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Grim Tidings (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "Grim Tidings".

[The text PREVIOUSLY ON SONIC PRIME appears on the screen. Soon, a montage of flashbacks from the past two seasons are shown, beginning with flashbacks to season one.]
Dr. Eggman: Get that rock out of the ground!
Tails: Sonic, we don't know what the Prism is capable of. Be careful.
Sonic: Step away from the rock, Egghead.
Dr. Eggman: Not this time, you fool!
Tails: Sonic, wait!
Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, and Tails: Sonic, no!
Sonic: Ugh. That's a sonic boom of a headache. Where am I? I could really use a familiar face right about now.
Sonic: Tails?
Tails Nine: Who's sent you?
Sonic: Tails, stop!
Tails Nine: Whoa!
Tails Nine: You saved me?
Sonic: I've been trying to tell you that we are friends. Best friends.
Tails Nine: He's connected to the Prism energy. His shoes are picking up on the energy signature.
Sonic: I shattered the Paradox Prism. I broke... everything.
Sonic: If there's anyone who's got the brains to put it all back together, it's you.
Tails Nine: That's the first thing you've said that I agree with. Sonic, what's happening?
Sonic: Whoa!
Sonic: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! This is another alternate Green Hill.
Shadow: Sonic!
Sonic: Shadow?
Shadow: I'm lost in the void.
Renegade Knucks: Where were you?
Sonic: I didn't steal the Shard.
Renegade Knucks: But your fox friend did. Right before he left us high and dry.
Dr. Deep: Surrender the energy crystal and we'll promise to make your demise quick and painless.
Tails Nine: Sonic! Hang on.
Dr. Deep: Get him!
Sonic: Nine! Holy man, just in time!
Tails Nine: I have to show you what I found.
Sonic: Another world...
Tails Nine: I call it: The Grim.
Tails Nine: It's a clean slate, the perfect place to start over and get the world right. With the proper fortifications, and enough Shard energy, it could be home.
[The flashbacks to season one end. The flashbacks to season two begin to play.]
Shadow: Green Hill is gone. It doesn't exist anymore. The Ghost Prism shows us how the other Shards need to be placed together.
Sonic: We gotta show Nine! He's just like Tails.
Shadow: He's not Tails. He's Nine. And they're not your real friends!
Sonic: Back up off Nine.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: You admire him, don't you? For all of your bluster, you think of him as a friend.
Tails Nine: High-five!
Sonic: We've got to get to Ghost Hill. It's got a fourth Shard in this blueprint "thingy".
Tails Nine: That's the key to putting the Prism back together!
Sonic: Haha! Mess with my best bud and you get blasted! You really don't trust him, do ya?
Shadow: No.
Sonic: I don't get it. I thought this would work!
Tails Nine: You just assumed I'd go along with you no matter what. Did you even consider what I wanted?
Sonic: Wait! We can make this work, Nine. Trust me.
Tails Nine: The only person I can trust is myself.
[The flashback ends.]

[The opening theme plays]

[Scene: Nine's Lair, The Grim]

Tails Nine: The only person I can trust is myself. [Tails Nine exits a portal and enters his base] Sonic! The fool! This could have been everything he ever wanted. [Tails Nine takes a deep breath] No matter. I have the Shards now. [Tails Nine begins climbing up a ladder, and makes it up to a machine which holds the Grim Shard] And I know exactly where each one of them fits. Like the pieces of a puzzle.
[Tails Nine uses his mechanical tails, which are holding all of the Shards one-by-one, begins inserting them into the machine. He puts the Red, Green, and Blue Shards into the machine.]
Tails Nine: Last one.
[Tails Nine inserts the last Shard, the Yellow Shard. All of the Shards glow and are put back together, forming the Paradox Prism.]
Tails Nine: The Paradox Prism. With this, I can transform the Grim...
[Tails Nine begins extracting energy from the Prism using his mechanical tails.]
Tails Nine: ...and make it stable. Make it perfect!
[Tails Nine releases all of the energy he has connected from the Paradox Prism. The camera cuts to the outside of The Grim, which can be shown that Nine is building his new home. Soon, his new home is complete. It resembles a castle. Tails Nine flies out from the top of his home and gathers more energy from the Prism to make a dome over his home. Tails Nine looks around and smiles, proud of what he has created.]

