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From the Notes of Rotor[1], also known as From the Journal of Rotor[2], was a pair of short stories published on the now-defunct Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog blog, written by Ian Flynn. As with all blog short stories, both parts are mostly composed of text, but occasionally include reused panels from the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series to relate to the subject.

The first entry is presented in-universe as a series of notes, and details events during in the Iron Dominion Takeover from the perspective of Rotor Walrus. It takes place sometime between issues #208 and #210 of the main series. It was published on 18 January 2011.

The second entry is presented in-universe as an entry from Rotor's journal, and details his thoughts on New Mobotropolis' growing hostilities towards Nicole. It takes place shortly after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog #208, and was published on 17 March 2011.


Part one[]

For a clan of sneak-thieves, these Yagyu Ninja are lousy pick-pockets. I managed to smuggle these notes in.
Reading and writing helps me think, helps me stay calm. Trying to use the low light in these Prison Eggs probably isn't helping my eyes any, but oh well.
Come to think of it, all these years as a Freedom Fighter have kind of worn on me.
My vision isn't what it used to be, my weight's fluctuated a lot over the years, and my back...oi, my back.
Retiring to the Council of Acorn was the right thing to do. I just can't keep up with the old gang anymore. of course the second I see a Legionnaire drop his guard, I tackle him and lead an escape charge. Elias and his family got away okay, and I think a few others before we got overwhelmed.
Ah well. You can take me out of the Freedom Fighters, but you can't take the Freedom Fighter out of me, I guess.

Part two[]

I'm really missing the old days.
I know that includes hiding in garbage, ducking SWAT Bots and risking my life almost daily, but it was so much simpler then!
This nonsense over Nicole just rubs me the wrong way.
Sonic's been turned against us a bunch of times, but nobody gives him flack about it.
The moebians have impersonated us more than once, but it's all water under the bridge when the truth comes out.
But when Nicole is put into a completely unwinnable situation, we need to pull the plug on her.
If Mogul had turned right around and blown up the city with his Chaos Emerald, would Mina want us to toss her in jail for being under mind control?
No, I'm sure that'd just be "extenuating circumstances."
I think what's driving me crazy is I can't handle this like I'd handle problems in the old days.
I can't just toss on the nanite suit and blow up a robot and have the trouble resolved.
I've got to mediate and listen and debate.
I've got to navigate this like a surgeon while the patient is yelling at me to hurry up.
Maybe I'm not cut out for this.
Maybe I never should've left the Freedom Fighters.


  1. Ian Flynn (18 January 2011). Sonic The Hedgehog. Archived from the original on 28 January 2011.
  2. Ian Flynn (17 March 2011). From the Notes of Mina Mongoose. Archived from the original on 16 April 2011.