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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "Ghost of a Chance".
[Scene: Ghost Hill]
- [The Chaos Council's giant aircraft appears. Eggforcers are lined up together. Dr. Babble presses keys on his keypad, along with a few other members. The camera cuts to Mr. Dr. Eggman looking down at his 'henchmen'.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Crush everything in your path until you find the Shards!
- [The Eggforcers and the two ally aircrafts swarm down onto the landscape. They all walk, thumping the land as they do so. Sonic and Shadow watch over them.]
- Sonic: [sighs] Don't you just hate this part? The buildup? Shadow and Sonic versus unbeatable odds, with the fate of the world at stake. Like, let's just get on with it already! Hey, I'm not gonna be the one who pulls a hammy.
- Shadow: What about him? [Referring to Tails Nine as the camera pans to the temple's entrance and cuts to him configuring a shard.] We can't just leave him alone with the Prism Shards.
- Sonic: Uh, yes we can. Seeing as he's the only one who can put them back together, and, y'know, fix reality? You really don't trust him, do you?
- Shadow: No.
- Sonic: Of course you don't. You don't trust anyone. You wanna stay here and babysit? Fine. Knock yourself out. I'm gonna go buy us some time.
- [He jumps down, with Shadow looking on grimacing, then also jumps down.]
[The opening theme plays]
- Sonic: Well, look who couldn't resist a team-up.
- [The camera zooms out to reveal Shadow running with Sonic.]
- Shadow: Hardly. Have you seen what happens when you go it alone? [Dashes off]
- Sonic: [Shouting] You mean landslide victory? Someone sounds jealous!
- [They both encounter Eggforcers. Shadow punches one from mid-air, while Sonic leapfrogs over him and kicks another. Shadow stomps on two more before punching another one. Sonic punches one, does a relaxed pose while hitting the next one and overhead kicks another one. Shadow takes one of the broken Eggforcers with his shoes up in the air and corrals it into another one. He then stomps another three. Sonic defeats another three before two more collide together in mid-air. They meet each other.]
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Shocked after seeing Shadow] Oh. My. EGG!
- Dr. Don't: There's two of him now?! Impossible!
- [Dr. Babble babbles confusedly. The camera cuts to Sonic and Shadow's footage on the monitor.]
- Dr. Deep: After all this dimension-hopping, nothing should surprise you.
- Dr. Done-It: So what if there's two of 'em? Two means twice as easy to hit!
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: No... It means our task just got far more difficult! [Types on the keyboard.] Diverting stored Shard energy to our Eggforcers. Let's see how they do when our forces are powered up!
- [The Generator starts crackling.]
[Scene Change: Ghost Hill]
- [The crackling transfers to all the Eggforcers. They power up and fire constant bullets. Sonic jumps and performs a flying punch, but the Eggforcer blocks Sonic's fist, before delivering a right hand back at him, causing him to fly back and land on the ground.]
- Dr. Done-It: He's down! Hit 'em with everything you got!
- [He laughs maniacally and rockets are a group of homing missiles are fired at the group. They get away at the last split second, leaving the missiles to explode as they hit the landscape. The camera cuts to Shadow carrying Sonic.]
- Shadow: Ugh. Probably gonna regret that.
- Sonic: I heart you too, Shadow.
- [Sonic makes a heart sign with his hands, to which Shadow just rolls his eyes in annoyance. Soon, they both stop to a halt, staying alerted. Suddenly, two aircrafts comes rushing towards them.]
- Sonic: Split up!
- [The team run together and then they split.]
- Dr. Don't: I'll get the new one.
- [Dr. Don't summons Eggforcers at Shadow.]
- Dr. Don't: Smile for the ammo, rat.
- [Shadow defeats some Eggforcers while being chased. Dr. Don't grunts in annoyance. Meanwhile, Shadow redirects ammo fire to hit their own Eggforcers.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Pathetic! Let me show you how it's done in the real world, boy.