[Scene: Shatterverse]

[The camera zooms out of the Gateway leading to The Grim. It shows the four other Gateways leading to the other Shatterspaces, and they appear to be destabilizing as rainbow-like effects are seen on the edges of the Gateways. Rumbling can also be heard as well. The Gateway leading to Ghost Hill, in particular, is beginning to slowly fall apart.]

[Scene: Ghost Hill]

[Everything in Ghost Hill begins to decay and even float away. The scene cuts to a far shot of the top of Temple Mountain, where Shadow can be seen looking around at what is going on. The scene then cuts to the inside of Temple Mountain, and it shows Sonic walking up to where the Prism was.]
Sonic: Any chance at bringing Green Hill back is gone. How could Nine betray us? [Sonic become sad]
Shadow: It's destabilizing.
[Shadow rushes over to Sonic.]
Shadow: Sonic, I told you Nine couldn't be trusted. Whatever he's up to, it's causing this world to fracture.
Sonic: I don't understand. Why would he--?
Shadow: Pull yourself together! This mountain is decaying, and it's going to take us with it. We have to run!
[Shadow grabs Sonic's hand and Sonic runs together with Shadow out of the mountain. They begin to make their way down to the mountain, but it quickly begins to decay. Shadow looks behind him and notices it decaying. He pushes Sonic.]
Shadow: Jump!
[Both Sonic and Shadow jump off the mountain. Shadow lands on the ground safely, but Sonic lands face-first. He gives Shadow a quick thumbs-up to thank him, until he hears the rumbling coming from the mountain as even the atmosphere begins to shake. He looks at the now-decaying mountain.]
Sonic: Whoa.
Shadow: We need to leave this world.
Sonic: You don't have to tell me twice.
[Sonic runs off and Shadow follows after him. The scene cuts to the Yoke HQ in the sky, which can still be seen in Ghost Hill.]

[Scene: Yoke HQ, inside]

