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This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic Boom continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.
For the robot based on this one, see Mega Bot.

Attention Village: your panicked screaming and tracheal hysteria have so charmed and delighted me these past few moments that I wish to extend my appreciation by debuting for you my most extravagant ode to destruction yet! Behold, the Mega!

Dr. Eggman, "Unlucky Knuckles"

The Mega is a character that appears in the Sonic Boom series. It is a robot created by Dr. Eggman which has been used against Team Sonic and as a part of the doctor's evil schemes several times.


The Mega resembles a cross between a tank and a cyclops. It has a black upper torso with broad and round yellow shoulders which have short spikes on them. It has has thick gray arms with yellow and black hazard stripes and four-fingered hands. Its lower body consists of a red pelvis with gray tracks for legs, and yellow and black hazard stripes on the front. On its back it has an exhaust pipe and large vent-like tubes next to the shoulders. For head it has a thick yellow neck with a single red eye containing a slit-like pupil.


TV series[]

Season one[]


The Mega facing Team Sonic.

The Mega was first called out by Dr. Eggman to battle Team Sonic when they invaded his lair. The Mega effortlessly beat back Team Sonic, but when it deployed its photon bombs against them, Sticks and Knuckles spiked one of them into the Mega's eye causing it to explode and fall into the ocean.[2]

The Mega was later rebuilt by Eggman as a powerful, but untested prototype. Despite the risks involved, the Mega was used by Eggman for an invasion of Seaside Island. However, before it could do more damage, the Mega suddenly destroyed itself due to a malfunction triggered by Knuckles, who was experiencing a case of bad luck, when he joined Eggman.[3] The Mega was later rebuilt and deployed again, this time by Sonic, who had switched bodies with Eggman, to battle Eggman until they switched back.[4]

Season two[]


The Mega on strike.

Getting fed up with Eggman's callous treatment, the Mega joined Orbot and Cubot's strike action while also scorning Eggman's replacement lackeys. As it was about to give up though, Eggman cracked and agreed to treat it better (but still without respect).[1] The Mega later came with Eggman and his forces to attack Team Sonic. During the attack though, the Mega got taken out by Team Sonic's new ally, FriendBot.[5] Joining Eggman on another attack on Hedgehog Village, the Mega got its head blown off in the ensuing battle with Team Sonic.[6] After getting restored, the Mega came under Hypnobot's command when he and Eggman formed an alliance. Joining the villains' army for an invasion of Morristown, the Mega broke its allies into the city. Although the Mega met opposition from Team Sonic and their allies there, the heroes fell back when Hypnobot began turning the robots in the city against them. Still, the Mega was defeated when Knuckles returned to the battle and took it out with Cyborg Knuckles' aid.[7]

The Mega was soon rebuilt again, and attacked Hedgehog Village as a part of Eggman's next plan. When the Mega engaged Team Sonic though, the heroes defeated it with the unintended help from the Lightning Bolt Society, who intruded on the battle to fight Team Sonic.[8] When Eggman then had to keep Sonic from delivering the doctor's order from Meh Burger to his lair within three minutes, in an attempt to humiliate Sonic for his incompetence at delivering his order on time, a rebuilt Mega would act as an obstacle at Eggman's lair. However, it could not keep Sonic from arriving on time.[9]


Completely silent, the Mega is usually single-minded, merciless in battle and unquestioningly dedicated to Dr. Eggman's orders. Despite its machine-like demeanor though, the Mega does possess an AI that grants it a degree of free will and emotional capabilities, allowing it to make its own choices and express itself. However, it is weak-willed and depends on Eggman to avoid being sent to the scrapheap, meaning it cannot act independently for long before coming groveling back to the doctor.[1]

As per its programming, the Mega will only obey orders after being threatened.[4]

Powers and abilities[]

SB S1E03 Mega Photon Bombs

The Mega deploying photon bombs.

The Mega is a very durable robot; it can remain unfazed when hit by all of Team Sonic's standard attacks at once, and withstand a pummeling from FriendBot.[2][5][8] Thanks to its size, the Mega has incredible strength as well, enough to create minor tremors by punching the ground, topple trees by hand, and send Sticks flying with a single flick of its finger.[2][4] It is also capable of flight.[3]

The Mega is equipped with different armaments. It can fire lasers from its eye and its chest contains photon bombs which can track down opponents and explode with a powerful burst.[2][8] It also has hand grenades it can throw and ignite manually.[3] As an Eggman robot, it is also able to receive power remotely from Eggman's lair.[10]


Being an Eggman robot, the Mega relies on Eggman's lair to provide it with power. As such, should the lair run out of power, then it will too.[10]


  • The Mega got its name due to its superior size over Eggman's other robots (with the exception of HugeBot), being seven percent larger than Eggman's other robots[3] (although this estimate's validity is up to debate[11]).
  • In the Mega's first two appearances, Knuckles was the one who defeated it.
  • The Mega is the first original robot in the Sonic Boom television series to not have the word "bot" in its name.





See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Beardmore, Marie (14 January 2017). "Strike!". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 62. Boomerang.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Polsky, Dave (15 November 2014). "Translate This". Sonic Boom. Season 1. Episode 3. Cartoon Network.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Polsky, Dave (14 February 2015). "Unlucky Knuckles". Sonic Boom. Season 1. Episode 13. Cartoon Network.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Van Liemt, Romain; Derrien, Jean-Christophe (21 February 2015). "The Meteor". Sonic Boom. Season 1. Episode 14. Cartoon Network.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Denton, Alan; Hahn, Greg (11 February 2017). "FiendBot". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 66. Boomerang.
  6. Raut-Siezac, Natalys (15 April 2017). "Nominatus Rising". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 75. Boomerang.
  7. Denton, Alan; Hahn, Greg; Freiberger, Bill (27 May 2017). "Robots From The Sky Part 4". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 81. Boomerang.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Saisselin, Peter (10 June 2017). "Lightning Bowler Society". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 83. Boomerang.
  9. Gutierrez, Freddie (30 September 2017). "Three Minutes or Less". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 97. Boomerang.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Raut-Sieuzac, Natalys (4 March 2017). "Blackout". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 69. Boomerang.
  11. Bill Freiberger on Twitter (20 January 2017). Retrieved on 20 January 2017. "Tailooey Fan: If Mega is seven percent bigger than the other Eggman robots, why in "Strike!" the Obliterator Bot is bigger? / Bill Freiberger: Why do you think? / Tailooey Fan: It's a new model more loud? / Bill Freiberger: No. The seven percent line was just a joke in our comedy show and we reuse models when needed."