- [A large orange laser is generated and fired, corroding past the landscape, but the black hedgehog gets away, leaving nothing but visible holes on the HQ's monitor.]
- Dr. Don't: Ugh, fine! But we get the assist.
- [Shadow jumps up and leaves. Meanwhile, Sonic brakes to a halt and realizes Shadow's missing.]
- Sonic: Shadow! [Turns back.]
- [Sonic is not visible in-front of Dr. Deep's monitor.]
- Dr. Deep: Where'd he go?
- [Sonic stops after he runs to the area with holes from Shadow's fight.]
- Sonic: No... There's no way Shadow would go down that easy...
- Ghost Hill Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wing-man.
- Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth.
[Scene Change: Paradox Prism]
- [Tails Nine continues to assemble the Paradox Prism, rotating a shard in different angles. It is then inserted into the prism with a flash.]
- Tails Nine: There. Two more, then home for the last Shard.
- [Crawls over to the red shard in the box, picks it up and crawls towards the Prism, constantly rotating it. Once he tries to put it inside the Prism, it shimmers, vibrates rapidly and explodes. The explosion's wave carries on outside the cave, past Sonic. The world is now transformed into Hedgehog's Pass.]
- Sonic: It's... Home!
- Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the most beautiful...
- [The explosion transforms her into regular Amy.]
- Amy: Ugh! What's happening?
- Sonic: Amy. Knuckles. Tails! [Happily waves at them] Guys!
- [He comes over to meet them, however, at the same time, Tails Nine retracts the Shard from the Paradox Prism, causing another explosion and warping the world and Sonic's friends back to Ghost Hill and their counterparts.]
- Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth!
- Ghost Hill Tails: As long as I'm around...
- Sonic: They're all ghostly again.
- Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the...
- Sonic: Everything was back. Just for a second.
- Ghost Hill Knuckles: I don't need the details... This is gonna work!
- Sonic: [On Regulator] Nine? You okay?
- Tails Nine: Yeah, this is a little trickier than I thought.
- Sonic: What happened? Reality was flippin' out over here!
- Tails Nine: Like I said, this is a challenge. You're gonna have to buy me some more time.
- Sonic: No problem, buddy!
- [Dr. Babble furiously babbles and fires at Sonic, forcing him to retreat... and encounter more Eggforcers shooting at him. Sonic lures the weapons into the robots, destroying them, before approaching the other Yolkomotive.]
- Sonic: Now your turn!
- [Dr. Deep pushes Dr. Done-It off his seat.]
- Dr. Deep: Gimme that! Behold, the master marksman!
- [He fires homing missiles at him. Sonic spin dashes and jumps up some ledges to reach a long, narrow, twisty platform. With the missiles following him, he then runs up the Helter Skelter, around the loop-de-loop and jumps onto the windshield of the Yolkomotive, latching onto it and waving 'goodbye' to the Chaos Council, before leaving just in time for the missiles to hit the vehicle.]
- Dr. Don't: No!
- [Dr. Don't's Yolkomotive explodes, the explosion sends Sonic flying too.]
- Sonic: Woo!
- Dr. Don't: [struggling to control it] No-o-o-o!
- [The vehicle crash lands on the landscape scattering a large plume of dust. As the dust clears, it is seen on the ground surrounded by rocks. Dr. Deep winces in annoyance and looks at Dr. Done-It, who shakes his head.]
- Dr. Deep: You can have the controls back.
- [Sonic swings down the Palmtree in jubilation.]
- Sonic: Woo! [He runs, seeing Shadow at the other end defeating another Eggforcer.] See, I knew Shadow would be fine. [Shadow breaks one while Sonic breaks four, grinding on the edge of the ship with a robot part.] Hey, these things aren't so tough when we work together.
- [Dr. Babble angrily babbles as Sonic and Shadow meet, forcing them to glare at his robot.]