Mr. Dr. Eggman: I told you we couldn't trust that fox! I knew he'd steal the Shards the first chance he got!
Dr. Done-It: Well, you said nothing of the sort. You're just trying to cover your tracks, like you try to cover your head with that silly toupee!
Dr. Don't: Trying and failing.
Dr. Deep: Gentlemen, forget the fox. [Dr. Deep places Dr. Babble back into his seat] Look around. [The camera pans to the window, which shows Ghost Hill decaying] This world draws its last breath.
Dr. Done-It: And so will we, if we don't get out of here!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Agree, but without the Shards, our energy supply is low. We barely have enough to portal back to New Yoke!
[Dr. Babble babbles in anger.]
Dr. Deep: Agreed. Set a course for New Yoke, post haste!
[The Chaos Council open up a portal leading to New Yoke City and make their way through the portal. The camera cuts to Sonic and Shadow again, and they are running together to make their way out of Ghost Hill.]
Shadow: If we can gain enough speed, we should be able to teleport out. To higher ground.
[Sonic and Shadow jump off two walls, and Shadow grabs Sonic's hand once more, flinging him onto one of the bridges in Ghost Hill. Shadow spin-dashes onto the bridge and continues running together with Sonic, but as they are running, the bridge begins to decay underneath them.]
Shadow: Faster!
[Both of the hedgehogs begin to pick up their pace, with Sonic even performing his Super Peel Out to go faster. Before they make it to the end of the bridge, though, they are flung off the bridge and land on the ground. Shadow gets up and coughs, then he looks to Sonic. Sonic is looking at the Ghost Hill versions of his friends.]
Ghost Hill Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman.
Ghost Hill Knuckles: I don't need the details, just tell me who to smash.
Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth.
Shadow: I thought we went over this. They're not real.
Sonic: Maybe I can save them.
[Shadow tries reaching his hand out to comfort Sonic, but stops as soon as Sonic turns to him.]
Sonic: I have to try.
Ghost Hill Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman.
Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on earth.
[Cuts to Sonic POV. He begins to walk up to the Ghost Hill versions of his friends, but Shadow stops him.]
Shadow: No! They can't be saved. Think about your real friends, the ones who still have a chance. If you want to help them, we need to get out of here.
[Sonic puts his hand on Shadow and pushes him to the side. Sonic begins to watch as the Ghost Hill versions of his friends begin to float away.]
Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on earth.
Ghost Hill Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman.
Sonic: Tails... I'll see you again, little buddy. [Sonic turns away with a sad look on his face, before abruptly becoming serious as he faces Shadow] Let's get out of here.
[Both of the hedgehogs begin to run together, making their way out of Ghost Hill with everything they have. They pass all sorts of objects as they make their way out, such as the palm trees, rocks, and more. Shadow gives Sonic a boost again to fling him onto another bridge and Shadow follows behind. However, like how it happened before, the bridge begins to decay as they run along it.]
Sonic: We're never gonna hit speed. How are we gonna get out of here?
[Shadow looks up, and notices a portal in the sky leading to the Shatterverse.]
Shadow: That's our exit.
Sonic: Right. We need to get vertical!
Shadow: Jump!
[Sonic and Shadow jump on multiple rocks and as they get closer to the exit, they look at each other before taking one last giant leap and spindash onto a few more rocks before they aim directly for the exit. They make it out of Ghost Hill just in time and land safely on a rock. Soon, the Gateway to Ghost Hill explodes. Another rock is sent flying towards the one that Sonic and Shadow are standing on, and they are flown off the rock. They scream, but manage to grab hold of another rock.]
Sonic: Hang on!
[As they both hang onto the rock, Shadow's right hand slips off the rock, but he is luckily still grabbing on with his left one. He grabs on again. Soon, the rock they were hanging onto bumps into another rock, and they land on the rock that they bumped into. They climb up to the top of the rock.]
Sonic: It's gone.
[Both of the hedgehogs get up and look at what happened to Ghost Hill's Gateway.]
Sonic: If this can happen to the Ghost Hill, it can happen to the other Shatterspaces.
Shadow: Nine betrayed you and left us to die, and he will pay for it. [Tightens his fist]
[Sonic looks at Shadow with a serious look.]

[Scene: Nine's Lair, The Grim]

[Tails Nine activates his mechanical tails and grab some of the parts on the inside of his home. He extracts energy from the Paradox Prism using his mechanical tails and tries creating something, but the first try goes wrong.]
Tails Nine: [Annoyed] No! [He gets another pair and tries again] I need more power.
['He extracts energy from the Paradox Prism again, hoping that the second try goes right this time, but he realizes it still isn't enough power.]
Tails Nine: Still not enough. More energy!
[Tails Nine gives it everything he has to gain as much energy as he can from the Paradox Prism. Suddenly, energy from the Paradox Prism stops extracting to Tails Nine, and he falls to the ground. He gets up and notices that he has finally made his creation. He is surprised, but smiles at what he has created.]
Tails Nine: [Gasps] Hello, Friend. [The atmosphere begins to shake] What's going on? [Jumps down to the main floor] I must have diverted too much energy from the force field? Huh? [Tails Nine looks at the screen in his lair and notices that the Grim is starting to Decay] The Grim is starting to Decay! No, no. This doesn't make sense. [He flies up to where the Paradox Prism is again] I collected all the Shards. I aligned them perfectly. [Frustrated grunt] What am I missing?!
[A flashback is shown of when the Chaos Council put tests on Sonic to determine how powerful he is with his speed. In the flashback.] I knew it. He's got the same energy that powers the city. [The flashback ends.] Sonic.

