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This is the transcript for the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog episode, "Hedgehog of the "Hound" Table".
[The episode begins with a view of a medieval forest as Robotnik's time machine suddenly appears and spins rapidly. Scratch, Robotnik, and Grounder all scream as they are tossed in separate directions. The time machine stops, and Scratch is revealed to be hanging from a tree branch whilst Grounder is lying next to another tree. Stars spin around Scratch's head.]
- Grounder: Ooh, I think this time machine is ready for it's 50,000-year service!
[Robotnik is revealed to be lying atop a pine tree. He sits up, reaches behind his back with his right hand, pulls out a map, and unfolds it with both his hands.]
- Dr. Robotnik: We've arrived at the proper time!
[Robotnik closes the map, pulls down a projection screen with the images of the four Chaos Emeralds on it with his right hand, and draws an X over the Emerald of Invisibilty with a pencil he is holding in his left hand.]
- Robotnik: I've got three more Chaos Emeralds to find yet,
[Robotnik pulls the projection screen back up.]
- Robotnik: And once I've got them, I'll be the Supreme High Robotnik!
[Robotnik points his left index finger at the distance.]
- Robotnik: That way!
[The pine tree launches Robotnik, and Scratch and Grounder watch in amazement as he flies through the air.]
- Scratch: Wait for us!
[Scratch and Grounder run after Robotnik, leaving clouds of dust behind them. Robotnik lands near Merlynx the Magician's tree lair.]
- Robotnik: Ow! Oh!
[Robotnik screams, and stars spin around his head. He looks over at Merlynx's lair.]
- Robotnik: This is it! The secret lair of Merlynx the Magician!
[As Robotnik walks towards Merlynx's lair, Scratch and Grounder run up to him. Robotnik pushes the door open with his right hand and walks inside. Merlynx's shadow looms over him, Scratch and Grounder.]
- Merlynx: Leave the milk bottles on the step, oh, can't you see I'm busy?
[Robotnik looks over at Scratch and Grounder as the camera moves over to Merlynx and focuses on him as he walks past his beakers. A drop of a chemical lands in a glass of orange liquid next to a book, and the orange liquid turns purple and emits a cloud of smoke.]
- Merlynx: At last, ah, I've done the impossible!
[Merlynx puts a lime and a tiny umbrella on the glass with his right hand, then picks up the glass with the same hand.]
- Merlynx: This potion will make me youthful, strong, and uh, physically fit!
[Merlynx drinks the potion, then stares in shock.]
- Merlynx: Yeow!
[Merlynx turns into a weightlifting machine, which has his wizard hat and glasses atop it.]
- Robotnik: Merlynx, I've come for the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility!
[Scratch walks past Robotnik, who then stares in shock at him. Scratch is now at Merlynx, lifting and lowering his handlebar with both his hands.]
- Scratch: Say, this thing does make you feel more physically fit!
[Robotnik runs up to Scratch and swats Merlynx's handlebar with his left hand, causing it to fall on Scratch, who screams in pain.]
- Robotnik: Get off that stupid thing, you muscle-brain!
[Scratch groans as he gets up, and stars spin around his head. Grounder runs up to him, and Robotnik yells forcefully at them.]
- Robotnik: Whip up a magical spell and turn Merlynx back to normal!
[Grounder waves his right hand at Robotnik.]
- Grounder: Yes, your bad-breathness!
[Scratch is at Merlynx's table and picks up an empty beaker with his right hand. Grounder rolls up to him, and notices Merlynx's magic wand on the table.]
- Grounder: Hey, a magic wand!
[Grounder picks up the wand with his right hand.]
- Grounder: This should do it!
[Grounder waves the wand, and creates a cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears, he and Scratch appear as the bride and groom figurines, respectively, atop a wedding cake. Grounder gasps as he and Scratch stare in shock.]
- Scratch: Huh?
[Robotnik runs up to the wedding cake, with Merlynx's wand sticking out of it.]
- Robotnik: You dumbbots! Do I have to do everything myself?
[Robotnik picks up the wand with his right hand. He waves it, and creates a cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears, he, Scratch, and Grounder all turn into sports trophies. Scratch is golden and holding a baseball bat in both his hands, Grounder is silver and holding a golf club in both his hands, and Robotnik is bronze and holding a bowling ball in his right hand and Merlynx's wand in his left. Another cloud of smoke appears, and when it clears, Robotnik, Scratch, and Grounder are back to normal, with the latter two having lost their respective baseball bat and golf club.]
- Robotnik: I knew it! It's all in the wrist!
[Robotnik drops his bowling ball, causing it to flatten Grounder. He then waves Merlynx's magic wand at Merlynx, creating a cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears, Merlynx is back to normal. Merlynx rubs his back with his left hand.]
- Merlynx: Ow! Uh, gettin' into shape can, uh, really get you, well, out of shape! Uh, uh, who are you?
[As Robotnik talks to Merlynx, Grounder tries lifts the bowling ball off his head with both his drills and tosses it aside.]
- Robotnik: Never mind that! I came for the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility!
- Merlynx: The Chaos Emerald? No, no, no, no, no! Not that!
[Merlynx chuckles nervously.]
- Merlynx: It could be very dangerous in the wrong hands!
[Robotnik points his left index finger at Merlynx.]
- Robotnik: You're so right, Merlynx. But then again, if you don't get it for me,
[Robotnik runs up to Merlynx and grabs him by his robe with both his hands.]
