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Galactic Gumshoes (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic X episode, "Galactic Gumshoes".

[Scene: Earth - Station Square - Thorndyke Science and Technology Building]

[Nelson, Lindsey, and Chuck are once again gathered in front of Chris' portal. Chuck paces the floor.]
Chuck: There's no doubt about it. Chris built this machine to teleport himself to Sonic's world.
Nelson: Then let's use it to find him.
Chuck: Unfortunately, Chris seemed to have designed the machine so that nobody but him could be teleported.
Nelson: What?
Lindsey: Can't you reprogram it?
[Chuck shakes his head. Lindsey cries into her husband's shoulder.]
Chuck: There is one thing. Even though we can't teleport ourselves, it seems we can use the machine to teleport material objects to Sonic's world.
[As Chuck types on a computer, Nelson and Lindsey look up with hope.]
Nelson: Really?
Chuck: Yes.

[Scene Change: Angel Island]

[Vanilla is standing alone at the empty Master Emerald altar.]
Vanilla: I wonder where Cream and the others are and how they're doing... I hope everything's okay.
[Suddenly there is a bright light where the Master Emerald usually rests. When it dies down, there are boxes of stuff. A baseball falls off the pile and comes to rest in front of Vanilla, who picks it up.]
Vanilla: This looks like--
[A pile of clothes falls on her.]

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Office]

[Vector is resting. The phone rings.]
Vector: Charmy, get the phone.
[A tired Charmy flies down from upstairs. He picks up the phone and drops it on Vector's head.]
Vector: Gahh! That's not what I meant!
Charmy: You'd better answer before they hang up.
Vector: You little...
[He answers the phone.]
Vector: I already told you the check's in the mail!
Vanilla: Vector, is that you?
Vector: Ah! Cream's mother! How've you been?

[Scene Change: Cream's house]

Vanilla: I'm calling because I need your help.
Vector: My agency's at your service, ma'am!
Vanilla: I'd like to explain a job to you in person.

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Office]

Vector: Sure! We'll come over right away!
[He hangs up the phone, whose cradle is still resting on his sore head.]
Vector: Ugh!
[Charmy laughs.]
Vector: What are you laughing at?
[Charmy's laughter immediately turns to tears. Vector puts the phone back.]
Vector: Hey, don't cry.
[Charmy stops crying.]
Charmy: Oh. OK.
Vector: Now, where's Espio?
Charmy: He's right there.
[Espio is meditating in the corner.]
Vector: Get me the pepper mill!
Charmy: Sure, boss.
[Soon Vector is seen grinding pepper over Espio's head. He sneezes, then looks up at a grinning Vector and Charmy.]
Espio: Can't you buy an alarm clock?

[Scene Change: Angel Island]

[The Chaotix are meeting with Vanilla.]
Vanilla: All of this suddenly... appeared out of nowhere. Chris' family must have sent his belongings. He's traveling in space with Cream, and I was hoping you could deliver these things to their ship. And please check on Cream; I've been worried about her.
Vector: Don't worry, ma'am! We'll take care of it no problem!
Espio: Vector.
Vector: What's the matter?
Espio: We can't do this job.
Vector: How come?
Espio: If you think we're cruising the galaxy without a ship, you're spaced out.
Vector: Where can we get a ship?
[Suddenly a spaceship descends and lands at the base of the altar.]
Charmy: Looks like that problem's solved.
Vanilla: I hope you boys have a safe trip.

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon]

