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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Lock-On Missile (ロックオンミサイル発射 Rokkuonmisairu hassha?, lit. "Lock-on Missile fire"), also known as the Homing Missile Launch (ガン発射 Gan hassha?, lit. "Gun fire") or Homing Missile, is an attack that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. When performing it, the user shoots missiles at a marked target.


When using the Lock-On Missile, the users use their weapon equipment to fire a missile at a marked target. The missile will then automatically follow the target until it connects. For those with more technologically advanced equipment, the users can fire several missiles in rapid succession at multiple targets.

In gameplay, the Lock-On Missile is used by the player to attack previously marked enemies/opponents from afar with missiles. Regardless of the angle from which the Lock-On Missile is used, the missiles launched will always home in on the targets until they hit, either causing damage or destroying the target.

Game appearances[]

Sonic R[]

The Lock-On Missile first appeared in Sonic R, where it was named Homing Missile. In this game, it is one of the actions Dr. Robotnik and EggRobo can perform during a race. Here, Robotnik uses his Egg Mobile's weapon equipment to perform the Homing Missile, while EggRobo uses its standard hand weapon.

In gameplay, the Homing Missile is used to attack other characters during a race. To use the Homing Missile once, the player must pay 10 Rings, with a brief recharge period between each shot. When using the Homing Missile, the player first has to let a reticle appear on the screen and allow it to lock onto a nearby racer (which is signified by it turning green). To fire the missile, the player then has to press the Jump button (A/C/Sega Saturn Y Button). If the opponent is hit, they will be slowed down heavily. Additionally, if the target is wearing a protective shield (Lightning Shield or Water Shield), the Homing Missile will eliminate it.

Sonic Adventure[]


Gamma locking on to targets, from Sonic Adventure.

In Sonic Adventure and its enhanced port Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut, the Lock-On Missile is used exclusively by E-102 Gamma, where it goes by the name Homing Missile Launch. Here, Gamma uses his machine gun to perform the Homing Missile, with the attack being a part of his standard weapon systems.

In gameplay, the Homing Missile Launch is used to attack the targets marked by Gamma's Laser Gun. To use the Homing Missile Launch, the player must press DreamcastB/SNNBGAMECUBEDISCO/Circle/B after marking a target with Laser Gun, where Gamma will rapidly shoot enough energy missiles to hit all marked targets, which will then either destroy or damage them.

By obtaining the Level Up Item Laser Blaster, the Homing Missile Launch gains a larger attack radius by creating a large explosion upon the missile's contact with the enemy, allowing it to damage enemies close to the targets. It also changes the color of Gamma's energy missiles from yellow to light blue.

Sonic Adventure 2[]

In Sonic Adventure 2 and its enhanced port Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, the Lock-On Missile is used by Tails and Dr. Eggman. Here, the playable characters use the Lock-On Missile as a part of the weapon arsenal onboard the Cyclone and the Eggwalker, respectively. On Tails' Cyclone, the Lock-On Missile is fired from the cannon located on the rear, and on Eggman's Egg Walker, the Lock-On Missile is fired from the cannon on the left side of the cockpit.

Like in Sonic Adventure, the Lock-On Missile is used to attack the targets marked by Tails/Eggman's Lock-on, with the Lock-On Missile's mechanics being the same as in those games. To use the Lock-On Missile, the player has to press DreamcastB/SNNBGAMECUBEDISCO/Circle/B after marking a target with Lock-on.

Like Sonic Adventure, the player can obtain the Laser Blaster Level Up Item for a larger attack radius when the Lock-On Missile impacts the targets. When Tails obtains the Laser Blaster, his Lock-On Missile changes color from yellow to blue, and when Eggman obtains the Laser Blaster, his Lock-On Missile changes color from yellow to green.


  • In Sonic Adventure, Gamma's missiles are very fast and hit an enemy within a matter of seconds. In Sonic Adventure 2, Tails and Eggman's missiles have varying speeds depending on how far away the enemy is.
    • In the normal stages, Tails and Eggman's missiles move very fast towards the enemies, but in the Boss Fights against each other, the missiles move considerably slower, so that they can be avoided more easily.
    • Also, in regular stages, the missiles never miss, but in the Boss Fights and the multiplayer mode, they are not as accurate and may miss the intended target.




See also[]

Main article · Scripts (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma, Super Sonic) · Story Screens (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma) · Credits · Glitches · Beta elements · Gallery · Pre-releases (Limited Edition, DX Demo Version) · Re-releases (DX, 2010)

Main article · Scripts (Hero, Dark, Last) · Staff · Manuals · Glitches · Beta elements · Gallery · Pre-releases (The Trial, Preview, TRIAL Version) · Re-releases (Battle, 2012)