- Robotnik: You're going to be in my dangerous hands!
- Merlynx: Uh, oh, well, if you put it that way...
[Merlynx chuckles nervously as he lifts his wizard hat with his left hand, revealing the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility under it. Robotnik snatches the emerald with his left hand. He tosses Merlynx aside with the same hand, and is now holding the emerald in his right.]
- Robotnik: At last! I've got the Chaos Emerald! Now I'm invincible! I can never be harmed! Let's test it out! Give me everything you've got!
- Grounder: If you insist, your braveness.
[A laser cannon emerges from Grounder's chest compartment, and Scratch reaches behind his back with his right hand and pulls out a laser. They both fire at Robotnik, who laughs evilly, but quickly turns to screaming as his skeleton is now exposed. Scratch and Grounder stop firing, and a zapped Robotnik groans and falls over. Merlynx walks up to him.]
- Merlynx: I've tried to tell you, holding the emerald is only half of the spell! In order to gain invincibility, you have to become king!
[Robotnik stands up and looks over at Merlynx.]
- Robotnik: King? Of what?
- Merlynx: Why, King of the Hound Table of course!
[Robotnik points his right index finger at Merlynx.]
- Robotnik: That shouldn't be a problem,
[Robotnik pulls Merlynx over to him with his left hand.]
- Robotnik: With you on my side!
[Robotnik laughs evilly. The screen transitions to the next scene, wherein Tails is surfing on the beach. He flies into the air when the waves lower his surfboard, then gets back on it when the waves raise it.]
- Tails: Come on, Sonic! The waves are totally rad!
[Sonic, who is holding his surfboard in both his hands, runs up to Tails.]
- Sonic: I'm on my way, Tails!
[Sonic passes by a pink girl with blonde hair.]
- Sonic: And now I'm stopping,
[Sonic stops, then backs up.]
- Sonic: Now I'm putting it in reverse!
[Sonic sets his surfboard down near the Pink Girl, and turns to face her. He winks at her, then leans his against his surfobard by his right arm.]
- Sonic: Mind if this hedgehog plays in the sand with you?
- Squid Girl: Mmmm, not at all!
[Sonic spins into the sand, and pokes his head out of it.]
- Sonic: How bout' you and I...
- Professor Caninestein: Sonic! Sonic!
[Sonic stares angrily at Professor Caninestein as he walks up to him. Caninestein is holding his time scope in his left hand.]
- Sonic: What is it this time, Professor Caninestein?
[Tails, who is carrying his surfboard in both his hands, flies up to Sonic and sets his surfboard down next to his.]
- Caninestein: According to my time scope,
[A view of Robotnik's time machine in the Medieval forest is shown.]
- Caninestein: Dr. Robotnik has gone back to Medieval Mobius, where he's searching for the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility!
- Sonic: Cut me some slack, Mac! The only time I've got to spare, I'm spending with my cute little friend here!
[Sonic pulls his left hand out of the sand and puts it over the Pink Girl's right shoulder.]
- Pink Girl: You're awful cute yourself, Sonic!
[The Pink Girl reveals herself to be a squid, as she wraps her right tentacle around Sonic's head. Sonic gasps as he stares in shock at the Squid Girl's tentacle. The Squid girl climbs out of the sand, revealing her to have three arms on each side of her body.]
- Squid Girl: I'd like to wrap you in my arms!
[The Squid Girl hugs Sonic.]
- Sonic: On second thought, time waits for no hedgehog!
[Sonic jumps out of the sand and lands next to Tails, then grabs Tails' left wrist with his right hand.]
- Sonic: Sorry, Ma'am, gotta run, fast!
[Sonic runs away, with Tails in tow. The Squid Girl looks angrily at him and crosses her arms. Caninestein is holding the Atomic Relativity Boots in his left hand and points his right index finger at them.]
- Caninestein: Don't forget your Atomic Relativity Boots! They'll enable you to circle the planet at the speed of light and enter the time warp!
[Sonic runs back to Caninestein and puts the Atomic Relativity Boots on his respective feet with both his hands. Caninestein then reaches into his shirt pocket with his right hand and pulls out a card, which he hands to Sonic.]
- Caninestein: And here are the time-space coordinates for Robotnik's location!
[Sonic grabs the card with his left hand.]
- Sonic: Gotta juice, Doc! Thanks!
[Sonic gears up to run.]
- Sonic: Up, over, and gone!
[Sonic grabs Tails' right wrist with his right hand, and runs away with him in tow. The camera cuts to a view of the planet Mobius as Sonic circles it multiple times. Eventually, the planet flashes, and the camera cuts to a view inside the time warp. Sonic runs through it, with Tails in tow as the clock hands in the distance move counter-clockwise. A view outside King Arfur's castle is shown as the camera zooms in on it. Sonic runs into the courtyard and screeches to a halt.]
- Tails: Where are we?
- Sonic: Looks like we're in the walls of some kind of castle!
[Princess Gwendolyn runs past Sonic and Tails, and they run up to her.]
- Sonic: What's the rush, milady?
- Princess Gwendolyn: They're attacking the castle! My father's in great danger!
- Tails: Who's your father?
[Sonic, Tails, and Gwendolyn run over the bridge to King Arfur's castle.]
- Gwendolyn: Why, king Arf... Arf... Arfur, of course!