[Scene: The Void]

[Sonic can be seen sat down on a rock, covering his face in frustration. He opens one eye and then takes his hands off his face. Shadow walks up to him.]
Sonic: Ghost Hill is gone, the Shards are gone.
Shadow: If knowing you has taught me anything, there's always another way.
Sonic: [Looks to Shadow] Wait, was that a compliment?
[Shadow gives Sonic an unamused look.]
Shadow: Nine is out there... hiding in one of the Shatterspaces.
Sonic: Hmm... The Grim! Of course! [Jumps up] There's another gateway and a fifth Shard.
Shadow: That explains why he wasn't able to rebuild the Prism.
[A rock flies towards Sonic and Shadow, but they manage to dodge.]
Sonic: Whoa!
Shadow: Can you remember where the gateway is?
Sonic: [Gets up] Of course. Nine brought me there in his Shattercraft. [Moves to the left] It's, uh, this way. Wait. No, no. [Moves to the right] Uh, right. It's totally this way. Come on!
[Sonic flies off and Shadow follows after him, making their way to the Gateway that leads to The Grim.]
Sonic: [Ducks under a rock] Whoa!
[They both continue to make their way to the Gateway. As they get closer to the Gateway, Sonic lands on a rock, and Shadow notices that there is another rock flying towards him. Shadow flies up and grabs Sonic.]
Shadow: Watch out!
[Shadow lands Sonic safely onto another rock.]
Sonic: Phew! Thanks, buddy! [Nudges Shadow]
Shadow: Don't get used to it.
Sonic: I wouldn't dream of it.
[They make it to the Gateway leading to The Grim.]
Sonic: We're here. The Grim.
Shadow: I can't pass through Gateways.
[Sonic looks up and notices there's a small gap in the Gateway.]
Sonic: [Points to the gap] There's always another way!
[Sonic makes his way for the gap and Shadow follows after him.]
Sonic: Whoa-ho-ho!
[They both make it into The Grim safely.]
Sonic: Whoa. So that's what he's doing with all the Energy.
[Sonic and Shadow walk towards Nine's home, until Nine emerges from the platform at the top of his home. He looks down at them both.]
Tails Nine: That's far enough.
Sonic: Nine, what are you doing? We had a plan!
Tails Nine: That was your plan. It was never mine.
Shadow: So it was always about power.
Sonic: [To Shadow] No, that's not--
Tails Nine: Exactly. With the Paradox Prism, I'll be able to turn this world into a paradise... my paradise!
[Tails Nine extracts energy from the Paradox Prism and uses it to form a dome.]
Shadow: Let's destroy this traitor.
Sonic: Wait. Maybe I can reason with him.
Shadow: Reason with him?
Sonic: Just let me try. If that doesn't work--
Shadow: Then he's mine.
Sonic: No. He's ours.
[Sonic walks off and begins to confront Tails Nine.]
Sonic: This isn't you, Nine. We're friends. We can still figure out how to bring back Green Hill and stabilize the Shatterspaces. Together!
Tails Nine: You were only using me to get what you wanted!
Sonic: That's not true.
Tails Nine: [Slightly smiles] Sorry, old friend! You've been replaced.
[Tails Nine walks off. Alpha Grim Sonic appears, looking at both Sonic and Shadow.]
Sonic: Whoa. Who, or what, is that?
Shadow: It's you.
Sonic: Yeah, but if you squint and tilt your head to the side, it's also kind of you.
Shadow: Whatever it is, it's in our way.
Sonic: Not for long.
[The robot jumps off the platform and goes for the two hedgehogs down below. He runs up to them and flings them up into the air. The robot stops. Soon, Sonic and Shadow manage to make a safe landing.]
Sonic: [Remembering what happened back in New Yoke City.] Again? I already beat one of these things. In New Yoke, remember?
[The camera moves up to Tails Nine.]
Tails Nine: I saved you from the one in New Yoke. This time, you're on your own!
[Sonic immediately gets a sad look on his face. Suddenly, his ear perks up.]
Shadow: He's not on his own.
[Sonic looks at Shadow and smiles. They both get into position, ready to fight Alpha Grim Sonic.]
Tails Nine: We're all on our own.