Tails: It looks peaceful out there.
Chris: No sign of any Metarex.
[They exchange thumbs-ups. Amy is sipping tea and reading a magazine. Cream and Cosmo are looking out the window.]
Cream: It's nice to travel in space when you can take the time to stargaze.
Cosmo: They really are beautiful.
[Sonic and Knuckles are playing chess. Knuckles is struggling to make a move.]
Sonic: Why don't you move your king? Well, call me when you make your move. I'm gonna go for a run.
[He runs around the outside of the Typhoon. Knuckles finally decides on a move. He moves his black knight.]
Knuckles: That's check-- wha?!
[He looks up to see that Sonic is gone.]
Knuckles: Where'd Sonic go?
[He sees Sonic run by the window, and carries the chess game outside. Sonic doesn't see him.]
Knuckles: Hey! Sonic! It's your move! ... You're not giving up, are ya?
[Sonic finally sees and skids to a halt, but since there is no friction in space, Sonic ends up floating out into space.]
Knuckles: Sonic!
[Sonic panics as he floats further and further away from the Typhoon.]
Knuckles: That's just great! Sonic can't get back, so somebody has to go after him!
Amy: Say what? Sonic can't get back to the ship?
Knuckles: And he's getting farther away from us every second!
[Amy cries out in shock.]
Amy: We have to go rescue him now!
Knuckles: I know, but how will we get to him? Think of something fast, before he's out of reach!
Amy: I got an idea, but first, we need to find a rope.
[They take off running.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Outside]

[Knuckles is back outside the ship with some rope.]
Knuckles: Hang in there, Sonic. I'm comin'.
[Using the rocket thrusters strapped to his back, he flies in the direction Sonic went in. The rope tethers him to the ship, preventing him from floating away as well.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[A twinkle can be seen in space as Amy returns to the bridge.]
Amy: What's the matter?
Cream: We're being followed!
Cosmo: That ship will catch up to us soon.
[They can see a spaceship in front of them. The holo-map projects distance between the ship and the Typhoon. Notably, the other ship is carrying the Chaotix's office on top of it.]
Amy: Who are they?
Chris: We can't be sure yet.
Tails: But they're probably Metarex!
[Chris scans the ship.]
Chris: Our sensors aren't picking up any weapons on the ship.
Cream: Do you know where Sonic and Knuckles are?
Amy: Sonic slipped off the ship, so Knuckles had to go take a rocket back and go rescue him.
[Tails and Chris are utterly shocked.]
Tails: But we could have gone after him in the Blue Typhoon!
Chris: Right now, we have to worry about getting the ship battle-ready. That other ship is definitely trying to intercept us.
[Cream and Cosmo look back at the ship in front of them.]
Cosmo: What if they board our ship?
Tails: We'll be ready!

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Spaceship]

[Espio and Vector are piloting the ship.]
Vector: I wish we knew how to use this ship's communicator. I guess we'll just have to surprise 'em.
[Charmy is eating a bag of snacks.]
Charmy: Want a chip?
Espio: Stay out of those boxes!
Vector: Espio's right. We was hired to deliver that stuff, not devour it!

[Scene Change: Space]

[Team Chaotix's ship docks with the Blue Typhoon.]
Vector: I'm gonna go let 'em know we're here.

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon]

[Vector enters one of the corridors.]
Vector: Which way's the bridge?
[He sees a sign with an arrow pointing through a door.]
Vector: Must be that way.
[Unknown to him, Chris, Cream, Cheese, Tails, Cosmo, and Amy are setting up an ambush on the other side of the door. They are holding a frying pan, wrench, spatula, baseball bat, broom, and Piko Piko Hammer respectively.]
Chris: Alright. Everybody get ready.
[Everyone nods. Chris presses a button that turns off the light in that room. Vector approaches the door and bangs on it.]
Vector: Hello! Anybody there?
[The door opens to reveal a pitch-black room.]
Vector: I've come to--
[Vector gets dragged by Chris into the room, and is beaten up by the gang.]

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Spaceship]

[Charmy is drinking from a canteen while Espio waits for Vector to report. The crocodile, covered in bandages and sporting an injured eye, falls into the room.]
Vector: I haven't been this beat up since the time we staked out that shark tank!
[Espio and Charmy stand up and approach Vector.]
Espio: Really?
Charmy: You mean those guys attacked ya?
Espio: I think it would be better if I handled this.
[He focuses on becoming invisible.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon]

[Amy is standing on a small ladder, repainting the wall.]
Amy: What a mess. It's lucky that Metarex didn't get past us, or it could have wrecked the whole ship.
[Just then the door opens and an invisible Espio enters. Amy sees nothing. Amy paints the figure, causing Espio to glare at her.]
Espio: Uh-oh.
[Amy screams, causing Chris, Tails, Cosmo, and Cream to come running from downstairs.]
Tails: Amy?
Chris: What's going on?
[Having broken into a cold sweat, Amy points toward the fleeing Espio.]
Amy: L-L-Look!
Tails: It's an invisible Metarex!
Chris: Let's get it!
[And so the four tackle and attack Espio.]

