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Sonic Wiki Zone
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This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Sonic Underground continuity.
Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the games or any other Sonic continuity.

The jewel merchant is a character that appears in the Sonic Underground television series. He is a jewelry merchant in the city of Emporium on Mobius.[1]


The jewel merchant is known to have connections to Queen Aleena Hedgehog shortly after losing her crown of Mobius during Robotnik's takeover. Queen Aleena and the mechant hatch up a plan to lead Robotnik into a trap by selling him a fake copy of the crown jewel, as they both know that original crown jewel's glowing ability can lead its owner to the queen of the Mobius. The jewel mechant sends a photograph evidence of the jewel to Robotnik, who identifies it as the crown jewel of the Mobius.[1]

As Sleet and Dingo are sent to the city of Emporium to get the jewel by force, the jewel merchant in his jewel store is furious for them trying to bribe him with cheap Persian rug. Sleet however, tells him that Robotnik is no longer interested of buying the jewel and rather wants it for free. As Sleet leaves the store, the jewel merchant nods to Queen Aleena in disguise for their plan's progression. Shortly after, the Sonic Underground enters the shop, who assume that the jewel merchant stole the crown jewel from their mother while spying Robotnik back in Robotropolis. The store is empty as they arrive with the merchant overhearing their discussion of them stealing the fake crown jewel. He's seen concernedly walking off from the scene before the triplets are trapped by Dingo disguised as a cheap Persian rug that Sleet was bribing moments ago for the mechant. As Sleet and Dingo are escaping with the fake jewel, the merchant tries to unsuccessfully stop Sonic in the store's entrance, who dashes past him at high speed.[1]

With Sonic being curious about the jewel merchant's background, triplets return back to the merchant's store soon after escaping from the trap cave and losing the fake jewel. The jewel mechant is nowhere to be found, as triplets only find a portrait of Queen Aleena and assume the jewel trap being conceived by their mother.[1]


  • The jewel mechant's real name is unknown as it was about to be revealed by Robotnik for Sleet and Dingo before Manic's remote control snooper gets squashed by Dingo.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Edens, Mark (23 September 1999). "The Jewel of the Crown". Sonic Underground. Season 1. Episode 19.