- Dr. Babble: [babbling] You will pay for this!
- [Dr. Deep also arrives in his mech, standing next to his ally. Meanwhile Mr. Dr. Eggman observes a reading of the Paradox Prism on the monitor.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: These readings are like nothing we've ever seen! It's like they're connecting the Shards, and amplifying the power! All forces, head towards the mountain. Dr. Deep and Dr. Babble, here's a little boost to help you keep those two weasels off our backs.
- [He presses a button on the keypad. Electricity crackles into the Chaos Council's robots, upgrading them. Sonic and Shadow appear shocked as they watch on.]
- Dr. Deep: Yes. [Draws out his sword.] Yes! Now we're talking!
- [Dr. Babble battle cries and hammers its baby rattle mace arm to the ground a few times. The battle begins. Sonic is given a left fist to the face from Dr. Babble's robot, sending him flying into the wall. Dr. Deep hits Shadow with a Buzzsaw, before his sword gets knocked off by his competitor. Dr. Babble charges at Sonic with a ground pound, but Sonic leaps out of the way, so far that he loses his enemy, and watches the enemy aircraft swoop by, controlled by Dr. Done-It. The old man pushes the levers down, speeding up the vehicle and causing Sonic to panic.]
- Sonic: Nine! [Gets hit again by Dr. Babble. Meanwhile, Tails Nine almost completes the assembly of the Paradox Prism, but Eggforcers breach into the temple and attack him. Tails Nine starts firing back at them. Sonic helplessly flops to the ground just as Tails Nine calls him back.]
- Tails Nine: Sonic!
- Sonic: Nine? You okay?
- Tails Nine: [While battling Eggforcers.] No! The Eggforcers have breached the temple.
- Sonic: Hang on, I'm coming.
- [Ducks down to dodge another flying fist from Dr. Babble, but Shadow kicks the big robot into the ground.]
- Shadow: [To Sonic] Go! Protect the Prism!
- [Sonic nods and leaves, leaving Shadow to deal with Dr. Babble whose robot just got up. It tries to hammer Shadow with a right fist to the ground, but the black hedgehog dodges. It then fires lasers while he continues running, but Shadow runs into the kicking boot of Dr. Deep's mech and is scooped into the air. Meanwhile, the Yolkomotive by the temple deploy more Eggforcers.]
- Dr. Deep: Dr. Deep to all forces: The blue rat is heading towards the mountain!
- Dr. Done-It: Not for long he isn't.
- [He moves the Yolkomotive and tries to defend from Sonic, shooting lasers as he runs up the mountain. Mr. Dr. Eggman watches Sonic on the screen.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Ugh... Must I do everything?
- [He generates a large orange laser and waits for the opportune moment. He fires it, hitting and exploding the top of it. Sonic screams as he gets uncontrollably thrown by the laser blast, tumbling down and landing flat on his face. He looks on while Tails Nine continues battling the Eggforcers. As soon as they're all defeated, Sonic comforts him.]
- Sonic: You okay?
- Tails Nine: I'm fine. [Walks back to the Paradox Prism and starts thinking. Sonic becomes excited and steps by him.]
- Sonic: You're nearly done! Nine, I saw it. [Touches his shoulders.] Green Hill was back! So were my friends! Can you...
- Tails Nine: The Prism is only partially complete. I need you to buy me more time.
- [Suddenly, the temple rumbles, causing them both to brace themselves. From outside, the enemy continue firing at the temple.]
- Sonic: Nine... we're losing. The Chaos Council is using Shard energy to make themselves tougher than ever. Maybe I can do the same.
- Tails Nine: Uh...
- Sonic: You said it before. I'm full of Shard energy. Just gimme a boost!
- [The temple continues rumbling and cracking, with a rock falling loose.]
- Tails Nine: In theory, it's possible. [Sonic runs and looks at the gaping hole in the temple.] But given the myriad configurations and the commensurate spectrum of transmutational possibilities...