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Spaceship]

[Espio, still invisible and coated in paint, shows up hurt in front of Vector and Charmy. Espio is now bandaged.]
Espio: I am in pain.
Vector: Looks like you're in paint too.
Espio: I can't believe I was discovered so easily! I'm so humiliated I wish I could just disappear.
Charmy: Maybe they'll listen to me, Vector.
Vector: You sure?
Charmy: I won't let you down!
Vector: Just be sure to protect yourself, Charmy. It's dangerous in there!
Charmy: I know!
[He puts his helmet on.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[Cream, Cheese, and Cosmo wheel a cart of sweets and tea onto the bridge.]
Cream: Snack time, everybody!
Cosmo: We've got tea and cake.
Chris: Wow, perfect timing! I was just starting to get hungry.
[Cheese serves Tails a slice of cake.]
Tails: This looks delicious! What kind of cake is it?
[Chris tries to reach down to the cake Cream has for him.]
Cream: I call it Cream Strawberry Cream Cake. I made it myself.
Amy: I vote that we make Cream the chef of the ship!
Cosmo: She can make cake for every meal.
[Everyone laughs.]
Charmy: [Off-screen] Did somebody say cake?
[Charmy stands there. He is wearing makeshift armor made of various appliances, and is carrying a welding mask shield.]
Chris: It's a Metarex!
Tails: Let's get it!
Cream, Amy and Chris: Yeah!
Amy: Chaaarge!
[Charmy is beaten up by the gang.]

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Spaceship]

[Later, all three of Team Chaotix are bandaged.]
Charmy: It's totally unfair! We came in peace, and got torn to pieces!
Vector: Yeah! We flew across the galaxy to help these guys. I didn't expect a party, but they didn't have to treat us like piรฑatas!
Espio: They are most ungrateful, but I will not step quietly through the door of defeat.
Charmy: I say we head for home, pronto.
Vector: We ain't gonna give up yet, Charmy! The reputation of our agency is at stake, and we are gonna do the job we was hired to do! We're gonna board this ship again, and this time we'll succeed because I'm totally fired up!
[A fiery aura briefly appears around him.]
Vector: And, while I'm gettin' warmed up, let's go cool of and think of a strategy. I mean, there's no rush or anything, right?
[He heads back to the ship's controls.]
Vector: Come on; let's take a coffee break!
[Espio and Vector sweat-drop.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[Chris is finally able to eat his cake in peace. Chris notices something outside. Tails lowers his mug of tea.]
Tails: Huh? Do you see somethin'?
[Team Chaotix's ship has undocked and is leaving.]
Chris: Looks like the Metarex are takin' off.
Tails: They're escaping? Don't worry; I'll go stop 'em in the X-Tornado!
Chris: You're really gonna go after them all by yourself?
[Amy doesn't look up from her magazine.]
Amy: Relax. You said yourself that ship doesn't have any weapons on it.
Tails: That's right!
Chris: I guess if they're retreating, they can't be very tough.

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Spaceship]

[Vector sneezes.]
Charmy: Huh?
Vector: You know, my snout's startin' to feel stuffed up. I wonder if I'm gettin' a cold.
[Espio shrugs]
Vector: Maybe you're just allergic to space.
[The spaceship flies away.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Hangar.]

[The X-Tornado is prepared to launch. Tails descends the chute and lands in the seat of his plane.]
Tails: All systems ready! Now let's go!
[As in times past, the X-Tornado is moved up to the runway, the catapult is set up around the front wheel, and a flap extends behind the plane.]
Tails: Catapult is set. Take off!
[The catapult slings the X-Tornado into a speedy take-off Tails turns round and pursues Team Chaotix's spaceship. Only then does he notice the Chaotix's office on top of the ship.]
Tails: Hang on a minute. That rickety little house looks familiar. It couldn't be...
[Tails flies upside down and looks in the window of the attic of the house. He sees Vector.]
Tails: Hey, it's okay, you guys! We didn't know it was you!

