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From the Journal of King Maximillian Acorn[1] was a series of short stories published on the now-defunct Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog blog, and written by Ian Flynn. Presented as journal entries, the series details the events of and slightly after the Great War from the perspective of Maximillian Acorn. The series was split into five parts, which were published one per day for the first five days of November in 2010. The entries themselves are mostly text-only, but occasionally include reused panels from the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series or its spin-offs to relate to the subject.


Part one[]

We have retaken the castle. The invaders have been routed, and Warlord Kodos assures me they will be pushed to the edges of the city soon. He had also assured me this entire war would be over in a matter of weeks, but I cannot fault his valor in these trying months.
The halls are eerily quiet. I find I am both relieved and repulsed in the state of my castle. Aside from the damage inflicted during the invasion, it has remained untouched.
Paintings still hang, heirlooms have gone untouched, and priceless pieces are where they should be. I am relieved that I have not lost so much of my family's legacy, but it galls me to know why this is so.
They do not think any of it is of value. Our greatest works are worthless to them, novelties at best. They took the castle, made it a command post, and dismissed the rest. If they think so little of our achievements, of our culture, what do they think of us?
That is a rhetorical question. What they think of us was apparent the moment they attacked us.

Part two[]

The fighting continues with no gain for either side. The Overland wastes its time and resources in its arrogance while my brave people use the city to their advantage. They will not lose this city again. Their pride will not allow it. While I am proud of them, the triumph that is our endurance rings hollow for me.
I have still not received word from Commander Ian St. John. When we were in the catacombs I did not allow myself to worry. There was very little opportunity to communicate with the outside world. A single intercepted transmission would have made his mission for nothing.
I trusted my daughter would make it to Knothole, and that the others would make it to the Floating Island unscathed.
My daughter is safe, thank the Source, but we've held the castle now for many days. Sir Charles assures me we should be able to reach the commander over the royal channel.
And still nothing.
I must keep my faith in Ian. He assembled an excellent team on such short notice, and he is one of my finest. But I worry for Alicia and my son.
Where are they?

Part three[]

This has been a most interesting night. The Overland's forces have been quiet as of late, and so any news from our patrols puts me on edge. And while tonight did indeed bring news of Overlander activity, it was nothing like expected.
Sir Charles and his brother have retrieved a deserter! He is a large man who makes up for his unbecoming appearance with eloquence. While he professes to be a scientist, he is also somewhat versed in the weapons of his people. Ten minutes of council between him and Warlord Kodos produced some of the most hopeful talk I've heard since the beginning of the war.
I am hesitant, for his kind are known for their brutality and their treachery.
I do not want to stoop to their level to win the conflict, nor do I want to set us up for ruin.
But my father took in Uncle Nate, and it brought our kingdom many boons. Perhaps this is history repeating itself?
I must act quickly and decisively, for we have few options left.

Part four[]

During the peace of the restoration I have been free to look into the disappearance of my wife and son. I must note I am being deliberate when I write "disappearance." Death would not be so complicated.
I met with the Guardian, Locke, who regretfully informed me that he had no new information to deliver. He did not, however, give his condolences for my losses, which I found telling. My questions were pointed and his answers were elusive. It was tiresome to say the least.
I later took time to speak with Colonel Sommersby.
He is resolute in his decision to live in exile within the royal compound, as is his wife to be by his side. (His honor is impeccable and her devotion unwavering, so how could I refuse their request to be reunited at the end of the war?)
He shared with me his suspicions that the Guardian and his shadowy compatriots are not being altogether honest with us.
He admits his contact with them was not until well after he was thrown from the crashing shuttle, but I believe his theory is sound: they fear of a reprisal from the Overland for violating their oath of neutrality. The Great War is over, the Overland broken, and I want to know what has become of my family.
For now, I must focus on my daughter and the restoration of my kingdom. Then, perhaps, I shall return to the island with a firmer stance.

Part five[]

Tonight shall be a night to remember!
Mobotropolis flourishes once again, and that is certainly cause for celebration.
Despite my own loss, it does my heart well to see my people moving through the streets without fear again.
Children run and play, people dance and sing, and all is right.
It reminds me of my youth during my father's prosperous reign.
As the Great War threatened to consume us, I worried his legacy would be marred by a son who lost it all to outside oppressors.
Instead, I am a victorious king, a defender of our prosperity.
I believe he would be proud.
I must end my journal here.
There are many preparations left for the celebration, and I must track down Warlord Julian to inform him of his ceremony tonight.
For all his genius he is amusingly humble and has been hiding from the public eye for weeks now.
If only the rest of his kind were so amiable.


  1. Articles 3 - Archie Sonic Blogs Revived. Google Sites. Archived from the original on 16 October 2020. Retrieved on 6 May 2022.