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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
Archie Comics Logo
This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

Mina Mongoose-Prower (born day 340, 3220) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. She is the Light Mobius counterpart of Mobius Prime's Mina Mongoose.


It was very difficult to see Mina Prower in much visual detail in the unaltered timeline as in the one panel she was drawn in, all the other characters in the same panel seemed to crowd her out. In the altered timeline, Mina has cut her hair so it is shorter and now wears a green dress with a purple belt but retains her headband and earrings.


25 Years Later (Unaltered)[]

Mina married Tails, and had two children with him called Skye and Melody. Years afterward, she moved to Downunda and was seen off by Queen Sally and her children, who were good friends with her children.[1]

25 Years Later (Altered)[]

Before King Sonic used the Tachyon Chamber to change history, Tails had anticipated something was going to happen, and created a device to protect Mina and his children from being erased from existence and losing their memories of the other timeline.[2]

Five Years Later[]

Five years after the defeat of King Shadow, Mina attended the celebration of King Sonic's five year rule with the rest of her family, and jokingly complained that they had managed to get more people than she'd had at all her concerts combined. She then greeted Lara-Su with a rather powerful hug and said that she looked great. Later while watching King Sonic's opening speech with her children, she saw a missile being fired at Sonic and his family and how it was destroyed by Silver the Hedgehog.

Later that night, her husband got knocked out and Mina ran out of the door with her children in her arms. She put Melody and Skye by a curb, and ordered them to find an E.S.T. officer or a Guardian, while she went to help her husband. Mina boldly confronted the Dark Presence, but was quickly gassed by one of the team members. Both were then held captive in a room in Castle Mobius.[3][4]

Both Mina and her husband were later released by the reformed Dark Presence, and both went to aid in the battle against Perfect Tikhaos with Mina saving her two children from Tikhaos' attacks. Her children explained they were Freedom Fighters now, to her surprise. They, along with the others, helped to clear a path for King Sonic to attack Tikhaos' weak point, only for him to fail and his children to succeed.[5]


Mina retains the vibrant personality of her younger years, though it has matured with her as she has become a wife and a mother. Mina's family is the most important thing to her, particularly the safety of her children. Though she long ago gave up trying to be a Freedom Fighter, she has a fiery determination to protect those she cares about.

Powers and abilities[]

Years on, and Mina still maintains her super speed ability but this time she control it with ease. However, it is only assumed that she still sings. She is no longer shy as she was when she was younger, but her son is as shy as she once was.


Despite her Mobius Prime self's relationship with Ash Mongoose, Mina somehow ended up with Tails instead. Despite the apparent odd coupling, the two are very much in love, enough to have created a somewhat convoluted lifestyle that enables the both of them-as well as their children-to enjoy what each of them loves most.

Miles "Tails" Prower[]

Tails and Mina

Tails and Mina, from Sonic Universe #5.

In this timeline, Mina's spouse and husband is Tails. The two married each other some time after Dr Eggman's death. Despite their past relationship being unknown, Mina and Tails live a happy romantic story and their love for one another keeps getting stronger over the years. They are often seen with their hands tied together or huddled up with each other. Tails in particular addresses Mina as "Hon" and seems to be a fan of her, as he admits that she is the best singer.

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

In her childhood, Mina got an history with the king, which failed. Despite that, Mina and Sonic remained on good terms and quite close, as Mina refers him by his first name instead of "king".





  • When asked why Mina and Tails ended up together, Ken Penders responded, "that was me reacting to the readers’s response to Mina by coupling her with Tails as I thought they looked great together, + the fact I didn’t want to establish Tails as a lonely bachelor, especially after the grief we received over Fiona Fox."[6]


  1. Sonic the Hedgehog #138, "Mobius: 25 Years Later - My Dinner With Sonic"
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #166, "Mobius: 25 Years Later Part One: Tempus Fugit"
  3. Sonic Universe #5, "Mobius: 30 Years Later - Five Years of Peace"
  4. Sonic Universe #6, "Mobius: 30 Years Later - Dark Siege"
  5. Sonic Universe #8, "Mobius: 30 Years Later - The Freedom Fighters of the Future"
  6. Ken Penders on Twitter (20 September 2021). Retrieved on 20 September 2021. "Ken Penders: As for Tails & Mina being a couple, that was me reacting to the readers’s response to Mina by coupling her with Tails as I thought they looked great together, + the fact I didn’t want to establish Tails as a lonely bachelor, especially after the grief we received over Fiona Fox."

External links[]