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Spaceship]

Vector: Looks like he wants to negotiate. Should we talk?
Espio: It's probably just some sort of ruse.
Charmy: Espio's right. I bet they're tryin' to trick us.
Vector: Nobody tricks me! Hold on to your seats, boys; we're gonna shake this turkey! Here we go!

[Scene Change: Space]

[Team Chaotix's ship flies away at maximum speed.]
Tails: They're too fast. I'll never be able to catch 'em in the X-Tornado.
[He contacts Chris via video.]
Chris: I saw everything. Looks like that spaceship is gonna be harder to stop than you've thought.
Tails: Yeah, you'll have to catch 'em in the Blue Typhoon after all.
Chris: Will do.

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

Tails: Once you catch up to 'em, try gabbing on to the hull of their ship with the mechanical claw.
Chris: I've been wanting to use that... Hold on, everybody! We're gonna pull a quick one-eighty!
[The Typhoon turns round.]
Chris: Let's catch those Metarex!
Tails: Uh, correction, Chris: That isn't a Metarex ship after all.
Chris: Then who are they?

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's Spaceship]

[Charmy is looking at a monitor.]
Vector: What is it, Charmy?
Charmy: It looks like they're tryin' to chase us down.
Vector: No way!
[Charmy's radar shows a blip approaching from behind them.]
Charmy: See?
Vector: Well, uh.. I'll bust this space bucket tryin' to escape if I have to!
[He puts all power to the engines.]
Espio: Vector, no!
[Too much power is put to the engines, and the ship begins to fly erratically.]
Espio: Slow down, Vector!
[Charmy enjoys the turbulence.]
Charmy: No! Speed it up!
[The turbulence stops.]
Espio: We stopped.
Vector: I didn't do it.
Charmy: So then... How'd we stop?

[Scene Change: Space]

[The Blue Typhoon is drawing the Chaotix's ship into itself using an arm.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

Chris: I've completed the capture, Tails. I'm bringin' the ship in.
[The X-Tornado flies back to the Typhoon.]
Tails: It's Vector, Espio, and Charmy. Their radio must be broken or something.
[The Chaotix are waiting for their "doom".]
Amy: You mean it wasn't a Metarex?
[Chris shakes his head, causing Amy to sweat-drop]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Hangar]

[Everyone is now down in the hangar with the Chaotix.]
Chris: We're sorry, you guys.
Amy, Cosmo, Cream and Tails: Sorry.
Vector: Well, at least it's all settled now.
Charmy: We forgive you.
Espio: It was just a big misunderstanding. Let bygones be bygones.
[The others breathe a sign of relief.]
Vector: Why don't you guys help unload the stuff Chris' family sent for him?
[They unload box after box from off the ship. Cosmo hands packages to Amy, who gives them to Tails, then to Chris, then to Espio, then to Vector, who stacks them. Espio and Vector are carrying numerous packages, especially Vector. Charmy passes them, pushing a cartful of boxes. As Chris picks up the last of the boxes, he looks at the spaceship.]
Chris: They sure went to a lot of trouble.

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Chris' room]

[Eventually, Vector sets down the last box.]
Vector: I think that's everything.
Chris: Thanks, Vector. I'll do the unpacking and everything else myself.
Vector: Great.
[He leaves. Chris looks at the boxes.]
Chris: Grandpa must have found a way to teleport these things from home. I'm sure Mom and Dad are worried about me. They don't even know if I made it here okay. I wish I could find a way to tell 'em I'm all right.
[There is a shot of a photo of a younger Chris with his parents. It slowly fades out.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon]

[Team Chaotix are walking together.]
Amy: [Off-screen] Hey!
[They turn round to see Amy and Cream running towards them.]
Amy: Wait up, you guys! Don't leave yet! Come have some tea!
Cream: We've got cake, too!
Charmy: Alright! Cake!
Espio: What Charmy means to say is we must be leaving.
Vector: Hang on, Espio. These folks are offerin' us their hospitality. We don't wanna be rude, do we?
[Espio sweat-drops.]

