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Hedgehog Day (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Boom episode, "Hedgehog Day."

[Scene: Eggman's Lair, day]

[The sun is rising over Eggman's lair, and Eggman is sleeping as his alarm clock reads 5:59 am. The time changes to 6:00, and the alarm rings. Eggman reaches over, pushes the button, yawns, and sits up in bed.]
Orbot: [enters the room holding a tray of breakfast food in his left hand.] Wakey-wakey; eggs and bakey!
Dr. Eggman: Don't ever say that again.
[Orbot places the tray on his lap.]
Orbot: Today's the day we're finally going to defeat Sonic with your new weapon, so I thought I'd make you a special breakfast!
Dr. Eggman: "You thought?" You don't think; you're artificial intelligence, and even that's only half right.
[Eggman looks down at his tray. On it is a plate with an egg cooked sunny-side up, with two strips of bacon, and a side plate with a Belgian-style waffle. An orange and a cup of coffee are in the top left corner, and an empty glass is in the top right. Eggman growls.]
Dr. Eggman: No fresh-squeezed orange juice?
[Orbot squeezes an orange by placing it in his "mouth", and the juice pours out of his finger into the glass. But Eggman looks at it in surprise.]
Dr. Eggman: Suddenly, I'm not so thirsty. Is my Egg Tank ready?
[Cubot holds a tank-top with an egg on it.]
Dr. Eggman: My other Egg Tank?

[Scene: Outside Eggman's Lair, day]

[Eggman's Egg Tank is parked outside his lair. Inside the Egg Tank, Eggman presses some buttons with his right index finger. He then presses one with his left index finger, and Amy, who is setting up a camera with both her hands, appears on the screen. Eggman grins slyly at her. On Seaside Island, Knuckles and Sticks set up a projection screen with both their hands. Back in the Egg Tank, Eggman presses a button with his right index finger, and the screen goes into picture-in-picture mode, where Sonic, who is holding a film reel can in his left arm, appears on the right side of the screen. Tails, who is carrying a bag of candy in boh his hands, follows behind him. They are just exiting a movie rental store, which has posters of Comedy chimp near a cruise ship, a Comedy Chimp-shaped hole in the sand, and a rocket flying into the right eye of the moon. Sonic looks over the film reel, which has Comedy Chimp's picture on it. Tails pulls a piece of candy out of the bag with his right hand and tosses it in his mouth. He chokes on it and coughs, until Sonic pats his back with his left hand. Back in the Egg Tank, Eggman presses a button with his right index finger, and the screen goes into three-way picture-in-picture mode, with Sonic appearing in the top section, Amy appearing in the left, and Knuckles and Sticks appearing in the right.]
Eggman: Movie day, eh? Spoiler alert; I win, you lose!
[Eggman presses a button with his right index finger, and puts his seat belt on with his right hand.]
Egg Tank: Weapons online.
[Eggman presses a button with his right thumb, and the Egg tank starts up.]
Eggman: Play my battle music.
[Calm hawaiian music plays, much to Eggman's confusion.]
Eggman: Eh, close enough.
[Eggman pulls the steering stick forward with both his hands, and the Egg Tank drives towards Seaside Island as storm clouds suddenly fill up the sky.]

[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, evening.]