- Sonic: [Worried] Uh. Same stuff less words!
- Tails Nine: It's dangerous. Too little energy, you'll lose. Too much...
- Sonic: And I pop off like a firework. I get it, but this is it. It's the only option. 'Cause unless I can be more, y'know, me, we lose.
- [Tails Nine nods and shows off his tails, while the enemy continue firing at the temple.]
- Dr. Done It: Hurry it up! Daddy wants his Shards!
- [Tails Nine reconfigures all the shards with lasers while Sonic is waiting, on the brink of getting hit by weaponry.]
- Sonic: Uhh, any time now!
- Tails Nine: Almost there. Whatever you do, just don't move.
- Sonic: [Angrily] Don't move?!
- [Tails Nine retracts the green shard from the Prism and transfers it to Sonic, while simultaneously on the other side the missiles home towards him. In slow motion, Sonic is hit by the Shard's power just before the missiles get to him. The weapons stop and the temple rumbles. Suddenly, Sonic, with a green glow, takes out some Eggforcers, leaving Tails Nine stunned. Sonic re-appears with a rainbow-colored outline, showcasing his new look.]
- Sonic: Whoa. Now this is speed! Nine, you've really outdone yourself.
- [Sonic defeats three more Eggforcers, showing three different copies of his punch on screen.]
- Sonic: I should probably check on Shadow. [Warps to a copy on his left, impersonating Tails Nine] Great idea! [defeats two more Eggforcers, and then four more in quick succession, leaving copies of him behind as they flash off-screen.] Ha-ha! Now that's how it's done! [Warps, impersonating Shadow] Meh. Not bad. [Warps, impersonating himself in an angry tone] Oh, like you could do better?
- [Dr. Done-It's aircraft confronts Sonic.]
- Dr. Done It: Dodge this, marmot. [Maniacally laughing as he fires bullets at Sonic.]
- Sonic: Rude. [He whips up a Tornado, scooping the broken Eggforcers in the air before they get thrown at Dr. Done-It's windshield, along with the rest of the aircraft. The force causes Dr. Done-It to scream as he tries to control it, but it crashes into the ground.]
- Sonic: Ha! I knew that would work. [Warps, impersonating Shadow] No, you didn't. [Warps, impersonating himself.] Did so! [Warps] Whatever. Race you to Shadow? [Warps] Way ahead of you... Me... Us?!
- [Sonic jumps off the temple, while Shadow continues his battle with Dr. Deep, dodging his double sword attack. Dr. Deep ground pounds, but Shadow blocks it with a kick. Shadow is then grabbed from behind by the left arm of Dr. Babble. He laughs evilly and sets up one final laser in close range, until...]
- Sonic: [Off-screen] Hey, Shadow! [A surprised Dr. Deep, a grimacing Shadow and a surprised Dr. Babble show up in three different screens.] Sorry to keep you waiting!
- [Sonic uses the shard power, attacks both enemy robots in rapid succession, high-fiving its own hologram in mid-air before continuing. Sonic lifts and tosses Dr. Babble's robot out of sight.]
- Dr. Deep: Ugh. Don't you know it's rude to... [Gets kicked by Sonic's shard-powered leg and is thrown out.] Agh!
- [Sonic meets Shadow, who is downed and struggling to get up.]
- Shadow: How...
- Sonic: Got a power-up to save yer butt. You're welcome.
- [Shadow looks at him unamused.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: There's still one card to play. Invoking Operation: Big Boy Pants.
- [He presses a button. The cannons whir and rotate up into the sky.]
- Sonic: It's aiming away from us?! [Warps behind Shadow.] That doesn't make any sense. [Warps, in a relaxed pose.] Maybe they know when they're beat. [Warps next to Shadow impersonating him.] These guys? Please. If you believe that you're even dumber than you look.
- Shadow: Finally a Sonic I can agree with.
