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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone
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GNFToyz LogoNew

GNF Toyz' logo as of 2019.

Geek N Freak Toyz (abbreviated as GNF Toyz) is a South Korean manufacturer of licensed collectible products, formed in 2013. In 2015, GNF revealed they would be producing Sonic the Hedgehog toys.[1]

Sonic the Hedgehog Boom8 Series[]

In 2017, GNF started producing figures for their Sonic the Hedgehog Boom8 series. The line-up consisted of main characters from the series, with the figures being about 8 cm tall. Most of the initial characters were based on the Classic style, reminiscent of First 4 Figures' early Sonic figures, but some characters in the "Modern" style were soon revealed to be in the works.

Many of the figures were first revealed at conventions in Korea, such as several of the figures being revealed unpainted at Comic Con Seoul 2018, and painted versions of Metal Sonic and Dr. Eggman at 2019 PlayX4. Modern Super Sonic and Silver debuted at Comic Con Seoul 2019, alongside modern Sonic, Shadow and the Sonic VS Chopper diorama.[2]


GNF Vol1 Sonic
Vol. 01 - Sonic (finger wagging pose)
GNF Vol2 Sonic
Vol. 02 - Sonic (running pose)
GNF Vol3 Tails
Vol. 03 - Tails
GNF Vol4 Knuckles
Vol. 04 - Knuckles
GNF Vol5 Amy
Vol. 05 - Amy
GNF Vol6 SuperSonic
Vol. 06 - Super Sonic
GNF Vol7 Metal
Vol. 07 - Metal Sonic
GNF Vol8 Eggman
Vol. 08 - Dr. Eggman

Modern series (TBA)[3][]

GNF teaser Boom8 modern

Modern line teaser image

  • Sonic
  • Tails
  • Super Sonic
  • Amy
  • Metal Sonic
  • Shadow
  • Blaze
  • Silver


GNF Sonic VS Chopper
Sonic the Hedgehog VS Chopper
GNF teaser diorama Metal
Metal Sonic (TBA)[4]

First 4 Figures partnership[]

In 2017, GNF announced a partnership with First 4 Figures to distribute their figures internationally.[5] F4F has since distributed the Boom8 figures in combo packs of two, as well as the diorama.[6]


Sonic the Hedgehog Boom8 Series[]

  • Combo Pack
  • Combo Pack 2
  • Combo Pack 3
  • Combo Pack 4


  • Sonic the Hedgehog vs Chopper


  1. GNFToyz on Twitter. Twitter (9 November 2019). Archived from the original on 19 July 2019.
  2. Spider Kwak on Twitter. Twitter (2 August 2019). Archived from the original on 2 August 2019.
  5. GNFToyz on Facebook (Korean). Facebook (25 October 2017). Archived from the original on 2 April 2019.
  6. GNFToyz on Twitter. Facebook. Archived from the original on 2 April 2019.

External links[]