[A view of Comedy Chimp's movie is now shown, as Comedy Chimp falls through the sky. He pulls the ripcord with his left hand, and his parachute deploys.]
Comedy Chimp: I guess that wasn't the men's room door.
[Comedy Chimp laughs. Sonic, Tails, Amy, Sticks, and Knuckles, the last of whom is holding a slushie in his left hand, all laugh as well.]
Knuckles: I don't get it.
Sonic: Nice job on the projector.
Tails: Thanks! I had to re-orient the screws...
Amy: Shhh! No talking!
[Knuckles drinks his slushie noisily.]
Amy: Shhh! No slurping!
[Thunder booms and lightning flashes as the Egg tank pulls up, with some Crab Bots crawling alongside it. Amy turns to face them.]
Amy: Shhh! No attacking!
[The Crab Bots all crawl up to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks and pinch their claws at them. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks all get out of their chairs and turn to fight them. Sticks is holding her boomerang in her right hand, and Amy is holding her hammer in both her hands. Sonic runs past them, and grunts as he spins into two Crab Bots, destroying them. Two more Crab Bots pinch their claws at Sticks, who screams as she swats at them. Amy screams as she smashes a Crab Bot with her hammer, and Knuckles screams as he punches two more Crab Bots. Another Crab Bot crawls towards Tails, who is at the camera.]
Sonic: Tails, incoming!
[Tails, who is now holding the camera in both his hands, turns to face the Crab Bot. He presses a button on it with his left index finger, and the camera fires rings that stun the Crab Bot. The Egg Tank's periscope rises, and Eggman pulls it down with both his hands to look through it. A view through the periscope is now shown as it targets Sonic.]
Eggman: Activate super weapon!
[Eggman presses a button on the control panel with his right index finger, and the Egg tank fires a laser. Sonic sees it and runs away from it, but it stays on his trail. Amy runs up to it and hits it with her hammer, sending it back the other way.]
Eggman: Fortunately, I'm prepared for this. Activate super-duper weapon!
[Eggman presses a button on the control panel with his right index finger, and the Egg Tank fires a plasma ball. The episode slows down as the laser and the plasma ball fly towards each other. Thunder booms and lightning flashes, and the lightning bolt strikes in between the laser and the plasma ball. When all three hit, the screen flashes white]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[A view of Dr. Eggman's alarm clock, which reads 5:59 is now shown. It changes to 6:00 and the alarm rings. Eggman shuts it off with his right hand, then yawns and removes the covers with the same hand as he climbs out. Orbot flies in, carrying a tray of breakfast food in his left hand.]
Orbot: Wakey-wakey, eggs and bakey!
Eggman: I told you not to say that!
[Orbot sets the tray down in Eggman's lap.]
Orbot: Today's the day we're finally going to defeat Sonic with your new weapon, so I thought I'd make you a special breakfast!
Eggman: This seems awfully familiar. What's going on here?
[Orbot is now holding an orange in his right hand, and as he puts it in his mouth, Eggman moves the tray away with his right hand, causing Orbot to accidentally spray orange juice on his crotch.]

[Scene Change: Egg Tank, day.]

[Eggman is in his Egg Tank, and puts his seat belt on with his right hand.]
Egg Tank: Weapons online.

[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, evening.]

[Eggman's Egg Tank drives up to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks as thunder booms and lightning flashes. A Crab Bot crawls up to it, and a view through Eggman's periscope is shown as it targets Sonic. The Egg Tank fires a laser, which Amy hits with her hammer, sending it back the other way. The Egg Tank fires a plasma ball, and thunder booms and lightning flashes. Once again, the laser, the plasma ball, and the lightning bolt all hit each other, making the screen go white.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[a view of Dr. Eggman's alarm clock, which reads 5:59 is shown again. It changes to 6:00 and the alarm rings again. Once again, Orbot flies in, carrying a tray of breakfast food in his left hand.]
Orbot: Wakey-wakey, eggs...
[Eggman stands up and looks down at Orbot.]
Eggman: If you say "Eggs and bakey", I swear I'll dismantle you!
[Orbot stares in fear.]
Eggman: This is nuts. I'm reliving the same day over and over.
[Eggman looks down at Cubot, who is holding the egg tank top in both his hands.]
Cubot: No, nothing?

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[Eggman is now at his control panel, and he presses buttons on it with both his hands. A schematic of the Egg Tank is shown onscreen as math equations fill up the room. As Eggman builds the Egg Tank with a tool he is holding in his right hand, math equations continue filling up the screen. Eggman then looks over a polygraph, which he unfolds with his left hand, and math equations continue to fill up the screen. Eggman is now holding a beaker in his right hand and pours the liquid from it into another beaker. He then waves his left hand at Cubot.]
Eggman: Cubot, stop playing with my hologram thingy.
[Cubot presses the hologram thingy with his right index finger, and all the math equations disappear. He then hides both his hands behind his back innocently.]
Eggman: I've got it! When my laser, the plasma ball, and the lightning collided, the fusion reaction caused time to fold back in on itself!
[Orbot and Cubot fly up to Eggman, who turns to face them.]
Eggman: So, I just have to avoid going into battle! Piece of cake!
[Eggman laughs evilly, but unfortunately, the screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[ Once again, a view of Eggman's alarm clock, which reads, 5:59 is shown. It changes to 6:00 and the alarm rings. Eggman awakens in disappointment.]
Eggman: Well, that didn't work.
[Once again, Orbot flies in holding a tray of breakfast food in his left hand. Before he can say anything, Eggman looks down at him.]
Eggman: I don't want eggs and bakey!
[Orbot carries the tray up to Eggman, who swats it away with his right hand. Orbot turns to face it.]
Eggman: Same day over and over again. Maybe this isn't all bad! I can keep refining my attack on Sonic until I can get everyting just right!
[Eggman is now holding a mop in his left hand, which he hands to Orbot, who stares in shock.]
Eggman: Just because there's no tomorrow doesn't mean I want ants today.
[Orbot grabs the mop with both his hands and cleans up the mess with it.]