- Tails: King Arfur? Cool!
[In the next scene, Sonic, Tails, and Gwendolyn are in King Arfur's castle as Tails walks up to King Arfur's throne. The camera zooms in on the throne.]
- Tails: I read about you in the history books! Where are the knights of the Hound Table?
- King Arfur: Uh, outside the castle walls, getting clobbered by the evil Bloated Knight!
- Tails: Bloated Knight?
[Sonic points his right thumb at Tails.]
- Tails: Let's check it out, scout!
[Sonic runs up the stairs, and Tails flies behind him. When they reach the window at the top, they look out it. The Knights of the Hound Table run up to the Bloated Knight, who is none other than an armored Robotnik.]
- Knights: Charge! We'll get him!
[Robotnik knocks the knights down by thrusting his stomach against them.]
- Knights: Whoa!
[Robotnik laughs evilly.]
- Sonic: It's Robotnik!
[Gwendolyn runs up to a large book and picks it up with both her hands. She opens the book with her right hand.]
- Gwendolyn: Our legend tells that we will be saved by the...
[Arfur walks up to Gwendolyn. A view of an illustration of the Holy Hedgehog, a hedgehog resembling Sonic wearing knight's armor and holding a sword in his left hand, is shown.]
- Gwendolyn: Ho... Ho... Holy Hedgehog!
[Gwendolyn lowers the book, revealing Sonic to be behind it. Sonic points his left index finger at himself]
- Sonic: Who, me? The Holy Hedgehog?
[Arfur and Gwendolyn smile as they look at each other.]
- Sonic: Well, now that you mention it, it does have a nice ring to it!
[The screen transitions to the next scene, where in a cloud of smoke, the Knights of the Hound Table groan as Robotnik beats them up. Robotnik is now holding a magnet in both his hands. A Knight in golden armor is holding a mace in both his hands as he walks up to Robotnik, but the magnet pulls the armor off his body, leaving him wearing only white boxer shorts with red hearts. The Knight covers his body with both his arms and blushes in embarrassment. Three more Knights; one in gold armor holding a spear in his right hand, one in blue armor holding a spear in his right hand, and one in orange armor holding a spear in both his hands, all run towards Robotnik.]
- Knights: Charge!
[Scratch, who is dressed in a knight's helmet, aims a cannon at the knights, then plugs his ears with both his index fingers as the cannon fires a cannonball. The cannonball bounces, then rolls like a bowling ball. The cannonball knocks over the three knights like bowling pins.]
- Knights: Whoa!
[Grounder, who is dressed in a knight's helmet and armor, and has a mace where his right drill would be, grunts as he uses his extended nose like a sword against a Lnight in gold armor who is holding a spear in both his hands. Grounder then spins the Knight around, and when the Knight is facing against him, Grounder tears off the seat of his armor with his nose. The Knight groans as he bounces near Scratch. A Knight in blue armor holding a mace in his right hand runs up to Scratch, who pulls out a laser with his right hand and zaps him with it. The knight groans in pain as he is zapped, then flies into the air. The camera cuts to a view of Robotnik, who is surrounded by Arfur's defeated Knights, and zooms out on him.]
- Robotnik: Say good night to your Knights, Arfur!
[Robotnik laughs evilly as Arfur stares sadly at him.]
- Robotnik: I'm coming for you next!
[Scratch and Grounder are now holding a ladder in both their hands and drills, and lean it up against the turret of Arfur's castle. Robotnik runs up to the ladder, then climbs up it. He climbs past Sonic, who is looking out the window, then he looks down and gasps in shock.]
- Robotnik: What? That? No! It can't be!
[Robotnik climbs back down the ladder until he reaches Sonic.]
- Sonic: You may not believe it's me, that's why I always carry this;
[Sonic holds up a card in his right hand. The card says, SONIC EXPRESS, SONIC T. HEDGEHOG, and depicts Sonic holding up his left thumb.]
- Sonic: My Sonic Express card!
[The image of Sonic winks his left eye at the viewers.]
- Sonic: I never spin anywhere without it!
[Sonic spins the rungs on the ladder above Robotnik. Robotnik stares in shock and screams as the ladder falls apart, and he falls off it. He then groans as he lands with a thud.]
- Robotnik [muffled]: Get me out of here!
[Scratch grabs Robotnik's right leg with both his arms, and Grounder grabs his left with both his drills. They both grunt as they pull Robotnik out of the hole. Robotnik holds up his left fist.]
- Robotnik: Get that blasted hedgehog!
[Sonic jumps down the turret. As he walks counter clockwise around the turret, Scratch, who is holding an axe in both his hands, sneaks up behind him. Atop the turret, Tails, who is dressed like a medieval servant, is standing next to a giant cauldron of oatmeal as the camera zooms out on him.]
- Tails: I like to start my day with a steaming pot of oatmeal!
[Tails pulls the lever back with both his hands, and the cauldron of oatmeal dumps forward. Just as Scratch is about to hit Sonic with his axe, the oatmeal lands on him, burying him. Sonic backs away as this happens.]
- Sonic: Yikes!
[Sonic, who is now holding a spoon in his right hand, walks up to the pile of oatmeal. He scoops the oatmeal up with his spoon and puts it in his mouth.]
- Sonic: What? No milk and honey?
[Scratch, who now has his head poked out of the top of the pile of oatmeal, turns red. He screams as he runs into the moat, then pokes his head and left hand out.]