- [The cannons fire lasers in the sky. Sonic and Shadow watch on, with Mr. Dr. Eggman grinning in excitement. The lasers generate the Prismatic Titan, a giant clone of Dr. Eggman with a glowing outline and bright pink mustache.]
- Mr. Dr. Eggman: Behold, the pinnacle of all creation!
- [The Titan descends onto the landscape.]
- Sonic: It's official. I've seen it all.
- [The Titan lands with an enormous rumble. It walks towards the Temple.]
- Shadow: It's heading for the Temple.
- [They both run after the Titan.]
- Sonic: Hey! Bring it on, big, tall and ugly!
- [Sonic jumps up to the Titan's head, but it easily palms him away, dropping him helplessly to the ground as it continues onward, destroying a loop-de-loop with one chop, leaving Sonic fearing the worst and reaching out for it.]
- Sonic: No!
- Shadow: Sonic, don't! You can't save anything unless you protect the shards!
- [Sonic leaves him and gets up to the Titan, landing on its hand and running up the arm before Homing Attacking its metallic head every time he says a word.]
- Sonic: Why... won't... you... go... down?! [The Titan flicks a finger at Sonic, tossing him back to the ground again. Just then, Shadow appears.]
- Shadow: Get to the Shards, now!
- [Just as Shadow approaches the Titan, it powers up and unleashes a beam, knocking off the black hedgehog.]
- Sonic: [Dreading] Shadow!
- [The Titan turns and walks in the other direction. Sonic goes to the temple once again.]
- Sonic: [On Regulator] Nine!
- [He arrives at the Temple and confronts Tails Nine]
- Sonic: Nine! My power-up, it's not enough! There's a giant...
- [The temple starts rumbling again. The Titan climbs up the temple, takes a view from the gaping hole, and brings its arm through it...]
- Tails Nine: A prismatic Titan...
- [The Titan pulls out some rocks to widen the gaping hole.]
- Sonic: How do we beat it?
- Tails Nine: Uh... You and the Titan should operate within the same spectral frequency. [He scans the Titan's head, and compares its frequency to Sonic's on the screen.] If I offset your frequency...
- Sonic: [Panicking] Nine! What do we do? What do we do?
- Tails Nine: I don't know exactly! But, if you hit him where it hurts, I think we can make him go boom!
- Sonic: And if he doesn't?
- Tails Nine: Well, it's been a slice. A slice of reality, that is.
- [Tails reconfigures the shards in the Paradox Prism. He charges a green beam of light at Sonic, causing him to grunt as the charging increases. Tails Nine stops with a worried look as Sonic's upgrade is complete. His quills are crowned with a pink flame, and its attire glows turquoise with crackles around him. Sonic opens his eyes, which glow pink, and with brave anger, turns towards the Titan, which throws off another rock. The Titans goggles glows turquoise and opens its glowing mouth to load up a beam attack.]
- Tails Nine: Now!
- [The upgraded Sonic takes off and Peels out towards the Titan. A few seconds later, the beam attack is unleashed from the Titan at Sonic. Sonic spin jumps towards the Titan and makes it inside the Titan's mouth. The Titan falls off the temple, with Sonic continuing to peel out with all his might. Just as Tails Nine runs out to the top of the temple with a gadget, the Titan crashes to the ground with a large rumble. The shockwave causes Tails Nine and Mr. Dr. Eggman to flinch. The Titan is no longer visible, while Sonic stands with his palm to the ground. Rock music plays as the upgrade wears off. Sonic runs up to the temple and makes his way to Tails Nine.]
- Tails Nine: Sonic! You did it!
- Sonic: We did it. Did you complete the Prism? [Sonic notices the world hasn't changed.] Then why hasn't it worked? [Becomes annoyed as he walks to the Paradox Prism.] I don't get it. I thought this would work!
- Tails Nine: There's still one Shard missing.
- Sonic: What?