[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, evening.]

[A view through Eggman's periscope is shown, and once again, it targets Sonic. The Egg Tank fires a laser, which Amy hits with her hammer. Eggman sees this and growls. He pounds both his fists on the Egg Tank, and the screen flashes again.]

[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, evening.]

[A Crab Bot grabs Amy's hammer with its right claw and tries to pull it away. Amy screams, and Tails, who is holding the camera in his right hand, presses the button on it with his left index finger. The camera fires rings that stun the Crab Bot, causing it to let go of Amy's hammer. Amy smiles, and Eggman growls. The screen flashes again]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[Once again, a view of Eggman's alarm clock, which reads 5:59 is shown. It changes to 6:00 and the alarm rings yet again. Eggman pushes the covers down with both his hands and smiles and laughs evilly.]

[Scene Change: Village Center, day]

[As a precaution, Eggman loads all of the movie reels into his Eggmobile with both his hands, then tosses one more in. Eggman then holds two more reels in his left arm and climbs into his Eggmobile. He grabs a lever with his right hand and flies away just before Sonic and Tails walk up to the movie rental store. They stare and shock, and the only film reel, which has a picture of a mime on it, falls to the ground and spins clockwise.]

[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, evening.]

[Many Crab Bots are now Seaside Island, pinching their claws. They crawl up to Tails, who is at the camera, and another Crab Bot grabs Amy's hammer with its right claw and tries to pull it away. Amy screams as she tries to pull it back. Tails aims the camera at the Crab Bots and presses the button on it with his left index finger, but this time, it doesn't fire rings, and he stares in shock at this. As Amy grunts and tries to pull her hammer back, Tails presses the button on the camera with his left index finger again, but it still does nothing. he then picks up the film reel with his left hand and looks over it, seeing that it has a picture of a mime on it. He frowns and nods his head, "No". Amy stares in shock, and the Crab Bot pinches its left claw and pulls her hammer away from her. Amy backs away and screams as the Crab Bot pounds her hammer. Sonic runs, then stops and stares in shock. A view through Eggman's periscope is now shown as it targets him.]
Eggman: I've got you now, Sonic!
[Eggman presses a button with his right index finger, and it fires a laser. Sonic turns to face it and stares at it, and it traps him in a force field. He struggles to break out of it, but to no avail.]
Eggman: Yeah-he-he-hes! This day will go down in history! The day I captured Sonic the Hedgehog!
[The screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[Once again, a view of Eggman's alarm clock, which reads 5:59 is shown. It changes to 6:00 and the alarm rings yet again. Orbot, who is once again carrying a tray of breakfast food in his left hand, flies in.]
Orbot: Wakey-wakey!
[A depressed Eggman looks over at Orbot and turns to his right side.]
Orbot: But I have bakey...
Eggman: I can't take another day of the same day.

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[Eggman is now at his whiteboard, writing on it with a marker he is holding in his right hand. Orbot and Cubot, the former of whom is reading a book he is holding in both his hands.]
Orbot: String theory, super string theory, string cheese theory.
[As Eggman continues writing on the whiteboard, he eats a donut he is holding in his left hand.]
Cubot: You really should eat healthier.
[Eggman turns to face Orbot and Cubot.]
Eggman: It doesn't matter.
[Eggman reaches offscreen with his right hand and pulls out a pair of scissors. He grabs the left half of his mustache with his left hand and cuts it off with the scissors. Orbot and Cubot both stare in shock and scream.]
Eggman: None of this matters. Tomorrow will just be a do-over, anyway.
Cubot: Really?
[Cubot reaches behind his back with his right hand and pulls out a glass of water. He tosses it at Eggman's face, and Eggman stares angrily at him.]
Cubot: See you tomorrow!
[Cubot flies away. Eggman then turns to face the whiteboard and wipes the left half of his mustache on it.]
Eggman: It's no use. I can't figure this out alone.

