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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic the Comic continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Morain is a character that appears in the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions. She is a warrior fox of the Nameless Zone and the sister of Errol Blackthorn. She has assisted Tails on two occasions, one of which also saw her fighting alongside Knuckles the Echidna, whom she believes to be Tails' "sidekick" on Mobius.


When Trogg kidnapped the Enchanter Kings and transformed Errol Blackthorn into an evil monster, Tails and Knuckles (believed to be Tails' "sidekick" Sonic) were summoned from Mobius to save the day.[1] Morain followed them across the Dimension Bridge to the Land Beyond, hoping to join Tails' quest so that she could get revenge for her brother. The three were soon attacked by monsters from the Land Beyond. During the fight, Morain came to realise that "Sonic" was more powerful than Tails, and wondered why he was Tails' sidekick rather than the other way around. Knuckles, who enjoyed pretending to be his rival, informed her that Tails was tougher than he looked (and also that blue was "Sonic's" least favorite color).

Although they won the initial battle, they were soon outnumbered and captured when Land Beyond reinforcements arrived.[2] Morain, along with Tails and Knuckles, was brought before Trogg and witnessed the summoning of the Dark One, who trapped them all in a forcefield.[3] They soon escaped and fled back across the Dimension Bridge, where Tails destroyed the Dark Orb (and thus the Dark One itself) by throwing it into the non-existent space under the Bridge.[4] In retaliation, Trogg attacked them on the Bridge, only to be fought by Knuckles. Tails accidentally referred to Knuckles by name, confusing Morain who had previously thought he was called Sonic. However, Tails dodged the question and Knuckles eventually knocked Trogg over the Bridge.

On returning to the Nameless Zone, Morain was reunited with her brother Errol. She continued to demand to know about why Tails had called his assistant 'Knuckles', but again received no answer when the group was attacked by Trogg, who had survived but now was magically restored to Shirob, the third Enchanter King. Tails and Knuckles were returned home, with Morain "still none the wiser about this 'Knuckles' thing!"[5]


Morain can be somewhat sensitive, particularly when she perceives (rightly or not) that someone doubts her abilities purely because she is a girl,[2] or when somebody points out that she has made a mistake.[6]

Morain is ferocious in battle and obstinate, often charging into danger without thinking and trusting to her abilities to win the day.[6] Although she is Tails' ally, she is far more violent. On their first meeting, she wished to join his rescue mission primarily so that she could get revenge on Trogg for turning her brother into an evil monster.[2]

Powers and abilities[]

Like her brother, Morain is a proficient swordswoman, and claims that there is nobody in the Nameless Zone that can best her with a sword.

Morain also possesses some minor magic abilities as demonstrated when she opened the portal to the Nameless Zone when the Enchanter Kings were imprisoned by goblins.[6]


  • Morain uses a slightly curved sword, quite unlike the straight swords typically used by other residents of the Nameless Zone.


  1. Sonic the Comic #59, "The Revenge of Trogg, Part 1"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Sonic the Comic #61, "The Revenge of Trogg, Part 3"
  3. Sonic the Comic #62, "The Revenge of Trogg, Part 4"
  4. Sonic the Comic #63, "The Revenge of Trogg, Part 5"
  5. Sonic the Comic #64, "The Revenge of Trogg, Part 6"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Sonic the Comic #143, "The Goblin Overlords, Part 1"