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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Homing Tail Slice[1] (ホーミングテイル Hōminguteiru?) is a move that appears in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It is a technique used by Chaos 6, wherein he attacks with his tentacles and tail.


When using the Homing Tail Slice, Chaos 6 will extend his tail to form a scorpion tail-like shape with an energy-charged tip. He then extends multiple tentacles from his body in order to ensnare his opponent.

In gameplay, this attack is used during the Chaos 6 boss battle. When using the Homing Tail Slice, Chaos 6 will move to the center of the arena where he sprouts his tentacles. These tentacles limit the player's movements without damaging the player. After this, Chaos 6's tail will track the player over the arena and then attack. If the player is hit, they will take damage.


  1. Sonic Adventure online. Knuckles tactical info: Chaos 6 Attack Patterns. Archived from the original on 31 May 2016.

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