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Commander Hugo Brass' crew had finally managed a rough fix on the hedgehog's location. Against any other target, that would've been the hardest part -- not so with this one. So Brass called for the finest -- and got Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2. They hired them -- armed them -- officially briefed them -- and dispatched them to carry out the executive command. That was yesterday.

— Narrator, from Sonic the Hedgehog #98.

Hugo Brass is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He was the former Commander-in-Chief of the Guardian Units of the Nation, later becoming its military strategist in 3236 while maintaining his rank of commander. Having direct communications with the President of Station Square, Commander Brass organized some of the most well-known of G.U.N.'s operations.


Hugo Brass StH 98

First appearance, from Sonic the Hedgehog #98.

Hugo Brass is a large, muscular, male human with a shaved head. He has dark skin and a green, stylized military uniform with a red turtle neck and a Dreamcast attached on his back. He also wears a watch around his right wrist. After Sonic's return from space, he had a temporary redesign that replace his G.U.N. branded clothing for a generic military uniform and briefly designed him with a lighter skin color before returning to his original appearance. The reason behind the brief change is unverified but since the comic consistently colored Sonic's arms mistakenly blue and Hugo himself being a minor character in the comic, it could be another case of the comic's inconsistency.

Later, after Hugo became legionized by Dr. Eggman, Brass wore a Egg standard uniform with shoulder pads, a device on his left eye, and his arms were replaced with metal.


In his first appearance during the Sonic Adventure 2 adaption, his remaining hair was blue but this detail was permanently changed to black in the following issues. His shaved head also displayed with a large "G", which disappeared and was replaced with a full head of hair when he received the brief redesign. His shaved head returned with his reappearance as a Grandmaster (Sub-Boss) but with the inclusion of a metal something on top in place of hair.

Hugo Brass also has a beard, divided into three spots on his chin protruding outwardly. This also became a full beard with his brief design before reverting back.



Hugo Brass’ personal life prior is unknown. His reason for joining a militia group while his species avoided all of Mobius’ wars was never delved into. He must have had a passion for his role in Station Square, as he took all incoming situations, like apprehending Sonic the Hedgehog or fighting against the black hole generator, the Quantum Dial, head on with brazen conviction.

Commander of G.U.N.[]

Following the theft of Station's Square's Chaos Emerald from its bank by Shadow the Hedgehog, it was presumed that Sonic the Hedgehog was responsible, due to their similarities in appearance. Commander Brass organized the team to retrieve Sonic and bring him to Station Square for justice. He selected one of G.U.N.'s finest groups, Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2, to personally get the job done. (StH: #98)

Military Strategist[]

In the next encounter with the mobians, Commander Brass had succeeded as Commander-in-Chief of G.U.N. by Commander Abraham Tower, becoming its military strategist in 3236. At a combined briefing between the Knothole Freedom Fighters and the President of Station Square, Commander Brass briefed the Freedom Fighters on their dragon situation. Suggesting the attacking dragon be "terminated with extreme prejudice", he also assigned Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2 to accompany the Freedom Fighters on their mission. (StH: #107, SU: #1)

Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2 vs Quantum Dial

On the battlefield, from Sonic the Hedgehog #125.

During the Xorda's attack on the planet, Commander Brass personally joined G.U.N. soldiers on the field of battle against the Quantum Dial. Both he and Tails assessed the situation together before the attack. (StH: #125)

When it was discovered that Dr. Eggman was planning to launch two nuclear missiles, one at Knothole and one at Station Square, Commander Brass personally discussed the situation with the President. Due to the Xorda's attack exposing the city to the outside world, Brass pressed that due to the city's vulnerability they should launch a pre-emptive strike against the Eggman Empire, rather than relying on Sonic the Hedgehog at the Freedom Fighters to stop the launch. The President however declined, stating they would only counter attack once Eggman's missiles were airborne. The President also informed Brass that he had attached his special operative, Rouge the Bat, to command the G.U.N. expeditionary force aiding the defense of Fort Acorn. (StH: #131)

Forced Turncoat[]

Eventually, Hugo Brass became a victim of the Eggman Empire, being brainwashed and Legionized. Once the process was complete, Brass was made a Dark Egg Legion Grandmaster, and led a chapter in Eurish. After receiving a fake transmission from Snively claiming Dr. Eggman had been killed, he was forcefully summoned to a meeting aboard the Death Egg Mark 2 along with the other Grandmasters, and ordered by the dictator to seek out a missing Blue Chaos Emerald while also expanding his chapter's territory. Brass was then dismissed and sent back to his post like the others to resume his duty.

Later, Eggman's forces launched an attack on Central City, having tracked the turncoat Snively there. Brass was brought as well, along with his squadmates, now called the Egg Paladins. At Eggman's command, Brass dispatched the Paladins to battle with E-123 Omega, who was defending the city along with the other G.U.N. Forces. When Snively fled Central City, Eggman called off the attack and ordered his troops, including the Paladins, to withdraw.

When Eggman successfully defeated Snively and Regina Ferrum, Brass was demoted from his position as Grandmaster and put under Ferrum's and "Snively's" command.


Before being brainwashed by Eggman, Brass was a stereotypical, stoic military leader. He was loud, authoritative, and ready to accept command at any opportunity, though he seemed distrusting of outsiders and disliked it when operations were not put under his own jurisdiction. His status as military strategist would also suggest he had some unseen tactical intelligence. However, after his brainwashing, Brass became emotionless and mindlessly obedient to Eggman, usually only speaking to respond to his orders or agreeing with his comments with a “Yes, sir”.



Paladin Team Sigma-Alpha 2[]


Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Dr. Eggman[]




  • His name probably comes from the Clock Company Hugo Boss, which also made Bronze Celebrity Watches.
  • Brass's last name likely comes from the term used for police officers.
  • In his first appearance, Brass appeared to have a G.U.N. logo on the back of his head, as if it were shaved that way, it also had the word G.U.N depicted under it.
Hugo Brass

From Sonic the Hedgehog #131.

  • Like many mis-coloring throughout the comic, Hugo's skin color was caucasian for a brief period.
  • Brass' physical appearance in later issues bears some semblance to Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop.
  • Although Brass appeared to be the head of GUN in his first appearance, Flynn says that Brass should, for now, be treated as the head of operations in Station Square and Abraham Tower is the chief commander, until he decides what to do with Brass. In issues following his first appearance, Brass was labelled as "military strategist", suggesting he had been replaced as Commander-in-Chief and acted as G.U.N.'s strategist to the President.

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