- Scratch: That wasn't so bad!
[An alligator pokes his head out of the moat, and growls as he pounces at Scratch. The alligator then pokes his head out of the moat again, and picks at his teeth with a toothpick he is holding in his left hand.]
- Scratch [heard inside the alligator]: Told you! This is much worse!
[The alligator burps. Grounder is now standing behind a catapult and chuckles as he turns the winch back with both his drills.]
- Grounder: This catapult will stop that smart-alecky Sonic! Ugh! There! Now to load it!
[Grounder grunts as he looks around.]
- Grounder: Where'd I put those big bad rocks?
[Grounder rolls away. Sonic runs up behind Robotnik and taps his back with his left index finger. Robotnik turns to face him.]
- Robotnik: Huh?
[Sonic ties Robotnik's mustache together with both his hands.]
- Robotnik: Ow!
[Sonic runs around Robotnik, who growls as Sonic shapes him into a ball. Sonic holds Robotnik above him with his right hand and tosses him at Grounder. Grounder rolls up to Robotnik.]
- Grounder: Ah! Here they are!
[Grounder grunts as he picks up Robotnik with both his drills.]
- Grounder: I'll use this biggest, fattest, meanest-looking one for Sonic!
[Grounder rolls up to his catapult and puts Robotnik in it. He then looks through the crosshair with his left eye.]
- Grounder: Now, where is that no-good hedgehog?
[Sonic, who is holding a paint bucket in his left hand and a paintbrush in his right, runs up to the turret and paints a bullseye on it. He then tosses the paint bucket and paintbrush aside, then whistles into the fingers on his right hand. A view of the crosshair is shown as Grounder aims it at Sonic, who is standing in front of the bullseye and tapping his left foot impatiently.]
- Grounder: There he is!
- Sonic: I'm waiting!
[Robotnik frees his mustache and arms and turns to face Grounder.]
- Robotnik: What do you think you're doing?!
[Grounder holds up his left thumb.]
- Grounder: I'm gonna blast that stupid hedgehog and make Dr. Robotnik proud of me!
[Robotnik stares fearfully upon hearing this. Grounder then pulls the lever with both his hands, and the catapult launches Robotnik. Robotnik screams as he flies towards Sonic, who steps to his left side. Robotnik groans as he hits the bullseye.]
- Sonic: Bullseye!
[Robotnik slides down the turret. Tails, Arfur, and Gwendolyn have all seen this from atop the tower.]
- Tails: All right, Sonic!
- Arfur: Good show!
[The flattened Robotnik grabs his face with both his hands and stretches it out.]
- Robotnik: You won't be cheering once you get a taste of my secret weapon!
[Scratch and Grounder walk towards Robotnik, holding Merlynx captive with the former's right hand and both the latter's drills. Arfur stares in shock.]
- Arfur: Merlynx?!
- Sonic: Some secret weapon! What's he gonna do? Pull me out of his hat?
[Robotnik walks up to Merlynx, who is now holding his wand in his left hand. He grabs Merlynx by his robe with his right hand, and points his left index finger at Sonic.]
- Robotnik: All right, magician! Cast your spell, and don't misspell it!
[Robotnik sets Merlynx down.]
- Merlynx: Rotten cheese and smelly sock, uh, turn hedgehog feet into, uh, solid rock!
[Merlynx waves his wand and zaps it toward Sonic, who impatiently taps his right foot. Sonic gasps as the wand zaps his Atomic Relativity Boots, turning them into a pair of stone sneakers.]
- Robotnik: Aha!
[Sonic grunts as he struggles to move forward. He then pulls on his left leg with both his hands.]
- Sonic: Oh no!
[Tails gasps.]
- Sonic: I'm a... slow-mo!
[The camera zooms in on Sonic, and the screen fades to black. In the next scene, Sonic grunts as he struggles to move. Eventually, he begins to lose his balance.]
- Sonic: Oh! It's no use! I can barely walk with these things!
[Tails runs up to Sonic.]
- Tails: Maybe I can get them off!
[Sonic yells as Tails grabs the stone sneaker on his right foot with both his hands and flies into the air. Tails grunts as he tries to pull it off, but to no avail, and falls over.]
- Tails: Whoa!
[Sonic flinches as Tails lands with a thud.]
- Robotnik: Oh, didn't I tell you, Hedgehog?
[Sonic looks over at Robotnik, who is on a ladder.]
- Robotnik: They don't come off. They're guaranteed, for life!
[Robotnik laughs evilly, then climbs up the ladder. He groans as he lands next to Arfur and Gwendolyn with a thud, and his helmet and Arfur's crown fly into the air. Arfur's crown lands on Robotnik's head, and Robotnik's helmet lands on Arfur's head. Robotnik pulls out the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility with his left hand.]
- Robotnik: I've done it! I've won the kingdom!
[The emerald begins to flash, and thunder booms as it takes its effect on Robotnik, making him muscular. Arfur and Gwendolyn gasp as they stare in shock at Robotnik, who growls in delight.]
- Robotnik: And now I'm invincible!
[Robotnik laughs evilly.]
- Robotnik: As King, my first royal decree shall be to place Sonic and his furry accomplice in the castle dungeon!
[A whistling sound can be heard, and the castle dungeon background falls behind Sonic and Tails. They both look around.]
- Tails: There must be some way out of here!
[Sonic points at his stone sneakers with both his index fingers.]