[Scene Change: Village Center, day.]

[Sonic and Tails are leaving the movie rental store. Sonic is holding the film reel with Comedy Chimp's face on it in both his hands, and Tails follows behind him, holding a bag of candy in his left hand. As Sonic looks over the image of Comedy Chimp on the film reel, Eggman (who is still missing the left half of his mustache) walks up to them.]
Eggman: I need your help!
[As Sonic points his left index finger behind himself, Tails walks up to him and pulls out a piece of candy with his right hand.]
Sonic: Cartoons are over by the counter.
[Eggman laughs nervously.]
Eggman: Yes, yes, very amusing, but that's not why I'm here.
Sonic: What do you want, Egghead?
Eggman: Um, funny story, you're really gonna get a kick out of this. I was attacking you with my Egg Tank, when a freak accident caused an endless time loop!
Tails: There's no such thing as a time loop!
[Tails puts the piece of candy in his mouth and chews on it.]
Eggman: That's what I thought, too! Oh, by the way, you're about to choke on that piece of candy.
[Tails does indeed choke on the piece of candy, and Sonic pats his back with his right hand, causing him to spit the candy out.]
Tails: Lucky guess.
Eggman: Sonic is about to get a message from Amy saying the projector is all set up.
[Sonic's wrist communicator beeps and flashes. he looks over it, then presses it with his left index finger. He then turns to face Eggman.]
Sonic: Love to help you out, Egghead, but we got a movie to watch.
Tails: I hear there's a cool twist ending!
[Eggman crosses his arms.]
Eggman: Turns out Comedy Chimp's partner is a ghost.
[Sonic and Tails stare angrily at Eggman.]

[Scene Change: Meh Burger, day.]

[Sonic, Tails, and Eggman are all at Meh Burger, where Comedy Chimp, the Walrus Male, Wild Cat, Lady Goat, Mike the Ox, and the Old Monkey all are.]
Eggman: There was a one-in-a-million chance that when the laser, the plasma ball, and the lightning collided, it would create a time anomally like this!
[Tails is now writing on a piece of paper with a pencil he is holding in his right hand.]
Eggman: It resets, charges for a while, then explodes, and the day starts over!
Tails: I know how to fix it!
[The screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Village Center, day.]

[Sonic and Tails are now outside the video rental store, and Sonic is holding the film reel with Comedy Chimp's image on it in his left arm, while Tails is holding a bag of candy in his left hand and a piece of candy in his right.]
Tails: There's no such thing as a time loop!
[Tails tosses the piece of candy in his mouth, and Eggman, whose mustache is now back to normal, growls angrily.]
Eggman: You know what? We need to start this earlier! What say I pop by your house first thing today?
[Tails puts another piece of candy in his mouth and chokes on it. The screen flashes white again.]

[Scene Change: Tails' property, day.]

[Eggman is standing inside Tails' House.]
Tails: There's no such thing at a time loop!
Eggman: So I've heard. How bout we come to my lair and do some math? Maybe watch a movie?
[Eggman pulls out the film reel with Comedy Chimp's image on it with his right hand.]
Tails: I hear there's a cool twist ending!
Eggman: I wouldn't know.

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day]

[Tails stares in shock.]
Tails: I can't believe it!
[Eggman drops the half-eaten donut he is holding in his left hand, and behind him, math equations are written on the whiteboard.]
Eggman: What? What is it?
[Tails holds up the film reel with Comedy Chimp's image on it in his left hand.]
Tails: Comedy Chimp's partner was a ghost!
Eggman: Yeah, who could have seen that coming? Can we focus, please?
[Eggman points his right hand at the whiteboard, and Tails puts the film reel on the counter.]
Tails: What we need is a shell made of super-dense matter to contain the recurring explosion!
Eggman: I'll have to invent it!
[Tails stares unamused at Eggman.]
Eggman: Don't worry, I have lots of time.

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair.]