- Tails Nine: Of Course. The last Shard is in the Grim.
- Sonic: Okay... Probably could've mentioned that earlier and saved us the trip there and back.
- Tails Nine: And back? The only reason we're here at all is because I needed to use the Prism's impression as a blueprint. To see which pieces went where. Now that all but the last one is in place, we can rebuild it to make the grim into what we've always wanted.
- Sonic: Yeah... to rebuild Green Hill.
- Tails Nine: Green Hill? We're not remaking your old world. We're building a better one. The perfect world in Grim. Our clean slate.
- Sonic: Why does the slate have to be clean? I liked the old slate! It was our home!
- Tails Nine: It was never my home. Plus, it's gone.
- Sonic: I think you can get it back.
- Tails Nine: [Becomes annoyed] You're wrong about that. We need to build a new home.
- Sonic: Come on, little buddy...
- Tails Nine: [Angrily smacks away Sonic's outstretched hand.] Stop calling me that! You just assumed I'd go along with you no matter what. Did you even consider what I wanted?!
- Sonic: I assumed that after everything we've been through, you'd see things the way I do. Just like the real Tails would.
- Tails Nine: I AM real! [Threatens Sonic with a laser, then turns his back on him, upset.] Just not your real friend. What did you think would happen to me when you brought your friends back?
- Sonic: We're all in this together, and I really think you'd grow to love them as much as I do!
- Tails Nine: [Angrily turns to him and threatens him.] And that's exactly your problem! You just jump into situations with no idea about the outcome.
- Sonic: Wait!
- [Tails Nine fires at the Paradox Prism, causing an explosion and a shockwave which passes Shadow. Sonic is seen down on the ground after being blasted by the explosion. He groans and shakes his head while he watches an angry Tails Nine walk towards the portal, carrying all the shards, before stopping at the last stride.]
- Sonic: [Coughs and becomes upset.] We can make this work Nine. Trust me!
- Tails Nine: [Scoffs] Trust you? The only person I can trust is myself. [Disaster music plays as he walks into the portal with all the shards, which closes behind him. Shadow lividly glares at Sonic, who, severely heartbroken and embarrassed to himself, puts his face into his palms. The screen fades slowly to black and the credits show.]
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog | Pilot ยท 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท Christmas Blast | |
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Sonic Underground | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 | |
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Sonic Boom (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17 ยท 18 ยท 19 ยท 20 ยท 21 ยท 22 ยท 23 ยท 24 ยท 25 ยท 26 ยท 27 ยท 28 ยท 29 ยท 30 ยท 31 ยท 32 ยท 33 ยท 34 ยท 35 ยท 36 ยท 37 ยท 38 ยท 39 ยท 40 ยท 41 ยท 42 ยท 43 ยท 44 ยท 45 ยท 46 ยท 47 ยท 48 ยท 49 ยท 50 ยท 51 ยท 52 ยท 53 ยท 54 ยท 55 ยท 56 ยท 57 ยท 58 ยท 59 ยท 60 ยท 61 ยท 62 ยท 63 ยท 64 ยท 65 ยท 66 ยท 67 ยท 68 ยท 69 ยท 70 ยท 71 ยท 72 ยท 73 ยท 74 ยท 75 ยท 76 ยท 77 ยท 78 ยท 79 ยท 80 ยท 81 ยท 82 ยท 83 ยท 84 ยท 85 ยท 86 ยท 87 ยท 88 ยท 89 ยท 90 ยท 91 ยท 92 ยท 93 ยท 94 ยท 95 ยท 96 ยท 97 ยท 98 ยท 99 ยท 100 ยท 101 ยท 102 ยท 103 ยท 104 | |
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Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps | Part 1 ยท Part 2 | |
TailsTube | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 | |
Knuckles (TV series) | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 | |
Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings | 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 | |
Other | Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie ยท OK K.O.: Let's Meet Sonic ยท Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence |