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Originally available only in the limited-run Bonus Edition, this zone has Sonic take on a gauntlet of bosses from NiGHTS into dreams. Each boss follows the attack pattern of the Deadly Six. Youโll earn a large quantity of small animals at the end.
The stage opens with Sonic running along a strip of land in Windy Hill before being taken to Nightmare by Wizeman. Through a Paraloop portal trap set by Reala, Sonic is thrown into a series of boss encounters with the Deadly Six and Wizeman's second-level Nightmarens. After the bosses are defeated, Nights appears and traps Reala in a Paraloop, freeing Sonic from Wizeman's curse.
Each of the Deadly Six bosses have undergone the following changes:
At the entrance to the stage on the World Map, a dream cloud is shown depicting Nights flying by the Bellbridge clock tower from Nights: Journey of Dreams. When selected, Sonic lays down and goes to sleep, indicating the zone is nothing more than a dream like in the games it comes from. Upon completion of the stage, Sonic wakes up and the dream cloud disappears.
Furthermore, two of the music tracks playing in NiGHTMARE Zone are from Nights: Journey of Dreams:
"Nights and Reala" plays when facing against a member of the Deadly Six and its corresponding second-level Nightmaren, similar to Nights' first encounter with Reala.
"Peaceful Moment" plays when the stage is cleared, similar to when Nights defeated a second level Nightmaren.
Nights' appearance in this stage marks the twelfth time Nights has appeared in a Sonic game.
Likewise, this also marks the eighteenth time Nights has appeared in a game alongside Sonic.
Reala appears in this stage, but the player does not fight him.
This is the first DLC stage to be released for Sonic Lost World.
Due to the other two DLC stages being based on Nintendo-exclusive properties, this is the only DLC stage for Sonic Lost World that is available for the PC version.
Additionally, it is the only Sonic Lost World DLC stage that remains available for purchase, due to the two Wii U-exclusive stages becoming unavailable after the closure of the Nintendo eShop for Wii U.