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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Hero Garden is a Chao Garden in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. It can be unlocked after evolving a child Chao into a Hero Chao.


Hero Garden

The Hero Garden, from Sonic Adventure 2

Just like the Neutral Garden, there is a pool that Chao can swim in, only instead of a cave that leads to Chao Stadium, there is a small fountain, along with a sign behind it says "Hero Garden." Also, as Knuckles or Rouge, they can dig into the ground to find a pumpkin that Chao can wear as a hat. On the side of the pool, there is a staircase leading to a little shelter, and a walkway that looks incomplete. Although, Chao are still able to jump and/or fly off of it as if it were some sort of a diving board. There is also a Chao transporter somewhere in this garden. The fruits on the trees are similar to the ones from the Neutral Garden, only they are yellow and look a bit dryer than the Neutral tree fruits.

The background surrounding the garden is different from the Neutral one as well. It is yellow with pink clouds on the bottom of the background. There are even two small, floating islands (one with a bell structure resting on the island). The player can often hear one of the bells ring while in the garden.

Chao that are placed in the Hero Garden will have their "alignment" gradually swayed towards Hero, potentially evolving into Hero Chao without player input.


  • In the 2012 remaster of Sonic Adventure 2, the fruit from the Hero Garden that can be fed to Chao gives them two or three bars of stamina per bite as opposed to one in the other gardens and versions, which is likely a glitch.
  • Many fans believe that the Hero Garden is the Chao version of Heaven, but it is not official.
    • There is an achievement in the 2012 remaster of Sonic Adventure 2 called "Heaven or Hell" which seems to imply that Hero Garden is indeed the Chao version of heaven.
  • Tails and Eggman don't use their mechs while inside the Hero Garden.
  • Tails is the only one who is able to drown in the water due to him being small and the water level reaching above his head.
    • However, this only applies for the original version. In its enhanced port, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, the water level was decreased a bit so that Tails is not able to drown anymore.





Name Artist Length Music track
"Hero Chao Garden" Fumie Kumatani 1:53

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