Nick is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing. He is the mascot of Clutch the Opossum's corporation Clean Sweep Inc. for fun and entertainment purposes during the Clean Sweepstakes Race with his partner Dr. Yolk.
Nick is dressed as a Badnik, specifically a Crabmeat and has black pence to be as it's legs instead of its ray robotic ones.
Sometime before the race, Rough the Skunk was hired by Clutch the Opossum to play the role of a Crabmeat named Nick, which he agreed to play the role.[1]
Clean Sweepstakes[]
Nick and Doctor Yolk were guarding Jewel's office when suddenly Belle appears and ask to speak with Jewel. Doctor Yolk denies saying that she's too bust until Doctor Yolk grabs Belle and Nick distracts Tails and Amy when Tails pulls down the zipper on the back of Nick's mascot costume, revealing a familiar tail and smell to Amy. That's when Rough the Skunk reveals himself and calls security causing them to chase the trio.[1]
His role is meant to be the flunky of Doctor Yolk but he loves to cause trouble and loves to mess with Dr. Yolk and foil his plans.[2]
- Nick's name is a reference to the Badniks that make up Eggman's army.
- This is best emphasized when Doctor Yolk shouted, "Bad Nick!"
- It can be implied that Nick is like a reference to Dr. Robotnik’s Crabmeat lackey from the early issues of Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog series.
- The "Nincombot" insult is a reference to the version of Dr. Robotnik from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, who was known for insulting his robots (especially his sidekicks, Scratch and Grounder) like that.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #72, "Story four"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #69, Story one