[Sonic and Shadow look at each other and give each other a nod of approval. They head straight for Alpha Grim Sonic. Shadow performs an air kick to Alpha Grim Sonic and the robot is flung back, but it gets back on its feet. The two hedgehogs go after the robot again. This time, Sonic attacks the robot, and as he does, Shadow surrounds both Sonic and the robot so the robot can't escape while Sonic is attacking it. However, the robot breaks free, and Sonic and Shadow chase after Alpha Grim Sonic again. Tails Nine watches on. Sonic flies up into the air, getting ready to attack Alpha Grim Sonic, but it flings Sonic away. Shadow also charges to Alpha Grim Sonic, but Alpha Grim Sonic backflips and heads for the hedgehogs again as they make a safe landing. Alpha Grim Sonic kicks Sonic and Shadow tries punching the robot, but it performs a cartwheel and throws Shadow to the ground. Sonic comes back and punches the robot, and while the robot strikes back by trying to kick Sonic, he dodges the robot's moves. They parry punches at rapid spee punches, until Sonic grabs a hold of the robot's hands, and delivers a headbutt that causes it to stumble. Shadow returns as well and kicks Alpha Grim Sonic to the ground before speeding towards the downed robot and kicking it towards Sonic, who kicks it into the air. Alpha Grim Sonic lands on the ground again, but Sonic and Shadow begin to spin and repeatedly Spin Attack the robot in a frenzy. They pant in exhaustion, and as the robot lands back onto the ground, Alpha Grim Sonic tries to get back up, but Shadow slams on top of it to shut it down. He looks up.]
Sonic: It's over, Nine!
Tails Nine: [Points to himself] I'll decide when it's over.
[Tails Nine raises his arms in the air and closes his eyes. Four other robots emerge from Nine's home, and they all head down to the ground. Grim Birdie squawks and flies down, while Grim Rouge also makes her entrance by flying down too. Grim Amy appears, performing many techniques with her hammer and Grim Knuckles jumps down, standing in front of the other three robots. They all stand together, looking at Sonic and Shadow.]
Sonic: Rouge? Knux? Amy? [To Nine] What have you done to my friends?!
Tails Nine: Oh, they're my friends now. Take them.
[Both Sonic and Shadow and the robots charge for each other. Grim Rouge aims straight for Shadow, while Sonic dodges both Grim Knuckles and Grim Birdie. He stops, thinking he's safe, but Grim Amy appears with her hammer raised. Sonic runs off as Grim Amy's hammer hits the ground, and she charges for him again. Next, Grim Birdie also charges for him, and he jumps on top of the bird. He laughs and waves to it from above as it looks around, wondering where Sonic has gone. Sonic jumps off the robot bird and runs off, while Grim Amy jumps onto it and it flies towards Sonic. As Shadow continues battling Grim Rouge, she spins him around and flings him off her. She tries charging for him again, but Shadow runs off. Grim Amy goes to attack Sonic again, but he dodges her once more. She begins rapidly swinging her hammer around and Sonic stands on top of the hammer, trying to maintain his balance, but gets sent flying.]
Sonic: Woah!
[Grim Birdie tries firing a laser at Sonic, but Sonic just barely misses. Now, Grim Knuckles is trying to attack Sonic, and Sonic spin attacks Grim Knuckles into Grim Birdie. Shadow appears again.]
Sonic and Shadow: [Pointing to each other] Behind you!
[Shadow grabs hold of Grim Rouge and stands on top of her as she flies through the air. He does his best to stay on the robot, and covers the robot's eyes so it can't see where it is going. However, the robot begins to lose control, and Shadow flies the robot towards Grim Amy, who is attacking Sonic again. Shadow crashes Grim Rouge into Grim Amy and sends both of the robots flying. However, Alpha Grim Sonic rectivates, wipes some dust of its shoulder before it runs towards Sonic and Shadow, but they manage to fling it away.]
Shadow: Go for the Prism.
Sonic: And leave you alone with them?