[Eggman is holding a welding tool in his left hand, and is wearing a welding mask, complete with a space for his mustache, as he welds the shell. He lifts it with his left index finger. Sonic and Tails look over at the shell Eggman is resting his left hand on.]
Eggman: Okay, let's get it to the beach!
[Sonic tries to pick up the shell with both his hands, but it is too heavy for him to carry. He grunts as he struggles to pick it up.]
Eggman: Did I mention it's super dense?
Sonic: So is Knuckles. Maybe he can lift it?
Tails: He's gotta close it around the anomally just before it explodes!
Eggman: Okay, so how do I get you to believe me about the time loop right away tomorrow?
[The screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Village Center, day.]

[Sonic and Tails are now outside the video rental store again, with Sonic holding the film reel with Comedy Chimp's image on it in his right arm, and Tails holding a bag of candy in his left hand and a piece of candy in his right.]
Tails: There's no such thing as a time...
Eggman: Last night, you dreamed you were being chased by a giant sock puppet.
[Sonic looks over at Tails, who stares in shock, and the screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair.]

[Eggman is wearing his welding mask, and holding a welding tool in his right hand, which he uses to weld the shell with. He lifts his welding mask with his left index finger, and Knuckles looks over it. He grunts as he picks it up with both his hands, but stops before he goes too far.]
Knuckles: Oh, my neck itches.
[Eggman walks up to Knuckles.]
Eggman: Seriously?
[Eggman scratches Knuckles' neck with his left hand.]
Knuckles: Little higher.
[Eggman scratches a little higher.]
Knuckles: Little higher.
[Eggman scratches a little higher.]
Knuckles: Oh, too high!
[Eggman scratches a little lower.]
Knuckles: Yeah, right there.
[Eggman looks at his wrist controller, and the screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair.]

[Knuckles grunts as he tries to lift the shell with both his hands, but his back breaks and he drops the shell.]
Knuckles: Ow, my back.
[Knuckles drops the shell on Eggman's left foot.]
Eggman: Ow!
[Eggman pulls his left foot out from under the shell, and hops on his right foot as he holds his left foot in his left hand.]
Knuckles: Oops, sorry.
[The screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair.]

[Knuckles grunts as he lifts the shell with both his hands, then his wrist communicator beeps and he tosses the shell aside. he presses the wrist communcator with his right index finger.]
Knuckles: I'd better take this.
[Eggman stares at the hole in his floor, made by the shell.]
Knuckles: Hello?
[Eggman stares angrily. The screen then flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Sonic's Shack, day.]

[Eggman is on the beach, standing near Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks.]
Eggman: Itsy-bitsy problem. Knuckles doesn't seem to want to fix the time loop.
Amy: Knuckles, is there something you want to tell us?
Knuckles: No.
Amy: Knuckles...?
Knuckles: Okay, okay, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow! He's gonna pull my tooth!
[Amy turns to face Eggman.]
Amy: Let me try reasoning with him.
[Amy walks up to Knuckles.]
Amy: Knuckles, the dentist wants to help you. Good oral hygiene requires...
[Before Amy can finish, Sticks, who is holding a rope in her left hand, trills. She screams as she jumps at Knuckles.]
Knuckles: Ow!
[Sticks holds out Knuckles' sore tooth in her right hand.]
Knuckles: Hey-hey, problem solved! What am I supposed to do again?
[The screen flashes white.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day.]

[A view of Eggman's alarm clock, which reads, 5:59, is shown once again. It changes to 6:00 and the alarm rings. Eggman presses the button with his right hand, then yawns and stretches. He climbs out of bed as Orbot, who is carrying a tray of breakfast food in his left hand, flies in.]
Orbot: Wakey-wakey, eggs and...
[Orbot sets the tray down in Eggman's lap.]
Orbot: Sausages!
[Eggman looks down at the tray, seeing that there are indeed sausages on it instead of bacon, indicating that his plan to stop the time loop worked.]
Eggman: Yes, yes!
Orbot: We're out of bacon. Don't be mad.
[Eggman sets the tray down on his bed with both his hands, then hugs Orbot and laughs evilly. Cubot flies up to Eggman.]
Cubot: Want to hear about the broken vase?
[Eggman looks over at Orbot.]
Eggman: Don't push it.
[The screen flashes white, making it appear as if there is another time anomally. However, the flash is revealed to have come from a camera Cubot is holding in his right hand.]
Cubot: I wanted to capture this beautiful moment for posterity!
[The screen fades to black, ending the episode.]