- Sonic: Forget it, Tails!
[Sonic grunts as he struggles to move.]
- Sonic: With these clodhoppers, I can't run...
[Sonic grunts as he struggles to move.]
- Sonic: Can't jump...
[Sonic grunts as he struggles to move.]
- Sonic: Can't spin...
[Sonic grunts as he struggles to move, then sighs unhappily.]
- Sonic: I'm just... blue!
[Sonic lifts the stone sneaker on his right foot with both his hands, and it falls on Tails' left foot, causing him pain.]
- Tails: Ow!
[The screen fades to black, then transitions to the next scene, where a view outside Arfur's castle is shown as the camera zooms in on it. Sonic and Tails are now sitting on the bench, and the camera moves over to the left side of the screen, where the dungeon's bars are. Gwnedolyn runs in, holding a dish covered in a napkin in both her hands.]
- Gwendolyn: I brought you some food.
- Sonic: Thanks.
- Gwendolyn: You must help me get my father's throne back!
- Sonic: But how? I can barely walk, let alone run!
- Gwendolyn: Find Merlynx, only he can break the spell!
[Gwendolyn looks behind herself and gasps.]
- Gwendolyn: It's the guard!
[Gwendolyn reaches through the bars and sets the plate down.]
- Gwendolyn: You're our only hope, Ho... Ho... Holy Hedgehog!
[Gwendolyn walks away, and Tails runs up to the plate. He picks it up with both his hands, and removes the napkin with his right hand, revealing two chili dogs underneath.]
- Tails: Wow!
[Tails picks up one of the chili dogs with his right hand.]
- Tails: I didn't think they knew how to make chili dogs in the middle ages!
[Tails takes a bite out of the chili dog, only to find something metal inside. He drops the plate in pain.]
- Tails: Ow!
[Some of Tails' teeth fall out, and he drops the chili dog in his right hand to put both his hands on his cheeks.]
- Tails: I guess they didn't!
[Sonic walks up to Tails and points his left index finger at the plate below.]
- Sonic: Let me see that!
[A view of the shattered plate is shown, revealing two nail files to have been hidden in the chili dogs. The camera zooms in on the nail files.]
- Sonic: Gwendolyn may be a lousy cook, but she knows the right ingredients for a jail break!
[A view of Robotnik, who is holding the emerald in his left hand and standing in front of Arfur's throne is shown. Grounder is standing to his right side, holding a rope in his left hand.]
- Robotnik: Fire!
[The camera moves over to the right side of the screen, until it reaches Scratch, who is standing next to a cannon.]
- Scratch: Are you sure, you masochisticness?
- Robotnik: Just do it!
[Scratch holds his left hand over his left ear as he lights the cannon's fuse with a match he is holding in his right hand. He then covers his right ear with his right hand and flinches as the cannon fires a cannonball at Robotnik, only for the cannonball to bounce off his stomach. Scratch screams as he stares in shock as the cannonball goes back in the cannon, causing the cannon to explode and create a cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears, the cannon is gone and Scratch is charred.]
- Robotnik: Release!
- Grounder: I don't think that such a good i...
[Robotnik points his right index finger at the floor.]
- Robotnik: Now!
[Grounder lets go of the rope and screams. He and Scratch both scream as a giant anvil above them and Robotnik falls on top of them. The anvil cracks into pieces, and Robotnik is unharmed thanks to the power of the Emerald. Robotnik laughs evilly as he dusts the rubble off his right shoulder with his left hand.]
- Robotnik: I love being invincible!
[The camera moves over to the rubble of the anvil as Scratch and Grounder poke their heads out of it. Scratch puts his right hand on his head.]
- Scratch: Personally, we could live without it!
[Robotnik holds the emerald up to the light shining off it with his left hand.]
- Robotnik: Before I go back in time to get the next Chaos Emerald,
[As Robotnik continues speaking, he skips down the stairs.]
- Robotnik: I think I'll humiliate Sonic before the entire kingdom! I can't wait to see the look on that Hedgehog's face when I tell him...
[When Robotnik reaches the dungeon, he finds the door is open and Sonic and Tails are no longer inside.]
- Robotnik: He's gone!
[Scratch runs up to Robotnik.]
- Scratch: I don't think you have to tell him he's gone, your slowness, I think he knows! Bwahaha!
[Robotnik grabs Scratch's head with both his hands.]
- Robotnik: When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you!
[Robotnik slides Scratch's helmet down his neck. Scratch walks up to Grounder, who is trembling in fear.]
- Robotnik: Find that hedgehog, or you'll find your heads in my trash compactor!
[The screen transitions to the next scene, where Sonic is struggling to walk across the forest, with Tails following behind him. Sonic pants heavily.]
- Sonic: I don't know how much longer I can go on like this!
[Sonic continues panting heavily.]
- Tails: You've gotta, Sonic! Merlynx's place is just ahead!
[Tails pushes Sonic from behind with both his hands. As Sonic moves forward, his stone sneakers create large footprints. Meanwhile, Scratch and Grounder are facing against each other.]
- Scratch: It's no use, we'll never find that wily hedgehog!
[The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view, revealing that Scratch and Grounder are standing next to Sonic's trail of footprints.]
- Grounder: Yeah, you'd have to be a mental genius to follow his trail!
[Scratch follows Sonic's trail of footprints, which lead him into a bush.]
- Scratch: What's that sound?