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Dining room]

[Vector, Espio, Charmy, Cream, and Cosmo are having cake and tea.]
Cream: Vector, would you like thirds?
Vector: You bet!
[Cosmo pours more tea.]
Vector: By the way, Cream...
[Cream serves Vector more cake.]
Cream: Yes, Vector?
Vector: Creamy, I hope you'll forgive me if I sound just like a nosy old croc, but are you sure you should be playing around in space?
Cream: I'm not playing around! I'm helping save the universe!
Cosmo: I don't think you understand, what's at stake here, Vector. We're on a mission to stop the Metarex. It's serious business.
Vector: Maybe it is, but I think Cream's mother wants Cream to come home!
Cream: My mother doesn't want that. She trusts me 'cause she knows I'm here to help my friends! Come on, Cosmo!
[She leaves and Cosmo follows her.]
Espio: Why did you say that, Vector? Cream's mother didn't tell us to bring the girl home. She told us to check on her.
Vector: Yeah, that's what she told us, but she was tryin' to be strong. She was really thinkin', "I'm so worried about my little baby! You gotta save her, Vector! She's too young to be out there all alone!"
Espio: Hold on! Cream's mother never said that.
Vector: She thought it, and I'm a detective. So I detected it!
Charmy: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of Delusional Thinking with Vector!
Vector: We're takin' Cream with us!
Espio: But Vector--
Vector: [Interrupting] No buts about it! I made a solemn promise to Cream's mom, and I ain't goin' back on my word!
Espio: You never made any promise.
[He stands on the table.]
Vector: I made a promise. You just didn't hear it!
[Espio facepalms.]
Vector: Cause I made it from the bottom of my heart!
[Espio covers his head in annoyance.]
Espio: This is hopeless. I can't argue with someone who refuses to make sense.
[Vector pulls out a bag.]
Vector: I'm tossin' Cream into this bag and then we're gone!
[Charmy is still dancing.]
Charmy: Just look at him go, ladies and gentlemen! He's out of control! There's no stoppin' him!

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

[Chris types a few buttons on his keypad.]
Chris: It doesn't look like we're gonna find any Chaos Emeralds around here.
[Tails pulls up a gravitational field reading.]
Tails: I agree. Since there aren't many planets around here, the Emeralds wouldn't be drawn this way.
[No one sees Team Chaotix sneaking onto the bridge.]
Amy: Why's that, Tails?
Tails: Chaos Emeralds are attracted by the gravitational fields around the planets.
[Vector sneaks up behind Cream, who notices and smiles.]
Vector: I see.
Chris: We'd better search some-place else.
[Vector plops the bag over Cream and Cheese, then waves to the others.]
Vector: Time for us to skedaddle, folks. Heheh!
Chris: You sure you don't want to travel with us a little?
Amy: We can use all the help we can get battling the Metarex.
Espio: We will fight with you in spirit.
Amy: That won't do us much good.
Vector: Keep up the good work! The galaxy appreciates your heroic efforts.
Charmy: Catch you later!
[They leave in their spaceship - with Cream and Cheese.]
Chris: Well, that was fun.
Amy: Hey, where did Cream and Cheese go?
Tails: Cosmo was here too, wasn't she?
Chris: They were here until Vector and his gang showed up to say goodbye.

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's spaceship]

[Vector plucks Cream from the bag.]
Cream: What do you think you're doing?
[Cheese floats out of the bag.]
Cheese: Chao chao!
Vector: You're going back to your mama.
[Cosmo rises out of the bag.]
Cosmo: And I am too?
Vector: How'd you get in there?
Cosmo: You didn't think I was going to let you take Cream, did you? Well, I'm not going to!
Vector: This don't have nothing to do with you, Missy!
[Vector tries to grab Cosmo, but she jumps behind him.]
Vector: No stowaways allowed on this ship!
[He tries to pounce Cosmo, but he misses again.]
Cosmo: You are taking me back, and taking Cream too.
[Vector tries repeatedly to grab Cosmo, but the Seedrian is too fast for her. Cream and Cheese cheer them on.]
Cream: Alright! Give it to him, Cosmo!
Cheese: Chao chao!
Cosmo: Over here, Vector!
Charmy: I wanna play too!
[Vector misses again.]
Charmy: Maybe not.
Vector: Well, don't just--
[Charmy sees something on the radar.]
Vector: What is it?
Charmy: We've got company!
[The Typhoon's claws attempt to grab the Chaotix's ship.]
Espio: I'll handle it this time.
[He leaps outside the sip and throws two shurikens at each of the two claws.]
Espio: One... two... three...
[The shurikens explode, damaging but not destroying the claws.]
Espio: That kind of worked.

