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I could have shot you dead just then, but that would have been ridiculously easy! You see, Knuckles, I enjoy the competition! I like an opponent who fights back!

— Hunter, Knuckles the Echidna #31

Hunter (died 3237) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He was a rogue and ruthless Overlander poacher and a foe of Knuckles the Echidna. He first appeared on Angel Island, capturing Knuckles and his childhood rival Monk, only to be defeated by Knuckles. Following this, Hunter was captured and turned into a soldier by Dr. Eggman, who used him to locate and steal the Master Emerald as well as to send numerous Echidnas to the Egg Grape Chambers, only for Hunter to get killed by Super Knuckles in the process.


Big Game

Hunter with his equipment, from Knuckles the Echidna #31.



King of the Hill[]

Hunter first arrived on Angel Island some time in 3236, where he located Knuckles and his childhood enemy Monk.[3] Hunter captured Monk and had him brought back to his vessel while having Knuckles accompany him. Once inside, Hunter explained that he wanted to have a sporting hunt, and that he had chosen Knuckles and Monk specifically for it. Hunter forced Knuckles to participate in his hunt by threatening to kill Julie-Su if Knuckles refused. Forcing the two Mobians to wear electric shock collars, Hunter had them attempt to escape while he chased after them.[4] After locating them and killing Monk by making him fall off a high platform in Hydro Zone, Hunter was knocked out when Knuckles, overcome with rage, struck him with a blast from the Chaos Force. Afterwards, Hunter was imprisoned by the Brotherhood of Guardians in Haven for his crimes.[5]

Return to Angel Island[]

Death to the Hunter

Knuckles sending Hunter into the sea, from Sonic the Hedgehog #141.

Roughly one year later, Hunter was freed by the Eggman-supported Dingoes during the Angel Island Takeover. Seeing potential in the villain, Eggman enhanced his fighting abilities and armed him with a Chaos Spear that allowed him to teleport his targets into captivity in New Megaopolis, but also outfitted him with a Control Collar to ensure that Hunter could be punished for any disobedience. Hunter was then dispatched, under orders to first locate the Hidden Palace Zone and then steal the Master Emerald from it.[6]

Successfully arriving at the Hidden Palace, Hunter immediately began madly targeting any Echidnas in sight with his spear. Seeing this, Eggman ordered him to ignore the citizens and focus on the Master Emerald, although Hunter's apparent hatred for Echidnas led him to continue in his regular violent manner. Once more however, Hunter was bested by Knuckles, who transformed into Super Knuckles and cast the Overlander into the sea, where he drowned.[7]


Before his death, Hunter captured numerous citizens of Angel Island, including Constable Remington, the Fire Ant Council, Xenin, and others.[7]


As one of the greatest hunters on Mobius, Hunter took a great deal of pride in said title, but never let it cloud his better judgement. Reserved and level-headed, he rarely allowed himself to panic under any circumstances, not even when being jumped by a giant gorilla. Underneath Hunter's calm exterior lay a homicidal being who made no distinction between race or gender; all looked fine on his wall. He did however acknowledge certain prey who prove worthy of the hunt, and showed disgust at a chaos-stripped Knuckles' inability to put up resistance.

Powers and abilities[]

A superb fighter in his own right along with a master hunter and formidable strategist, Hunter claimed to be able to take on Knuckles in a physical fight after studying him. He was also skilled in the use of various firearms and often used them in his hunts.


Knuckles the Echidna[]

Bah. You used to be something, Echidna. What happened to you? Who cares? It's time I collected my trophy!

— Hunter, Sonic the Hedgehog #141

Hunter and Knuckles the Echidna had a clear antagonist relationship. When he came across the echidna, Hunter generally saw Knuckles as only a trophy, or an opportunity to challenge his own hunting skills, and as such only treated the Guardian with the same disregard for life that he held for all animals on Mobius.[4][7] After learning of the echidna and his exploits, Hunter began studying him more thoroughly and captured him only so that he could have the pleasure of hunting down such a "worthy adversary" and claiming his head as a trophy.[3][4][7]