- Grounder: Beats me. Let's check it out!
[Scratch peers out from behind the bush, and sees Sonic and Tails in the distance.]
- Scratch: I found him!
[Grounder rolls up to Scratch.]
- Grounder: You found him? I'm the mental genius, and that hedgehog is a sitting duck!
[Scratch and Grounder run up to Sonic as Tails continues pushing him. Scratch is holding an axe in both his hands, and Grounder is holding a sword in his right hand.]
- Scratch: End of the road, Sonic!
[Grounder points his right index finger at Sonic.]
- Grounder: We're taking you back to Robotnik the Invincible!
[Sonic holds out both his hands like stop signs.]
- Sonic: Put down the arsenal, fellas! How can I hurt you with these stone sneaks on?
[Scratch and Grounder lower their weapons, and Sonic steps on Scratch's right foot with the stone sneaker on his left foot.]
- Sonic: Other than stepping on your toe...
[Scratch screams in pain as he hops on his left foot while holding his right foot in both his hands. Sonic sneaks up behind Grounder and kicks him with the stone sneaker on his right foot.]
- Sonic: Or giving your engine a kick start?
[Grounder screams as he flies through the air. As he lands with a thud, Sonic points his left thumb in front of him.]
- Sonic: Let's buzz, cuz!
[Tails shrugs his shoulders in confusion.]
- Tails: But how?
[Sonic walks up to Scratch.]
- Sonic: Simple; we just make slick slick!
[Sonic lifts up Scratch's apron with his left hand and pulls a lubrication hose out from Scratch's chest compartment with his right.]
- Scratch: Hey!
[Scratch screams in pain as Sonic squirts the oil from the lubrication hose onto the ground, creating a trail that leads to Merlynx's lair. Sonic then turns to face Tails.]
- Sonic: Give me a shove, Tails!
- Tails: You got it, Sonic!
[Tails pushes Sonic with both his hands, and Sonic slides on the oil. Sonic turns to face Scratch and Grounder.]
- Sonic: See you round, clowns!
[Tails flies behind Sonic. As he flies, his tails are used as a transition to the next scene, wherein Sonic reaches the front door of Merlynx's lair, and grunts when he breaks it down. As Tails walks up to Sonic, the camera moves over to the right side of the screen, where Merlynx pours liquid from a test tube he is holding in his left hand into a beaker he is holding into his right.]
- Merlynx: Ha! I've got it this time!
[Merlynx tosses the test tube aside and is now holding the beaker in his left hand.]
- Merlynx: Here's to youth, uh, strength, and physical fitness!
[Merlynx pours the potion on himself, and a cloud of smoke appears, with the word, POOF emitting from it. When the smoke clears, Merlynx is turned into a wheel of cheese with his wizard hat on it. Sonic walks up to him, and takes a piece of the cheese with his right hand.]
- Sonic: I don't know about young, strong, and fit...
[Sonic sniffs the piece of cheese, then puts it in his mouth. He finds the cheese tastes terrible, and spits it out. He then waves his left hand over his nose and mouth, then plugs his nose with it.]
- Sonic: But you sure taste and smell bad!
[Sonic looks to his right side and picks up Merlynx's magic wand with his right hand.]
- Sonic: Abracadabra, get rid of what stinks, change that cheese back to old Merlynx!
[Sonic zaps the cheese with Merlynx's wand, and a cloud of smoke appears, with the word, POOF emitting from it. When the smoke clears, Merlynx is turned back to normal.]
- Merlynx: Oh, it's no use! I haven't been able to make that spell work for 40 years! Guess it's time I turned in my wand!
- Sonic: Hold it! How bout' turning my shoes back to normal first?
[Sonic tosses Merlynx's wand towards Merlynx, and Merlynx catches it in his right hand.]
- Merlynx: Guess I owe you that much. Magic spell, when I say "When", turn these really big shoes back to slick kicks again!
[Merlynx zaps Sonic's stone sneakers with his wand, but nothing happens. Sonic and Tails look down in disappointment.]
- Tails: Aw, it didn't work!
- Merlynx: Nonsense! I didn't say "When"!
[A cloud of smoke appears, with the word, POOF emitting from it. When the smoke clears, Sonic's stone sneakers are turned back into his Atomic Relativity Boots. The camera zooms out on them.]
- Sonic: Good as new!
- Tails: Now all we need is to figure out how to defeat Robotnik the Invincible!
[Sonic points his left thumb at himself.]
- Sonic: And I know just how to do it!
[The screen transitions to a view outside Arfur's castle as the camera zooms in on it. Inside the castle, Robotnik is asleep at the head of the Hound table as the camera zooms in on him. There is a knock at the door, and he awakens.]
- Robotnik: Huh? Where am I? Must be Scratch and Grounder with Sonic!
[Robotnik walks up to the door.]
- Robotnik: Thought you could get away from me, you little blue...
[Robotnik opens the door with his left hand. On the other side of the door is a note hung by a sword with a picture of Sonic as the Holy Hedgehog on it.]
- Robotnik: Huh?
[Robotnik tears the note off with his left hand and looks over it.]
- Robotnik: Robotnik the Invisible Ball of Flab is hereby challenged to a joust by the defender of freedom, the Holy Hedgehog. Holy Hedgehog?! Why, that no good... If Sonic thinks he can defeat me, he's in for a big surprise!