Shadow: I'll be fine! Go!
[Sonic goes to get the Shards while Shadow continues to attack the robots alone. Grim Birdie fires lasers at Sonic, but he manages to deactivate the robot. He continues to make his way for the Shards.]
Tails Nine: So quick to rush into things when you have no idea what you're up against.
[Tails Nine raises some parts of his home up using his mechanical tails and aims them at Sonic. Sonic spin-dashes up the wall of Nine's home, heading for the Shards.]
Tails Nine: See if you can dodge this.
[Tails Nine grabs two larger parts of his home using his mechanical tails again, and aims them for Sonic. As the latter gets further up, the two parts collide with Sonic and heads straight for the ground. Shadow notices Sonic.]
Shadow: Sonic!
[He heads in the direction where Sonic is. Sonic crashes onto the ground and Shadow appears to protect him. Soon, Sonic gets up as they are surrounded by the robots. Tails Nine flies down.]
Tails Nine: Impressive, isn't it? With the power of the Prism, there's nothing I can't do.
Sonic: Is this what you want, to spend the rest of your life alone with robots for friends?
Tails Nine: At least I can trust them.
Sonic: Look around you! The Grim is starting to decay.
Tails Nine: You're right, it is. But once I finish the Paradox Prism, I'll have all the power I need to fix everything.
Sonic: Wait, you haven't rebuilt the Prism yet?
Tails Nine: Oh, I've rebuilt it. But it turns out there's some Prism Energy missing.
[Sonic is confused by what Nine means. He begins to think, while Shadow looks at Sonic. Tails Nine looks furiously at Sonic, and Shadow realizes what Nine is planning to do. Tails Nine flies back up to the platform at the top of his home.]
Shadow: Sonic, you have to get out of here!
Sonic: What?
[Shadow pushes Sonic away as Alpha Grim Sonic tries to attack Sonic.]
Shadow: [To Sonic] It's you. He's after your Energy.
[Sonic and Shadow run off to avoid both Alpha Grim Sonic and Grim Knuckles trying to attack them both. Grim Knuckles goes to battle Shadow, but he defeats the robot. He looks behind himself and sees Sonic being attacked by the robots. He gets serious and begins to spin-dash around Sonic, forming a Tornado to lift him up in the air and carry him away.]
Shadow: You have to go! Now!
Sonic: Wait! What are you doing?
Tails Nine: What? Shadow thinks he can take Sonic away from me? Heh. Not a chance. [Tails Nine extracts energy from the Paradox Prism using his mechanical tails] Ah!
[Tails Nine creates a chasm on the ground's surface to stop Shadow from sending Sonic away. As Sonic is being carried in the Tornado, Shadow grabs Sonic's foot.]
Shadow: This is for your own good!
[Shadow throws Sonic into the air towards a portal in the sky leading to the Shatterverse and the Tornado disappears.]
Sonic: [Yelling] Shadow!
Tails Nine: [Furious] No!
[Sonic enters back into the Shatterverse.]
Tails Nine: Grim Birdie, I have a mission for you.
[Grim Birdie flies up to where Tails Nine is, and he creates two clones of Grim Birdie to help give the robot extra assistance. Meanwhile, with Shadow, he continues to battle the robots. He fights off Alpha Grim Sonic, Grim Knuckles, and Grim Rouge. Suddenly, Grim Amy behinds him and holds him hostage using her hammer. Grim Knuckles punches Shadow. The Grim Birdies scream and they all head for the portal leading to the Shatterverse.]
Tails Nine: [To Shadow] Now to deal with you.
[Shadow breaks free of Grim Amy's grasp, takes her hammer and hits her with it. However, Grim Knuckles attacks Shadow again, causing him to land onto the ground.]
Shadow: [Gets up] Is that all you've got?
[Alpha Grim Sonic charges straight for Shadow and punches him, sending him flying into the chasm that Tails Nine created to try and prevent Shadow from letting Sonic get away. Alpha Grim Sonic, Grim Amy, Grim Knuckles, and Grim Rouge all look down into the chasm. The screen fades to black and the episode ends.]
