep moving!
[As the pirates run onward, the Grim Sonic gets up. The Pirate Froggy croaks.]
Catfish: Huh?
[Catfish stops and turns back. The Grim Sonic starts spin-dashing towards Sonic. In slow motion, Catfish dives with his chest to block the spin attack, but is flown back, helplessly bouncing onto the ground, incapacitated, along with Froggy. Sonic runs over to check on him.]
Sonic: [Despairing] No!
[The Grims walk closer to Sonic.]
Sonic: Hang on, pal, I got you.
Knuckles the Dread: Incoming!
[Knuckles the Dread takes out the Grim Rouge and encroaches the Grim Sonic.]
Knuckles the Dread: Argh, these metal chickens be a pain in me backside. [Realizes as he sees the downed Catfish.] How's the lad?
[He and Sonic help Catfish up.]
Sonic: Catfish, you okay?
Catfish: [Raises his eye patch, opens his eyes and dons his hat.] Never better, my good lad. But who is this Catfish you speak of?
[Both Sonic and Dread gasp at each other. Cut to Nine watching on.]
Tails Nine: They're sacrificing themselves for Sonic? Why?! [Turns around and clasps his hands] Hmm, time for a new strategy.
[He looks up at the beam of energy in the dome.]
Tails Nine: Something bigger.
[He draws his mechanical tails out and points them, generating lasers at the energy beam. He flies up while he continues generating, the dome repeatedly changing colors. Dramatic music plays as the Paradox Prism starts shaking. He grunts louder as a spiral of electricity swirls around the beam. The remaining Alpha Grims run back towards the Citadel. Knucks punches a Grim Sonic. As two Grim Knuckles walk slowly towards him, Dr. Deep appears behind them and slashes them away. On board the Mothership, Mr. Dr. Eggman watches over the radar.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: What, his forces are getting weaker? [gasps] It appears he's redirecting power to the Citadel!
[On the ground, Sonic and Dread help walk Catfish along.]
Sonic: He took a hit that was meant for me. [Dread sits Catfish down and runs off] This isn't working. I should've gone straight to Nine when I had the chance.
Renegade Knucks: Cheer up, Sonic, we're doing all right out here.
[The fighting's still ongoing in the background. Rebel takes out a Grim Robot. Thorn - carried by Birdie - hits another Grim robot with her hammer. Dr. Babble giggles as he repeatedly slams down another Grim Amy.]
Sonic: Yeah, we are. We're holding our own.
[An Eggforcer shoots another Grim robot.]
Dr. Don't: Don't get comfy. This isn't even close to done. The Mothership is reporting a surge of Prism energy at the Citadel.
[Dr. Don't moves aside and points towards it. Nine continues gathering prism energy, grunting harder. His mechanical tails glow white, he yells as he deploys the energy by shooting seven green lasers down to the front of the citadel. The dome starts shaking as the lasers make contact with the ground. Dr. Don't and Sonic flinch in shock. A green vapor spews out.]
Dr. Don't: Missed by a mile, what a noob.
Sonic: Nine doesn't miss.
[Nine - with his tails still spinning - looks down at the vapor and groans, putting his head in his hands. He collapses onto the ground. He looks up at his enemies, grinning hysterically. The Scavengers run towards the citadel and discover the vapor. They halt as the vapor ignites into a purple flame. The dome rumbles again. The scavengers then run along the building's structure. The head of a giant robot, with long ears, rise up from the vapor. Prim halts and gasps as she notices what's coming, along with the other two Scavengers. The giant metallic robot, resembling Big the Cat, fully emerges from the ground. It steps forward.]
Dr. Deep: Nooo...
[Dr. Babble smiles and laughs.]
Gnarly Knuckles: I told you that giant cat zombies were real!
Sonic: [Afraid] Not Big, anyone but Big! [Anguished] HOW COULD YOU, NINE?!
Nine: [Threatening] You left me no choice, Sonic.
[Grim Big lets out a yell which sends shockwaves causing Sonic to flinch. It deploys one homing missile, which the camera cuts to a close view of, resembling Froggy. The missile flies at Sonic - in slow motion.]
Sonic: [Afraid, at normal speed] Froggy?!
[The missile explodes as it makes contact, with the screen cutting to black.]