[Robotnik tears the note to pieces with both his hands. The screen transitions to a view outside Arfur's castle as the camera zooms in on the courtyard. Grounder is holding his nose in his left hand and plays it like a bugle horn. He then screws it back onto his face.]
- Scratch: Ahem! Ladies and Gentlemen, the meanest, rottenest, most vile, disgusting, abominable...
- Robotnik: Enough already!
[Scratch turns to face Robotnik.]
- Scratch: Uh, ahem, Robotnik the Invincible!
[The villager jeer as Robotnik, who is dressed in his knight's armor and holding a lance in his right hand, rides out on a horse costume with a plunger for a tail. He then removes his helmet with his left hand, revealing the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility under it.]
- Robotnik: Chaos Emeralds are a villain's best friend!
[Robotnik puts his helmet back on. A view of the gazebo is now shown, with Arfur, Gwendolyn, and Merlynx all inside it as the camera zooms out on it. Robotnik walks up to the gazebo.]
- Robotnik: Ha! I knew he wouldn't have the guts to show up!
[Tails, who is holding a bugle horn with a blue S on the red parchment in both his hands, flies behind Robotnik and plays a fanfare on the bugle. Robotnik turns to face him.]
- Tails: And now, the truest, bluest, coolest, and fastest friend of all, the holy hedgehog!
[Sonic, who is wearing his Holy Hedgehog armor and holding a lance in his right hand, rides in on a horse costume with a broom for a tail. He waves his left hand at the villagers, who cheer for him.]
- Robotnik: He'll be even holier after I'm through jousting with him!
[Robotnik yells as he charges at Sonic.]
- Sonic: Gotta juice!
[Sonic charges at Robotnik. When the two meet, Sonic tries to poke at Robotnik's armor with his lance, but the power of the emerald breaks his lance to pieces. Robotnik pushes Sonic with his left hand, and Sonic grunts as he falls off his horse costume. Sonic gets back up and faces Robotnik as he turns back at him and charges at him. Sonic then spins through Robotnik's lance, slicing it in half down the middle. Sonic then points his left index finger at Robotnik.]
- Sonic: What are you gonna do without your lance, Robuttnik?
[Robotnik is now holding a laser beam resembling the Subatomic Slow Go Beam from "Slowww Going" in his right hand, and aims it at Sonic.]
- Robotnik: This!
[Robotnik fires his laser at Sonic, who stares at it in shock. A large cloud of smoke emits, and Tails flinches as Sonic lands near him and grunts.]
- Sonic: Doesn't matter how fast I am! With that Chaos Emerald, I can't touch Robotnik!
[Tails picks up Sonic by his arms with both his hands.]
- Tails: See if you can tie him up for a minute, and I'll try to find where he's hiding it!
[Sonic runs towards Robotnik.]
- Robotnik: The little fool wants more! Ha, you're hedgehog pulp!
[Robotnik runs towards Sonic. Sonic tosses a seed he is holding in his left hand onto the ground in front of him and pulls out a watering can with a flower on it with his right hand. He waters the seed, and a rumbling sound can be heard from under the ground. Robotnik stares in shock as a cactus grows, and yells as it pushes him, causing his helmet to fall off his head. Tails catches the helmet with both his hands. He takes the emerald out of the helmet with his left hand, and Robotnik groans as he rubs his head with his left hand.]
- Robotnik: I've lost my invincibility!
[Tails puts Robotnik's helmet, which no longer has the Emerald in it, back on his head with both his hands.]
- Robotnik: There it is!
[Robotnik growls as he holds up his left index finger.]
- Robotnik: I'm invincible again!
[A view of Sonic is now shown as he points his right index finger at Robotnik and the camera zooms out on him.]
- Sonic: I'll give you one last chance to surrender, Sir Flab-a-lot!
[As Robotnik talks to Sonic, they both move to the side clockwise.]
- Robotnik: Me? You're the one who better surrender! Or have you forgotten so soon that I can't be scratched?
[Sonic points his left index finger at Robotnik.]
- Sonic: Oh? So you don't care if I do this?
[Sonic jumps onto Robotnik's head, and Robotnik growls as he stomps on it. Robotnik begins to lose his balance.]
- Sonic: Or this?
[Sonic spins around Robotnik's armor, slicing it to pieces, and leaving robotnik wearing only white boxer shorts with pink hearts on them. Robotnik looks down and stares in confusion.]
- Robotnik: Huh?
[The camera cuts to a view of Tails, who is holding the emerald in his left hand as the camera zooms out on him.]
- Tails: Looking for this?
[Scratch and Grounder walk up to Tails.]
- Scratch: In the name of his bloatedness, King Robotnik, I demand that you give me that Chaos Emerald!
- Tails: Sure, I'll give it to you!
[Tails holds up the emerald, and its power makes him muscular. Scratch and Grounder stare in shock at him.]
- Tails: Not!
[Tails grabs Scratch with his right hand and Grounder with his left. He bangs them together, and they grunt as they disappear into a cloud of dust, with the words, BANG, POW, and BOOM emitting from it. When the dust clears, Scratch and Grounder are now in pieces, and Scratch groans.]
- Scratch: Oh, put me back together, Grounder!
- Grounder: I will if you reattach my arms!
[Merlynx is now holding his magic wand in his left hand, and Robotnik snatches it from him with his right hand.]
- Robotnik: Give me that! With this spell, I'll make him pay, give me some knights to ruin his day!