By the time of the Angel Island Takeover, however, Hunter's opinions on Knuckles' worthiness had changed drastically as a result of the Echidna losing his powers upon returning from the Chaos Force. Hunter now saw Knuckles as nothing but a weak has-been, but still hunted the Echidna, not out of enjoyment, but rather out of pure malice for his previous defeat at Knuckles' hands. So great was Hunter's hatred for Knuckles, that he projected his hatred onto the entire echidna species, disobeying his orders from Eggman just so he could fully decimate the face of the Hidden Palace Zone and watch as every innocent echidna in it fell victim to his Chaos Spear.[7]

Knuckles, in turn, viewed Hunter as a depraved monster for his mobian-hunting hobby, and was driven to unseen levels of fury when Hunter murdered Monk.[3][5] After Hunter's initial defeat, Knuckles even wanted Hunter kept alive in his Haven prison, so that the merciless overlander could sit and rot for the murders he caused.[5] However, Knuckles' tolerance for Hunter in any capacity reached its breaking point at their rematch during the Angel Island Takeover. Having witnessed the full extent of Hunter's devastation and blind contempt for the echidnas and everything they stood for, Knuckles transformed into Hyper Knuckles and hurled Hunter a great distance into the oceans below Angel Island, where he drowned.[7]

Doctor Eggman[]

Doctor Eggman gives Hunter his Control Collar

Doctor Eggman gives Hunter a Control Collar, from Sonic the Hedgehog #140.

Hunter and Doctor Eggman had a passing and neutral relationship. While they both had evil personalities, Hunter saw his own ideology as superior. Presumably, he viewed his evil within his hypocritical rules of "sport" as more sophisticated than Doctor Robotnik’s actions. To the point he found it unfortunate Doctor Robotnik and himself are part of the same species.[8]

Dr. Eggman in turn saw Hunter as a 'fun' tool to use during the Angel Island Takeover, and gave Hunter a control collar to keep him in check. Hunter immediately proved the collar's necessity when he focused more on attacking the innocent echidna civilians than retrieving the Master Emerald on Eggman's directive.[9] In the end, Doctor Eggman was disappointed with Hunter's death,[2] saying he wasted his technology on him.[10]


  • Aryu One-Two (unknown)




Scott Fulop Editorial

Off Panel, from Sonic the Hedgehog #28.


Concept artwork[]


  1. (comic book) "Dr Finitevus Data-File". Archie Comics. 19 April 2006. "Data-File: Although doing little to warrant attention, Dr. Finitevus seemed to control great power. It was thought he perished to Dr. Robotnik's enforcer, the now deceased Hunter, during an attack on Angel Island."
  2. 2.0 2.1 (comic book) "The Darkest Storm, Part 2: Onset Of The Squall". Archie Comics. 14 June 2006. "Doctor Eggman: And annihilate project Metal Snively. No more of this henchman nonsense. Hunter couldn't bother to survive a drop into the ocean. My own daughter betrays me. No more of it."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Knuckles the Echidna #30, "Bad to the Bone"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Knuckles the Echidna #31, "The Thrill of the Hunt"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Knuckles the Echidna #32, "To the Death"
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog #140, "Return to Angel Island Part 3: How Many Echidnas Does It Take to Protect a Master Emerald?"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Sonic the Hedgehog #141, "Return to Angel Island Part 4: Ultimate Hero"
  8. (comic book) "King of the Hill Part Two of Three: The Thrill of the Hunt". Archie Comics. December 1999. "Knuckles the Echidna: You wouldn't be related to a certain overweight maniac with delusions of grandeur? / Hunter: I take it you are referring to Julian Kintobor! / Knuckles: Who? / Hunter: You know him better as Doctor Robotnik, and yes, he is of my species -- unfortunately. The man is simply not a sportsman! We haven't crossed paths yet, though someday I suspect we will!"
  9. (comic book) "Return to Angel Island (Part 4 of 4): Ultimate Hero". Archie Comics. 11 October 2004. "Doctor Eggman: Hunter! Now that you've located the dark legion's hiding place, stop wasting time, you echidna-obsessed loon, and bring me the Master Emerald!"
  10. (comic book) "The Darkest Storm - Part 3: Downburst". Archie Comics. 12 July 2006. "Doctor Eggman: On the contrary, Sonic, they've been teleported away using the technology I wasted on Hunter. They are my captives now."

External links[]