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

Chris: They just broke the ship's claw.
Amy: Well, there gotta be some way we can catch them! We can't let 'em get away with Cosmo, Cream, and Cheese!
Tails: Let me try to get the backup claw working.

[Scene Change: Space]

[Knuckles finally reaches Sonic and offers him a spare jet-pack]
Knuckles: I thought I was gonna run out of rope.
Sonic: Thanks a bunch, Knuckles.
[He puts the jet-pack on.]
Sonic: Gotta fly! I'll see ya back at the ship.
[He flies away.]
Knuckles: Uh... Sonic!

[Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge]

Amy: So can you get it to work?
Tails: I think, but it'll take a little ingenuity on Chris' part.
Chris: No problem!
[Sonic flies outside the window and gives his own thumbs-up, tapping the glass.]
Chris: Sonic!
Tails: We were worried about you.
Amy: Think you can catch a ship while you're out there?
[That has Sonic's attention.]
Amy: Vector took Cosmo, Cream, and Cheese!
[Sonic has a determined expression.]

[Scene Change: Team Chaotix's ship]

Vector: Come on! Gimme more speed!
[Vector and Charmy are outside, repairing the detective's office that had accidentally been damaged by Espio's shurikens. Sonic locates their ship. To the surprise of Espio and Charmy, Sonic breaks through the window of the house.]
Cosmo and Cream: You made it!
[Vector sees Sonic.]
Sonic: I don't know what this is about, but Cream and the others are comin' with me!
Vector: I don't want to fight you, Sonic, but I said I was gonna bring little Cream back home to her mama, and no one's gonna stop me!
[Espio and Charmy enter the room from above.]
Sonic: Let her go, or you'll be sorry!
Vector: Oh yeah? It's lucky for us you're blue, 'cause nobody's gonna notice your bruises when I'm done whooping ya! Now put up your dukes!
[He launches a punch at Sonic, but he dodges.]
Sonic: Is this what you meant to do?
[He stomps Vector across the room.]
Sonic: There's plenty more where that came from!
[Espio and Charmy surround Sonic.]
Cosmo: Will you please stop fighting? Don't you understand? Only one of us can decide what Cream should do.
Chris: [Off-screen] Cosmo's right.
[Silence fills the room... until Chris enters. He is wearing a spacesuit.]
Chris: Cream's mom may worry about her and want her to come home, and we may want her to keep traveling with us. But we don't get to choose what Cream does. Only Cream can decide that.
Vector: Sorry, kid, but you know how parents are.
Chris: Believe me, Vector, I do. But still...
Sonic: So what's it gonna be, Cream?
Cream: I want to stay here and help because it's important to me. I'm sure my mom's worried, but I also think she trusts me to do the right thing.
Vector: ...Espio, Charmy, we're outta here. ... Our mission has been accomplished, guys.
Charmy: Huh? Aren't we supposed to take Cream?
Vector: We were sent to make sure Cream was okay, and that's what we've done.
[Sonic, Cream, and Chris smile. Chris ascends the ladder, followed by Sonic, Cream and Cosmo.]
Vector: Hey, Cream!
Cream: Yeah?
Vector: Be sure to drop your mother a line from time to time.
Cream: I will!
[Charmy takes a picture and beams as well.]

[Scene Change: Cream's House]

[Vanilla notices that her FAX machine is activating.]
Vanilla: What could that be?
[She smiles when she sees it is the photo Charmy took.]
Vanilla: I miss you, Cream, but I know you're doing something important.

[Scene Change: The Crimson Egg - Cockpit]

Decoe: No Chaos Emeralds in this area.

[Scene Change: The Crimson Egg - Below Deck]

[Rouge opens a door and enters a room. She is shocked at what she sees in the room.]
Rouge: Why's that capsule here? No... it couldn't be...
[She is looking at a machine akin to Project Shadow. The episode ends and the credits roll.]