[Robotnik zaps the villagers with the wand, creating a cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears, three big and buff knights appear. Robotnik walks up to them.]
- Robotnik: All right, team. On my count, I want you to blitz that hedgehog and get me the Chaos Emerald! Break!
[Robotnik and the knights all crouch like football players.]
- Robotnik: Hut hut hut!
[Robotnik groans as the knights run over him, creating a cloud of dust. The dust clears, revealing a flattened Robotnik. Robotnik gets up and chases after the knights. Tails is now back to his normal self as he holds up the emerald in his left hand.]
- Tails: Go for a long one, Sonic!
[Tails tosses the emerald at Sonic, who catches it in his right hand.]
- Sonic: You got it, little buddy!
[Sonic spins, and as the three knights run towards him, he bounces off each of their heads. The power of the emerald turns them back into the villagers. Robotnik continues to run towards Sonic, and groans as Sonic runs into him. Robotnik screams as he falls into the moat, and when he pokes his head out, he spits water out. The alligator pops up from behind him and growls. Robotnik screams as the alligator tries to chomp him, and runs away as the alligator chases him. The screen transitions to a view outside Arfur's castle as the camera zooms in on it. Inside the castle, Sonic kneels before Arfur, who is standing next to Gwendolyn.]
- Arfur: For your courage and heroism, I hearby knight you,
[Arfur pulls out a sword with his left hand and knights Sonic with it.]
- Arfur: Henceforth, you shall be known as Sir Sonic the Speedy!
- Sonic: I'm glad to see you're pretty bold yourself, King Arfur!
[Arfur is now holding the emerald in his right hand.]
- Arfur: Don't tell a soul!
[The camera zooms in on the emerald, which is used as a transition to the next scene, where Robotnik, Scratch, and Grounder are all back in their time machine, and locked in a stock. The camera zooms out on them, revealing Sonic to be at their left side, and Tails at their right.]
- Robotnik: This is all your fault, you bumbling numbbotskulls!
- Sonic: Have a nice trip, fellas!
[Sonic pulls the lever foward with his left hand.]
- Robotnik: You're sending us home?
- Sonic: Nah! I'm sending you on a long vacation!
[The time machine disappears, and Tails points his left thumb at Sonic.]
- Tails: Boy, are they in for a surprise!
[Sonic grabs Tails' left hand with his right hand.]
- Sonic: Hang on, Tails! I'm making the jump to light speed! Up, over, and gone!
[Sonic runs into the air, with Tails in tow. The screen transitions to a view of a Roman colosseum, and the camera zooms out as the time machine appears in it.]
- Scratch: Looks like we're at some kind of ancient major sporting event!
- Grounder: Hey, maybe that hedgehog likes us after all!
[Grounder stares in shock as the gates open and a hungry lion crawls out.]
- Grounder: Uh, then again, m-m-m-may-maybe not!
[The lion roars as he pounces at Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder. The camera cuts to a view outside the colluseum, and zooms out on it. Scratch and Grounder grunt as the lion attacks them.]
- Robotnik: I hate that hedgehog!
[The screen fades to black, ending the episode.]
Sonic Says[]
[As Sonic talks to the viewers, Tails is lying on a surfboard on his stomach as he paddes through the water on it with both his hands. A Shark swims behind him.]
- Sonic: You know, it's not a good idea to go swimming by yourself!
[Tails stares in shock as the shark pounces on him and eats half his surfboard Tails swims away, but the shark chases after him.]
- Sonic: If anything happens, why there won't be anyone to help you, whether you're at the beach or a swimming pool! If there's no lifeguard present, always have a friend with you!
[Tails stares in shock at the wave approaching him, then looks back at the shark as it pounces at him. Sonic runs in, grabs Tails by his right wrist with his right hand, and runs away just in time as the shark hits Tails' surfboard. Sonic and Tails are now on the shore.]
- Tails: Thanks, Sonic!
- Sonic (to the viewers): That's why they call it the buddy system! When you go swimming, take along your best bud! It could be a lifesaver for both of you!
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog | Pilot ยท 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท Christmas Blast | |
Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 | |
Sonic Underground | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 | |
Sonic X | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท 66 ยท 67 ยท 68 ยท 69 ยท 70 ยท 71 ยท 72 ยท 73 ยท 74 ยท 75 ยท 76 ยท 77 ยท 78 | |
Sonic Boom (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท 66 ยท 67 ยท 68 ยท 69 ยท 70 ยท 71 ยท 72 ยท 73 ยท 74 ยท 75 ยท 76 ยท 77 ยท 78 ยท 79 ยท 80 ยท 81 ยท 82 ยท 83 ยท 84 ยท 85 ยท 86 ยท 87 ยท 88 ยท 89 ยท 90 ยท 91 ยท 92 ยท 93 ยท 94 ยท 95 ยท 96 ยท 97 ยท 98 ยท 99 ยท 100 ยท 101 ยท 102 ยท 103 ยท 104 | |
Sonic Prime | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 | |
Sonic the Hedgehog (film series) | Sonic the Hedgehog ยท Around the World in 80 Seconds ยท Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ยท Sonic Drone Home ยท A Very Sonic Christmas ยท Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | |
Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps | Part 1 ยท Part 2 | |
TailsTube | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 | |
Knuckles (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 | |
Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 | |
Other | Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie ยท OK K.O.: Let's Meet Sonic ยท Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence |